MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 2 dangerous surgery

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There are more than 30 doctors in the Department of Cardiac Surgery, divided into two groups, with 86 ordinary beds equally divided.

Xu Mai had just returned from overseas for half a year, and it was difficult to really grasp the patient's condition by relying only on the contents of the handover record book, so she took several attending physicians to check the ward.

The First Affiliated Hospital implements the system of doctors and nurses checking the ward together, so when Xu Mai walked into the ward, the head nurse immediately took the nurses in charge of each bed to follow.

More than a dozen people surrounded the narrow hospital bed tightly, and Min Yue paced back and forth, trying to find a gap so that she could see clearly the scene of Xu Mai's consultation.

However, Min Yue is an intern doctor, so she has no sense of existence in the eyes of the nurses. Under the pressure of Xu Mai's ward rounds, everyone put up all their energy to deal with it, and didn't notice that someone was squeezed outside and couldn't get in.

Min Yue could only hear the voice of Xu Mai talking with the patient, but couldn't see anything. She was worrying when she suddenly heard that she was called by name.

"Min Yue."

Min Yue conditioned reflex: "Here!" Fearing that Xu Mai would not find her, Min Yue raised her hand high to signal that she was present.

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Xu Mai turned his head and glanced, found a hand over the heads of the crowd, swaying in mid-air, and said: "Give way, let her in."

Only then did the nurses make way sideways, and Min Yue finally squeezed into the first row and stood beside the hospital bed.

Xu Mai handed over the stethoscope. "Come and listen."

The crowd who had been tightly surrounded just now took half a step back at the same moment, with sympathy on their faces.

Min Yue looked suspiciously at Chen Sitian, who quietly clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture. Min Yue suddenly understood that she was being questioned.

During the postgraduate training period, Min Yue followed the teacher to make ward rounds and went through a lot of examinations. The difference is that the former attending physician treated her as a student, half for exams and half for teaching, and asked basic questions, even if she couldn't answer them well, just told her to go back to read the book, that's all.

But Xu Mai is at the level of a great god, so her question must not be simple. And I heard that she is very strict. There used to be a timid female intern who didn't answer, and Xu Mai didn't even admonish her. Seeing her face, the other party cried in fright.

Min Yue couldn't help but howled inwardly. She knew that she would be questioned by Xu Mai today, so she read more books before.

Min Yue bit the bullet and took the stethoscope, arranged the patient to lie on the left side, and put the earpiece on the other's chest. After listening to one position, move the earpieces and continue listening to the next position.

Seeing her finish checking the five traditional auscultation areas, Xu Mai asked: "Did you hear anything wrong?"

Min Yue pointed to the second intercostal space on the right border of the patient's sternum. "I heard a systolic murmur in the aortic region."

Chen Sitian secretly gave thumbs up to his side, indicating that he was doing well.

It seems that they have passed the test, Min Yue just breathed a sigh of relief, and heard Xu Mai ask: "What are the common diseases?"

"Uh..." Min Yue searched hard in her mind. She probably remembered which page of the textbook those complicated nouns were on, but it was difficult to recall them completely.

Like squeezing toothpaste, Min Yue said intermittently: "I remember rheumatic mitral valve inflammation, rheumatic mitral stenosis, infective endocarditis, rheumatoid heart disease..."

"Is that all?"

"No, there are other things." Min Yue didn't dare to look at Xu Mai's expression, and lowered her head in shame. "I can't remember..."

Xu Mai continued to ask the next question: "There are so many diseases, how do you determine which one the patient has?"

Min Yue tentatively said: "The clinical symptoms are different. You can ask the patient where they feel uncomfortable, and you can also do a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram to get a definite conclusion."

After answering, Min Yue rubbed her stethoscope nervously, waiting for the legendary tornado across the Pacific Ocean.

Unexpectedly, Xu Mai didn't make any comments, and after instructing the patient a few words, he turned and went to the next bed.

The surrounding doctors and nurses huffed and followed, and surrounded the other hospital bed, and Min Yue returned to the state of being out of the crowd again.

Because of nervousness, her palms were sweating, and she casually wiped the white coat clean. Min Yue took a deep breath, mustered up her courage, and squeezed to stand next to Xu Mai.

"Director Xu, we are relieved when you come." The voice of the patient's family came from the crowd.

"All the doctors in our department have rich clinical experience, you can rest assured." Xu Mai calmed down the emotions of the family members first, and then asked, "How is your mother these days?"

The patient in this bed is an elderly man in her 80s. She went to a local hospital because of chest tightness and shortness of breath. She was diagnosed with rheumatic valvular heart disease. The doctor suggested that she undergo heart valve surgery. But she herself was afraid of heart surgery, and her children did not dare to try it rashly, considering that their mother was old and the surgery was very risky.

The old man was transferred to the Department of Cardiology for conservative treatment, but the effect was not satisfactory. He gradually developed to the point where he could not breathe while lying flat, and his liver and kidney functions were also affected. If it continued to deteriorate, it would be life-threatening.

The children made many inquiries and learned that the Cardiac Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of F University had an excellent reputation, so they were transferred here. After being admitted to the hospital, I chatted with the patients and found that everyone praised Director Xu, so I waited wholeheartedly for Xu Mai to come back to be the surgeon.

"I plan to arrange surgery next week, and pay attention to blood pressure control recently..."

"Director Xu!" Before Xu Mai's doctor's order was finished, a little nurse ran in with a panicked expression, and said very quickly: "The blood pressure and heartbeat of the patients on the 7th bed of the intensive care unit have disappeared!"

Min Yue's eyes widened in shock. She remembered that the patient had aortic dissection, and the operation was scheduled for tomorrow, but it suddenly deteriorated.

This is a very dangerous disease, once diagnosed, the patient will be admitted to the intensive care unit. A single cough may cause the artery to rupture, and the blood will flow directly into the chest cavity, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain, heart and other vital organs, leading to shock and even death.

It is an immortal, and it is a whirlwind killer. To treat this disease, you need to beat time.

Min Yue didn't dare to delay, Xu Mai reacted faster, and ran to the SICU first, and several attending physicians also quickly followed. The wind brought by everyone's running lifted the white coats and merged into a white torrent in the light green corridor.

Working in the Department of Cardiac Surgery involves dealing with severe cases and emergencies, and sometimes there are rescues several times a week.

But this time, there is Xu Mai.

Min Yue looked at the white shadow running in the front, and her panic calmed down a lot.

A group of people rushed to the SICU quickly. Min Yue just settled down outside the door when he heard Xu Mai's shout from inside: "Push the operating room!"

The next second, the door was slammed open, and the hospital bed was almost knocked out. The attending physicians pushed the hospital bed to the elevator, Xu Mai quickly dialed, notified the emergency operating room to prepare to pick up the patient, and contacted the anesthesiology department and the blood transfusion department to come to assist.

When passing by Min Yue, Xu Mai grabbed her hand, and the latter was led to a trot. Xu Mai said while running: "You go to notify the family members and sign it quickly!"


After explaining the work, Xu Mai let go of his hand and disappeared into the elevator along with the hospital bed. Min Yue trotted back to the doctor's duty room, and contacted the patient's family members to rush over. The doctor in charge of the seventh bed talked with the family members, and both parties signed the critical illness notice.

The patient was in his prime of life and was the pillar of a large family, but he had this disease that was close to death. I thought it would be cured after the operation tomorrow, but something unexpected happened, and the family couldn't accept it, so they huddled in their chairs and wiped their tears.

Min Yue's heart was soft, and she didn't want to see others being sad, so she said a few words of comfort. The old mother of the patient suddenly fell to her knees, grabbed the hem of Min Yue's white coat, and begged repeatedly to save her son.

Min Yue was taken aback, and hurried to help her, but the other party was heartbroken, so there was no way she could help her.

The doctor in charge of bed 7 persuaded: "Old lady, we can understand your feelings very well. He is only in his thirties and is the only source of income for the family. We will definitely go all out to treat him, use the best equipment, and finally A good doctor has no reservations. But this disease is indeed very dangerous, and the possibility of being rescued is very small. I hope you are prepared in your heart."

Seeing that the old man was crying less, he continued to comfort him: "Our Director Xu is on the operating table, and Director Zheng has also rushed back from the outpatient clinic. The top team is rescuing your son. I hope your family members can trust us. There is a glimmer of hope that we can be saved, we will definitely not give up, and hope that you can cooperate with us in our work."

The tearful eyes of the patient's father were full of hope. "We definitely trust the doctor. Since we come here to see a doctor, we believe it wholeheartedly. I understand that everything you do is to save my son, and we will definitely cooperate."

Min Yue knelt down, supported the old lady's arm and said, "Now the doctors are doing their best, and you should also pray for his safety. I will help you to sit in the waiting area."

The patient's wife and Min Yue helped the old man up and sent him to the family waiting area outside the operating room. The old man tremblingly grabbed Min Yue's hand and asked, "Girl, when will my son come out?"

Min Yue didn't answer directly, but tried to comfort her with a steady voice: "The best doctors in the Cardiac Surgery Department are here. Every minute and every second you waited, they spared no effort to save your son."

"The best doctor?" The old man was very scared, so he wanted to confirm that the life-saving straw she grasped was the most reliable.

Min Yue held the old man's hand instead, and nodded firmly. "Well, the best."

The entire First Affiliated Academy knew that her master was the best in the world.

The author has something to say: explain a noun, SICU—the intensive care unit of the surgical system.

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