MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 69 good morning kiss

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Min Yue quickly turned on the light, only to see Fatty squatting on Xu Mai's back, as round as a Maitreya Buddha.

"Why did you run out?" Min Yue pushed its **** to let it go down, then helped Xu Mai up, and asked with concern: "Is Master okay?"

Although Pangpang is young, he weighs quite a lot and is almost a medicine ball. Once Min Yue was lying on the sofa reading a book, and Pang Pang leaped from the floor and landed on her stomach. At that time, she felt that her internal organs were about to be crushed, and the effect was comparable to a steamroller.

Xu Mai covered his lower back with one hand, frowned and said: "It seems to have flashed to the waist."

"Master lie down, I'll rub it for you."

Min Yue pulled off the nightgown hanging around her neck two or three times and put it on again. After Xu Maiping got down on the knees, she knelt beside her and kneaded her waist.

Xu Mai hissed in pain, leaned his face on his arm, and stretched out his hand to pinch the fat pancake face. "I knew I wouldn't open the cage for you."

"Master, why did you open the cage?"

Xu Mai said leisurely: "I'm afraid it wants to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night."

Min Yue laughed and said, "It's very good at holding back urine, but it's really not good. It will be convenient on the peeing mat, so you don't need to leave a door for it."

"Well, I was careless." Xu Mai knocked on its small nose, as if punishing it for being blind and acting as a light bulb when it shouldn't be there.

Pangpang thought she was playing a game with him, and his beard was raised with joy. Xu Mai suddenly realized something was wrong: "I only opened the cage door, how did it come into the bedroom?"

Min Yue's hand that was massaging stopped, and the two looked at the cat together: "It has learned to open the door!"

Min Yue has seen many videos of cats and dogs opening doors, drawers, and refrigerators on the Internet. She always thinks that they are other people's pets, with a super IQ. She never thought that her silly cat is self-taught.

Looking at its fat belly and short limbs, it is hard to imagine that it can jump up nimbly and hug the doorknob, press down with its weight, and open the door.

"It seems that it will be locked in the future." Min Yue said.

After speaking, she suddenly realized that this sentence was very meaningful, as if implying that the two of them would close the door to do something that the cat could not see, Min Yue blushed belatedly.

The palm of her hand was pressed against the skin of Xu Mai's waist through the pajamas, and Min Yue suddenly felt hot, and she was embarrassed to touch it again.

Xu Mai thought she was tired, and thoughtfully said: "I'm much better, I'll be fine after I sleep, it's too late, let's rest."

Min Yue nodded shyly, held the cat by its neck and threw it out of the bedroom, hesitated when closing the door, and did not lock it. The two hugged each other and fell asleep, and when they were about to fall asleep, Pangpang came in again, jumped onto the bed, stepped on it, rolled into a ball, and slept outside the quilt.

The next morning, before the alarm clock rang, Min Yue woke up first, and when she looked up, she saw Fatty stretched out into a long strip, sleeping between herself and Xu Mai, like an orange 38th line.

I'm afraid that the cat has become a spirit, and it has come to the bed to fight for pets, and it deliberately sleeps in the middle, not allowing itself to get close to the master. Min Yue glared at it angrily, patted it on the forehead, and planned to send it away. Pang Pang was woken up, he opened his mouth wide and yawned, and stretched out his head to touch Xu Mai's lips.

Min Yue pushed its head away, took the first step, and kissed Xu Mai's lips.

Xu Maiyouyou opened his eyes, unaware of the jealousy that happened while he was asleep, when he woke up and saw Min Yue kissing him, he held her face and deepened the kiss.

When Min Yue was kissed, she still remembered to cover her chubby eyes so as not to let him see.

Xu Mai kissed for a while before he: know: count: let go of her, kissed her temples reluctantly, stroked his hands down the back, and placed them on her bare thighs, Min Yue froze instantly.

One disadvantage of sleeping in a nightdress is that the hem will roll up unknowingly, and sometimes even the belly will be exposed. Min Yue's current state is like this, her upper body is well dressed, while her lower body covered by a quilt, her two bare legs are shyly put together.

Xu Mai moved his hands between her thighs and buttocks, feeling the sudden stiffness of the person in her arms, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Min Yue didn't dare to look at her, and looked at the curtains with wandering eyes, pretending not to understand: "Huh?"

Xu Mai gently stroked the hickey on her neck, the light rose red, against the milk-like skin, it was very beautiful. Xu Mai didn't give her a chance to escape, and said bluntly: "If the cat didn't come in last night, it might not be able to stop...Are you afraid?"

Min Yue blushed, why did Master speak so calmly about such a topic. She lowered her gaze, stared at the buttons of Xu Mai's jacket, and whispered, "Fatty is here."

Knowing that she was shy, Xu Mai smiled and reached out to press the cat's ears. "It can't hear."

Min Yue couldn't think of any other excuses, so she could only answer positively, playing with the innocent button, blushing and muttering: "I'm just a little nervous..."

The girl's well-behaved appearance was very attractive, Xu Mai lowered his head and kissed her beauty tip: "I'm also nervous."

I can't see it at all, but feel that Master is very experienced, as if he has experience. Min Yue became unhappy, and asked rather jealously: "Has Master ever done this with others before?"

"No, only you, always only you." Xu Mai held her face and pecked it, and the person in his arms laughed again. "So I don't know what to do, can you tell me what you think?"

Min Yue thought for a while, and said without much confidence: "I heard people say that you can only be together after three months..."

"Okay, then let's wait until three months later." Xu Mai stopped worrying about this matter and concentrated on kissing her lover.

Min Yue hugged her neck, closed her eyes and raised her face, accepted the delicate and lingering good morning kiss, and responded tentatively.

Fatty nestled on the edge of the bed, turned his head to look out the window, his eyes were squinted by the rays of the rising sun.

The two lay in the soft quilt for a long time, until the alarm clock dutifully rang three times before they reluctantly parted. Xu Mai went to wash up, Min Yue went to the balcony to collect the clothes in the dryer, after dressing up, they went out to work together.

Today, I don't need to squeeze the subway, I have Xu Mai's special car, and I arrive at the hospital earlier than usual. The two finished their breakfast in the cafeteria in a leisurely manner, and Min Yue bought a lot of breakfast to take back to the ward.

The doctor on night shift had just woken up and was suffering from hypoglycemia while wearing the chicken nest. When he saw tea, egg meat buns and millet porridge, he immediately smiled. Min Yue often delivers breakfast, they are used to it, and they are not hypocritically polite, swarming over to **** the food from her hands.

Xu Mai stood beside him, lifting the fried dough sticks and soy milk in his hand. "If it's not enough to eat, I have more here."

The doctor who moved slowly and didn't grab breakfast took it with a smile, and said, "It's different when you become a family. Director Xu has the smell of fireworks."

In the past, they would not have dared to chat and laugh with Xu Mai, but now that she is with Min Yue, it is equivalent to Min Yue's family, and the way they get along has undergone a subtle change.

They got close to Min Yue, and naturally, they also got a lot closer to Xu Mai in their hearts. Xu Mai also felt this change, and gave them a rare smile to show their friendship.

After the morning meeting, as usual, there was a joint medical rounds with doctors and nurses. Everyone tacitly gave up the position next to Xu Mai, let Min Yue walk beside her, and the rest followed behind with smiles.

Before entering the ward, Xu Mai suddenly asked: "Are you in charge of the 12 beds?"

Min Yue froze for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"The operation is preliminarily scheduled for the day after tomorrow. Later, you call the family members to the conference room to talk."

"Okay." This is the routine procedure, and Min Yue easily agreed.

But Xu Mai said: "You come to talk." After speaking, he opened the door and walked in first.

Min Yue is messed up in the wind outside the door, let me talk? How to talk about it?

The nurses looked at each other, Master Mo is still Master Mo even after falling in love, he is so strict with his own and girlfriends, tsk tsk.

One sentence made Min Yue nervous, and immediately grabbed Chen Sitian after the room inspection, and begged her to teach him the tricks of talking before surgery. The latter smiled and said, "Why do you want me, let your family teach you."

Min Yue shook her head like a rattle: "Master just wants to test me, she doesn't know how to teach."

"Then ask her after the exam."

"No, no." In the past, if you didn't understand it, you didn't understand it, and you learned it after being criticized, but now the relationship between the two is different, and Min Yue doesn't want to lose face in front of Xu Mai at all. She wants to behave well and maintain the image of perfection in the eyes of her lovers.

Chen Sitian understood what she was thinking, but felt that it was not good to get involved with other young couples. It happened that Director Li was beckoning to him at the other end of the corridor, so he broke away from Min Yue's hand and fled.

Min Yue looked for Deng Sang disheartened, and the other party was explaining the matter at the nurse's desk, and said: "If you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs run away, right? You should know the process by heart, I have nothing to teach you. "

"I know, I know, but is there anything I need to pay special attention to? Or how can I do better?" Min Yue asked meticulously.

"Talk about it a few times and you'll know. Every family member's situation is different. There's no set routine, just play by ear." Deng Sang patted her on the shoulder encouragingly, "You can do it. Come on, I'll get busy first."

Min Yue couldn't find foreign aid, so she had to recall what the chief surgeon said in the pre-operative conversation, and then dug out the examination results and cases of the 12-bed patient, carefully looked at each line, and thought while watching.

After preparing for it for a while, Xu Mai came back from the outside and knocked on the table: "Go and call the family."

Min Yue sat still, hugged the medical record book and looked at her eagerly, trying to squeeze out a pitiful, pitiful expression. Xu Mai didn't seem to see it: "Go quickly."

Min Yue stood up vigorously, and went as soon as she went. In the morning, she hugged me and called her Xiao Tiantian, but after four hours, she turned her face and refused to recognize anyone. cruel! ruthless! snort!

Min Yue rushed into the ward angrily, walked to the 12th bed, and told them to go to the conference room to talk. When the patient in the 11th bed next door saw the doctor coming, he quickly waved: "Doctor, my wound hurts and itches, can you take a look at it for me?"

Min Yue asked her family members to wait for her first, went around to bed 11, took a look at the gauze, and said with relief: "You just had an operation two days ago, and the wound is healing now, it's normal to feel uncomfortable, as long as you If you don't have an infection, you'll be fine."

The man asked again: "It's been two or three days, why is it not getting better at all, I see that others have grown new flesh."

"Some people recover quickly and others recover slowly. Don't worry." Min Yue looked at her nursing records and saw that her dressing hadn't been changed today, so she said, "May I change your dressing first? Use rubbing alcohol to stop the pain." itch."

The patient nodded immediately: "Okay, then I will trouble the doctor."

Min Yue went to the nurse's station to fetch the medicine, quickly tore off the gauze and wiped the iodine.

The patient is a woman in her fifties. Her children are busy with work and have no time to accompany her. She hired a nurse who works hard but talks little. She was so bored all day long, seeing that Min Yue was polite and easy to talk, she tried to chat: "How old is Dr. Min? Is there someone to talk to?"

Min Yue blushed: "We've talked..."

"What does the other party do?" asked the aunt enthusiastically.

"It's a doctor." Min Yue blushed even more.

"Oh, my colleagues, that's pretty good." The aunt said a lot to herself, and Min Yue was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head, she quickly changed the medicine, got up and was ready to leave.

Xu Mai pushed the door open and came in, with one hand in the pocket of his white coat. "The family members are waiting, how long will it be on your side?"

"Okay, here we come." Min Yue hurriedly packed up the medical waste.

Seeing Xu Mai, the aunt smiled more enthusiastically: "Director Xu is here, we are talking about Dr. Min's partner."

"Oh?" Xu Mai glanced over, and Min Yue lowered her head in shame.

"Has Director Xu talked about friends?" the aunt asked familiarly.

Xu Mai looked at the little apprentice: "Yes."

"Director Xu is so good, the other half must not be bad, dare to ask where the other party is high?"

Xu Mai got up gently: "It's in our hospital."