MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 110 extra nine

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After summer, tropical storms are eyeing, escalating, and heading straight to the coastline.

The sky was gray, the air pressure was shockingly low, and there was not a breath of wind. The birds have long since disappeared, the streets are empty and the city is quieter than ever.

As the evening approached, the wind suddenly picked up, and the branches and leaves of the street trees that hadn't been pruned in time collided with each other and rustled. The newly planted saplings had not yet taken root, but were uprooted by the strong wind and swept into the sky.

Lightning is like a silver sword, splitting the sky, making the sky and the earth turn white.

The rainstorm arrived as expected.

It was on such a rainy night that Shen Fei received a call from Jiang Jingyun: "Feifei, your father was taken away by the Disciplinary Committee."

Shen Hongzheng was reported under his real name by his former mistress, had improper relationships with many women, had a huge amount of property with unknown sources, and accepted bribes.

The typhoon knocked down the signal tower, and the call effect was very poor, and the voice was intermittent, accompanied by the sound of electric current.

Shen Fei stood in front of the French window on the balcony, looking at the sky torn apart by lightning in the distance.

The pouring rain hit the glass, and the torrential rain washed away all the filth, and nothing could escape justice.

It's finally here.

After the case was handed over to the procuratorate, the Shen family found a top lawyer in the industry for him. A year later, the result of the first trial came down and he was punished for several crimes. Shen Hongzheng was sentenced to 12 years in prison, confiscated all property that could not be identified, and imposed a high fine.

This verdict was the best the lawyer could get. The Shen family didn't continue to appeal, but they didn't expect that there would be an accident regarding the fine.

Jiang Jingyun refused to pay the fine.

Her reason was: "I have asked a lawyer to bring the divorce agreement to Shen Hongzheng. He has nothing to do with me. Why should I waste money on him?"

Shen Fei's uncle was sitting in the yellow rosewood chair, cutting a cigar, with a solemn and deep face, and said in a deep voice, "Marriage property is not up to you."

Jiang Jingyun crossed her arms and sneered: "Your Shen family is not the only one who can afford a good lawyer. Let's put it bluntly. I won't give him half of the money the company has earned over the years!"

"Don't go too far." Shen Hongzheng's younger sister joined the quarrel, "If it weren't for my second brother's support, the company would be able to grow as big as it is today? If you know your kindness, you must repay it."

"That's the opposite. If I, Jiang Jingyun, didn't take the money to manage it, he might still be a small section chief who helps the leader write materials every day!"

Shen Fei sat on the single sofa in the corner, watching everything in the living room with cold eyes.

The fake couple who quarreled all their lives are finally getting divorced.

Flying separately in the face of a catastrophe, they have no feelings in the first place, relying entirely on the support of their interests, and now one of them has lost its use value, and the other will abandon him without hesitation to minimize the loss.

Shen Hongzheng couldn't tell how much property he really had, and Shen Fei didn't know, but she knew that the figures announced in the verdict must have been "discussed" by lawyers many times.

The lawyers hired by the Shen family were very powerful, and the fines were very high, so Shen Hongzheng was only sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Even if he didn't win meritorious deeds and reduce his sentence in the later period, after 12 years of squatting, he would be less than 70 years old when he came out, and he could start over.

But Jiang Jingyun is unwilling to spend money to help him buy these precious 12 years. Whether he will die of old age in prison, she doesn't care at all.

A one-night couple, a hundred days of kindness, they have been a husband and wife for half their lives, and in the end there is only hatred.

Shen Fei pinched her knuckles, exerting force unconsciously, unable to tell what she felt.

"You vicious woman! Do you have to see my second brother die inside to be satisfied!" The quarrel became intense, and Shen Hongzheng's sister lost her demeanor.

Jiang Jingyun was calm and relaxed, and hung her head high: "You brothers and sisters love each other deeply, so you pay to save your brother, it's only tens of millions, don't tell me that your Shen family can't afford it."

The other party was like a cockfighting **** being strangled, blushing with anger, but unable to fight back.

The Shen family was rich, but Shen Hongzheng's fall was to serve as an example to others. In this critical period, whoever dares to stand out will undoubtedly be the next one to be interviewed by the Disciplinary Committee.

The Shen brothers and sisters fell into helpless silence.

Unable to advance or retreat, when it was difficult to move an inch, I suddenly heard someone in the distance say lightly: "I will pay."

Shen Fei, who had been silent all this time, opened her mouth: "Fifty million, I'll pay."

Jiang Jingyun was shocked: "Where did you get the money?"

"I still have a villa under my name, don't I?" Shen Fei stood up and said lightly.

"I don't agree!" Jiang Jingyun was very emotional, "I bought it for you, sold it, where do you live?"

The properties under the names of Shen Hongzheng and Jiang Jingyun were all sealed up, except for the villa where Shen Fei lived, which was bought with the company's dividends and kept.

"That's it." Shen Fei stood beside the one-meter-high fortune tree, with a calm expression, without any regrets: "It just so happens that I don't want anything you give me."

The house was sold and so was the car. Shen Fei directly gave the card to the lawyer, waved her hand, took nothing away, and walked out of the intermediary exchange with a clean body.

Holding the card, the lawyer looked at this unusual rich kid from behind his glasses without showing any emotion: "Your father has something to convey to me. He knows you are very filial. When he comes out, he will definitely make it up to you."

Shen Fei stood on the side of the road waving to hail a taxi, her cool voice floated above the hustle and bustle of the mundane world, exuding a sense of open-mindedness and freedom that was born out of this world.

She said: "Please tell my father that people should be responsible for what they do. I will face up to my future life, and I hope he can figure out how to live and not repeat the same mistakes."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, she bent down and got into the taxi, reported the address of the First Affiliated Hospital, leaned into the seat, and closed her eyes.

Finally bid farewell to the absurd life.

Shen Fei worked the night shift tonight, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon when she arrived at the ward. She put on a white coat and tied her ponytail in front of the mirror.

The door of the lounge was not closed tightly, and the slit was open. The property cleaning was mopping the floor of the corridor, and the pungent smell of disinfectant poured in through the slit.

The patients passing by the door were so choked that their eyes and noses were sour, so they walked a few steps quickly to avoid it.

Someone got closer and closer, and stopped at the door. Shen Fei subconsciously turned her head to look over, the door was pushed open, and a green figure appeared in front of her eyes.

The other party closed the door behind her, took off her mask, rushed towards her with teary eyes, and hung it on her neck: "Woooooooo Feifei, you must be very sad, don't be afraid, I'm here to accompany you, woooooooooo..."

Shen Fei bent her neck under the weight, bowed her upper body in coordination, and patted the other person's back funnyly: "They are all married, and they are still crying. Ah Yue, let me go, you are strangling me so much that I can't breathe." gas."

When Min Yue came out of the operating room and saw the news of the "Tiger Beating" trial, she went straight to the cardiology department without changing her clothes.

Let go of the arms that hugged her tightly, and wiped away tears while crying, while observing her: "Beifei, you don't have to be strong in front of me, just cry, I'll keep it a secret for you!"

Shen Fei pulled a piece of paper and handed it over: "You have already cried for me, I don't feel bad anymore."

Min Yue wiped her nose and looked at her expression carefully with her swollen eyes: "Feifei, are you really okay? You must tell me if you have anything to do. Although I can't help much, at least I can spare a room for you and Tian Sister live."

"Living under the same roof as Master Mo, your sweet sister will probably go crazy." Shen Fei joked, raised her index finger, and tapped on Min Yue's forehead: "I don't fall that easily, Ah Yue, don't be afraid."

Jiang Jingyun has expressed her intention to emigrate many times in recent years. After the divorce, there will be no obstacles at all, and it is estimated that she will leave soon.

After Shen Hongzheng went in, counting the commutation of his sentence, he would not be able to get out for seven or eight years.

In a sense, it is almost equal to the "death" of the family and the bankruptcy of the family.

Such a drastic change would definitely not be acceptable to ordinary people. Depression, autism, and mental disorders are all possible.

Shen Fei was calm from the beginning to the end. During the whole year when the rumors were spreading wildly, she never lost her posture in front of others.

She doesn't ask for leave, doesn't dodge, and works as usual, accepting all scrutiny and evaluation.

Some people praised her for being immaculate, some speculated that she was as beautiful as she was, some people incited the masses to ask her to be cleared from the first attached courtyard, and some even pointed their noses at her and called her the daughter of a corrupt official.

Chen Sitian protected her, took off his coat to help her block those vicious and hateful sights, but she pushed him away lightly.

Wearing a white coat, she stood in the courtyard where people come and go at lunchtime, under the big-character posters that publicly slandered her, with her back straight.

"I had nothing to hide from," she said.

She is worthy of this white coat, standing innocently under the sun, letting everyone scrutinize her, without shrinking, avoiding, or feeling guilty or afraid.

The original family is her only stain, but everyone must bravely face their own destiny.

A few words and a few words coaxed the little crying Bao Min Yue away, and persuaded her to go away. Shen Fei took out her phone, thought for a while, and sent a message to Chen Sitian:

[The rich woman in my heart is bankrupt, and I have no money to support the senior green collar outside my heart. 】

[In the future, can you raise me instead? 】

After a while, I received a reply, which was a fuzzy panda emoji with an OK gesture.

【sure! But we have to tighten our belts and eat less! 】

Followed by another picture of Zhang Fei's expression with tears in his eyes.

The black-bearded iron man was crying, but the cute contrast made Shen Fei laugh out loud, and after a while, she replied: 【I can eat half a bowl. 】

Chen Sitian replied in seconds: [I'll eat your leftover half bowl! what! We were made for each other! 】

Shen Fei put away her phone, didn't reply, opened the door and went out, and devoted herself to her busy work, the curve of her lips was always warm and upward.

Chen Sitian sold the car, took back the greatly reduced depreciation money with heartache, paid the down payment, and bought a second-hand loft in the suburbs.

During the renovation, she borrowed a sum of money from the bank. Shen Fei asked her to read the contract carefully to see how the tax rate was calculated. Chen Sitian went in one ear and out the other, closed his eyes and signed the name with a wave of his hand.

Shen Fei anxiously pulled her ear: "What's the matter with you, I haven't read the lines explaining the early repayment."

Chen Sitian turned around and hugged Shen Fei's waist, and said aggrievedly: "All I pay is IQ tax, baby! If I had that kind of brains, I wouldn't have bought a car a few years ago, and it would be great to just buy a house with full payment!"

Shen Fei tugged at her ear and shook it: "Wake up quickly, even ten years ago with your little money, you couldn't buy a house in full."

The bank manager covered his mouth and snickered, quietly put away the contract, and took out the financial product brochure: "You two beauties, let's learn about investment and financial management?"

The two turned their heads in unison: "No money!"

After the renovation, I moved in, and it was already winter.

The second floor of the loft is a small study and a bedroom. There are tatami mats next to the window, covered with thick and soft quilts.

On the night when the first snow fell in S City, Shen Fei and Chen Sitian were nestled in the warm blanket, head to head, watching a movie with a projector.

The rhythm of the literary film is slow, the soundtrack is soft, accompanied by the rustling of snow falling outside the window, the world is as quiet as if there are only two heartbeats.

Chen Sitian looked at it for a while, and his hands and feet began to be dishonest. He pressed Shen Fei and kissed her ear, and coaxed her in a low voice: "Honey, it's New Year's Day, and the new year is new. Can we make new progress in our intimacy?"

Shen Fei hooked her neck: "What's the progress?"

Chen Sitian lowered his eyes, looked straight into the eyes of his servant who was full of passion, and said very suggestively: "That's it."

She had said similar words countless times, thinking that it would be the same this time, and Shen Fei would immediately throw her on the bed and tell her to stop thinking about it.

The air was quiet for a moment, and Chen Sitian sighed in disappointment in his heart. He was about to turn over and lie down obediently, waiting for the queen to come. Suddenly, a pair of slender legs wrapped around his waist.

Chen Sitian was taken aback for a moment.

Shen Fei put her hands on the back of her head and pulled her towards her: "If you can't do it well, I will kick you down."

Chen Sitian was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly understood, his eyes brightened: "Baby! You will definitely fall in love, I swear!"

The tone of the movie gradually darkened. In the deep night scene, Chen Sitian sat on his knees, unbuttoning his home clothes with one hand.

After obtaining the permission, the usually restrained aura was unscrupulously released, and there was a dull light in her eyes, which were deep and sharp.

Like a knight aiming at his prey, the bow has been charged, the arrow has been wound, ready to launch a surprise attack at any time.

Shen Fei squinted her eyes at her sweetheart, and suddenly realized that she really found an extraordinary person.

The movie scenes are constantly changing, and the lights and shadows are on and off. Whose fingers are buried in the scalding heat source, whose nails are dug into the flesh, leaving a mark of deep love.

After the movie was played, the sky gradually brightened, and a soft beam of light entered the room with a clear snow.

Chen Sitian turned over and leaned against the cushion at the head of the bed, pulled his sweaty lover out of the bed, hugged her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and smiled triumphantly and contentedly: "Baby, how am I doing? Do you love me?" I love you so much, do you regret not agreeing earlier?"

"Oh." Shen Fei laughed coldly, sat up, grabbed her hands with one hand and pressed them on the head of the bed, pressed her left leg against her knees, and then poked her right hand in along the seam of her legs. "I'll make you regret every word you just said."

"Bao... um..."

Whether it was struggling to beg for mercy, or trying to curry favor and show weakness, the burning love and deep desire were all poured into the passionate kiss all night.

During the Chinese New Year, a group of people from the Department of Cardiology went to their house to make hot pot. It was called a celebration of housewarming, but in fact they ate and drank for free.

After being dumped by the bridesmaids at Deng Sang's wedding, Hu Yidao returned to the bachelor brigade, looked around while eating: "Hey, let me tell you, Tiantian, your house only has one bedroom, what should you do when you have children, and change rooms? "

Chen Sitian grabbed a beef ball and stuffed it into Shen Fei's bowl, then stretched out his chopsticks to grab the fat beef for himself: "It's too expensive to raise a child, and it's hard to raise both of us with this salary."

"Preparing for DINK, right? That's a good relationship. I guess marriage is out of the question. When we grow old, the three of us will live in a nursing home together, Doudizhu!"

"Who wants to live with you, besides, three missing one."

"There's one more..." Hu Yidao just glanced at Min Yue, who immediately crossed his hands.

"Don't think about it, my mother is in a hurry to give birth, I guess the two-person world between me and Master won't last long." Min Yue said inarticulately while chewing the crispy sausage that Xu Mai put into the bowl.

Shen Fei took a sip of the juice, looked at the person across the small square table, and suggested: "Ah Yue, why don't you give birth to a few more, and recognize us as godmothers, and we will help raise them. Your burden will be less, and I will be sweet with you in the future." When my sister is old, she can also have a backer."

Min Yue blushed: "How many are there, at most two."

Chen Sitian patted the table: "Okay! That's two! It's a deal?"

Min Yue turned to look at the people around her, asking for advice, Xu Mai looked at her and smiled: "It's fine if you agree."

"That's it!" Chen Sitian applauded excitedly, and poured a glass of wine to respect Min Yue: "Baby, her mother... this title seems wrong, anyway, that's what it means. From tonight, our two families will establish an inseparable revolution." Love! Come, let's drink to the family!"

"Cheers to friendship too." Deng Sang followed suit.

"There are also friends, oh no, friendship!" Hu Yidao laughed.

The hot pot is boiling, spicy and delicious, boiling the essence of life.

Everyone will walk a long way alone in a certain period of life and experience a lot of ups and downs.

And when you meet another lone traveler, join a group of like-minded partners, and gradually taste a little sweetness from the bitter life.

The world isn't that good, but it's not too bad either, and it's worth your love.

Lovers and friends, with the same lonely heart, are walking towards you, and will eventually meet you warmly.

【End of the full text】

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