MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 40 twists and turns

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Min Yue flipped through the front, connected with the context, read it several times, and realized that she had misunderstood the meaning.

The shame level exploded, Min Yue thumped her calves wildly, screaming in depression. Pang Pang looked shocked, jumped onto the refrigerator in fright, and hid far away.

The phone buzzed and vibrated, indicating that there was a new message. Min Yue cried and rubbed her face. It was too embarrassing, and I was embarrassed to continue the chat, but it would be too impolite to suddenly disappear without replying to WeChat. After thinking about it for a while, I patted my face to cheer myself up before picking up the phone again.

[The academic meeting ends tomorrow. 】

[Eat well and wait for me to come back. 】

The simple conversation comforted Min Yue's little heart that had been feeling lost for three days. In fact, my own little thoughts, Master can see clearly, right?

Min Yue decided not to hide it anymore, and expressed her inner expectation frankly: [Master should come back soon. 】

The good news that Xu Mai is coming back is like a shot in the arm. Min Yue's energy is fully restored, and she goes to work the next day happily.

This day it was her turn to be on the night shift, everything was the same as usual, she worked until 11 o'clock at night, after checking the room, she was ready to wash and rest.

Thinking of seeing Master as soon as she woke up, Min Yue was so excited that she didn't feel sleepy, so she stayed in the duty room alone to write the medical records. When it was almost midnight, the phone rang suddenly.

Nine out of ten phone calls at this time brought bad news. Min Yue picked up the phone and heard an anxious voice on the other side: "This is the emergency department. 120 just sent a patient with a fruit knife stuck in his heart. The bleeding couldn't stop. The patient is in shock. He needs to send someone from the Cardiac Surgery Department for consultation." .”

"Okay, let's go right away."

Min Yue encountered several emergencies during her night shift and accumulated experience in dealing with them. She put down the phone, rushed to the director's lounge, and knocked on the door to report the situation.

Director Li gave instructions succinctly and clearly: "You follow me."

The two came to the emergency room and saw the patient. It was a very young boy with a face as white as paper and a knife on his chest. A trickle of blood soaked through the gauze and kept overflowing. All the indicators displayed on the monitor were far below the normal range, and he lost consciousness, looking as if a leg had stepped into the gate of hell.

The medical imaging department opened a green channel and checked him in the shortest possible time. The doctor in the emergency department got the film and discussed with Director Li how to do the surgery. Finally, it was decided that Director Li, who is more experienced, will be the surgeon. The first and second assistants It was performed by a cardiologist.

The patient's condition should be avoided, and the operation will be carried out in the operating room of the emergency department. This side called the on-duty doctor from the Cardiac Surgery Department, and over there Director Li pushed the hospital bed and walked to the operating room.

The patient's mother was crying behind the hospital bed. Before entering the operating room, Director Li suddenly remembered something and asked, "Does the patient have an infectious disease?"

The patient's mother was taken aback and forgot to cry.

Director Li thought she didn't understand, so he asked in another way: "Does your son have hepatitis B, C, AIDS, or syphilis?"

The patient's mother's eyes trembled violently, hesitated for a few seconds, and stammered: "No, no."

Director Li gave her a suspicious look, then turned and entered the operating room.

The patient's right ventricle ruptured, and blood filled the chest cavity. After the chest was opened, there was a sea of ​​blood red. Carefully pull out the fruit knife, the next step is to repair the rupture. Min Yue held the aspirator in his right hand to absorb the blood as quickly as possible, and kept pressing with gauze in his left hand to try to stop the bleeding, but the amount of bleeding was so large that he couldn't see the bleeding point clearly.

The amount of blood sent by the blood bank is limited, and it is impossible to fill the bottomless pit infinitely. If the bleeding cannot be quickly sutured, the patient is likely to die from excessive bleeding.

In an emergency, Director Li issued an order: "Take out your heart."

"Ah?" Min Yue was stunned for a moment, but in this race against time, there was no room for hesitation, Min Yue followed the instructions and hurriedly followed suit.

Insert the hands wearing sterile gloves into the pool of blood, hold the heart, and lift it up slowly. Without blood obstructing the line of sight, Director Li quickly found the rupture and quickly sewed it up.

After cleaning the chest cavity, loosen the hemostat and resume the beating of the heart. If all the indicators are normal, the chest can be closed and the operation can be successfully completed.

The accident happened suddenly.

The moment her heart beat again, a column of blood spurted out, splashing Min Yue's face from neck to forehead. As if raindrops fell into her eyes, Min Yue blinked reflexively, and then opened her eyes, her eyes were blood red.

Hu Yidao, who was the first assistant, reacted the fastest, reached out and pressed the bleeding point with gauze, observed the location, and said, "A large blood vessel is broken."

Director Li's face darkened, and he signaled the anesthetist to restart the operation. In order to prevent any fish from slipping through the net, the second operation was carried out very carefully. Min Yue, with her face covered in blood, still dutifully fulfilled the responsibility of the second assistant.

She didn't wear protective glasses, and the blood on her forehead streaked across her eyebrows, hit her eyelashes drop by drop, and flowed silently into her eyes. The heart surgery scene was very bloody, but Min Yue felt that today's vision was unprecedentedly red, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in red gauze.

After another hour, the operation was finally over, and the patient came back, and Min Yue let out a long sigh of relief. The blood had already clotted on her face, making it sticky. She couldn't help but raised her sleeve to rub it. When she raised her hand, she realized that her gloves were also full of blood.

Director Li also saw it, frowned and asked, "Why is the glove broken?"

"Maybe the scissors accidentally scratched it while cutting the thread." Min Yue replied.

Her mask, hat, and surgical gown were all stained with blood, and the half of her face outside the mask was stained like a cat.

Director Li's frown became deeper and deeper, and his tone was very serious: "Hurry up and wash it off, and wipe it with alcohol several times."

"it is good."

"Did it get in your eyes?"

"It seems that a few drops have flowed in, not much." Min Yue, who was not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, raised his head and laughed heartlessly.

In the black and white eyes, there is an unusually dazzling red spot, which is dried blood.

Director Li's face was completely blackened: "Why don't you have any sense of self-protection?! You don't wear protective glasses, and you don't wash off the blood and disinfect it immediately. Didn't Xu Mai teach you?"

Min Yue was frightened by his sudden anger, she lowered her head cowardly, not daring to answer.

Hu Yidao patted her on the shoulder and helped to explain: "Director Li means that the blood test results of this patient have not yet come out, so it is not certain that he is healthy, so we have to be extra careful."

"I'll pay attention in the future." Min Yue responded in a low voice.

Director Li was anxious and worried, and couldn't help but say a few more words: "I know you want to improve and perform well, but first you have to protect your own safety, and then talk about curing diseases and saving lives, understand?"

Min Yue nodded hurriedly. "understand."

Seeing her innocent face, completely ignorant of fear, Director Li was very helpless: "You have too little experience, and you still don't understand. Forget it, I will teach you when Xu Mai comes back."

Back in the ward, after taking a shower, it was already five o'clock in the morning, the sky was brightened, and the sun was about to rise.

In another three hours, I will be able to see Master. Min Yue embraced the sweet expectation and fell into a deep sleep.

After sleeping lightly for two hours, Min Yue was woken up by the alarm clock. The severe lack of sleep made her extremely tired, her head was dizzy, and the nerves in her temples were throbbing.

After struggling to get out of bed to wash, he had no appetite, so he asked Dunsang to bring buns and soy milk back from the cafeteria. After eating without taste, he yawned and started working.

Waiting until the morning meeting started, Xu Mai didn't show up, and Min Yue was faintly uneasy, fearing that she would be delayed by something and would postpone her return date.

Reassuring myself that maybe the master is going to report to the dean, and it may appear soon. Min Yue's eyes drift to the door from time to time, expecting someone to push it away.

Halfway through the morning meeting, the door of the duty room was really pushed open. Min Yue rushed up first, and shouted with a smile: "Master, you go back..."

Before he finished speaking, he cut it off abruptly, and it was not Xu Mai who walked in, but a person from the medical department whom he had met last time.

When they show up, nothing good will happen. Min Yue hurriedly took two steps back, like she was hiding from some kind of virus, for fear that she would not be able to evade enough to be infected with misfortune.

The two members of the medical department looked around and asked, "Are all the doctors who participated in the emergency surgery last night in the emergency department here?"

Director Li took a step forward. "They're all here, what's the matter with you?"

The leader took out a piece of paper from the file bag and unfolded it for everyone to see. "This is the result of the blood test of the patient yesterday."

Then he tapped on a certain line, raised the volume, and announced the explosive news: "HIV antibody was positive, and the patient has been transferred to the infection department. All the medical staff involved in the rescue are now following me to the CDC for acceptance." Occupational Exposure Rating."

The duty room fell into deathly silence.

Everyone present is very clear about what a positive HIV antibody means, and what it means if they are unfortunately infected.

No one can afford this kind of doom.

The medical record in Min Yue's hand slammed on the ground, and the metal clips rubbed against the tiles, making a piercing sound, like an air defense siren, which made her mind go blank and froze in place.

There was a constant buzzing in her ears, and she saw many people crowding around, opening and closing their mouths, talking anxiously to herself, but she couldn't hear a single word.

Min Yue shook her head in a daze, how could it be, why, what should I do...

Director Li was very angry. Before entering the operating room, he deliberately asked the patient's mother if she had any infectious diseases. Unless she really didn't know, she was deliberately concealing the medical history!

But there is no time to pursue responsibility now, and the rating must be accepted as soon as possible. If the CDC says that it is necessary to take blocking drugs, the sooner the drugs are taken, the greater the chance of successful blocking.

Director Li was able to stay calm at critical times, holding the shocked Hu Yidao with one hand, and the frightened Min Yue with the other, and calmly made a judgment: "Don't panic, follow me to the CDC now, fear is useless , you are clinicians and know what to do."

I was so scared just now that I even forgot to cry, but now that I regained my senses a little bit, my eyes instantly became wet. Min Yue walked out step by step, with tears in her eyes, I just became a resident doctor, and I finally recognized Xu Mai as my master, everything has just begun.

What should I do if I can only stop here? What can be done? I really do not know.

Chen Sitian and Deng Sang were also full of disbelief, but apart from watching them go away, there was nothing they could do to help.

The heavy worry in their hearts made them speechless, and they were sent to the hospital's official car in silence. After the car disappeared from sight, they slowed down for a while before regaining a little bit of reason and thinking about what to do next.

Deng Sang asked tremblingly, "Do you want to tell Master Mo?"

Chen Sitian's hands trembled slightly, and she said, "You call Master Mo, and I'll go to the cardiology ward."

Knowing that she was going to find Shen Fei, and telling her face to face that something happened to Min Yue, Deng Sang nodded, took out his cell phone, turned around and walked to a secluded corner.

How did I get in the car, how did I walk into the CDC, what did the doctor ask, Min Yue had no memory, her brain seemed to freeze, her reading and writing functions were abnormal, and there was only one sentence floating in her empty mind——

"The patient has never received relevant treatment. There are only 16 CD4 cells per cubic millimeter, and the virus activity in the body is very high. Your assessment result is secondary exposure, and the risk of infection is high."

His limbs were cold, and the place in his chest that should have been alive and kicking was silent.

It seems that I understand it, but it seems that I don't understand it. Min Yue moved out of the consulting room step by step with heavy steps, and stood in the corridor looking out blankly.

The sun is shining brightly, the leaves on the street are shining green, the voices of people are buzzing, and there is a lively world of mortals. Min Yue watched quietly, like an outsider who had been abandoned, her heart was cold and lonely.

Hu Yidao came out of another consulting room, and seeing this scene, he was so frightened that his heart stopped. He ran up quickly, grabbed her arm and pulled her back violently. "What do you want to do?"

Min Yue's eyes were full of water, and she looked up helplessly, "What else can I do?"

She was ashen-faced just now, and she was standing by the window again. Hu Yidao thought that she would do something stupid if she couldn't think about it, but now he met her eyes, and couldn't help but feel sad.

On weekdays, Min Yue is always smiling, with honey in his eyes and flowers on his brows. His eyes are red, bloodshot at the bottom of his eyes, and tears are falling down one by one. His eyes are pure and desperate, like a falling bird. A cliff, a deer with a broken leg, helpless waiting to die.

Hu Yidao couldn't help the corners of his eyes turning red, and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know where to start. He watched Min Yue grow up step by step with his own eyes. No matter how hard she worked, she was always unwilling.

May I ask, who can accept the ruthless judgment of fate at an age when life and career are just getting better?

But doctors never give up hope, even if there is only a faint starlight the size of a sesame seed, they must firmly grasp it and never give up.

Because, if doctors give up, who should patients pin their hopes on?

So Hu Yidao said: "What can be done now is to cooperate with the treatment. You should take medicine, take medicine, and check up. The infection rate is not 100%, there is still hope, isn't it? Don't give up."

All relevant personnel have been rated. Except for Min Yue, everyone else is exposed at the first level and does not need to take blocking drugs.

The medical department filled out the form, received the medicine, and handed it to Min Yue. She was told to take it on time and in the right amount. Even if the side effects were strong, she could not stop the medicine without authorization. If she felt unwell, she should contact the hospital and the CDC immediately.

In addition, considering that her mental state is not suitable for the high-intensity work in the ward, the hospital considered giving her a period of paid rest and asking for her own opinion.

Min Yue is now in a state of confusion, listening to a long series of words in a daze, unable to digest the content.

Director Li patted her on the shoulder and suggested: "You can rest at home for a few days, and then come to work in the outpatient clinic. If you are bored at home all day, you will think wildly."

Min Yue looked at Hu Yidao, who also had the same opinion: "I also think it's better for you to continue working."

Min Yue lowered her gaze and said softly, "I'll listen to you, go to the outpatient clinic."

How to arrange the work is a matter of the heart surgery department. The medical department does not need to intervene. Afterwards, a report will be written to report the emergency to the superior. The two members of the medical department will go back first. Several medical staff who participated in the rescue in the emergency department were also working, so they comforted Min Yue and left.

Director Li arranged: "Little Hu, you send Min Yue home, and then you also rest for two days before returning to work."

"Okay, Director."

When she got home, Min Yue didn't change her shoes, and went straight into the living room, her knees softened, and she knelt down on the sofa, burying her face in the sofa, sobbing softly at first, then getting louder, and finally crying loudly stand up.

Pangpang dozed on the chaise longue, was awakened by the movement, looked at it for a while, then paced over lightly, squatting in front of Min Yue's head and meowing, as if asking what's wrong with you.

Just now in front of people, she was too tense to dare to collapse, but now that there was no one around, she burst into tears, as if she wanted to vent all her grievances and fears.

The faint meowing sound was covered by the wails, Pangpang yelled for a while, seeing that Min Yue ignored it, he rolled himself up, covered Min Yue's cold neck with his furry body, and his soft flesh pad Put it on the side of Min Yue's face, and pat it lightly twice.

Min Yue turned her head and saw the unknown number of kittens, crying even more sadly. "I can't take care of you in the future, what should you do?"

The phone rang over and over again, but Min Yue turned a deaf ear to it, hugging the cat and crying until a piano piece sounded, which was the ringtone she set for Xu Mai alone.

Min Yue wiped away her tears, sniffed her nose, took out her mobile phone from her bag, pressed the hands-free button, and said in a nasal voice, "Master."

"Where are you?" Xu Mai asked directly.

Min Yue cried until her head was deprived of oxygen, and answered in a dizzy voice, "At home."

"You wait for me at home, I'll be right there." After Xu Mai finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and the whole call did not exceed 10 seconds.

Min Yue was even more confused.

Within half a minute, the phone rang again, this time it was Shen Fei's call. Min Yue picked it up, and as soon as he gave a feed, the other party yelled, "Where are you now? Why didn't you answer the phone? Are you anxious to kill me!"

Shen Fei's anger rushed towards Min Yue head-on along the phone signal, knocking her out completely.

"Do you know how many times I called you? I couldn't find you anywhere, and I didn't dare to call my uncles and aunts. I almost went to call the police, do you know?" Shen Fei roared, and suddenly her nose twitched. Sour, with crying in his voice. "I thought something was wrong with you know how scared I am?"

When she cried like this, Min Yue also felt sad again, blinking her eyes and shedding tears.

"Have you taken the blocking medicine?"

"Not yet." Weeping patronizingly, he didn't care about anything else.

Shen Fei got angry again: "Take it quickly! Go take the medicine right now! I'll call you in two minutes."

Generally, in the event of occupational exposure, blocking drugs should be taken within 24 hours to block the virus infection. If it exceeds 72 hours, the success rate of blocking is very low.

The window period of AIDS is about two weeks to three months. The blocking drug should be taken continuously for four weeks. After stopping the drug, a combined HIV antibody and antigen test will be done to judge whether the blocking treatment is successful. If the surrounding area is cloudy, the possibility of infection can basically be ruled out, but according to the procedure, it is best to do another test in three months. If it is still negative, it can be confirmed that there is no infection.

Min Yue untied the medicine bag, tore open the packaging, and took the prescribed dose of pills according to the instructions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued several blocking drugs, and Min Yue was in a daze holding a box of zidoramid Shuangfuding tablets. She was stunned when she accidentally learned the price of this drug when she was in school. He would actually take this golden bean-like pill.

After waiting for a while, Shen Fei didn't call again, maybe Corey has something to do and she can't get away.

Min Yue was tired from crying and her head was still hurting, so she swipe the screen aimlessly to the left and came to the call record interface. As far as the eye could see, there were a lot of red missed calls, Shen Fei had the most, there were more than 20, Chen Sitian, Deng Sang, and friends from the same year also called.

WeChat kept reminding of new news. Min Yue opened the software and saw a long list of unread messages. After hearing the news, many people came to comfort herself.

I didn't expect to receive so much care, and the little heart that fell into the ice hole felt a little warmth.

The cardiac surgery chat group showed dozens of new messages. Min Yue clicked on it, swiped up, and saw Xu Mai's name.

Deng Sangsang, who wanted to hit the tofu: [Master Mo is angry! It was thunderous! God is furious! 】

Heartbroken Hu Yidao: [What's wrong? talk. 】

Deng Sangsang, who wants to hit the tofu: [I heard from a friend in the infectious disease department. Didn’t the patient go to the infectious disease department? After Mo Ye came back, he went directly to the infectious disease department, and questioned the patient’s family members on the spot, why didn’t they say they had AIDS? . 】

The old aunt who just wants to eat cookies: [Master Mo is mighty and domineering, he didn't wait for the medical department to intervene, and personally went on stage to anger the unscrupulous family members. 】

Deng Sangsang, who wanted to hit the tofu: [The patient's mother is really selfish, do you know what she said? She said she was afraid that the doctor would not treat her son after she revealed that she had AIDS. 】

The old aunt who just wants to eat cookies: […]

Heartbreaking Hu Yidao: […]

Deng Sangsang, who wanted to hit the tofu: [I'm really **** off, co-authoring her son is a human life, and the lives of our medical staff are not important? 】

Heartbreaking Hu Yidao: [What did Master Mo say? 】

Deng Sangsang, who wanted to hit the tofu: [Master Mo said, he is your heart, but the person who saved your son's life is also the apple of the eye of others. My apprentice has studied medicine at F University for eight years. How many people can be selected to enter the First Affiliated Hospital? Only one out of 100,000 people can be selected. If something happens to her, how will you compensate me? !】

Heartbreaking Hu Yidao: 【Applause for Master Mo, well said! 】

The old aunt who just wants to eat cookies: [You touched Master Mo's favorite jewel, it's no wonder Master Mo isn't angry. 】

Deng Sangsang, who wanted to hit the tofu: [Oh my god, you are so handsome! My friend said that he almost fainted, and finally understood why all the nurses in the hospital were crazy about Master Mo. 】

The old aunt who just wants to eat cookies: [Speaking of which, where is Master Mo? Have you come back from the infection department yet? 】

Deng Sangsang, who wanted to hit the tofu: [I don't know, maybe I went to find Xiao Mingyue. 】

Before I finished reading the chat history, there was a ding-dong ringtone at the door, and Min Yue put down her phone and ran to open the door.

Pulling open the inner wooden door, through the glass anti-theft door, he saw Xu Mai standing outside the door.

Min Yue unscrewed the lock of the anti-theft door, and gently pushed it open. Before Master could yell out, Xu Mai suddenly stepped forward, embraced her in his arms, and stroked her gently like a frightened cat. hair and nape.

The strength of the hug was very tight, but the soothing movements were very gentle, like pure white velvet, layer by layer, gently falling into Min Yue's heart. The vacant part of the chest cavity was filled again, jumping up and down.

Those unspeakable fears and grievances welled up in my heart, turned into two lines of tears, ran across my face, and flowed into the lapel of Xu Mai's chest.

Like a child who was bullied outside and went home to complain for comfort, Min Yue hugged Xu Mai and cried, "Master, why did you come back?"

She raised her face and looked at Xu Mai with tears shining. "Master, I'm so scared..."

Xu Mai held her face, gently wiped away the tears, and coaxed softly: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Min Yue pursed her lips, nodded with tears in her eyes, and smiled again, plunged into Xu Mai's arms.

Master is back.

Her invincible **** is back.