MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 5 Routine urging marriage

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Although the doctor does not have weekends, he is also looking forward to his turn to rest on weekends so that he can spend time with his family. Not to mention the young doctor, who is too busy to take care of his girlfriend every day, and relies on weekend dates to maintain his relationship.

Min Yue's parents are both doctors, and since she was a child, there was no concept of weekends. If Xu Mai hadn't mentioned it on purpose, she would have even forgotten that today is Friday.

So she replied very sincerely: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely not go out in the wild, and stay at home to study with peace of mind."

Director Zheng was invited to a consultation today. He just came back from the meeting. Hearing what she said, he answered with a smile: "It's a good thing for young people to make progress, but don't affect yourself because of work. Go if you have an appointment. I'll help you." You ask your master for leave."

Min Yue said, "Director, I don't have a date."

Director Zheng was appraised as a professor a few years ago, and he would go to the medical school to take a few classes from time to time. He had a lot of contact with a group of young people in their early twenties, and learned a lot of Internet buzzwords. He joked: "Are you a single nobleman?"

Min Yue said: "Director, I know you actually want to say 'single dog', so I changed it to 'single nobleman' because I was afraid it would sound bad. It's okay, just say it straight. Nowadays, many senior intellectuals are single, I'm single, and I'm pretty proud."

"Ghost energy." Director Zheng smiled cooperatingly, and said seriously: "It is true that many highly educated people in society are unwilling to get married, and many people who get married also choose to be infertile. If things go on like this, what impact will it have on society? I'm not good at commenting. But human beings live in groups after all, and living alone will inevitably lead to loneliness. Let me explain first that I'm not urging marriage, I'm just offering a small suggestion."

"In our line of work, we are too busy and have very little private time. Many people concentrate on their work. When they come to their senses, they have a high title, but they are still alone. In the cold winter months, after the night shift, they can't even drink hot porridge. Can't drink."

"How many people are meticulous about patients, and stay in the hospital for even the slightest change in their condition. But they are too irresponsible to themselves, and they fight hard when they are sick. Last year, there was a deputy director of the oncology department who was found to have esophageal cancer during physical examination. I am an expert in this field, I have been working all my life, but I haven't found out that my body is abnormal..."

Min Yue also heard about this incident. The resection operation was performed in this hospital. The former doctor became a patient, which caused a lot of embarrassment.

Many doctors who did not participate in the unit physical examination because they were too busy, heard about this incident and made up for the examination one after another. However, the enthusiasm for caring about my own health only lasted for a few months, and was exhausted in the busy day after day.

Director Zheng is old, and among the directors of the hospital, he is a senior figure, so he is very worried about the health of the young people, and he gets emotional while talking. After a while, he sighed and asked, "Min Yue, tell me, he is an expert in tumors, why didn't he notice it until the middle stage of his esophageal cancer?"

Esophageal cancer is not like a cold and fever. It comes at any time. From dysplasia to cancer, it takes a few years at least.

Min Yue thought for a while and replied: "I think it is impossible for him not to notice the abnormality in his body. He probably didn't pay attention to it and ignored it. The doctor sees many kinds of diseases, many of which are serious in the eyes of patients. It's all small things. So even if he felt difficulty swallowing, he didn't take it seriously and delayed it."

"That's right!" Director Zheng nodded, and said earnestly: "It's easy for doctors to ignore their own discomfort. In a sense, doctors need the care of people around them more."

He looked at the quiet Xu Mai, and patted him on the shoulder slowly and forcefully. "Doctors are ordinary people when they take off their white coats. They will be lonely and sick. I know that times have changed. You young people are no longer sticking to marriage and having children. Some people work hard for their careers, and some enjoy being alone. But according to my old man Thoughts, I still hope that there is someone who cares about you and cares about you, and after the night shift, you can have a mouthful of hot porridge."

Min Yue's eyes flicked between Director Zheng and Xu Mai.

Um? what's going on?

Xu Mai said, "Min Yue, you can go out on a date on weekends."

"Uh..." Min Yue felt that the atmosphere was not right, so she didn't answer.

"Whom am I talking to, so just pretend you don't understand." Director Zheng was so angry that his eyebrows trembled three times, he turned and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Xu Mai's face was still as cold as the moon, and there was no trace of waves.

Min Yue winked at Chen Sitian in the distance, what's going on?

Chen Sitian took out his mobile phone and typed quickly, then motioned her to look at the mobile phone.

Min Yue hid Xu Mai and opened WeChat, and saw a private message. "Heart surgery routinely urges marriage, it's none of your business."

Min Yue replied: "Urging marriage? The director is urging my master to get married?"

The other party sent another message: "Your master is a high-altitude flower in the First Affiliated Academy. How many people have followed suit on the road of pursuit. There are many interesting things here. You invite my sister to dinner some other day, and my sister will tell you about it."

A few seconds later, he added another sentence: "By the way, let me give you a piece of gossip for free—Dr. Zeng, who is studying in our department, is currently your master's number one suitor."

Min Yue frowned: "Number one?"

"Yes, there are still numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in the back. Xiao Mingyue, you have many rivals. Come on!"

Chen Sitian made an expression, a mean raccoon cat, standing upright, holding a big red flower in each of its left and right paws, twisting and twisting its waist, shouting for cheer.

It does not make sense. Min Yue was about to lock the screen when the phone vibrated and there was another new message.

Shen Fei: "Don't leave after get off work, I'll come find you."

Min Yue replied Erha, who said her hands were ok, and was so busy in the afternoon that she managed to forget about it in the Taklamakan Desert.

The weather is hot, and bacteria are easy to breed. Min Yue helped three patients treat the infected incisions and change new medicines. Even through a mask, they all smelled the stench of pus and the smell of iodophor alcohol.

After leaving the ward, it was past 7 o'clock. Min Yue took off the mask she had retired from, and was about to wash her face before leaving get off work. When passing the nurse's station, I saw a familiar figure.

"This is YSL's masculine look, right? It looks so good on you. What brand of foundation is it?" The man rubbed his hand along the little nurse's cheek, with spring water in his eyes and a smile on his mouth. "No foundation? Your skin is so good that you can't even see your pores."

As he spoke, he put his fingertips on the little nurse's lips and stroked them lightly. "Your lips are so beautiful, suitable for kissing."

The little nurse's face was burning red.

"Ahem." Min Yue couldn't bear to watch, and cleared her throat. "Shen Fei, why are you here?"

"Didn't you say on WeChat that I'm coming to find you?" Shen Fei reluctantly withdrew her hand from the nurse's face, raised her eyebrows affectionately, and turned to look at Min Yue. "You can keep me waiting."

Min Yue frowned in disgust. "Don't, it's too nasty, you should be normal."

Shen Fei walked with the wind and came towards her. She stretched her arms around Min Yue's shoulders and led her out. "I've been waiting for you since half past five, and I'm starving to death, please treat me to dinner."

"I haven't changed my clothes yet, wait for me to get off." Min Yue turned back, nimbly escaped from her hand, and walked towards the lounge in the opposite direction.

"Hey, dating a woman is a word." Shen Fei had no choice but to follow reluctantly, but Min Yue shut the door of the lounge.

Standing bored, Shen Fei took out her mobile phone to browse Weibo, watching jokes from funny bloggers to relieve boredom.

She had just had her hair cut, cutting her previously long hair to just below her shoulders, and when she lowered her head, the broken hair poured down. She thought it was getting in the way, so she casually brushed her hair behind her neck, but it fell off again after a while.

After several repetitions, Shen Fei gradually felt annoyed and thought about tying it up, but her eyes were attracted by the Weibo content and stuck to the screen.

Suddenly, the annoying hair disappeared from sight, Shen Fei looked up strangely, and saw a woman in a white coat standing in front of her smilingly, still holding her disheveled lock of hair in her hand.

"Excuse me." Shen Fei raised her hand to pull out her hair, thinking what kind of doctor this is, she is quite enthusiastic.

I looked at his badge and saw, oh, the cardiologist is called Chen Sitian, and he is an attending physician just like himself.

Walking up the white coat, he found that the other party was looking at him openly, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"Is your heart uncomfortable? Go, go in and lie down, I'll check it for you." The other party winked at her.

Shen Fei suddenly realized, this guy is teasing me!

Shen Fei, who had never been defeated in a love scene, instantly aroused her fighting spirit, and immediately retorted: "Surgery techniques are too rough, I don't understand the style, come with me to your heart, let you experience the right hand of God."

Chen Sitian was stunned for a moment, and took half a step back. "Are you from the cardiology department?"

With a creak, Min Yue came out after changing her clothes, and looked up to see two people blocking the door, and the atmosphere was a bit tense. "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I said to take this attending doctor to communicate with us in our hearts." Shen Fei said casually, "You made me wait for a long time to change your clothes. I thought you were dressing up for a date with me, but you turned out to be dressed like a high school student."

Shen Fei stepped on an 8cm stiletto heel, and kicked Min Yue's canvas shoes with a pointed toe. "Didn't you buy these shoes in your sophomore year? Why are you still wearing them?"

"The quality is good, it's comfortable to walk on, and I like to wear it." Min Yue replied, "You wear high heels, beware of patients complaining that you make noise."

They ran on each other back and forth, and Chen Sitian at the side heard that the relationship between the two was unusual, so he interjected and asked, "Is this your friend?"

Only then did Min Yue realize that she hadn't been introduced yet, so she hurriedly said, "This is my childhood friend, Shen Fei, who earns a living in the cardiology department of our hospital. This is Chen Sitian, my former teacher."

Chen Sitian dissatisfied: "Hey, what do you mean by saying that I used to be? How can there be such an introduction."

Shen Fei chuckled, and said with a smile: "So you are the attending doctor whose teaching qualification was revoked by Director Xu. I have admired you for a long time."

"What a long time ago, what happened two days ago... how do you know it in your heart? Who passed it on?" The disgraceful news spread like wildfire, Chen Sitian couldn't hold back, and changed the subject: "Why didn't I see you in the cardiology department? Did you just come here?"

"That only shows that you don't come to my heart very often. I'm not an intern. Although Ah Yue and I are younger, I'm a few years older than her. I was the attending doctor last year."

Seeing her glamorously dressed, Chen Sitian muttered to me that there is no way I could not be impressed with such a beautiful girl, while pretending not to care and asking others: "Are you going on a date?"

"It's just for dinner." The two said in unison, and Shen Fei added: "She is dressed like this, she can't meet the standard for dating me."

Just as Min Yue wanted to turn back, she caught Xu Mai walking towards her out of the corner of her eye, and immediately stood at attention like a sunflower, and called uprightly: "Master."

Xu Mai has weak nearsightedness, he can't see people clearly from a distance, so he looked for his reputation, because there is no focus, his eyes are soft, like a layer of fog. After taking a few steps closer, the cloud of mist gradually condensed into a clear spring, reflecting the bright white light of the ceiling lamp in the corridor.

She saw clearly that it was Min Yue. Although the corners of her mouth were not smiling, her eyes were much softer. Like a snow-white pear blossom, it falls lightly on the water surface, sparkling with waves.