MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 88 isolation

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The symptoms of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are similar to those of SARS, which caused national panic many years ago, such as high fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc., but about a quarter of the patients infected with the former also developed symptoms. Stomach discomfort such as diarrhea and vomiting.

In contrast, although the MERS virus is not so contagious and there will be no large-scale human-to-human transmission, the fatality rate is as high as 36%, which is twice as high as that of SARS, so it cannot be taken lightly.

Fortunately, unlike the local epidemic, MERS is an imported infectious disease. As long as the initial infected persons and close contacts can be isolated, the epidemic can be controlled to the greatest extent.

"The patient has been transferred to the negative pressure ward of the ICU, and the Department of Infectious Diseases has also reported the relevant situation to the hospital leadership and the CDC. His family members and the doctor on duty at the fever clinic have also been isolated, and more close contacts are being sought. .Our hospital is the only designated hospital, everyone should be mentally prepared.” Director Zheng fell silent for a short time after speaking.

Everyone present knows that people infected by MERS generally have poor resistance and suffer from chronic diseases such as pneumonia and cardiovascular disease for a long time. The patient was admitted to the Department of Infectious Diseases for treatment, but all the doctors from the Cardiac Surgery Department were called back in such a hurry, which shows that things are not that simple.

Sure enough, Director Zheng glanced around and said, "The patient went to the doctor for heart palpitations and shortness of breath before going abroad, and was diagnosed with severe pulmonary artery stenosis. But he was going to his son's home in the Middle East for the Spring Festival, and he did not receive treatment. Now the right heart failure is very serious, and he was transferred to the ICU. Afterwards, it has been rescued once. After discussion in the hospital, it was decided to send two doctors from our department to support, and if conditions permit, pulmonary valve angioplasty will be considered.”

All the doctors are nervous, if conditions permit? It must wait until the patient's fever subsides and the virus in the body is cleared, which means that the two people sent to support must follow up the treatment of the epidemic throughout the process.

According to the experience of attacking MERS in Province G many years ago, this battle will last at least half a month. And every day, you have to have zero-distance contact with the infected person. Even if you wear isolation gowns, protective clothing, and N95 masks, you will inevitably feel uneasy.

There is no 100% security, you can only be careful and careful. Although medical workers should stand up, there are old and young, and there are many concerns in the world of mortals. Who is willing to take risks with their own lives?

Who to appoint was an extremely difficult decision. After thinking about it, Director Zheng gave them the right to choose. He picked up the two determination letters, looked around, and asked, "Has anyone volunteered to sign up?"

There was silence.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound in the silence, like falling snow: "I'll go."

Xu Mai took the first half step, quietly raised his hand, ready to receive the letter of determination.

Min Yue was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, and stepped forward: "Then I will go too!"

Director Zheng's heart trembled slightly, before he could think of what to say to encourage them, the voices of registration rang in his ears one after another.

"I can too!"

"I sign up too!"

"And me and me!"

People who go retrograde in wind, rain and sea of ​​fire are not afraid, but they have responsibilities and they don't care about other things. As long as there is one person who stands up to lead the way, then there will be a response from everyone in the future, and everyone will be united.

Except for those with babies who need to be taken care of at home, or those whose elders are hospitalized and cannot do without people, almost everyone in the Department of Cardiac Surgery has signed up, which Director Zheng did not expect.

Director Zheng became excited and clenched his hands into fists. "Everyone is very professional and dedicated, and doesn't care about personal gains and losses. At this juncture, I won't talk about beautiful words, but talk about practical things."

"Xiao Liang, you have a cold, so don't go make trouble. Xiao Zhao, your wife's due date is just around the corner, so don't go there either, and stay at home with the delivery."

After removing a few people with special circumstances, there are still 20 candidates. Director Zheng thought for a while and said, "To be fair, let's draw lots. I will send a red envelope to the group, and the two people who receive the largest red envelope will be selected." How about going to support the infection department?"

Everyone nodded in support, and soon, someone's mobile phone howled: "The red envelope is here."

Min Yue opened WeChat, clicked on the red envelope titled "Safety First, Prosperity", waited for a few seconds, and checked the luck of the group members after all the red envelopes were snatched.

Hu Yidao ranked second with 11 yuan and 11 yuan, while she herself ranked first with 13 yuan and 14 yuan.

Hu Yidao had no objection to being selected, on the contrary, he had a very strong opinion on the number drawn, and scratched his hair in pain: "Why do you even hurt me with the amount of the red envelope? Why is Xiao Mingyue a lifetime, and I am the unparalleled single dog in the world! This world is too big. Cruel!"

After being made a joke by him, the tense atmosphere relaxed a lot, and those who were not selected relaxed their tense nerves.

Director Zheng looked at Min Yue and Hu Yidao, hesitantly: "You two..."

Although Min Yue had done many first aids, they were all led by Director Li and Xu Mai. If Hu Yidao was the chief surgeon, it would be hard to say whether they would be able to cope if an emergency happened.

This is not the optimal match.

Director Zheng was still hesitating, when he suddenly heard Xu Mai say, "I'll go for Min Yue."

"Master..." Min Yue grabbed her arm anxiously, but the latter patted the back of her hand, signaling her to be at ease, and then stretched out his hand again to take the letter of determination. "I'll take the lead."

All eyes instantly focused on the two of them.

Xu Mai is the main surgeon and Hu Yidao is the first assistant. Such a partner is obviously more suitable. In addition, it is a very beautiful practice experience to take the initiative to volunteer and successfully treat MERS patients. After writing it into her resume, it will be very helpful for her to compete for the director position in the future and select the Golden Knife Award.

Director Zheng knew her well and knew that she did not seek fame and fortune, but he couldn't help but think about it for her. After pondering for a moment, he came to a conclusion in his mind: "Xu Mai, Hu Yidao, I have to work hard for you."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Hu Yidao took the letter of determination with a smile, swiped his pen, and solemnly signed his name.

After Xu Mai signed, he was dragged into the duty room by Min Yue. The door was locked, the lights were not turned on, and the cold moonlight shone in from the window. The moment Min Yue turned around, the tears that slid down her face were illuminated.

Min Yue seemed to have just crawled out of the glacier, her whole body was shaking from the cold, she held onto Xu Mai's arm tightly, and looked at her with tears in her eyes.

The worries in my heart were overwhelming, too many and too full, but I didn't know where to start, and the last thing I said was a question with an obvious answer: "Why did Master go for me?"

Xu Mai gently wiped away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes. "I don't want you to take risks..."

Occupational exposure, once is enough, I don't want you to experience it again in this life, even if the chance is only one in ten thousand.

"But I don't want Master to be in danger either..." Min Yue burst into tears, tears rolling down one by one like broken pearls.

No matter how hard he rubbed it off, Xu Mai took her into his arms and let her cry to her heart's content, releasing the uneasiness in her heart.

Tears soon wet her white coat, and seemed to flow into her heart through layers of material.

Xu Mai lowered his head and kissed the corner of her eyes. From the tears of her lover, she clearly tasted the salty, bitter, love and worry that cannot be described clearly in words.

"Wait for me to come back," she said.

As a lover, Min Yue is of course opposed to her going to the front line; but as a doctor, she has to support Xu Mai to go to the place where she is most needed. She can't let her temper and cry ignorantly, she wants to be Xu Mai's back-up and pillar.

Min Yue tried hard to restrain the urge to cry, sobbed softly, hugged the other party's neck, stood on tiptoe, raised her head, and pressed a kiss on her lips piously and solemnly. "I will take a good look at the house and wait for the master to come back."

After simply packing up the toiletries, Xu Mai and Hu Yidao were ready to set off and enter the Department of Infectious Diseases.

The whole cardiac surgery team went downstairs to see them off, and Hu Yidao waved his hands pretentiously: "I will send you off for thousands of miles, and I will have to say goodbye at last. Brothers and sisters, just send them here, and I will come back as soon as I go."

Min Yue sent Xu Mai all the way to the infection department building, climbed the stairs, and met the deputy director of the disinfection department who had just come out of the ICU in the corridor.

The other party took off the mask and was very surprised: "Xinwai sent three people over?"

"No, she's not." Xu Mai let go of Min Yue's hand and smiled reassuringly: "Go back."

Tears welled up again, Min Yue bit her lower lip to try not to cry, but her vision was blurred by tears.

The ICU is an isolated area, she can't go any further, she can only stand where she is, watching Xu Mai walk further and further away with her back turned to her.

When pushing open the ICU door, Xu Mai turned and looked back.

Across the long corridor, she saw Xu Mai's eyes looking at her, calm and gentle, like the cool starlight, shining for a moment, but for this short meeting, she walked for tens of thousands of years.

Min Yue had no memory of how she followed the deputy director of the disinfection department out of the infection department building, and her mind went dark, as if stuck, stuck in Xu Mai and finally looking back at her screen, replaying it repeatedly.

The ringing of the mobile phone in the pocket gradually increased, and Min Yue answered the phone in a daze, and Jiang Hui's anxious voice immediately came out: "Where are you? Where's Xu Mai?"

Hearing her mother's voice, Min Yue couldn't hold back anymore, burst into tears, and answered with a sob: "Master, Master has gone to the infection department..."

Good things do not go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. After the First Affiliated Hospital reported the epidemic to the CDC, the whole city immediately activated the health emergency mechanism. Major hospitals received the news one after another, urgently trained MERS rescue knowledge, and all staff participated in the epidemic prevention and control work.

Jiang Hui immediately called Min Yue to inquire about the situation. Unexpectedly, Xu Mai was sent to treat MERS patients. While worried, she comforted her daughter who had lost her backbone: "It's okay, it's okay, the imported MERS patient a few years ago was treated. It's going well, and none of the medical staff was infected. With experience, there will be no accidents this time."

Jiang Hui's consolation by presenting the facts and telling the evidence worked. Min Yue's crying gradually subsided, and she cheered herself up: "My master will definitely protect me well. She wants me to wait for her to come back. I'm going back. Fatty is still here!" waiting for me."

Min Yue hung up the phone, wiped away tears, reported to the cardiac surgery team, and hurried home.

Chen Sitian warned in the group: 【Be careful on the road, call me if you need anything, and I'll see you off. 】

After sending the WeChat message, I was about to collect my phone when the ringtone suddenly rang and the screen displayed four words, my queen.

Chen Sitian smiled and fed, "What instructions does Her Lady Queen have?"

On the other end of the phone, Shen Fei's voice was rarely flustered: "I heard that the Department of Cardiac Surgery will send someone for treatment, have you been selected?"

"I didn't. I was drawn to Xiao Mingyue, so Master Mo went for her." Chen Sitian explained the situation clearly, and suddenly noticed something, raised his eyebrows: "You didn't call Xiao Mingyue, did you call me first?"

Shen Fei paused, then hummed lightly.

Excited, Chen Sitian proudly pushed the medical records away, and Jing slumped in the chair: "I just realized that the Queen cares about me so much when I am in a great crisis."

"Who cares about you anymore, don't be too affectionate." After being found out, Shen Fei still stubbornly refused to admit it.

Chen Sitian was used to seeing her duplicity, and when he heard her laughing like a fox stealing a chicken, he lowered his volume and said in a magnetic voice:

"Baby, if you love me, just say it, show it more, don't hide it. Look at me, I tell you I love you a hundred times a day, my heart is fully conveyed to you, even if tomorrow is At the end of the world, I will die without regret.”

Life is short, accidents may happen every day, live wantonly, love what you love to the fullest, and don't leave any regrets.

Shen Fei was quiet for a few seconds: "Don't talk about the end, live well, and become a fashionable old lady with me."

"Are you inviting me to grow old together?"

Shen Fei said calmly, "Yes."

"Then my answer..." Chen Sitian grinned almost to his ears, "Of course it is."

The author has something to say: Don't be afraid, you won't be abused!

Xiao Mingyue's boat show is coming, hee hee~

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