MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 207 Tinder does not go out 12

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"Then I'll go with you, wash and come back as soon as possible." One of the two said after a moment of silence.

"You guys hurry up and come back, I'll take care of the zebra beast's corpse, and we'll transfer the location immediately when we get back." The other person nodded and said.

"No need, I'll just go by myself, this zebra beast is so big, it's too slow to handle it alone, the two sisters will handle it together, I'll go wash it quickly and come back, then we hurriedly Let's go." Meng Changjin said quickly.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go alone." They both shook their heads and refused.

Meng Changjin showed a faint smile: "None of the spotted beasts are my opponents, I'll go by myself, it's fine."

Hearing Meng Changjin say this, the two suddenly realized the problem.

Yes, all the striped beasts were hacked to death by Meng Changjin, which shows Meng Changjin's strength.

Meng Changjin nodded seriously: "Understood."

Finally being able to go out alone, Meng Changjin was happy, but she didn't show it at all.

After Meng Changjin said a word, he went out with a knife.

Leaving the two of them look at each other, and began to swiftly clean up the zebra beast.

When you go out hunting, you need to consider all kinds of unexpected factors.

Although the leader asked the two to protect Meng Changjin, but now Meng Changjin's strength has clearly surpassed the two.

At a time like this, she still insists on holding Meng Changjin, which is not a good thing for Meng Changjin or them.

And, if the leader knew that Meng Changjin was so powerful, he would definitely make Meng Changjin do more in this hunting operation.

Meng Changjin is not an ordinary newcomer at all, and ordinary newcomers are not as powerful as her.

In just one use, it killed such a big zebra beast.

At that time, both of them felt that they would die here this time.

It turned out that the twists and turns were such that they didn't know what to look like.

Meng Changjin doesn't know how complicated the two are here.

After exiting the cave and staying out of the sight of the two, Meng Changjin directly shook the blood on the animal hide away.

Saying that washing the bloodstains is an excuse, she will not really waste time washing.

Finding a hidden location, Meng Changjin took out some things from the Lingzhi space, found a few large leaves to wrap the things, and Meng Changjin covered the surface of the animal skin again It got a little wet, so I went back to the cave.

When they returned to the cave, the two had already dealt with the spotted beast simply.

It is really simple, that is, it is divided into two halves, the internal organs are removed, and that's it.

In the mountains, it is not a good thing to divide the prey too small.

Because it's too easy to drop.

Seeing that Meng Changjin came back safely, the two called Meng Changjin, and they didn't need her help. One of them carried half of the spotted beast and took Meng Changjin to a new cave. .

"Are we just leaving like this? If the leader and the others don't know, will it be bad if they come here and meet the beasts that have gathered?" package, he asked.

"Don't worry, we have already marked the neighborhood, the leader and the others have seen it, and they will come to the new cave to join us." Beast, but his face is not blushing or panting, and he is completely at ease.

Meng Changjin once again realized that people in the tribe, even women, are surprisingly powerful.

No, usually it's not that big.

Meng Changjin tutted a few times in his heart, and felt more and more that this kind of fire was really a good thing.

But no matter how good this kind of fire is, now Meng Changjin doesn't dare to make up his mind.

Even if I had an idea, I just wanted to see if I could cut a part.

The fire of the Yan tribe is different from the crystal palace in the lotus pond in the previous world.

That crystal palace, to put it bluntly, is a thing without an owner. She met it and took it away. It was her luck and strength.

No one can say something wrong.

But the fire of the Yan tribe belongs to the entire Yan tribe. Meng Changjin is too embarrassed to move this kind of thing.

Sorry is one thing, in addition, it's actually a little afraid.

Why, because the client's long-cherished wish is that the fire will not be extinguished, and the tribe will not be extinguished.

Tinder is tempting, but the task is more important.

You can't do that stupid thing like throwing a watermelon and picking up sesame seeds.

Since the two of them have made marks around the cave, Meng Changjin doesn't need to worry too much.

In fact, even if there is no mark left, for the leaders, they will not be harmed by the gathered beasts.

Whether it comes back before the beasts come together, or after. The leader and the others will definitely find the anomaly here.

The point of the sign is to tell the leader which cave they have moved to now.

This is the real point.

At the same time, let the leader know that the three of them are fine.

Going to another cave is actually going to another supply point.

These supply points are all found by the hunting team members of the Yan tribe during their hunting over the years.

The direct distance of the supply point is actually moderate.

It's too far to be a supply point.

But if it's too close, there will be a problem with that one supply point, and the other supply points will not be good either.

So this kind of distance that is not far away is particularly critical.

Although they were carrying heavy loads, they were still walking fast.

Although Meng Changjin also held something in his hand, to Meng Changjin, it was no different from empty hands.

After walking for a while, the pace of the two began to slow down.

Meng Changjin followed behind the two of them, his consciousness spread out and glanced, and found a cave obliquely ahead that was covered by vines.

The two carried the zebra beast, took a few steps forward and pulled away the green vines, and then walked in.

The green vines that were pulled open waited for the two to enter, and then hung down again. Meng Changjin stepped forward and pulled them open, and followed in.

The two halves of the spotted beast were placed on the ground by the two, and the cave was temporarily quiet.

After a short rest, the two began to make a fire.

The light in the cave was very dim, and after the two lit the fire, the cave became brighter.

At this moment, the two finally felt some relief.

Looking at Meng Changjin on the side, she noticed the green package in her hand.

"What is this?" Both of them turned their attention to the green package Meng Changjin was holding, and both of them were curious.

Meng Changjin opened the green package and explained it with a long thought.

The two of them actually heard about Meng Changjin's gift from heaven.

After all, the leader entrusted Meng Changjin to the two of them for protection, so he must tell them about the situation and let them know the importance of Meng Changjin.

So after hearing Meng Changjin's long-planned remarks, the two of them didn't doubt at all and believed it.

Looking at these things wrapped in green leaves, eyes glowed.

According to Meng Changjin, this is a kind of food that can be eaten after being boiled with water.

The key is to keep it for a long time without breaking.

This is much longer than animal meat can keep.

The problem of long storage time is not considered, the key is that this thing can be grown by the people of their Yan tribe.

What is this concept?

This shows that people in the tribe may not need to go out to hunt or worry about starving to death.

The change was huge and left both of them at a loss.

There is no need to hunt, so what should they do?

Unknown about the future, the two have no idea whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

However, the two still instructed Meng Changjin to pack her things well and not lose them.

There is no need for two people to explain this, Meng Changjin will naturally keep things well.

The cave was quiet for a while.

After a moment of silence, the two simply began to ask Meng Changjin, what did this divine gift teach her? !

If you want to chat about this, Meng Changjin is not without chatter.

I simply chatted with the two of some common sense things of modern people.

The two listened to Meng Changjin's common sense of modern people with relish.

Relish and at the same time feel so different from them.

You don’t need to hunt every day to get food, keep beasts in captivity, and kill one when you want to eat…

What kind of life is this, it is a dream life.

If only they could keep the beasts in captivity too... no, it's too hard.

Beasts cannot be kept in captivity. If they escape and bite people in the tribe to death, it will be bad.

Meng Changjin observed the changes in their expressions, and also saw some thoughts in their hearts.

This is actually a test, and it seems that it is not very easy to implement.

But it doesn't matter, it's impossible to do it overnight, you need to take it slowly.

When some impossible things become feasible, people's acceptance will gradually increase.

Meng Changjin stopped after speaking for a while.

The two were still listening with interest, but Meng Changjin suddenly stopped talking, and both of them showed doubts.

Meng Changjin spread his hands and shrugged, helplessly saying that the gift of heaven will be gone here.

Although the two were disappointed, but Meng Changjin was given only this by heaven. Even if Meng Changjin wanted to say more, he couldn't.

Since this can't be said, let's change the subject.

For example, how could Meng Changjin be so powerful that he actually hacked the zebra beast to death.

Meng Changjin's explanation is that it is God's gift.

God-given knowledge has been taught, how about another hunting skill? !

Sure enough, their thoughts at this time were exactly the same as Meng Changjin's thoughts.

Since all knowledge is given by God, isn't it normal that a hunting skill is given by God?

I'm so envious, if only they could be gifted by God.

But this is just a good idea, they also understand that not everyone can do it.

Talk about it, the atmosphere in the cave is peaceful.

On the other hand, the leader and their hunting this time was not very smooth.

So I also gained something, but the gain was not great.

It can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

At night, the hunting party will no longer stay outside.

Everyone brought the prey from hunting and headed towards the supply point.

But when they were about to approach the cave, everyone noticed something was wrong.

From far away, you can hear the roar of a beast coming from the other side of the cave.

And it sounds more than a beast.

Something happened over there in the cave!

This is the first thought of the leader and others.

Is Meng Changjin all right? !

This is the question that immediately surfaced in the leader's mind.

Before leaving, Wu also specifically told them how important Meng Changjin is, and must be protected.

As a result, it seems that something has happened.

While the leader was anxious, the people around him discovered the marks left by those who stayed behind at the supply point.

Hearing the mark, the leader hurriedly took a look.

After seeing the mark clearly, the leader felt relieved.

No incident, no incident, that's a good thing.

The main meaning of the mark is that no one has an accident, and they have been transferred to the second supply point, let them go to the second supply point to find them.

Although seeing the mark made the leader relieved, but the leader also thought, what if this mark was left before the accident? !

Now that he doesn't see anyone, he can't really rest assured.

So, the leader took the others, bypassed the first supply point in front, and rushed towards the second supply point.

When it was about to get dark, everyone finally arrived at the second supply point.

Seeing the light of a little flame emitting through the vines, the leader really let go of half of his heart this time.

The other half, after entering the cave, saw that Meng Changjin was safe and sound, so she let it go.

Wu instead explained the importance of Meng Changjin to the tribe, and the leader understood that even if they were able to hunt for three months of food this time, if something happened to Meng Changjin, it would still be lost heavily.

According to the leader's meaning, since Meng Changjin is so important, it is better not to come out in the tribe.

At that time, the witch smiled mysteriously for a while before telling him that the Yan tribe only needed one witch to stay in the tribe forever. As for Meng Changjin, she was very important.

But if she stays in the tribe all the time, it won't work.

So she still needs to let her take risks in a dangerous place that can be controlled.

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