MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 7 unexpected date

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After eating porridge and spending an hour alone with the master, Min Yue is very satisfied, today is a successful day!

With high spirits and the wind blowing under his feet, Min Yue walked to the subway station with all his might, and when the door closed, he suddenly remembered and forgot an important thing—

She went to Xu Mai tonight because she was about to have her first surgery and was too nervous. She wanted to ask Xu Mai if he had any teaching video recommendations. Unexpectedly, in a hurry to satisfy his appetite, he forgot about it.

Min Yue was so annoyed that she couldn't get out of the car to go back now, and she didn't have Xu Mai's cell phone number... Well, I had to ask Chen Sitian for advice.

When she took out her phone, Min Yue opened Deng Sang's private chat window.

She was abused so badly by her master, and even bought pork to practice sewing in the middle of the night, so there must be a lot of learning materials to recommend.

Sure enough, Deng Sang quickly returned a list of URLs. "These are videos that I have treasured for many years. I hope they can save you from Master Mo's wrath."

Min Yue replied thank you, got off the bus at the station, and passed by the vegetable market, thinking that he would have to get up early tomorrow to buy a piece of meat, learn from Deng Sang, and practice sewing hard.

After washing, put on a sleeping mask, lay down, and when she was about to fall asleep, Min Yue jumped up from the bed.

Master seems to be smiling at me tonight? !

Min Yue stroked her memories and confirmed that the corner of Xu Mai's mouth was slightly raised at the moment when Smurfy looked like a flower fairy.

Ahhh! Master smiled at me! The dream last night was not the opposite of reality, it was a prophetic dream!

Min Yue excitedly took out her mobile phone and pressed the dial button, and shouted loudly the moment the connection was made: "Shen Fei! Master smiled at me!"

The electronic sounds in the nightclub were louder and louder, and Min Yue felt that her eardrums were shaking.

Shen Fei replied perfunctorily: "Oh, yes." She hung up the phone with a click.

This Shen Fei! You must have missed what I said! Min Yue angrily threw the phone on the bedside, and the next second, the corners of her mouth grinned uncontrollably, and the mask burst into laughter.

Min Yue rolled over happily, her two white legs writhing with joy.

Master smiled at me! hey hey hey hey hey~

Min Yue, who had been beaten with chicken blood, got up in good spirits early in the morning the next day, and turned off the alarm clock before Erha howled "Aw~Aw~".

Washing at the speed of light, hurriedly went out to eat breakfast, and returned home half an hour later with a black plastic bag.

She put the laptop on the corner of the dining table, took out the pork with skin and threw it on the thick kitchen paper, clicked play with her left hand, and held the needle with her right hand, looking like she was ready for everything and only needed to study.

She was so absorbed that she forgot to eat lunch, and the hand holding the needle started to shake because of hunger, only then did Min Yue realize that it was time to add sugar.

I simply boiled instant noodles, laid eggs, spread shredded lettuce, and ate it hungrily. I was lazy and didn't want to wash the dishes, so I soaked the pots and bowls first.

The phone rang loudly, Min Yue wiped her hands, ran to the dining table, picked it up, and saw that it was the guy who ruthlessly hung up on her last night.

Min Yue pretended to be upset and said, "Are you awake? How much did you drink last night? Do you still remember my old friend?"

"Forget that no one can forget my family, Ah Yue." Shen Fei's voice was hoarse, revealing the exhaustion of a hangover. "What did you say on the phone yesterday? It was too noisy and I couldn't hear you clearly."

It was rare for her to remember that Min Yue felt much more at ease, and with the excitement of last night, shared the good news with her friends again: "I said, Master smiled at me yesterday!"

"Oh." Shen Fei just woke up, with a strong nasal voice. "Then you want to celebrate? Treat me to a movie, IMAX!"

"No, I still have to study this afternoon." Min Yue sternly refused.

"You released me yesterday, and you have to compensate me today. If you study one more afternoon, can you become Xu Mai? If you study one less afternoon, you can't even hold a knife? Come out and watch a movie with me." .”

Even if I study for ten more years, I won't be able to become as powerful as Master...

Like a deflated ball, Min Yue said softly, "Okay, I'll watch a movie with you. But you feel tired, you won't fall asleep in the movie theater, will you?"

"Don't worry, I'll finish the movie even if I hold my eyelids with a matchstick."

Shen Fei is a playful person, and the busy pace of work in the hospital didn't make her restless. Whenever she had time, she would go out to play in different ways.

Shen Fei reported the address of the shopping mall she often went to, and then said: "Go and buy tickets first, I'm so hungry, I'll go find you after I have something to eat."

"Okay, don't worry, eat slowly."

After hanging up the phone, Min Yue searched for the movie theater in that shopping mall on the group buying website, and took a closer look, and found that the price of an IMAX ticket was more expensive than that piece of pork with skin.

A child from a rich family would choose the most expensive one to watch a movie, and he couldn't afford to provoke him. She complained in her heart, but Min Yue still spent huge sums of money to buy two IMAX tickets. Looking at the time, there was more than an hour before leaving the venue, and it took about half an hour to take the subway. Min Yue put the pork in the refrigerator and was ready to go out.

Thinking of Shen Fei's ridicule that her attire was not good enough to date her, Min Yue took off her casual clothes, took out a suspender dress from the closet and changed into it, put on makeup cream and lipstick, blow-dried her hair fluffy, and took a look in the mirror. Fan, finally go out.

Arrived at the cinema, picked up the tickets, and 20 minutes before the show started, Min Yue called Shen Fei and asked, "Tickets are coming soon, where have you been?"

"Ah! I forgot about this..." Shen Fei said regretfully, "I'm sorry, Ah Yue, a patient is not doing well, and Corey told me to go back. I'm almost at the hospital, so I won't go to the movies."

Third- and fourth-line doctors also need to turn on their mobile phones 24 hours a day after get off work. When there is an emergency and the first- and second-line doctors cannot handle it, they will be called back to the hospital. Although Shen Fei is the second-line attending doctor, if the patient's condition in the bed she is in charge of suddenly changes, she will be notified to be there.

As a colleague, Min Yue fully understood and said generously: "It's okay, you can go."

"Then do you watch movies alone? How lonely, ask your colleagues to come and accompany you."

"It's okay, I'll figure it out, you go and get busy."

"Ah Yue is the best. I will buy you a big meat bun from the cafeteria another day to make amends. Bye, I'll hang up first and drive."

After hanging up the phone, Min Yue started to worry, there were less than 20 minutes left before leaving the venue, and even if she found someone temporarily, it would be too late, so why don't she just give a ticket to someone who went to watch the movie alone.

Min Yue held the ticket and walked to the ticket hall. Because it was the weekend, there were a lot of people watching the movie, either in couples or with their families. Min Yue searched for a while, but couldn't find a suitable candidate.

Min Yue lay down on the railing dejectedly, looking downstairs aimlessly. The escalator slowly delivered the passengers to the entrance of the theater on the 5th floor. Min Yue was like counting ducks swimming under the bridge in front of the door, thinking, one pair, one pair, another pair.

Suddenly, a lonely figure appeared on the escalator. Min Yue's eyes lit up, and she stretched her neck to confirm.

The man was wearing a well-tailored black dress, a section of snow-white neck was exposed from the V-neck, and a small ruby ​​lay in the middle of the beautiful collarbone, making his skin fairer.

Others are all in groups, laughing and chatting, only she is alone, standing quietly among the crowd, her cool demeanor is completely different from the noise around her, very eye-catching.

As the escalator gradually climbed up, Min Yue stared at her jet-black hair and silently mumbled how to explain so that she could accept a free movie ticket with peace of mind.

Seeing her getting closer and closer to him, Min Yue's smile became more enthusiastic. When she came in front of her, she raised her face and her gaze collided with Min Yue's, both of them were taken aback.

"Master, master..." Min Yue spoke incoherently, "Are you going to watch the movie too?"

"Yeah." Xu Mai saw that she was clutching two tickets in her palm, brushed her long hair, and asked, "A date?"

"No, no, there is a friend, the one who chatted with Dr. Chen at the entrance of the lounge yesterday. She asked me to treat her to a movie. I bought the tickets, and she went back to the department temporarily and couldn't come."

After Min Yue finished explaining, she suddenly remembered that she promised Xu Mai that she would never go out and stay at home and study hard, and she suddenly felt bad.

Being caught directly on the spot, Min Yue had nothing to excuse, her face flushed red with shame, and she faltered and said: "Master, I was wrong, I shouldn't have come out to the wild, I'll go back right away."

"Hey." Xu Mai stopped her, "It's all here, let's go after watching."

"Oh." Min Yue shrunk her head, and followed behind in despair like a junior high school student who was picked up from an Internet cafe by the head teacher.

It wasn't until Xu Mai walked to the manual ticket window and told the staff to buy a ticket that Min Yue came to her senses and stopped her quickly: "Master, don't buy it. I have a lot of tickets here, just for you."

Xu Mai turned his face to the side and asked, "Didn't you call anyone else?"

"No, it's about to start, there's no time, I thought of finding someone to send it out..." I didn't expect this casualness to happen to Xu Mai.

"Master, do you want to see this? The evaluation is good, the special effects are well done, and the plot is also exciting. When I bought it, there were not many left."

What Min Yue bought was a newly released foreign action blockbuster, which combined sci-fi and interstellar elements, and the market response was very popular. More than half of the people who came to the cinema today came for this movie.

But she was afraid that Xu Mai didn't like such a rowdy type, if she didn't like it, then there was no need to force her to save money for a movie ticket.

Xu Mai took the movie ticket from her hand, looked at it, and said, "Okay, just watch this."

Like food, Xu Mai has no requirements for watching any movies. The reason why she came to the movie theater is to relax the pressure of work, and to have contact with the outside world. She spends almost 350 days a year in the hospital. Although she lives in a first-tier city, she is almost out of touch with society.

On this trip to study abroad, she deeply felt that there was a communication barrier between herself and others, and she didn't know the trendy things in other people's mouths. She knows even less internet buzzwords than Director Zheng, who is over fifty years old.

Realizing that this is not going to work, Xu Mai squeezed time to integrate into society, visiting shopping malls that young people love to visit, buying cosmetics that young people love, watching movies that young people like, and browsing Weibo jokes that young people like.

I heard the nurses chatting that day, there was a movie about to be released, and I had to watch it with my boyfriend, so she remembered it carefully.

Seeing that Min Yue bought tickets for that movie, she thought to herself that many young people like this movie, so I should watch it.

Yesterday he was invited to drink porridge, and today he was invited to watch a movie. As a senior, Xu Mai felt that this was inappropriate, so he took the initiative to buy a snack set for watching movies.

Min Yue was immersed in the shock of going to watch a movie with Xu Mai, excited and nervous, and sent a WeChat message to Shen Fei to share her feelings: "Shen Fei!! Do you know!! I'm watching a movie with Master!!"

Shen Fei was busy, so naturally she didn't reply.

Min Yue muted her phone, put it in her bag, looked up and saw Xu Mai was holding a bag full of snacks, and hurried to help her carry drinks, she was quite surprised that Master also ate these junk foods.