MTL - The Strongest Sect of All Times (Eternal Strongest Sect)-Chapter 2007 Familiar taste

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The far north of the eternal domain.

There is a world of ice and snow, called the Frozen World.



The graceful girl about fourteen-five-year-old is cultivating, and the layers of snow are rolled up by the sword light.

Her name is Mo Muxi.

This is the daughter of ordinary people.

By coincidence, he worshipped a strong man as his teacher, and since then embarked on the road of martial arts.

Because it fits very well with the ice attributes, in just a few years, he broke through to the Zhuan Dan realm, and he was considered a genius.

A little bit.

Mo Muxi retracted the sword and respectfully saluted: "Master, the disciple has realized thousands of Hanxin Sword Art. I wonder if I can participate in the holy war in the universe ten years later?"

On the iceberg in front, stood a woman with a graceful figure. Although the white gauze covered her face and it was difficult to see her appearance, her whole body was even colder than the environment.

"It's far worse."

The cold woman said lightly, without the slightest emotion in her words, as cold as an iceberg at her feet.

Mo Muxi got used to it.

I have been practicing with the respected master for three years, and it has always been the case.

"Eligible to participate in the universe jihadists are the top geniuses of the world, so in ten years, you must break through to the realm of seeking truth." The woman said again.

Seeking the truth?

Mo Muxi secretly said: "It's out of reach."

"Remember." The woman said again: "Ice martial artist is focused on stopping water. If there is any entanglement, it will eventually become an obstacle to the martial arts road."

Mo Muxi said: "The disciple remembers Master's teachings."

It may be that Master suddenly said so much coldly that she mustered the courage to be weak and weak: "Master is so powerful, is it true that the heart is as calm as water, and there is no worry?"



This answer surprised Mo Muxi.

Master is also a strong ice element, and even demonstrated to himself the magical powers of the entire plane of ice in the wave of his hand. Isn't this unintentional like stopping water?

"Mu Xi."

The woman said indifferently: "The most unforgettable thing in the world is love. If you go abroad to practice in the future, don't be enamored with men, otherwise, you will end up hurting yourself."

"The disciple understands!"

Mo Muxi secretly said, "Master must be emotional!"

After that, he glanced at the bracelet on Master's wrist and muttered in his heart: "Obviously it is a very ordinary treasure, but Master is very concerned. I am afraid that it was given by the person who was passionate."

This girl is very thoughtful.


The woman said: "Return to the sect as a teacher."


Mo Muxi was surprised.

"Being a teacher is the great disciple of the eternal sect, you are my disciple, naturally also the disciple of the sect." The woman said.

Eternal Sect?

Mo Muxi had never heard of it.

He was born in a very ordinary origin. After apprenticeship, he came to the ice and snow to practice. Naturally, he had never heard of the legendary sect that was famous for the eternal domain.

"call out--------"

On this day, the ice world shone bright white light, running through the sky and the earth, without dissipating for a long time.


Thatched cottage in the countryside.

Smoke rises from the chimney.

"Position right."

In the clean courtyard, a middle-aged man in coarse coat with a beard does his hand.


Li Guiyuan, who was about three or four years old, hurriedly straightened his body. Although he was a young child, his posture was very standard, and he looked like a martial artist.

"Stand for an hour."


His father's words were orders, and Li Guiyuan did not dare to violate them.

"Husband." At this time, a plainly dressed and beautiful woman came out and complained: "Guiyuan is still a child."

"The martial arts must be cultivated from a young age." The rough-clothed man said.



Li Guiyuan smiled and said, "I'm not tired!"

The child is very sensible.

Mother shook her head and had to return to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

An hour later, the little guy relaxed from the standing position, then sat on the ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and smiled: "Father, tell me the story of the eternal sect master again."


The coarse-clothed man sat down, touched his son's little head and smiled: "Your name was given by the eternal sect master. It is taken from the lotus flower belt with the setting sun, and the green hills return alone far away."


The little guy almost jumped up excitedly.

Doraemon said that it is impossible to give such an elegant name with a dog’s IQ. There is definitely a problem.

Although he was only three years old, but unlike Mo Muxi's ignorance of world affairs, Li Guiyuan often fell asleep listening to the stories of the eternal sect, especially the lord of the sect.

did not expect.

He made his name!


Li Guiyuan said excitedly: "Do you know the eternal sovereign?"


"Wow! Daddy is amazing!"

The rough-clothed man hooked the tip of his son's nose with his little hand, and said with a smile: "Daddy will take you to the Eternal Sect?"

"Isn't Wanguzong far away from us?" Li Guiyuan said blankly.

"Close your eyes."

The rough-clothed man said with affection.


Li Guiyuan did so, and suddenly the sky felt dim, and when he opened his eyes again, his bright eyes gradually widened.

In the field of vision is a towering huge palace, surrounded by clouds and mist, just like the fairyland that my father said, and the big sign with the words "iron bone clank" is particularly dazzling!


The coarse-clothed man's voice came: "This is the Eternal Ancient Sect."


The little guy was shocked for a long while and never recovered.


At this time, several sect disciples in glamorous costumes came over, looked carefully at Li Guiyuan who was in a daze, and said in surprise: "Second brother, your son looks too much like you, it’s just a mold carved out !"


Li Shangtian, who was carrying the camera, happened to pass by and glared at the juniors and said: "Of course the second brother's son looks like the second brother, is it still like..."

"Brother, be careful!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Shoo!" Just at this moment, Happy Football flew close to the ground at high speed. After reaching the hip, it suddenly rushed up. When it was about to hit the chin, Li Shangtian calmly faced the camera and shrugged: "Familiar the taste of."


Thousands of miles away, after confirming that he had hit the target, Li Fei slowly retracted his foot and said, "This is the end of speechlessness."

One black and two black roared: "You kicked the ball first, what he said later, just happened to be good!"


Li Guiyuan finally recovered, turned his head to look at his father and found that he had taken off his coarse clothes, and put on a high-quality school uniform.

"Son." Li Qingyang put his hand on his head, looked at the plaque hanging in the main hall, and said seriously: "Father is the second disciple of Wanguzong, the stone slabs you step on under your feet, and the buildings you see are all built by him. "


Li Guiyuan directly exploded.

My father... is the second disciple of Wanguzong? !

"From today, you are the second-generation disciple of the Wanguzong. For my father, I hope that you will be diligent in practicing martial arts and will help the future young master with all your heart."

This sentence was deeply imprinted in Li Guiyuan’s heart. Until he became an adult, he still remembered his father’s teachings and was still waiting for the Young Master. Even if he was later cut off by the rivers and lakes, the story of the second generation is still in the readers. It went on silently out of sight.


More than a month later, I will write the special extra, many characters are a little strange.

The next update, the ghost knows how long it will take.