MTL - The Strongest Sect of All Times (Eternal Strongest Sect)-Chapter 1950 Warriors in our world, not afraid of 1 battle

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"call out!"

"call out!

In Amano Realm, mini-mining machines flew around the sky.

They occasionally enter the dense mountains in droves, and occasionally into dangerous and hurried valleys, carrying many high-quality spirit stones whenever they come out.

The mining machine bought by Jun Changxiao didn't look for the vein function, everything depends on the gold partner.


Ren Shan and Page.

One has Koi attributes, and one can dig a mountain and cut stones.

These two work together, leaving no future for future generations.

"call out!"

Ren Shanfei landed in a desolate valley, looked at the surrounding mountains, and guessed: "There should be mineral veins here!"


Under the blessing of luck against the sky, an ancient ore vein was quickly discovered. The professional exploration team initially estimated that it contained at least billions of spirit stones.

"Page, it's yours."


Page flew over, his body quickly enlarged, and then began to eat dirt, and quickly ate a mine entrance.


The serious mining experts flew in like locusts, and then dug out the spirit stones in a uniform manner, just a few hours, and the rich deposits of the veins were dug out.

This speed, this efficiency.

It can only be described as ‘exaggeration’.

Amano World can't match the mining output of a miner for a few days or even a few years.

It won't take long for it to be properly dug.

The spirit stones unearthed from the ore veins were first sent to the fixed city, and then transported to the star warship, which flew off the plane and merged into the ancient world not far away.

From the perspective of the starry sky, it can be clearly seen that a battleship shuttles back and forth, not only contains a large number of high-level spirit stones, but also a lot of Aboriginal people of Amano.

"Your landlord has run away."

"but me."

"From today on, you will be regarded as a loved one, and you will never leave or leave."

Jun Chang laughed standing in the sky of the ancient world and shouted to the newly moved creatures.

After the plane has been expanded twice, more people are needed to develop it, so naturally the first-class plane warriors cannot let go.

in short.

The resources of the Amano World must not only be taken away, but also the souls.

Although shameless.

But it is undeniable that the creatures of Amano Realm followed Jun Chang with a smile, the future is definitely full of light, and at least will not be abandoned when they are in trouble again.

Moreover, with the character of Jun Changxiao, as long as he is willing to become an inhabitant of the ancient world, and abide by the laws and regulations, he must be treated as a relative.


As long as the creatures of any plane can move in, it is definitely a great opportunity for the benefit of future generations.


Just over two months.

The major ore veins in the Amano Realm were all dug clean, and the warriors, monsters, medicinal materials, and vegetation were all moved to the Eternal Realm, and even the city was taken away.

Once a very rich plane, after losing its veins and souls, it instantly became lifeless.

Ask yourself.

What is the difference between Jun Changxiao's behavior and Demon Emperor?

The difference is still there. For example, if he conquered the Amano Realm by gentle means and replaced it with the Emperor Demon Emperor, it might be **** suppression.

Deep underground.

Jun Changxiao is also an old rule, putting a jar of wine on the neck of the human face of the plane, and bitterly persuaded: "The master of the world has run away, why should you insist on it?"


"Good birds choose wood and live, and those who know the current affairs are Junjie."


Seeing that it still had no idea of ​​compromise, Jun Changxiao had to pour the power of the fairy sound into the sword body.

"I agree!"

Sure enough, under the shock of the power from the land of immortality, the plane's origin was very fast, which made Jun Changxiao sigh secretly: "There is no bone."



On this day, the ancient world suddenly shook, and then quickly expanded outward.

At the beginning, the plane always existed in the state of sand grains, which can only be judged by the extension of the internal space. Now standing in the starry sky, it can be intuitively felt by the naked eye.


The eternal world is like a dough, constantly expanding and expanding.


It didn’t take long for the child-like Amano Realm to finally fail to expand, and was suddenly crushed by the crushed powder, and the cracked soil was sucked into the ancient world.

Resources, creatures.

In the end, even the plane became nothingness.

What a sad reminder.


Standing in the ancient world and witnessing the world expand again, Tai Xuan old man wiped the forehead sweat beads.

Whether the plane will expand again, he has considered it in advance, so adding the function of automatic adjustment of the terrain change when designing the large circle of protection, now it is considered successful.


The integration of the four origins has expanded the area of ​​the ancient world, and the attributes of heaven and earth and the order of heaven and earth have also risen again, especially the protection of the large circle of the world.

This wave went down, and there was no small increase.

Jun Chang laughed and felt safer.

Each time a top-level plane source is integrated, the overall strength of the eternal world will increase, which helps to contend with the Devil Emperor.


This time, with great fanfare to solve the Amano Realm, the devil should have received the news. I am afraid there will be a fierce battle soon.

"Sooner or later it will come."

Jun Changxiao sat in the hall with a solemn expression: "I am a warrior in the world, not afraid of a battle."

Now that it's lit up, now that it's based on the upper universe, it's ready to fight the Emperor Demon.

It's strange.

In the past few months.

The Devil Emperor hasn't moved.


The sword returned to the market wondering: "With that demon's power, he should have sent a large army to kill him."

"Eight effective leaders will be solved by me, I am afraid there is no manpower?" Jun Chang laughed.

"Do not."

Jian Guixu said: "There should still be many avatars in the Emperor Demon Emperor, and the strength is not inferior to the Eight Heavenly Dragons."

"Can it be..."

Jun Changxiao fell into thought and said, "A conspiracy is brewing?"

Before hiding in a dark place, the Devil Emperor wanted to play a conspiracy, and he certainly could not find anyone. Now that the ancient world is across the upper universe, it really means being a target.

"Hard to say."

The sword returns to the market: "Be cautious."

"Seniors please rest assured." Jun Chang laughed: "I have ordered my disciples to be on guard 24/7."


Jian Guixu nodded.

"Emperor Demon does not act, I act." Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin.

That day.

A starship warship flew away from the ancient world, merged into the endless darkness, and flew in all directions. Their mission was to inform the entire upper universe. .

It didn't take long.

The news spread.

Many planes and forces competing with the Devil Emperor have been received one after another, and they have begun to discuss this. The final conclusion is that this is the plane that emerged from the corner of the corner, so straightforward to recruit warriors?


In the main hall of a certain force, an old man disdainfully said: "I have waited many years to contend with the Emperor Demon, and I have accumulated a lot of experience and strength. How can I go to the eternal world."

"In my opinion."

"This plane should join us."

All in all, Jun Changxiao released the news, not only did he not recruit people with lofty ideals, he was even stigmatized and discriminated against.


Several important things that Van Gogh Zong did recently have not spread. Many people even know that the Protoss Realm is destroyed, but they don’t know who the murderer is, so if they suddenly come out to attract everyone, they will definitely be questioned.

Of course.

There are more important reasons.

This time the Devil Emperor blamed the upper universe, and they rebelled to gain merit and fortune in the catastrophe, so as to have the opportunity to touch the secret of eternal life, and naturally they were not willing to fight others.


Learned from other planes about the attitudes of the major forces one after another, Jun Changxiao sat in the hall and said helplessly: "I want to be a benchmark against the Demon Emperor in the ancient world, and I need to have enough achievements."


Gu Zhaoxi disdain: "This group of people to fight against the forces of the Heavenly Devil Emperor in order to gain the opportunity, because the mind is not correct, why should they recruit them."

"I thought so at first."

Jun Chang said with a smile: "However, UU Reading The strength of the Devil Emperor is unknown. It is necessary to condense the strength of the entire universe in order to increase the chance of winning."


At this time, Li Luoqiu came in and said: "Just got the news, the army of the Devil Emperor is attacking the barren sea world."

"The opportunity is coming!"

Jun Changxiao immediately ordered, saying: "The elite warship hall is deployed to help the barren sea world quickly, so we must keep this plane safe!"



In a moment, hundreds of warships flew away from the ancient world.


In the leading main battleship, he knew that he was standing in front of the mirror in the ship's cabin, sorted out his school uniform, and then brought his helmet on.

It's time to show the real technology!

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