MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 25 Into V three-in-one

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At lunch time, the outpatient building became deserted, but there were many people gathered on the floor of the Department of Cardiac Surgery, and they were all doctors in white coats.

They heard that there was a medical disturbance in the cardiac surgery department, so they rushed over to help, but they found that the patient who caused the disturbance died of illness.

A group of people were lamenting the decline of the world and the difficulty of practicing medicine. They suddenly saw someone coming out of the heart surgery department, and hurriedly gathered around and asked with concern, "Are you injured?"

Min Yue shook her head in a low voice, but the blood on her back was very eye-catching, and was soon discovered.

"You're bleeding!"

The female doctor stretched out her hand to press Min Yue's bones as she spoke, wanting to check whether there was any abnormality in Min Yue's bones, but the latter stopped her calmly.

"I'm fine... let's go first..."

The doctors who were left at the scene looked at each other with puzzled eyes.

"What happened to her? Was she frightened?"

"I guess I was terrified enough. Not long after I stayed in the clinic, I was harassed by the doctor, and then rescued, but I still haven't been saved... triple blow, it seems to be uncomfortable for a while..."

Min Yue returned to the ward sadly, and was surrounded by nurses as soon as she got out of the elevator. They asked Min Yue if there was anything wrong, and scolded the man who made trouble, and then prayed that the family members would understand the truth and not take advantage of the situation to rob and extort money.

Min Yue lowered her head, her ears were buzzing, and she didn't want to say anything.

"Everyone go, the patient has passed away, so let's not say a few words."

The nurses complained that Tiantian's voice could be heard clearly in the duty room. If other patients heard it and said that the medical staff had no medical ethics, Chen Sitian rushed over to interrupt them.

The young nurses realized that they had made a slip of the tongue, and turned their heads to see many people standing in the corridor of the ward looking this way, and dispersed in embarrassment.

Chen Sitian patted Min Yue's drooping head, and said, "I heard from Master Mo that your back was injured? Let's go, go back to the lounge and look at it for you."

Deng Sang sat by the bed and waited. Seeing them push the door in, she hurriedly put the medicine tray on the desk behind the door, and urged Min Yue to sit down.

"Take off your shirt, I'll disinfect it for you."

Min Yue was like a puppet on a string, listless, she would do what they said.

Min Yue sat down with her back to them, took off her white coat and the short sleeves inside, hugged her in her arms, and lay down on the table.

"The back is bruised, and the skin is scratched." Chen Sitian checked it again and confirmed that there was nothing serious, so he was relieved. Seeing her sullen, he deliberately teased her: "Xiao Mingyue, your blood clotting mechanism is not very good... I am much better Yes, I cut my tonsils before, and the blood spurted out like a faucet, which frightened Dr. Zhang, the ENT doctor. I told her it was okay, and it stopped within a minute. She called me the faucet when she saw me later, saying that I Easy to switch."

After finishing speaking, I first laughed haha, laughed a few times and saw that no one else responded, so I stopped in embarrassment.

Deng Sang winked at her, and Chen Sitian embarrassedly raised his right hand in an apologetic gesture.

Deng Sauna wiped off the dried blood with gauze dipped in alcohol. The moment the high-purity alcohol touched the wound, Min Yue couldn't help shaking her body in pain.

Deng Sang lightened the movements of his hands, sighed, and said quietly: "I understand your feelings... When the first patient I was in charge of passed away, I was also sad for a long time..."

"Everyone has experienced it..." Chen Sitian found the right rhythm, followed by comfort: "Although the duty of a doctor is to save lives and heal the wounded, medicine has its limits and there are many things that can't be done. Didn't Hippocrates say, 'I am a doctor , not God'. Don't blame yourself too much, just do your best."

There was a knock on the door, and Deng Sang responded: "Wait a moment!" He said and speeded up the bandaging action on his hand.

After Min Yue put on his clothes and tidied up, Chen Sitian opened the door, and several directors and deputy directors stood outside the door.

Director Zheng asked about Min Yue's injuries, and then said, "Are you scared? I'll give you half a day off, go home and rest."

Min Yue shook his head.

Anyone who saw this gloomy look knew that she had something on her mind, not to mention Director Zheng who had been in the clinic for decades.

He continued to comfort him: "When the patient is gone, we must feel uncomfortable. But don't have too much psychological burden. In many cases, even a doctor can only do his best and obey the destiny."

The two deputy directors also said one after another that this was the worst medical disturbance in the Department of Cardiac Surgery in recent years. If the family members took the opportunity to blackmail, Corey would try to settle it so that she would not worry.

Min Yue listened with a dejected expression, and finally thanked her, her voice was so deep that the brows of the people present twitched—is this still Xiao Mingyue, who is as lively as jumping beans on weekdays?

The sun at noon in summer is like a furnace, scorching the earth with scorching flames, and almost all creatures hide their bodies to avoid this terrible heat wave.

All the wards in the First Affiliated Hospital fell into a siesta, and Cicada yelled listlessly. Min Yue sat in a gazebo in the corner of the garden in a daze, staring at the branches of the shrubs protruding into the pavilion in a daze.

Someone walked in and interrupted her fugue. "You are here."

Min Yue turned her head and saw Xu Mai walking up the steps holding a parasol.

Although listless, Min Yue still called out politely: "Master..."

Xu Mai put away the umbrella, walked up to her, and handed her a glass of watermelon juice. "Listen to them that you didn't eat lunch, drink some juice."

If you are depressed, you will lose your appetite. Min Yue not only didn't eat, but she didn't even remember to drink water. After being exposed to the sun for a long time, she sweated a lot.

I didn't feel it just now, but now looking at the bright red juice in the transparent cup and smelling the unique sweet fragrance of watermelon, I suddenly feel the fire in my throat.

"Thank you, master." Min Yue took it over and took a long gulp in a muffled voice.

Xu Mai sat down beside her, and took out a mobile phone from his pocket. The corner of the shell was obviously dented, but the screen was intact.

"Your mobile phone...the repair shop at the door can only replace the screen, but not the frame."

"Did Master help me fix my phone?" Min Yue said, reaching for his wallet.

"Don't give it to me, it's not much."

Min Yue saw that she really didn't want to accept it, so she didn't insist. She took the phone and thanked her again.

Min Yue didn't speak, Xu Mai was a person of few words, the two sat quietly for a while, Xu Mai suddenly said: "Shen Fei called you twice."

Min Yue called up the call log, which showed that there were two missed calls around 1 o'clock. "Well...I'll call her back later..."

The atmosphere was silent again.

Xu Mai turned to look at her, pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Your rescue measures are in place today, and you are calm enough to deal with emergencies..."

"Master..." Before she could finish speaking, Min Yue interrupted.

She raised her face and met Xu Mai's gaze. "Does Master think I am qualified to be a doctor?"

Without waiting for Xu Mai to answer, she continued: "Everyone comforted me, saying that I tried my best and don't blame myself. But did I really do well enough? I tried my best but couldn't save him. Is it because of me? Is the level too low?"

"Master, do you know... When I found out that he was sick, for a moment, I hesitated to save him... I said in my oath that I would not delay the patient's treatment because of his sins, but just because he pushed me, I I hesitated to save him or not..."

Min Yue's voice became deeper and deeper, until it was almost inaudible at last. "Master, I might be a bad person...

"Becoming a doctor requires unimaginable efforts, but destroying a doctor only requires a medical trouble." Xu Mai looked at Min Yue, raised his voice, and said solemnly: "You are still young, and you have clinical experience. Not enough, but in the future, you will definitely become a qualified doctor."

The sudden surprise must have made Min Yue's eyes wet, and she choked up and asked, "Is Master telling the truth? Isn't he comforting me?"

"You are my apprentice, so I have the most right to speak. From my point of view..." Xu Mai paused and smiled softly. "You are fine."

Min Yue pursed her mouth again and again, but she still couldn't suppress the urge to cry, so she burst into sobs.

Xu Mai was taken aback by this battle, and wondered if she had said something wrong, otherwise why would she cry so sadly.

Min Yue's tears were like a thunderstorm, coming fiercely and leaving quickly, within two minutes of crying, the teardrops became smaller and smaller, and gradually stopped.

Wiping away her tears, she said intermittently, "I... I will not let Master down!"

Xu Mai looked at her tenderly, and responded with a smile: "Okay."

After venting her emotions, Min Yue felt hungry and her stomach growled.

Xu Mai said: "Do you want to go to the laboratory to have porridge with me?"

Min Yue was puzzled: "Is there porridge in the lab?"

"The instant porridge you bought before tastes pretty good, so I bought a box of mixed flavors." After a pause, Xu Mai made a rare joke: "Didn't you give me a doctor's order to ask me to Do you want to drink more porridge?"

"Ah, that..." Min Yue covered her face in embarrassment when she thought of the scene in the morning when she said to Xu Mai solemnly that this was no good, that was the only way. "I just hope Master doesn't feel uncomfortable in his stomach..."

"Let's go." Xu Mai held up the umbrella and motioned Min Yue to stand in the shadow under the umbrella.

Under the narrow umbrella, there was only a few centimeters between the two of them, and their arms would rub against each other from time to time.

Min Yue was a little shy and hid to the side, but Xu Mai grabbed her wrist and brought her back. "It's too hot outside, come closer to me."

"Oh..." Min Yue shyly agreed. In order to hide her unnaturalness, she held the drink straw in her mouth and pretended to concentrate on drinking watermelon juice.

Xu Mai turned to look at her. Min Yue's eyes were red from crying just now, and his eyelashes were wet. He lowered his eyes, like a well-behaved kitten.

The watermelon juice was almost gone, leaving only a thin layer of bottom, and the air rushed into the straw, making a purring sound.

So cute.

Xu Mai laughed silently.

The experimental building is usually deserted, and people can only be seen during working hours. Xu Mai entered the password to unlock the door, and gently pushed the door open. Min Yue thought that the people inside were taking a lunch break, so she tiptoed in, only to find that everyone was working. Seeing Xu Mai coming, he nodded his head and said hello from afar, then continued to work.

Xu Mai picked up the electric kettle to boil water, and Min Yue sat down cautiously to wait for her. It was obviously the same seat as last time, but Min Yue was so nervous that she didn't know how to put her hands and feet.

Inside the glass partition, people in protective clothing were concentrating on operating all kinds of precision instruments. Min Yue couldn't understand it, but at the same time feeling very powerful, he couldn't help but feel ashamed from the bottom of his heart. The confidence that was built just now under Xu Mai's praise, is now wilting like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Under the shining light of Xueba, poor Min Xuezha trembled. It wasn't until I ate the hot beef porridge that my stomach was full and my courage became fatter. Then I took the initiative to chat with Xu Mai and asked, "Master, how did it feel to experience the death of a patient for the first time? It must not be as decadent as I am." ..."

Xu Mai slowly stirred the porridge, and replied: "Everyone has a sense of frustration, but the cost of training a doctor is too high, so we shouldn't be depressed. When encountering setbacks, think about the original intention of studying medicine."

"Original heart..." Min Yue bit the spoon, thought hard for a long time, but couldn't find any noble reason, and said realistically: "I actually studied medicine because my family members are all doctors, so I learned it naturally...Why did Master study medicine? And why?" Choose Cardiac Surgery?"

According to Min Yue's thinking, if he was half as smart as Xu Mai, he would go into technology or finance, and he would either be famous in history or rich in wealth, that would be great!

Even if you love medicine and want to be a doctor, there are better departments to choose from, such as neurosurgery, which sounds sophisticated, or cardiology, which has a much higher income.

She stayed in the Cardiac Surgery Department not long ago, but she also heard the clues from the daily chats of her colleagues. The Cardiac Surgery Department is typically characterized by tiring work, difficult operations, and low income.

Although cardiac surgery includes several of the most difficult operations in the surgical system, medical skills are worthless, and consumables are valuable. For example, heart bypass surgery costs 10,000 yuan, while a stent in the cardiology department costs 15,000 yuan. Usually, an interventional operation requires two to three stents.

Difficulty and income are never equal. Min Yue looked at it with the eyes of a layman, and really couldn't figure out Xu Mai's thoughts.

Xu Mai didn't answer directly, but instead asked Min Yue: "If everyone in the family is a doctor, they probably wouldn't recommend you to choose Cardiac Surgery, right? Why did you come to Heart Surgery?"

Min Yue blushed, of course it was because she admired you, Master.

Min Yue deliberately interrupted: "Master can't play tricks, I was the one who asked first. Master said first, why did you choose to be unreasonable?"

Xu Mai's expression darkened little by little, the hand holding the spoon was clenched tightly, and his shoulders stretched into a line.

Min Yue soon realized that she was not in the right mood, did she ask something she shouldn't?

Just when he was about to say something else to change the topic, he heard Xu Mai say two words, his voice was very soft, but it came to his ears, which shocked Min Yue so much that his heart skipped a beat.

What Xu Mai said was: "Pay for your life."

Min Yue recalled it several times to confirm that she had heard correctly, and watched Xu Mai's face with fear, waiting for her explanation. But after Xu Mai finished that sentence, his whole body seemed to be frozen by frost, and he didn't say a word.

It's already half past one, and I have to go to the outpatient clinic to start the afternoon work in a while, Min Yue cautiously reminded: "Master, let's have some porridge..."

After the meal, the two returned to the outpatient clinic. Throughout the afternoon, Min Yue was trapped in a huge mystery, constantly thinking about what it meant to pay for his life, and completely forgot to call Shen Fei back until she came to the door by herself.

"Is Director Xu off work?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Min Yue recovered and saw Shen Fei standing at the door of the consulting room with a smile.

Xu Mai had just seen the last patient of the day and was sorting out the registration form. "What's up?"

"The Department of Cardiology admitted a patient in the afternoon with mitral valve stenosis. We suggested that she be transferred to the Department of Cardiac Surgery for repair surgery. However, the patient has a special occupation and wants conservative treatment. Please come and have a look and make a decision."

"Okay, wait a minute." Xu Mai got up and went to the bathroom.

As soon as she left the door, Shen Fei rushed up and hugged Min Yue with her back. "What's the matter with you? You don't answer the phone, show me where you hurt!"

Shen Fei held Min Yue's shoulders and turned her around like a spinning top. "I heard that you were bleeding. Did he stab you with a knife? Or did he hit you with something? I've eaten a leopard's guts. I really want to go to the morgue and give him a knife!"

Seeing that her words were getting more and more outrageous, Min Yue quickly interrupted: "Calm down, he just pushed me, and the skin on my back was scratched, and it has been disinfected and bandaged."

Knowing that she was not seriously injured, Shen Fei was relieved, rubbed Min Yue's head, and said earnestly: "I bought a baseball bat online, and I will bring it to you another day, and I will wear it for self-defense when I go to the clinic. The medical environment is too tight now. It's bad, and you are so heartless, it's really worrying."

Min Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and imagined herself holding a baseball bat and standing behind Xu Mai. Hmm... like a bootleg keeper.

The three of them walked to Building 6 together, and entered the corridor of the Cardiology Department. The doctor who was rounding the ward waved with a smile on his face: "Are you Shen Fei's child? Hello, hello, welcome to our department."

Min Yue is confused, he knows me?

Shen Fei opened the door of the single ward, and the passionate electronic sound rushed out instantly, and Min Yue was rushed back half a step by the sound wave.

Shen Fei walked in with a frown, and said in a stern tone: "Hurry up and turn off the stereo, I told you to rest, and I insist on tossing, do you want to cough up blood again?"

The music that made my brain ache was turned off, and a girl's sweet voice came out: "Doctor Shen, you are so scary, you will get wrinkles when you get angry."

Min Yue stretched her head to look, and saw a young girl half lying on the hospital bed, in her early twenties, dressed in very fashionable clothes, she was raising her head, asking the person standing by the bed to help her put on makeup.

There was a huge cosmetic bag on the bedside table, and a table full of cosmetics, most of which Min Yue couldn't name.

It was the first time that Min Yue saw such a beauty-loving girl after being hospitalized, and she was very curious, so she couldn't help but take a second look, and found that she looked familiar.

The other party saw that she had been staring at him, so he said empathetically first, "Would you like to sign for you?"

sign? Min Yue was slow to react for a few seconds, isn't this the girl group that is very popular recently! What's the name... By the way, MagicGirls!

"Don't put on makeup yet, I've invited Director Xu from the Department of Cardiac Surgery to come over and look at it for you." Shen Fei signaled the makeup artist to back off.

Xu Mai walked to the bed, and while asking the doctor, he looked at the results of her cardiac angiography examination against the light. "Your mitral valve disease is already moderate, I suggest..."

"Director Xu." The girl interrupted her with a smile, holding her face in her hands and looking at Xu Mai. "You are more beautiful than any female star I have ever seen. Has anyone ever told you that you are good-looking?"

Shen Fei chuckled lightly. "The entire First Affiliated Hospital knows that Director Xu is good-looking, so don't be silly and go see a doctor."

The girl shook her head regretfully. "Being a doctor buried this face..."

"Yes, yes, boss, I also feel cheated. It's just a cold. When I came, the doctor said that she had a heart problem. She insisted on sending Marie to the hospital and said she needed an operation."

The man with the briefcase walked into the ward on the phone, saw the doctor present, made a brief report, hung up the phone and stepped forward to negotiate.

"Which of you three has the final say? I want to have an interview with your director!" The man was very rude.

Xu Mai looked at him coldly. "Are you the patient's guardian?"

"I'm her manager." The man stared at Xu Mai's badge, his expression softened slightly. "You are the deputy director, that's fine, let me tell you. Our Marie just has a cold, and maybe he got a little angry, so he coughed up some blood. You should prescribe medicine and injections, let us go quickly. There is also a fan meeting tonight, so we can't delay it."

"As a manager, can you care a little about the artist's physical condition? Don't you think it's strange that the cold hasn't recovered for several months?"

Seeing that he was speaking so impolitely, Shen Fei's tone hardened, and she directly yelled at him: "Although it was a common cold at first, an upper respiratory tract infection caused rheumatic heart disease, and now her mitral valve area is 1.3, which is already middle-aged." The degree is narrow. When I was admitted to the hospital in the afternoon, I coughed up blood once, and if I let it go, atrial fibrillation and thrombosis are likely to occur."

The manager was intimidated by her aura, but he still didn't believe it, so he looked at Xu Mai, who represented the authority, and argued without giving up: "Even if there is a problem with the valve, I heard from my friend that it is not necessary to have surgery, but to eat it." Medicine can also cure it."

Min Yue felt speechless, why did he believe so much nonsense of non-professionals, but not the judgment of doctors?

Xu Mai opened his mouth to correct: "There is no drug that can restore the structure or function of the mitral valve. Medication only adjusts the systolic function of the heart and the resistance of the surrounding blood vessels to achieve hemodynamic balance as much as possible under pathological conditions. Symptoms will be alleviated, but drugs cannot cure the valve, and the lesion will continue to develop insidiously, and surgery must be performed after a certain degree of severity."

"The success rate of early surgery is more than 90%, but when drug control fails, the patient's heart function will enter IV level or even worse, and the mortality rate of surgery will be 10% to 20%. The longer it is delayed, the function of various important organs will be affected. The damage is more serious and irreversible."

After Xu Mai finished explaining, he paused, and looked at the girl who didn't say a word about his treatment plan. "If I were you, I would choose to undergo surgery."

The girl hesitated for a while and asked, "I heard that the operation will leave an ugly scar on my chest, so how can I wear costumes in the future? And we will have a concert at the end of the month. If I'm hospitalized, I won't be able to go." ..."

Min Yue understood what Shen Fei meant just now when she said that the patient had a special occupation and was unwilling to undergo surgery.

For idol artists, a good appearance is a must, and some people even take out high insurance for their favorite body parts. The concert is also a very important itinerary. If she is absent, it may lead to a decline in popularity, which in turn will affect commercial activities such as commercials, variety shows, and TV dramas. If the effect of the concert is affected, then the performing arts company will also have a big opinion.

But compared to these fame and fortune, physical health is the most important thing, it depends on what she chooses.

Marie couldn't make up her mind, and looked at the agent for help, but the latter didn't dare to make a decision on his own, and had to ask the boss for instructions.

It is obvious that she is sick, and she has the most say in the treatment plan, but whether she can be operated or hospitalized must be decided by the company. Her body and health do not belong to herself, but to the company.

The scenery is all superficial. In fact, only the artist himself knows how much suffering he has suffered in places where fans can't see and cameras can't capture.

Min Yue suddenly felt a little sympathetic to her, if only there was a way to get the best of both worlds. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Xu Mai say, "Da Vinci surgery is possible."

"Da Vinci? Painters also perform surgery? Wait... Didn't he die hundreds of years ago?" Marie was at a loss.

Xu Mai explained: "The da Vinci robotic surgery system is a new type of surgical solution. The incision is very small. It only needs to make a few holes in the right chest cavity and implant the robotic arm, and then the robot can be manipulated to repair the mitral valve. Postoperative recovery Soon, you will be discharged from the hospital in 3 to 5 days, without delaying your concert."

Marie was very moved after hearing this, but she was afraid that it would be unreliable when she heard that it was a new technology, so she hesitated and asked, "Is it unreliable to use robots to perform surgery?"

"First of all, it is not a robot performing surgery. It is not intelligent enough to act autonomously. It is a trained surgeon who controls the robot. This system has been used clinically for more than ten years, and the number of operations worldwide has exceeded 500,000. In our hospital We have completed nearly 200 cases of highly difficult operations, and the technology is very mature. However, the clinical situation is changing rapidly, and there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents. What I can promise is that if the robotic system fails, we can immediately switch to traditional surgical methods.”

Marie still couldn't believe it. "200 cases...actually not too many."

Xu Mai patiently explained: "On the one hand, because of the high cost of surgery, few patients choose it. On the other hand, the cost of consumables is higher than that of surgery. Every time a robotic surgery is performed, the hospital will lose money, so it is less developed."

Marie blinked. "How expensive is it?"

"It is about 40,000 more expensive than ordinary surgery."

"40,000? That's not expensive." The popular artist has a lot of money, and Marie asked with a smile, "If Director Xu had to do the surgery himself, would he choose the robot?"

"Robots are just tools, just like scalpels and needle-holding forceps. It is the chief surgeon who determines the effect of surgery. At present, this system is not used much, but it will definitely be the development trend of surgical systems in the future. Without considering the cost, I tend to prefer less invasive surgical options."

What she said was well-founded, and Marie finally felt relieved. She told her agent that she decided to undergo surgery, and promised not to delay the concert, so that he could report to the boss.

Shen Fei interjected, "Then I'll go through the formalities for you and transfer to the Department of Cardiac Surgery."

Marie pestered Xu Mai with a smile and asked, "Director Xu, can I ask you to be my chief surgeon?"

Xu Mai nodded in a businesslike manner. "it is good."

The weather in summer is like a baby face, and it changes as soon as it is said. The sky is still clear during the day, but it rains lightly in the evening.

Min Yue helped her complete the hospital admission procedures, changed her clothes and was ready to leave work. She took out an umbrella from the back of the cabinet, walked downstairs, opened it, and found that the umbrella fell apart.

Min Yue hesitated for a long time, should she throw it away, or should she hold the umbrella to cover her head?

It's useless if you throw it away, and it will definitely be soaked in water. But cover your head with an umbrella... Min Yue imagined it, and felt that the scene was really funny, and it would definitely attract the attention of passers-by.

It's so embarrassing... how can a beautiful girl act so unbeautifully?

While hesitating, an open umbrella suddenly floated over from behind, floating tightly above his head. Min Yue looked back, it was Xu Mai.

She was wearing a lake blue dress, her skin was cold and fair, the cool wind carried water vapor past her ears, and her long hair like splashed ink was blown up.

She stood there quietly, and the picture was so beautiful that it was refreshing.

Min Yue smiled and rolled her eyes. "Master isn't going to the lab tonight?"

"I need to go back and look up some information." Xu Mai glanced at the broken umbrella in her hand, "Do you want to go home? I'll see you off."

"No, no, no, it's too congested during rush hour. It will take at least an hour longer if I take a detour." Min Yue said considerately, "Master just send me to the subway station. I'll borrow one after I get off the bus." Love umbrellas will do.”

"It's okay, let's go."

"Then... thank you, master."

Standing under Xu Mai's umbrella again, this time without watermelon juice as a cover, Min Yue was more nervous than at noon, and said without words: "Master, do you use a parasol to cover the rain? It will damage the coating, and the sun protection effect will be reduced." Oh no."

"It's okay, this is an umbrella for rain or shine." Xu Mai suddenly gave her a hand, "The water over there is deep, you go to my side."

If Xu Mai hadn't stopped her, Min Yue would have almost stepped into the water. Shocked, he took a big step to the side, bumped into Xu Mai's body, and touched a soft area with his arm.

Min Yue blushed violently.

It's Master's...chest...

Min Yue was so ashamed that she didn't speak any more all the way, she looked down shyly at the road with a lively little rabbit in her pocket.

The breeze came in gusts, blowing the faint fragrance from Xu Mai's long hair towards her.

Min Yue bit her lip to suppress her heartbeat. It's too much, how can Master be so charming!

The way home was really congested, and while waiting for the traffic lights, Xu Mai chatted naturally about work matters: "The specialist training at the First Affiliated Hospital takes two years, and your evaluation as an attending doctor takes three years. It seems like a long time, but There are actually a lot of content that you need to master. Corey is busy, and I don’t have much time to teach you, mainly relying on self-study and practice.”

Min Yue quickly expressed his opinion: "Master leads the door, and practice depends on the individual. I know, Master, I am studying hard."

"Well, you've made great progress recently." Xu Mai turned his head to look at her, "Find a suitable opportunity to let you have your chest opened."

Min Yue was so shocked that she almost touched her tongue. "Open, open the chest? Is such an important matter entrusted to me by Master? What if I can't do it well..."

Chen Sitian had worked for six years before she began to perform less difficult minor operations. She didn't even do the pull hook that interns must go through, so she directly opened her chest. Isn't the span too big? The degree of difficulty is about the same as letting the antelope jump over the strait.

"You always have to start holding a knife, and put aside complicated operations such as congenital heart disease. During the teaching period, you must independently complete at least 3 thoracentesis, 3 drainages, and 2 thoracotomies before you can be considered qualified for training."

Xu Mai's tone was calm, but Min Yue was terrified when he heard it. "Master, please speak slowly, I am not mentally prepared..."

"I'm telling you now, just to make you prepare." After a while, Xu Mai remembered something, and said again: "By the way, from now on, you will submit a study summary report to me every week, paper or electronic will do. , let me know your progress."

"Master, please don't..." Min Yue trembled. According to Xu Mai's standard, wouldn't he have to write a graduation thesis every week? terrible!

"It doesn't need to be very long, just a few hundred words, it can help you sort out the knowledge context, and it can also play a role in supervision."

Seeing that Xu Mai was determined to ask her to write, Min Yue couldn't refute, so she could only agree sullenly.

Although she was very unhappy, she was not angry. When the car drove to the underground garage of the community, Min Yue still warmly invited Xu Mai: "Master, what are your plans for the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Xu Mai calculated the shift schedule and replied, "Should be on duty."

"Oh..." Min Yue became even more unhappy, her mouth pouted as if she could hang an oil pot on it.

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't there a three-day holiday for the Mid-Autumn Festival? A few bachelors in Corey plan to get together for the festival, and the venue is tentatively set at my house... I want to invite Master to come and play..."

"You guys play, if I'm here, you should be uncomfortable."

Xu Mai's expression was indifferent, unable to see sadness or joy, but Min Yue couldn't help feeling wronged for her: "Actually, they all misunderstood Master..."

If they are familiar with it, they will know that Master is actually very gentle.

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