MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 108 extra seven

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Chen Sitian parked the car in the shopping mall that Shen Fei often went to, went to the fashion store she frequented, bought two sets of clothes with her credit card, and asked the clerk to buy a bra from the underwear store next door, and replaced it with new ones from inside to outside.

Shen Fei was not in high spirits, the originally planned fun plan was cancelled, Chen Sitian decided to take her to a place farther away to relax and forget about all this smoky atmosphere.

There are several islands near S City, which were developed relatively late, and there are not many traces of artificial carvings. Except for sporadic fishing villages, there are large forests and wetlands, as well as long coastlines.

The island and the urban area are connected by tunnels and bridges, and it only takes more than an hour to drive there. It was close to eight o'clock when the two of them arrived, the night was dark, the lights of fishing boats floated on the deep sea, the orange light and shadow sprinkled on the waves, and the shadows moved with the wind.

The off-road vehicle was driving along the coastline, Shen Fei rolled down the window, the humid sea breeze poured in instantly, and instantly raised her long hair.

Shen Fei squinted her eyes, pushed the lock of hair that blocked her sight behind her ears, and unconsciously ran her fingertips down the strands of hair until she touched the ends of the hair that almost reached her waist, and she was taken aback for a moment.

After being with Chen Sitian, she never cut her hair again, and before she knew it, it was already so long.

Shen Fei turned her head to look at the people around her, while Chen Sitian reflexively touched her face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Fei was silent for a moment: "It's okay..."

The hair in the palm of her hand was soft and smooth, without any split ends, and it was better than the hair she had spent a lot of money to maintain before.

She always likes to change her hairstyle, just like buying new clothes, blowing, dyeing and ironing in turn, under frequent chemical reagents, no matter how good the hair is, it will inevitably dry out and split ends.

Ms. Tony, the styling director, pinched her hair with her orchid fingers more than once and sighed: "My eldest lady, look at this hair is brittle, and it will break if you pull it lightly. If you are in a bad mood, you can do beauty and buy bags. Don't worry." Stop tossing your hair."

Shen Fei smiled, but didn't take it to heart, her hair is bad, just cut it off.

The same goes for love.

After breaking up again, Shen Fei simply cut her long hair to shoulder length, don't mind hurting things.

Later, whether it was with Tongtong or the girl I ran into in the unknown [unknown] bar, neither of the two parties was distracted, and they just used each other temporarily to make it appear that they were not so lonely.

The meeting with Chen Sitian turned out to be an unexpected accident.

The two stayed at the farmhouse that night, but they didn't sleep for a few hours. Shen Fei was not used to such a hard bed, and Chen Sitian slept too much during the day, so he didn't feel sleepy at all.

After early morning, the sound of the waves became clearer in the quiet night. The two of them stared wide-eyed until the sky was getting dark. Shen Fei suggested, "Would you like to watch the sunrise?"

"Okay." Chen Sitian immediately sat up.

At four o'clock in the morning, the whole island has not yet woken up, and the spring is chilly. Rows of sparrow wings on the tree fork squeeze their wings and snuggle up to keep warm.

Shen Fei stood outside the door of the farmhouse and waited. After finishing the check-out procedures, Chen Sitian pushed aside the windshield curtain and came out. He reached out to help her lift up her collar: "The boss said that the wetlands on the east coast are the most suitable for watching the sunrise. Many outsiders set up their DSLRs and waited after three o’clock, and there were quite a lot of people. Shall we go there, or go further away?”

"Let's go to a place with few people." Shen Fei looked down at the black plastic bag in her right hand, "What is that?"

Chen Sitian shook the plastic bag rattling like a treasure, and said, "Good stuff, I'll let you play with it later."

Chen Sitian's nose was red from the cold, his hair was grabbed and tied behind his head, and he smiled openly. He couldn't tell that he was 34 years old, like a big child with a childlike heart.

Shen Fei hummed, grabbed her icy left hand and interlocked her fingers, and put it into her windbreaker pocket.

Shen Fei had dated several girlfriends, some were straight and some were naturally curvy. During the process of getting along, they all relied on her more. She had a domineering personality, but they got along well.

I never thought that one day I would fall in love with someone like Chen Sitian, and the relationship was quite happy, and—

Hope to be this happy forever.

The wetlands along the coast are covered with dense reeds, and long passages are built with wooden boards, which is convenient for tourists to walk.

As the boss said, the best observation point has already gathered a lot of tourists, all of whom have their own tripods and cameras, ready to gather.

Chen Sitian drove forward for a few kilometers and stopped at the beach covered with gravel.

The two got out of the car, Chen Sitian finally took out the black plastic bag that was hidden all the way, pulled out one, lit it, and ran after Shen Fei laughingly: "Baby, look!"

Shen Fei turned around.

The sky was light and there was a refreshing smell of sea salt in the air. Chen Sitian's silk scarf was lifted high by the wind and floated into the rosy dawn sky.

At her fingertips was a firework stick burning like a dandelion.

Zizi lala jumping sparks, like tiny meteors, flashed across the eyes and fell into the cracks in the scattered rocks in the sea water.

Shen Fei raised her eyebrows in surprise, and the corners of her lips rose accordingly: "Isn't this the kind of fireworks we played with when we were young, where did you find them?"

"Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in the urban area, and the islands can't help it. The owner of the farmhouse bought it for the children at home during the Chinese New Year. Let me collect the rest."

Chen Sitian handed it over with a smile: "Baby, although it's a day late...Happy birthday! I haven't bought the cake, so let's use this as a candle first, and make a wish?"

Shen Fei caught it and asked, "Did you buy 31?"

"No, there are only 18 left. It just so happens that my girlfriend will always be eighteen." Chen Sitian patted a rainbow fart.

Shen Fei was amused, and held the slender firework stick with her fingertips, turning it slowly, instead of making a wish, she said, "Want to hear me tell a story?"

Chen Sitian put away his hippie smile, put on a rare serious expression, and responded seriously: "I think."

This rocky beach is far away from the reeds, and there are few people. The hustle and bustle of tourists is hidden under the sound of sea wind and waves, and the surrounding is so quiet that it seems that there are only two of them in the world at this moment.

Shen Fei looked down at the tiny sparks at her fingertips, opened her mouth slowly, and poured out her rotten and moldy housework little by little from the tightly sealed old jar.

She talked about seeing her father kissing a strange girl in the garage when she was a teenager, and seeing her mother playing with young men hand in hand in a scenic spot when she was in college; she talked about how they acted as equals in front of outsiders, and how they scolded each other hysterically in front of her in private. .

The people around them changed frequently, and at the end, Shen Fei had given up counting.

For infidelity, what is the difference between once and a hundred times?

As long as it happens once, even if it is only a mental affair, the marriage relationship has broken down.

The scary thing is that some people can't stop the loss in time, and they get deeper and deeper in the already unhealthy love, and the more they tolerate, the more they get hurt.

The relationship between Shen Hongzheng and Jiang Jingyun is even more pathological than this. They use this marriage as a stepping stone to seek wealth and power, play their own way, and never divorce, because they are a community of interests.

They are not birds in the same forest, but grasshoppers tied to the same rope.

Shen Fei didn't want to know about the political deals and the black-box operations in the shopping malls. She hated staying in that filthy house and moved to the university dormitory for seven years.

After work, Jiang Jingyun bought her a villa without even saying hello. She refused to accept the key, so the other party went directly to the first attached courtyard to look for her, crying, and asked her with red eyes: "Feifei, do you dislike mother's money?" dirty?"

Shen Fei straightened her lips and remained silent.

Jiang Jingyun said: "You should know what stupid things your father has done. As a woman, I can't get the love of my husband. All I can get is money. Mom works so hard just in case something happens to your father. It can also protect you from worrying about food and clothing. Is it wrong for me to plan for my daughter? Am I going to lose even my daughter's love?"

There were people coming and going in the hospital, and from time to time some people stopped to look from a distance, curiously looking at this gawking lady. Shen Fei had no choice but to take the key and coax her away.

The firework stick burned quietly, and when it was about to burn out, Chen Sitian would light a new one and stuff it into her hand.

That little spark is like a match burning in the hands of a little match seller on a cold winter night.

With weak strength, she supported her to continue speaking.

"Actually, I'm no different from them." Shen Fei lowered her eyelids, her voice was so soft that it would be blown away by the sea breeze. "I changed one girlfriend after another, and spent my most shameless money, and lived... the most hated appearance I ever had."

The 17th firework stick was burnt to the end, Shen Fei squeezed a short piece of hope, and her voice was hoarse: "This is the real me... I was soaked in dirty and smelly swamp water and grew up. Unfaithful genes, blood that stinks of copper."

"I am like this..."

The fireworks burned to the end and gradually extinguished, Shen Fei let go of her hand, hoping to burn to ashes, melt into the sea water, and disappear.

"Not worthy of your love."

The days with Chen Sitian were so happy, so happy that I forgot what kind of person I was, and even for a moment, I believed in the sentence she once promised, "I can give you a home".

But the appearance of Shen Hongzheng awakened this too beautiful fantasy dream, she is not the queen in the fantasy castle.

She's in the mud.

Why drag innocent people into the water.

The longer we get along, the more we know how good Chen Sitian is. She is very different from those girls before. She will not sulk for no reason, will not threaten to break up and block contact information when she is upset, and will not test how much she loves her in various ways.

She stands there all the time, with a big grin, the sky is falling and the earth is falling, she will not leave, like a real knight, forever and ever, guarding the queen in her heart.

But now, she's going to push her away.

Shen Fei pinched her palm vigorously, afraid that if she couldn't hold back, she would shout willfully, can you jump down and accompany me.

She can't be so selfish.

Chen Sitian will have a bright future, and she will not allow her family to be a stain on her resume.

The woman she loves must walk toward the light, follow a snow-clean leader like Xu Mai, and move forward to the peak of scientific research and the sacred honor of doctors.

The sea water rolled up the waves and slapped on the jagged rocky beach, and the shattered water splashed at the feet of the two.

"The tide is rising." Chen Sitian said.

She pulled Shen Fei back, to the grass beside the rocky beach.

She took out the last firework stick from her coat pocket, scratched the match and lit it, stuffed it into Shen Fei's hand, then wrapped her warm palm around the back of her cold hand, and held it tightly.

"Finished?" Chen Sitian looked at her and said, "Then listen to me now, let's exchange a story."

The author has something to say: Both Queen Shen and Sister Tian are female classmates with stories...doge expressions...

It didn't finish again, and the episode 8 continued.

They can be sweet! Can be sweet! real!

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