MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 105 Extra episodes three and four

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The Taste of Three Counterattacks

In order to win the prize, in recent years, more than a thousand couples in S city choose to register their marriage on this day every year during the Qixi Festival. The registration center issued a notice early and will extend the office hours to ensure that the lovers can successfully complete the procedures on the same day.

Min Yue and Xu Mai went there after they came out of the operating room in the afternoon. After queuing up to get their number, they suddenly realized that Min Yue, a little confused, forgot to bring her household registration book.

Although she has her own small house, her household registration has not been transferred and is still in Min's house. After watching the concert last week, the two went back to see Min's parents on Sunday, and reported on the plan to get the certificate for the Qixi Festival. Jiang Hui deliberately found out the household registration book and put it on the coffee table, but forgot to take it with her when she left.

Min Yue had no choice but to call Jiang Hui and beg her to bring it.

After more than forty minutes, the queue was called, and Jiang Hui and Min Guangyang also arrived. They witnessed that the girl's name was written together with Xu Mai's in the sacred little red book, and then took pictures with the marriage certificate.

Both of them were wearing white shirts, Xu Mai had long hair loose, and turned his head slightly in Min Yue's direction. Min Yue wore a high ponytail, and her smile was too bright and cheerful. Jiang Hui reminded while patting: "Shut up your smile, you are as proud as receiving an award."

Min Yue ignored it, and poked her head on Xu Mai's shoulder: "No, I want to be so proud!"

She has registered as a legal partner with Bai Yueguang in her heart, of course she is proud, not only has to smile happily, but also post on Moments and Weibo, telling everyone that Master is mine! The flowers of Gaoling have planted in my small yard!

In stark contrast to Min Yue's extreme joy, Min Guangyang turned his back and secretly took off his glasses, wiping the wet corners of his eyes. His caring little padded jacket got married, and it was about to fly from his household registration book to Xu Mai's household registration book, which was inevitably sad.

But the happiness on Min Yue's face made him feel relieved. The other half of her daughter is excellent and reliable. By her side, Min Yue will always be happy, just like today.

After leaving the registration center, Xu Mai drove to the nursing home to pick up Xu Boyu, and the two families had a meal outside as a celebration.

Min Guangyang ordered a piece of champagne, and everyone happily drank two glasses. Afterwards, Xu Mai went to check out, Min Yue went to the bathroom, and after coming out, he passed the lobby to the cashier, but was stopped by someone unexpectedly.

"Hi, hello." A male customer dining in the lobby suddenly stood up and greeted her.

Min Yue stopped in her tracks, she didn't recognize her, is the patient's family member?

Trying to remember, the man spoke, politely with a touch of shyness: "I noticed you as soon as you came in, is it convenient to add a WeChat?"

"A big adventure?" Min Yue responded quickly.

"No, no, I think you are very nice, and I want to meet you and make friends."

Now Min Yue understood that she had been accosted, and she just wanted to show him the diamond ring show and refused bluntly, when her arm was suddenly grabbed and pulled to the side.

Min Yue flickered and was hidden behind Xu Mai. "She is my wife."

Min Yue froze for a moment, Xu Mai grasped her hand a little too hard, as if he was too anxious, didn't care about the strength of control, and accidentally revealed how much he cared about her.

The flat shoes Min Yue wore were half a head shorter than hers. Standing behind her, looking at her back protecting her declaring ownership, clusters of sunflowers bloomed in her heart.

The man took half a step back in surprise, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head in doubt, thought for a while, suddenly turned around, and apologized repeatedly: "Sorry, I didn't know you were married, I thought you were friends, sorry."

Xu Mai didn't speak any more, just stared at him steadfastly, and after confirming that he had no intention of harassing Min Yue, he led Min Yue away.

The corridor leading to the private room was a little narrow, and the two were one behind the other, Min Yue shook her hand deliberately and said, "He said he wanted to make friends with me, Master."

Xu Mai's pace stopped, and the strength of his handshake became stronger.

Min Yue was a little hurt from being pinched, but more of a sense of satisfaction from being cared about, she continued with a smile, "Can I give him his contact information?"

Xu Mai's voice was low, without any hesitation: "No."


The two stopped in front of the private room door, Xu Mai didn't open the door, turned around suddenly, stroked Min Yue's face with his free hand, clasped her **** and ring finger on her earlobe, and with a little force, pushed her head Turn to yourself.

Min Yue raised her chin and looked up. Xu Mai lowered his eyelashes, his eyes darkened under the shadows, his lips were drawn seriously, and he spoke suddenly with a low tone that could not be doubted.

"You are mine," she said.

Xu Mai was much taller than her, and when looking down at her, his upper body leaned forward slightly, blocking the light from the ceiling lamp in the corridor, casting a deep shadow.

The subtle expressions can't be seen clearly in the dark, but she emits a strong oppressive aura around her, which makes people want to shrink their necks involuntarily.

Suddenly, Min Yue remembered the title "Master Mo". Last year, Xu Maigang came back from further studies with this kind of aura on her body, as if wherever she went, low pressure brewed a storm.

At that time, Chen Sitian and the others routinely prayed in the weather forecast group for cloudy weather every day, hoping that Master Mo would not make a bad face and have a good weather.

Later, she gradually changed, and she was still serious, but her eyes were gentle and calm, attracting colleagues to approach, leading the team to save themselves from danger time and time again, and becoming a pinnacle of tranquility in the operating room and in the hearts of colleagues.

It's been a long time since I saw her stern face with a downcast face. Min Yue was not frightened, but instead raised the corners of her lips and tilted her head into a smile.

Master is jealous.

After living together, Min Yue participated in a high school reunion and exchanged WeChat with a male classmate whom he hadn't contacted for a long time. When they got home that night, the man kept sending messages to ask his aunt about her old heart problems.

Min Yue was sleepy after replying to the professional consultation, but the other party was too enthusiastic, so she had to continue chatting about other unnutritious topics.

Xu Mai returned to the bedroom after washing, and lay down on the bed. Min Yue turned over and got into her arms, found a comfortable position, and yawned back to WeChat.

Xu Mai watched silently for a while, then suddenly said: "Call his aunt to the outpatient clinic, I'll take a look for her."

Then he took the phone from her hand, turned it off, and put it on the bedside table beside her, away from Min Yue.

"Okay, I'll tell him tomorrow." Min Yue was so sleepy that she shed tears, she didn't think much, she plunged her head into Xu Mai's arms and fell asleep.

The male classmate seemed to have never seen a doctor, and he chatted with her every day, such as a colleague who brushed his teeth in the morning and retched, and a second aunt who was irritable during menopause. He just asked what kind of medicine he was taking for any disease, but he kept asking Min Yue what movies he liked to watch and what hobbies he usually had.

Min Yue was very annoying, and didn't care about the affection of her old classmates. Except for health consultation, she didn't bother to answer other topics. When the other party asked, she said that she had surgery and was busy.

Suddenly one day, the other party's attitude turned 180 degrees, without the enthusiasm of familiarity, politely thanked his aunt for helping his aunt to see a doctor, and then hesitantly asked: [Listen to my aunt , Director Xu and you are lovers? 】

Min Yue responded naturally: [Yes. 】

The other party let out an oh, and then disappeared and never showed up again.

After a few days, Xu Mai asked inadvertently if he still came to harass you, and Min Yue realized belatedly that Xu Mai offered to help his aunt to see a doctor in order to pass on a message to him. The girl is in charge.

It was lunch break at that time, and there were only the two of them in the duty room. Xu Mai looked through the medical records, seemingly unintentionally, but stared at the same page without turning it for a long time.

Min Yue leaned closer with a smile: "Master is jealous?"

Xu Mai's eyes flickered, he looked away, and turned the page.

Knowing that she would not admit it personally, but Min Yue was also happy in her heart, poking her head out from behind the medical record: "Master, I like you, only you."

Xu Mai didn't respond, and quietly turned the page, the edges and corners of the paper rustled across the soft flesh of Min Yue's chin, slightly itchy. Min Yue watched the person's ears turn red little by little, and laughed out loud.

Xu Mai's emotions are reserved, and she seldom talks about love, love, and jealousy. She even conceals emotions such as jealousy and jealousy very well. Only after drinking tonight did she lose control.

Xu Mai's alcohol capacity is average, and he gets drunk quickly. When he pays the bill, he starts to feel drunk, and when he gets home, he gets even more drunk.

Min Yue helped her to the sofa, let her sit down first, helped her take off her shoes, went back to the entrance and closed the door, put on slippers, walked back with Xu Mai's linen-bottomed soft support, looked up and saw the person on the sofa, Puchi laughed out loud.

Xu Mai found out the same style of Douyin's rabbit ear hat from somewhere and put it on. Like Min Yue's usual cat teasing movements, he pinched the pink paw at the bottom of the hat strap, and the long ears flew up and down again.

She often plays this interactive game with Pang Pang. When Pang Pang sees the hat, Pang Pang goes crazy. His fat body bounces around like a meat ball, scurrying left and right.

The surface of this hat is decorated with white fleece, and the inner side is pink. The top of the hat is embroidered with big watery eyes, pink hare lips, and two lovely blushes. Min Yue usually wears it by herself, but she doesn't think it's too childish. Seeing the effect of Xu Mai wearing it tonight, she bent over with a smile.

How cold and distant her master is on weekdays, with a white shirt and a dark gray coat, black hair hanging behind him, and one hand in his pocket, he is a goddess who does not eat fireworks.

At this moment, she is reclining on the sofa, with a kawaii rabbit ear hat on her head, alternately pinching the balloon in the hat strap with her left and right hands, her ears fluttering up and down, and a fat cat flopping around beside her, just like the usual The image is 108,000 words short, and the more you look at it, the more ridiculous it is.

Min Yue laughed so weakly that she let go of her slippers, ran to the sofa, lifted her legs and knelt on it, her head stuck into the socket of Xu Mai's neck, her shoulders trembling with laughter.

Xu Mai paused, but the rabbit ears didn't fly up, Pangpang saw the opportunity, bit the rabbit ears and dragged him away.

Min Yue tried her best to suppress her smile, straightened her body, put her hands on the sofa behind her, and lowered her head: "Master, why are you so cute?"

Xu Mai's long hair rubbed against the hat to generate static electricity, and the broken hair on the top of his head was fluffy. He raised his eyes to look at her, the bottom of his eyes were moist, full of drunkenness, and soft beyond words.

The moment the four eyes met, Min Yue suddenly felt as if she had been electrocuted, her heart was beating restlessly, and the little thoughts that she was embarrassed to say were fermenting.

She licked the dry corners of her mouth and leaned down: "Master, I want to kiss you."

Xu Mai raised his head, all the strength in his body was dissipated by the alcohol, he sank softly into the sofa, he hugged her waist weakly after hearing the sound, and then slowly closed his eyes.

This obedient look of giving and taking anything and everything greatly stimulated Min Yue, she was so excited that she almost wanted to jump up and do a Thomas maneuver in the air. Taking a deep breath to stabilize her mind, Min Yue slowly approached, and slowly pressed her lips on it while her heartbeat was beating like a drum.

The numb electric current crackled along the spine and traveled to the limbs, the hairs were trembling with excitement, and Min Yue's two little feet were shaking with excitement.

Xu Mai let go of the gap between his lips so that Min Yue could kiss him deeper. The tip of her tongue stuck into her warm mouth, and she tasted a little bit of the remaining aroma of wine. Min Yue felt his head explode, and colorful ribbons and sequins flew all over the sky.

(delete 2600 words)

Raising steamed stuffed buns is not easy

When Min Jiamu entered the middle class of kindergarten, a little sister was welcomed into the family. With more people, the original three-bedroom house was not enough to live in. Xu Mai and Min Yue discussed selling the houses under their respective names and bought a new four-bedroom house in the school district.

When both of them were in elementary school, the difference in personality between the two children became more and more obvious.

Xu Jiayuan is obedient and clever, wearing a lotus root pink skirt, sitting upright at the desk, holding a pencil, learning to write Chinese characters stroke by stroke. Min Yue sat next to her, holding a medical journal, feeling a little sleepy reading it, covered her mouth and yawned quietly, raised her hand to rub her eyes, the little girl's soft little hand climbed onto the back of her hand, blocking her from rubbing.

"Xiao Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Min Yue put down the magazine and held her little hand.

Xu Jiayuan took out a pack of tissue paper with Peppa Pig printed on it from his schoolbag, and said in a childlike voice, "Mom needs to wipe it with a tissue. The teacher said that dirty hands will hurt your eyes."

The little girl's eyebrows and eyes are very similar to Xu Mai's, but the arcs are softer, and most of Xu Mai's cold temperament is gone. The eyes are watery, revealing the clarity and innocence that has never seen a dark cloud. When I look at you, I am very focused, and my eyes are clean, as if I offer you a clear heart.

It was like the tenderness in Xu Mai's eyes that inadvertently flowed out after he was drunk.

Xu Mai's childhood was not considered happy. In the few childhood photos, she always stands indifferently on the edge of the camera, her eyes drifting into the distance, and she is full of thoughts. Such an unhappy look makes her heart ache every time she sees it, and sometimes Min Yue feels sad secretly, if only she had met Master earlier, then her sad time would be shorter.

After Xu Jiayuan was born, Min Yue became a slave to her daughter, as if she wanted to make up for Xu Mai's lack of care when she was a child, but it was still not enough to pamper her.

Once when she was playing with Pang Pang, the two- or three-year-old child didn't care how heavy his hands were, and he didn't let go of Pang Pang's tail. The cat felt the pain and howled a few times. Xu Mai walked over to break off her fingers, ready to teach her seriously, Min Yue rushed over and hugged her in his arms: "We are playing with cats, we are good, aren't we?"

Xu Jiayuan hugged Min Yue's neck, buried her small face on her shoulder, her eyes were red, she pursed her mouth and dared not speak.

Min Yue kicked the fat ass: "Have a good time, haven't you?"

Pang Pang, who was hugging his tail and licking his hair, was kicked for a moment:? ? ?

Xu Mai glanced at her and sighed: "You can't spoil your child like this."

Min Yue covered the little girl's ears to prevent her from listening: "I know, Master, but can you wait a little later? Can you let me pamper her unconditionally first?"

"Because..." Min Yue paused, "I can't go back to the past and hug my childhood master."

Xu Mai's expression was slightly startled, he thought this sentence twice in his mind, and slowly understood it. She stepped forward, spread her arms, took the two babies, one big and one small, into her arms, and whispered softly, "I have you now."

I have you, and then I have you. The missing life has already been filled with your love.

Min Yue held Xu Jiayuan in her arms, and she snuggled into Xu Mai's warm embrace, just as she felt the family was warm and happy in marriage, when her toe was suddenly bumped by something, and then ran over the back of her foot.

Hissing in pain, Min Yue turned her head and saw her son standing on the dining table and chair, holding the remote control of the toy car with both hands, howling: "Come on! Thunderbolt King!"

Immediately, the blood surged up, crackling and rushing towards the top of the head with sparks, stuffing the good baby Xiao Yuanyuan into Xu Mai's arm, Min Yue turned around and put his hands on his hips: "Min! Jia! Mu! I'll count to three, if you don't Come down, you will definitely be beaten!"

Min Jiamu jumped down like a little monkey, retreated to hide in the kitchen, and maneuvered the car to nimbly shuttle through the living room. The aggressive off-road vehicle whined and went straight towards Pangpang, scaring the cat so that it jumped three feet high. The huge figure knocked down the potted plants placed beside the coffee table. one place.

Min Yue laughed angrily, rolled up his sleeves: "Very well, I decided to beat you up!"

I don't know who this brat Min Jiamu looks like. He hasn't been in the house for three days, and he wants to beat him but can't hurt him. Min Yue is so tired every day that he is so annoying for a while, so he throws him to Jiang Hui.

"Anyway, you made me give birth. I can't jump into this pit alone. Let's all suffer together in the fire pit!"

In the next generation, Jiang Hui liked her little grandson very much, and Min Guangyang also retired, but one of them watched mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas in the living room, and the other stayed in the study to watch the news, and the house was deserted. As soon as Min Jiamu came, he put down his schoolbag and rushed to the study, shouting: "Grandpa, Grandpa! Show you my new plane, it's so domineering, let's go downstairs and fly!"

Min Yue was still on duty, so she stood at the porch and didn't go in. When she heard the sound, she was reminded: "Don't let him play with the plane at home, it will smash things all over the place."

Jiang Hui smiled and said, "How can a boy not be naughty? Lively, the house is so lively, it's great."

Min Yue complained: "Mom, you don't know, he doesn't live for a moment, he's like a devil in the world, he doesn't look like me at all."

"Why don't you look like you? Have you forgotten what you did with your cousins ​​when you were young? With a water gun, spray water on the heads of passers-by downstairs from the balcony, and even pick out the bald-headed ones. I come to every house." Sorry to make it up for you."

Min Yue was stunned: "I'm not! I don't!"

"I still don't believe it. I specially developed the photo of you playing with the water gun and saved it. I'll show you when I come in." Jiang Hui admitted the truth.

There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him. It was Xu Mai who came up after parking the car. Min Yue was afraid that she would hear about his great achievements when he was a child, so he quickly took the door and slipped away.

Seven or eight-year-old boys are disgusted by dogs, but Min Jiamu is amazing. When he grows up to ten years old, Pang Pang still avoids him when he sees him. As a twelve-year-old cat, Pang Pang has seen too much with his eyes, and has lost interest in everything around him, so he takes it lightly. With such a detached mentality, he still dislikes Min Jiamu so much, which shows how skinny he is.

Tie the shoelaces of the deskmate on the bench legs, throw earthworms into the stationery box of the female classmate, and other mischievous things. Min Yue is often invited by the teacher to talk at school, and to make up for the parents of the bullied students. After returning home, it is inevitable to spread fire on the perpetrator.

But Min Jiamu was beaten by her since he was a child, and he has become accustomed to it. He has long been immune and is not very afraid of her.

Here Min Yue took the fragrant paper towels from Xiao Yuan Yuan, and was enjoying the family happiness with her fragrant little daughter, when the entrance door was slammed shut over there, the voice of the boy who hadn’t changed his voice was thin, dragging With a long tone: "Oh ~ hoo ~ I'm back!"

Xu Jiayuan blinked suddenly, and said sweetly: "Brother is back."

Min Yue touched her head with a smile, told her to continue writing, then got up and walked out of the study, opened the glass partition door, and instantly changed her face.

The little boy didn't put away his schoolbag, so he went to look for the cat when he entered the living room. Pangpang was paralyzed on the sofa, but when he smelled him, he jumped onto the cabinet air conditioner and jumped onto the ceiling with his strength.

Min Jiamu held a sparrow with fluttering wings in his hand, and tiptoed to show it: "Come down, game, catch it for you to eat!"

Min Yue lowered her face: "Min Jiamu! Are you killing small animals again?"

The little boy argued: "Fatty is getting old and needs to replenish his body."

"This is not the reason for you to catch a sparrow. No matter how insignificant an animal is, it is life. How can you..."

"Oh, I know, to protect the environment and love small animals, you have said it eight hundred times." Min Jiamu was annoyed by the nagging, stopped acting, and told the truth: "I want to write a composition about birds , I happened to pick one up in the green belt, and brought it back for observation, and put it back when it healed."

Min Yue was taken aback when he heard the sound, and took a closer look at the sparrow he was holding in his hand. Its beak was still yellow, and it was a small ball. In a mess, it probably fell out of the bird's nest and was injured.

"Then, take it to the pet shop for treatment?"

Min Jiamu said: "Those veterinarians will treat cats and dogs, but not sparrows."

"Then what should I do?" Min Yue was worried, I wouldn't treat the bird either.

Min Jiamu looked relaxed: "I know how to do it, mom, don't worry, find me a cardboard box, shoe box is also fine, I want to make a nest for it."

Min Yue raised his eyebrows, what can the little brat do, but seeing that he is quite confident, he dubiously went to search in the utility room. He answered a call halfway, and when he saw the name of the caller, Min Yue secretly said that it was not good. After pressing the call button, the teacher complained again, and the parents complained that Min Jiamu had hurt his precious son.

Min Yue was furious, carrying the shoebox and angrily walked back to the living room: "Min Jiamu! You have grown up, chasing cats and dogs is not enough, and now you dare to hit your classmates!"

Min Jiamu's white face was flushed red, his short stubble hair was almost smoking, and he yelled back, "I didn't!"

"You didn't? The teacher told me that her mother took pictures of her wounds and sent them to the class group, and the witnesses and physical evidences have wronged you?"

"I didn't! I didn't!" Min Jiamu's neck turned red, like an enraged rooster, and he stretched his neck to fight back. "you do not believe me!"

The porch door opened and closed, and Xu Mai came back.

Min Jiamu looked like a little chick with its neck clutched. He hung his head limply, and smoothed out the blown hairs all over his body slowly and obediently.

He dared to poke the sky and fight the ground, like a monkey, he was lawless, but he didn't dare to show his anger in front of Xu Mai.

The living room was as quiet as if it had been muted. Xu Mai put the key on the shoe cabinet, and the metal collided with the marble countertop, making a clear sound. Min Jiamu lowered his eyebrows and called softly, "Mom."

This is what he resembles Min Yue the most. When he admits to being cowardly, "Mom" is long and "Mom" is short, and he is so obedient.

Xu Mai looked at them silently, then looked up at the cat on the ceiling, knowing that another civil war broke out just now. She came over and looked down at the sparrow with broken wings in Min Jiamu's hand. She didn't ask why they were arguing, but said first, "Do you need help?"

Min Jiamu poked his neck, reached out and took the shoebox from Min Yue, put the bird in, held it in front of his chest, and looked down diagonally: "No, I know how to treat it, thank you mom."

The ten-year-old boy is not short anymore, he loves to jump, his bones are well developed, and he is a few centimeters taller than his peers. He stood next to Xu Mai with his head down, just at the position of her shoulder.

Xu Mai raised his hand and rubbed his sweaty head, helped him take off his schoolbag, and said, "Go and take a bath, dinner will be served later."

Min Jiamu gave a dull hum, and walked towards his bedroom with the shoebox in his arms. Xu Jiayuan called his brother in a low voice through the glass door, but he didn't hear him, and walked all the way to the dark like a donkey without looking back.

After he closed the door, Xu Mai pulled Min Yue into the kitchen to understand the reason in detail. In a fit of anger, Min Yue swung a knife and chopped the ribs until they rattled: "Did he advance his rebellious period? Why is he so disobedient and so troublesome?"

Fearing that she would accidentally cut it, Xu Mai took the knife and said in a deep voice, "You should ask why he fought with his classmates."

"Do you still need to ask? He bullied his classmates because he was taller than others."

Xu Mai glanced at her, and suddenly changed the subject: "Do you feel that there is a big difference in your attitude towards Xiao Mu and Yuan Yuan?"

"Yuan Yuan is so obedient, like a little princess, he dare not speak loudly to her. That brat's skin is tough, and if he doesn't beat him hard, he won't know where he is wrong." After speaking, Min Yue was so depressed. Grinding his teeth, his genes are so much worse than Xu Mai's.

The water in the pot boiled, Xu Mai poured the washed ribs into the water, skimmed off the foam, and said slowly: "You are his mother, if you don't believe him, he has been wronged." Who should I tell?"

"Have you ever thought that maybe he is not rebellious, but he just cannot get comfort."

Min Yue was cracking eggs, when she heard this, her chopsticks froze.

After dinner, Min Yue washed the dishes, stepped on the ladder to lift Pang Pang from the ceiling, and fed some nutrient cream.

After Xu Mai tutored the two children with their homework, he went back to the bathroom in the master bedroom to wash and dry his hair. After returning to the bedroom, he found Min Yue leaning on the bed, staring at the phone with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Xu Mai lifted the quilt and went to bed.

Min Yue sighed: "This time I really misunderstood that silly boy."

Min Yue showed her the WeChat chat records. The head teacher took this matter very seriously. He contacted several parents that night and asked the good friends of the two boys about the situation. Finally, he learned from the students who walked home from school together that the beaten The boy killed the sparrow, and Min Jiamu saw it and stopped him, and the two had a dispute. And there was no fight, Min Jiamu just pushed the other party, the injury on the boy's face was caused by him climbing a tree and falling down.

The truth came to light, Min Jiamu neither caught birds to abuse animals nor bullied his classmates, but instead saved a little life and brought it back to take care of it himself.

There was a big oolong, and Min Yue's ears flushed red with guilt when he recalled the scene of scolding him before dinner. "Master, you said that he obviously did something good, why didn't he tell it frankly?"

In fact, she also understands that if it were herself, if someone came up to criticize her without asking, she would be angry and unwilling to explain.

In the kitchen just now, she understood what Xu Mai said. Indeed, her attitude towards her son is quite casual, she thinks that he is a blood relative, and she can speak directly without so many twists and turns. But she overlooked one thing, she did not respect her son as an independent personality, and forgot to listen to the inner voice of the child.

What do you want to be when you grow up? What is your plan for doing this? Min Yue suddenly realized that she had never asked.

She didn't give her son a chance to confide, and she didn't care about his inner world, but she blamed him instead, why didn't you tell me.

Min Yue was surprised that the impact of his behavior on him was very similar to Xu Boyu's avoidance of Xu Mai back then. In a sense, it was very similar.

Min Yue clenched her phone tightly, "Master, I seem to have done something wrong."

Xu Mai understood her anxiety, and patted her on the back softly: "It's not too late."

"Go talk to him?" Xu Mai suggested.

Min Yue nodded, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, put on slippers and went to the corridor.

The door of the boy's room was open, and Min Yue walked outside the door lightly, looking inside, two children, one big and one small, were hugging each other.

Xu Jiayuan was standing by the desk in a white rabbit cotton mop, wearing floral pajamas. A small person, not as tall as a table leg, with his small arms wrapped around his brother's neck. The braids were untied, and the shoulder-length black hair was soft and fluffy. He tilted his head and buried it on his brother's shoulders.

Min Jiamu sat on the bench, much taller than his little sister, and bent his body in a large arc to make her hug her comfortably. Two arms protected my younger sister's waist from behind, fearing that she would not stand still and fall, and spoke softly to her: "It's already ten o'clock, why don't you go to bed? Do you want to listen to a bedtime story?"

The little girl shook her head, and the milky voice came out vaguely: "Brother, don't be sad, mom likes brother, and I like him too."

Min Jiamu grinned, picked her up, and carefully placed her on his lap.

There is a shoebox in the corner of his desk, and there is a piece of toilet paper on the table, with half a boiled egg yolk on it. The little girl saw it, pointed to the shoe box and asked, "Brother, what is that?"

Min Jiamu reached out and hooked the paper box over, and took out the little sparrow with half-grown fur inside. The little girl was pleasantly surprised, she wanted to touch it but dared not touch it, her soft fingers rested on his wrist: "Brother, does it bite?"

"It doesn't bite. It's still a baby. It was stolen from the house by bad guys. It has no parents to feed it. It's very hungry and has no strength."

He said it wouldn't hurt anyone, but Min Jiamu put it a little farther away, and put the back of his hand in front of his sister.

The little girl was very anxious, shaking the boy's hand and urging: "It's so pitiful, brother, save it."

"I'm about to feed it." Min Jiamu took out a book from his schoolbag, read the table of contents, turned to the corresponding page number, spread it out, put it on the table, and read it to his sister word by word: "The book says, you can feed it egg yolk, and if you want to drink water, dip your finger in a little water and drip it on its mouth."

After reading, Min Jiamu picked up a little bit of egg flower with his fingertips and put it in the little sparrow's mouth. The little bird blinked nervously, retracted its neck reflexively, and rolled itself into a meat ball. The boy was not in a hurry, and waited patiently. After half a minute, the bird felt safe, and finally opened its small mouth to take a bite.

"It ate it, it ate it." Xu Jiayuan clapped his little hands happily.

"When school is over tomorrow, I'll go to the flower and bird market to buy feed. It's specially for the birds. It will definitely eat more." Seeing that it's getting late, the boy coaxed: "I'll show you tomorrow, okay? Go first." Go to sleep, and you can play with it when you wake up."

"Okay." Xu Jiayuan nodded obediently.

Min Jiamu stood up with his sister in his arms, and was about to send her back to his room. When he turned around and saw Min Yue outside the door, he paused, turned his head, and lowered his gaze.

The top of his head was facing Min Yue's direction, the line of his lips was lowered and slightly pursed, like a wronged puppy, his tail was drooping with no energy.

Min Yue walked over slowly, put her palm on the top of his head, and rubbed it lightly: "I'm sorry, I blamed you. It was you who saved the little sparrow from a classmate. It's awesome. Mom is proud of you. I can show you tomorrow." , let me accompany the little hero to buy feed?"

The boy's stiff body slowly softened, his head rubbed against Min Yue's palm, and he responded in a low voice: "Okay."

Xu Mai stood at the door of the master bedroom, quietly watching the movement of the second bedroom. When Min Yue came back, he held her shoulders and closed the door, bowed his head and kissed her on the brow.

Min Yue leaned into her arms and asked in a muffled voice: "Master, is there something wrong with my education method? I always hoped that he would be obedient and not cause trouble, and be a good student, but in that case, he would become an exam-oriented education assembly line." products? This kind of result is not what I want. "

Xu Mai rested his chin on top of her head, and said flatly: "Xiao Mu is a boy, and there are some aspects of teaching that the two of us can't do anything about. In my opinion, it's okay to be naughty. When he matures, he will naturally be stable. The important thing Yes, play and adventure make a brave character, and he will grow up not to be timid, but to be a real man."

Min Yue raised her head with admiration in her eyes: "Master thinks so long-term, I never thought of cultivating his masculinity or anything. With an unreliable mother like me, he didn't look crooked. Miracle."

Xu Mai chuckled, and walked towards the bed with her arms in his arms: "Don't worry, he has half of your genes in him. You are so cute, so is he."

Hearing a word of love suddenly, Min Yue's ears felt hot, and he sank limply into the bed.

The pajamas were unbuttoned and stripped to the shoulders, Xu Mai kissed her soft skin inch by inch from her forehead down. The hot kiss lingered on the slender scar on the abdomen, Min Yue shyly stretched out her hand to block it, panting: "Master, don't look there, it's not pretty..."

It was the scar left when Min Jiamu was born by Caesarean section, mixed in the stretch marks, in stark contrast with the smooth and smooth skin of other parts, and looked a little ferocious. Min Yue even joked about it, saying that if I knew it earlier, I would ask Master to sew it up for me. It must be neat and beautiful.

"It's beautiful." Xu Mai held her hand, pulled it to his lips, and kissed reverently on the back of her hand.

She looked up, her eyes were dotted with tears of emotion. "Thank you for giving me a home," she said.

The author has something to say: This chapter is not fat! Fat or not! Hahahaha, proudly akimbo for a while.

Xiao Xiaomai's name is pronounced like this: Jiajia, one tone, Yuan yuan, two tone.

Jiayuan means a complete family. Jiamu means family harmony.