MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 78 i would like

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A trace of astonishment flashed in Xu Mai's eyes.

It seems that there is really no plan to let me stay, so the purpose of taking me home tonight is really just to find papers.

The master is pure-minded and devoted to learning. In contrast, I seem to be a baboon beating his chest and feet, screaming for a hug and eating tofu.

Min Yue felt ashamed of her impure thoughts, excused "Pangpang is still waiting for me at home", turned around and ran out, without paying attention, bumped into the door frame solidly, with a bang.

Min Yue yelled out loudly, covered her forehead, tears were about to come out from the pain.

"Where did you hit? Let me see." Xu Mai threw down the book in his arms, supported Min Yue's shoulder, and made her turn to face him. The latter blushed almost to the point of bleeding, his eyes were wet, and he bit his lower lip stubbornly, pretending nothing had happened.

Xu Mai took away her hand protecting her forehead, and saw a red vertical line above her eyebrows, like a beauty in a costume drama, deliberately painted with cinnabar, bright and vivid.

Xu Mai rubbed gently with his fingertips, and Min Yue gasped in pain hissingly. "It's a little swollen, put a cold compress on it."

Xu Mai found a brand new face towel, soaked it in water, twisted it until half dry, wrapped it in a plastic bag, and put it in the refrigerator to freeze. Ten minutes later, the towel was frozen hard, like ice bricks. Xu Mai took it out and carefully placed it on Min Yue's forehead.

The little apprentice lowered his eyes meekly, his eyelashes were long and trembling slightly, and he pursed his lips tightly, looking worried.

"What are you thinking?" Xu Mai asked.

There was a tinge of pink on Min Yue's face, and she shook her head with guilt.

The hair around the ears seemed never to grow long, it was fluffy and soft, and curled up cutely. Xu Mai raised his hand to help her smooth it behind her ear, and pinched her hot earlobe. "I watched some TV shows recently."

"Huh?" Min Yue raised her eyes curiously, Master doesn't look like someone who likes idol dramas.

Xu Mai looked away embarrassedly: "I want to see how other people fall in love."

Min Yue thought for a while and realized that Master felt that he was not good at dating, so he wanted to study, but there was no paper to read, so he had to study how the male and female protagonists get along in TV dramas.

Xu Mai paused for a long time, and it seemed that it was difficult to say the next sentence. After thinking for a moment, he worded his words carefully: "But, none of them are suitable for us."

Min Yue squinted her eyes and recalled the recent popular TV series, two about palace fighting, one about suspense and reasoning, and one about marriage and love, but it seems to be forced love. .

It's really not suitable...

"I don't know how the two should get along." Xu Mai continued, "If I want you to stay, will it be too fast? Do you think I'm too impatient?"

"No!" Min Yue immediately interrupted her, and said: "I want to stay with Master... during the day, and at night..."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became, and finally he bowed his head in embarrassment.

"However, three months is still far away." Xu Mai reminded.

Min Yue screamed in her heart, why did she say that at that time ahhhhhhh!

After applying ice for a few minutes, Xu Mai took off the towel and checked carefully. Seeing that the red mark on her forehead had subsided a lot and was not as swollen as before, she felt relieved and said, "Apply it again before going to bed, and it's almost gone." .It's too late, I'll take you back."

Min Yue opened her mouth, then slowly closed it, hesitating whether to say that I regret it, that sentence doesn't count. After thinking about it all the way, Min Yue finally made up her mind when she got home to the garage downstairs.

Xu Mai unbuckled the seat belt of the driver's seat, leaned over, and stared at her seriously under the ambiguous and dim headlights. Gently peeled off her forehead hair with fingertips, touched the swollen forehead, and instructed again: "Remember to apply ice, don't apply it for too long, and be careful of catching a cold."

Min Yue tightly grasped the seat belt with both hands, swallowed with a thud, and murmured: "A little earlier is fine."

"Huh?" Xu Mai lowered his gaze.

Min Yue raised her face to look at her, met those deep and tender eyes, mustered up her courage, loosened the seat belt, and climbed onto Xu Mai's neck little by little. "It's fine in less than three months... because, I like Master."

The girl's palm-sized face is close at hand, with water-cut eyes, rippling with clear love.

For a moment, my heart was unbelievably soft, as if soaked in hot milk, the warmth penetrated into my heart, and my breath was full of the unique fragrance of a girl.

It is a clean, warm milky fragrance.

Xu Mai's eyes were deep, and he couldn't help kissing the girl's soft lips. The latter closed her eyes meekly, and approached her arms softly and bonelessly, with an intoxicated and fascinated expression.

Min Yue was still not very good at breathing, and she couldn't help uttering ravings like a milk cat between her lips and teeth, humming softly.

Xu Mai was aroused by this seemingly invisible voice, and he held her face in his arms, deepening the kiss.

The touch of lips and lips is so wonderful, every time it makes people tremble. The crisp and numb current rises from the tailbone and travels up the spine, and the heart will melt in this kiss.

Xu Mai kissed the corner of her lips forcefully, and reluctantly ended the passionate kiss. Min Yue opened her hazy eyes, shimmering, her brows were affectionate, her mouth and nose breathed together, her chest rose and fell slightly, her whole body seemed to have turned into a puddle of water.

The light in the car was dim and unclear, but her eyes were moving, as beautiful as the spring scenery.

"You are so pretty." Xu Mai caressed her face, touching her face inch by inch, as if trying to remember her face with his fingertips. "I want to hide you, I don't want others to see you."

Min Yue was immersed in the passionate kiss just now, she hadn't recovered yet, her expression was a little dazed.

Xu Mai leaned down, pressed his forehead together, and asked softly, "Come and live with me?"

Min Yue laughed: "Does Master want the golden house to hide the beauty?"

"My house is not as expensive as the Golden House, and it's not as big. I can only pretend to be you." Xu Mai is not used to talking about love, his face is reddish, and he kisses Min Yue's eyelashes, telling her to close her eyes and not look at herself dilemma.

In the dark, Min Yue heard her say: "After you live in, it has life, and it is a home, my home and yours."

Xu Mai's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of scaring her, he asked step by step: "Would you like to start a family with me?"

Min Yue opened her eyes, their eyes were as bright as stars. "I do!"

Xu Mai's uneasy expression immediately disintegrated, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he rubbed the tip of her nose: "Say it again."

Min Yue tightened the arms holding her neck, and pulled her closer, so close that each other's eyes were filled with the light and shadow reflected by each other.

She smiled like a spring breeze, over and over again, very lightly, but very affectionately said: "I am willing."

"I will say it as many times as Master wants to hear."

"I want to listen to it forever."

"Okay, I will tell Master for the rest of my life."

After meeting you, I realized that I will never fall in love with anyone else in this life.

That's just right, I never thought, let alone let go of your hand.

Stay by my side, live in my heart, just like that, stay together forever.

Read The Duke's Passion