MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 135 Pain in the head of the head 21

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"What, flickering?" Great Elder Bian Yu said sternly, she also wanted to learn a lesson, and see if she could flicker when recruiting disciples in the future.

The other elders, together with Meng Changjin, all looked at Elder Xin Lan with curiosity.

They also want to know how Wu Shaoqi cheated.

Elder Xin Lan twitched the corner of her mouth, but she still opened her mouth to explain the cause and effect that she knew.

In simple terms, Wu Shaoqi is indeed a physical force.

But as soon as Wu Shaoqi went out, he met a young man with ordinary qualifications who wanted to join the front sect.

This sect is of course not accepted. After Wu Shaoqi saw it, he went up to chat with the boy.

, there are already more than 300 people who want to worship Wanhuangzong.

Xin Lan still remembers when she was in the past, the person in charge of the sect who set up the stage to recruit disciples, his face was blue and red, that was a good-looking one.

But the disciples who get it will not be accepted for nothing. Although they said that they would accept 200 people before they set off, but if they meet people with good qualifications, they must accept them, right?

So, believe it or not, it depends on the individual.

She didn't believe it either, but if Wu Shaoqi didn't say it, she couldn't force Wu Shaoqi to say it.

Besides, Wu Shaoqi has brought so many well-qualified disciples to the sect, that is meritorious.

If you have merit, you will be rewarded, instead of asking the secrets of your disciples like a prisoner.

Everyone has their own opportunities and secrets, just like Meng Changjin took out the magic formula and another practice method, it is impossible for the elders to really care about Meng Changjin Did he figure it out by himself.

If other people's secrets have to be explored and inquired clearly, then everyone who has benefits will not be thinking about taking them out, but hiding them tightly!

Several elders felt that Wu Shaoqi was hiding a secret, but Meng Changjin knew that Wu Shaoqi was probably the one who fooled around with that mouth.

But Wu Shaoqi does have other secrets.

"No matter how he did it, it's a good thing that he can recruit so many disciples with good qualifications this time. You should think about recruiting a few direct disciples this time." Great Elder Bian Yu finished This topic shifted the topic to apprenticeships.

When the elder said this, Meng Changjin took the lead: "I don't care about qualifications, but I want to accept a few talents with good alchemy talents. Wanhuangzong wants to be among the top sects. It still has to be self-sufficient.”

The Wanhuang Sect has a ore vein, but there is only one ore vein, and none of the alchemists and alchemists have any.

Of course, this time is different from the past. Ten years ago, the entrusted talent took over the Wanhuang Sect for two years, and its own strength is also the fourth-rank realm. If there are not a few elders, it may be ranked in the fifty Can't rank.

Now that Meng Changjin is the head of the sect, his strength is at the peak of the sixth-rank realm, which is already the strength of a sect head ranked twenty or thirty.

But these are far from enough. A sect does not just look at the strength of the head. The strength of the head is also very important, but the overall strength is the most important.

Meng Changjin's current strength can rank in the 20s in the head, but the overall strength is so comprehensive, it may be that the Wanhuangzong will be ranked in the 40th.

The forty or so is actually a lot of progress compared to the fifty or so, but it is not enough. Meng Changjin's goal is to be in the top ten!

Only in the top ten, everything has priority, and various secret realms are opened, and there will be more places.

And all of this is inseparable from the improvement of strength.

The fastest way to increase your strength is to pile up resources.

There are not so many spiritual stones. There are thousands of disciples of Wanhuang Sect.

If Wanhuang Sect had more than a dozen spirit stone veins, they could be piled with spirit stones, but Wanhuang Sect only had one.

This ore vein, where Meng Changjin went to practice last time, also repaired a big pit.

So there is only one way to use the resource heap.

For example, elixir.

Pills are expensive, that is because there are too few alchemists, but if you are an alchemist, in fact, pills only need to pay for some medicinal materials for alchemy.

Some people say that the monks piled up with medicinal pills are empty, but no matter how empty, a fourth-grade realm fights a second-grade realm, that is an absolute advantage.

It is also said that the medicine is three-point poisonous, and that too much erysipelas will remain in the body, which is also true.

But compared to the lifespan that can be brought by breaking through the promotion, the cost of eating erysipelas is really not worth mentioning.

In addition, the wealth that an alchemist can bring is amazing.

Alchemists and alchemists are really a group of people who are chasing and feeding.

Not only is he a great way to make money, but others dare not offend him.

Meng Changjin's idea is simple, that is, to cultivate several money-making machines for the Wanhuang Sect.

The disciples of Wanhuang Sect did quests to collect medicinal materials, and the medicinal materials were provided to the alchemists of the same sect to make alchemy, and then distributed to the disciples who did the quest as quest rewards.

In addition, it can also be sold to the outside world, and the resources obtained from the sale are used to issue tasks or improve strength.

It will all be a virtuous circle.

Although Wanhuangzong said that because of the large number of female disciples, it has made good friends with many sects or monk families, but when people really want to destroy Wanhuangzong, these people will not really Just because of this friendship, help.

Since friendship is useless, interests are always useful, right?

Meng Changjin wants to make the Wanhuang Sect a profitable sect, so that when someone wants to deal with the Wanhuang Sect, others will see the benefits For the sake of helping.

In addition, the Wanhuang Sect does not need to have a good friendship with the various sects, but to make the various sects owe the Wanhuangzong favor.

An important reason why alchemists and alchemists get along well is the word human.

Alchemy to exchange favors, there are still many people who are willing.

"This is natural, all the disciples, the head can choose first." Several elders nodded.

It's not a lot for them to teach a dozen or twenty direct disciples, but if the head teacher teaches a dozen or twenty alchemists, then the Wanhuang Sect will really rise.

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