MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 23 doctor's order

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There was a dull pain in his stomach, but he had to go to the laboratory later, so Xu Mai went back to the lounge of the Cardiac Surgery Department, intending to take a rest.

After drinking Min Yue's warmed milk and pulling up the curtains, Xu Mai lay down.

Last night and today at noon, he stood for two surgeries in a row, and his energy was exhausted. After closing his eyes for a long time, Xu Mai fell into a deep sleep.

In my sleep, I saw the little girl standing alone in the crowd again.

That was what happened when she was five years old, but it was clearly engraved in her mind. For more than twenty years, she wanted to forget it, but she couldn't.

Whenever the body and mind are exhausted, the memory of the past will entrain the blade, and it will unstoppably ravage the atrium with the attitude of a gust of wind passing through the border.

Destroy the already empty heart into a desert.

That time, she and her grandmother got separated in the outpatient building. The ambulance roared in, sending the injured of the major car accident to the emergency department one by one.

She stood bewildered among the hurried crowd, surrounded by heart-piercing cries, and the blood-stained wounded in front of her eyes.

"Kids, don't stand here and block the way!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Quickly call the blood bank for a blood match, call the orthopedic and cardiac surgery departments, and ask them to take a look!"

She clutched the corner of her clothes tightly, carefully dodged the running adults, retreated to the corner, her back was pressed against the cold tiles, and her heart was panicked.

In the chaos of war, no one has time to take care of a little girl who is as inconspicuous as a bean sprout.

She had no choice but to stand silently in the corner, not crying, but terrified in her heart.

The door of the emergency room opened and closed, and people passing by turned a blind eye to her, and her bright eyes gradually dimmed.

"Professor, the patient's condition is really bad, please come and take a look."

"What's going on now?"

"The left ventricle was ruptured, the amount of bleeding was very heavy, and the blood pressure had dropped to..."

Hearing the sound, she raised her head and met the eyes of the person walking towards her.

The man called the professor was over fifty years old, but he didn't look old. He walked vigorously, his eyes were piercing, and his temperament exuded the calmness and stability accumulated from thirty years of professional experience.

When he saw Xu Mai, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he turned to the doctor in the emergency department and said, "Go and rescue him first, I'll come right away."

Then he walked up to Xu Mai and looked down at her, the corners of his mouth were tense, unable to read his emotions.

Xu Mai opened his mouth silently, the title he hadn't said for a long time was so unfamiliar that he dared not pronounce it.

The outpatient building was full of people, but the corner where she was sitting was as quiet as stagnant water.

She heard the man say, "You shouldn't have come."

She lowered her gaze, staring at her toes, her slender back arched, trying to shrink her body and reduce her sense of existence.

She has always known that the other party rejects her, but hearing it from her grandma is very different from hearing it from him.

She felt very clearly that she was disgusted.

She nestled in the abandoned corner, watching the other party turn and leave without hesitation, walking farther and farther, blending into the bustling crowd, a thought grew in her young heart——

My own existence is probably a mistake...

Xu Mai suddenly opened his eyes.

The sound of the helicopter propeller whistling outside the window, the dazzling white searchlight flashed across the curtains, the room was bright for a moment, and then fell into silent darkness.

I got out of bed and opened the curtains, and saw the rescue helicopter flying over the roof and slowly landing on the outpatient building.

With a release of her hand, the lifted curtains fell back to their original positions, and the light from the street lamp was filtered through the linen cloth, leaking a few faint yellow beams and falling on her shoulders.

Her face was hidden in a dark place beyond the light, and all her emotions were buried in the night.

The door to the living room was pushed open with a slight creak. The high-wattage LED lights in the corridor scattered in, and the pale light was very dazzling.

Xu Mai couldn't help closing his eyes, and heard someone behind him softly say: "Master...are you awake?"

Xu Mai turned around and saw Min Yue standing at the door, holding a medicine bag in his hand. She stood against the light, but the concern on her face was clearly seen.

In the heart as desolate as the Gobi, a moist wind suddenly blows.

On such a difficult night, Min Yue's appearance gave her great comfort.

In the bathroom just now, she opened the door and came out, and when she saw Min Yue waiting at the door, her heart was really warm.

She is really a good kid. Xu Mai thought.

No wonder everyone loves her.

Min Yue may not know that during the consultation, people from other departments always mention her, saying that the new Dr. Min in your department is very good, is he still single?

Some people may have only met her once, but they immediately remembered her—the smiling and beautiful girl in the heart surgery department.

Xu Mai turned on the light, and the room suddenly lit up. Min Yue couldn't get used to it, so she squinted her eyes subconsciously.

Xu Mai looked at her quietly, with a slightly childish face, crescent-like crescent eyes, and always smiling mouth, powder carved jade, pleasing to the eye, she is indeed a beautiful girl.

Min Yue opened her eyes and saw Xu Mai staring at her, subconsciously touching her face.

Xu Mai staggered his gaze and sat on the edge of the bed. "Didn't you go home?"

Min Yue took out a box of medicine from the bag and said, "Master, are you feeling better? I just went to the pharmacy to buy stomach medicine. If you still feel uncomfortable, just take the medicine."

After speaking, he picked up the glass on the bedside table, intending to fetch hot water for Xu Mai.

Xu Mai suddenly reached out to hold the cup, with his index finger and little finger resting lightly on the back of Min Yue's hand.

"Master?" Min Yue kept his posture, not daring to move.

Xu Mai said quietly: "Tomorrow... Come to the outpatient clinic with me."

The topic was very jumpy, and Min Yue was taken aback for a moment before answering: "Okay, Master."

"You go home first, don't be late tomorrow morning." Xu Mai slightly exerted his hand holding the cup, "I'll do it myself."

Min Yue let go of her hand worriedly. "Master, is he still going to the lab tonight?"

The physical and mental state is not good, and even if I go, I can't put in work. Xu Mai gave himself a rare vacation: "I won't go, just sleep here for one night."

Seeing that she would not drag her sick body to work, Min Yue felt a little relieved, and said: "Master, if you feel unwell in the middle of the night, call me. I live very close, and it takes ten minutes by taxi."

Xu Mai declined: "I live in the hospital, and I can call someone when I go out."

Min Yue said quietly: "But I'm worried about Master..."

Xu Mai was taken aback.


Haven't heard the word in years...

Seeing that the other party didn't respond for a long time, Min Yue thought she was tired, so she didn't disturb her rest, and said, "Master, then I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

The door was gently closed, and Min Yue left.

Xu Mai stared in the direction of the door in a daze, recalling the worry she said several times, her heart gradually became a little damp.

Xu Mai fell asleep slowly with a soft heart, dreaming that a torrential rain had fallen on the arid Gobi Desert after a long absence.

Early the next morning, Min Yue arrived at the outpatient hall. The working hours of the outpatient clinic are between 8:00 and 7:30, and the waiting area is already full of people who come to see a doctor.

After getting the key from the nurse at the guidance desk, Min Yue opened the door, intending to tidy up the internal affairs of the consultation room first.

This is the first time she has been to the outpatient clinic since she was admitted to the hospital for three months, and she has some expectations in her heart.

Xu Mai stepped into the consulting room at 7:45. Min Yue neatly coded the prescription, like a block of tofu, and stacked it next to the printer. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Xu Mai coming, and said hello with a smile: "Good morning, Master."

Xu Mai smiled lightly, nodded and said, "Morning."

"Master, is your stomach still hurting?" Min Yue stopped what she was doing, and leaned forward to ask.

"much better."

"Have you had breakfast, master? What did you eat? If you don't eat well, it hurts your stomach. Master, you should pay attention. When you have an upset stomach, you should eat light, digestible food, and don't touch biscuits."

Xu Mai sat down at the table, lowered his head and pressed the power button of the computer, turned around and saw Min Yue standing by the table with his arms outstretched, looking at him rightly, and said with a smile: "Are you giving me a doctor's order?"

Realizing that she was talking too much, Min Yue touched her nose and said, "I dare not give Master a doctor's order...but I want to take care of Master..."

Xu Mai was taken aback for a moment, before he could figure out what she meant, he saw an old man in a wheelchair appearing at the door of the consulting room.

The nurse stood outside the door and said, "Director Xu, I'm sorry, this uncle's number is not the first one, but he is over eighty years old. Could you help him take a look first?"

Xu Mai’s outpatient clinic is a specialist account, and it often takes about a week in advance to make an appointment. The patients who come to see the doctor have complicated conditions, and everyone hopes to be queued to their own account quickly, so behaviors such as adding a sign and jumping in the queue are very intolerable. Often lead to quarrels.

One of the important tasks of the guide nurse is to arrange the order of patients' medical treatment reasonably. In addition to the order of the number, they also need to consider the emergency, passing the number, temporarily adding the number, and returning to the doctor after receiving the checklist.

One of the principles is to give priority to older patients.

Xu Mai nodded in understanding, and signaled the family members to push the patient in. After asking his name, he was transferred to the front in the numbering system.

Min Yue had no experience and no right to prescribe, so she stood quietly next to Xu Mai all morning, observing how she consulted a doctor.

If the condition is not serious, prescribe some medicine and let the patient go back to take the medicine and continue to observe. If the condition is serious, he will be hospitalized.

Compared with the work intensity of several operations per day in the ward and being ready for rescue at any time, the pressure of the outpatient clinic is a little easier, but there are many people who register. In order to ensure that everyone can see the doctor, Xu Mai calls one after another. There is no idle time.

He had to inquire about his condition, give instructions on precautions, and explain how to take the medicine. Xu Mai kept talking, his voice gradually hoarse.

Min Yue made a glass of honey water and put it beside her, but she didn't have time to take a sip until the warm water turned cold.

Min Yue found that Xu Mai was very gentle with the patients. She said the same instructions dozens of times, but she was not bothered, and she still told the next patient verbatim.

When writing the checklist to the patient, she will also take the initiative to say which room the check is done on which floor and how long it will take to get the result, and remind the patient to come to her again with the test result.

Xu Mai's voice became hoarse and hoarse. Hearing the back, Min Yue couldn't help but ask for help. Once Xu Mai was about to issue the checklist, Min Yue said those words on her behalf.

At 11:30, there were still more than a dozen patients sitting in the waiting area. They were afraid that they would not see a doctor after waiting all morning, so they took turns to ask, "Doctor, can I still be in the queue in the morning?"

Xu Mai replied over and over again: "Don't worry, I won't get off work until I read the numbers."

The dry and cold wind from the air conditioner made her mouth swell. Min Yue couldn't bear it, and before calling the next patient after consulting the previous patient, she held down Xu Mai's mouse and said : "Master, take a break for two minutes and drink some water."

Min Yue pushed the glass towards her hand, and Xu Mai noticed that Min Yue had poured honey water for her.

After drinking half of the glass in one breath, Xu Mai stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back, call me if I need anything."

"Okay, Master."

Xu Mai walked through the corridor, bypassed the internal medicine consultation area, and walked into the corner bathroom.

His heart was beating violently, with a premonition of uneasiness. Xu Mai turned his head and looked in the direction of the Cardiac Surgery Department with concern.

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