MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 92 ceremony

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Min Yue pretended to be a carrot and buried her under the blanket, not daring to see the light until Xu Mai walked into the bedroom, dug her out and put her in his arms.

After coaxing her softly for a while, Min Yue mustered up her courage again, changed her clothes, and went out to meet people.

He sat down next to Xu Mai with a guilty conscience, did not dare to look at the dining table, and lowered his head to try to reduce the sense of presence. But the tangy aroma inevitably drilled into the nasal cavity, Min Yue sniffed, it was fish soup.

Looking up, I saw that the white porcelain bowl in front of Xu Mai was full of crucian carp tofu soup, the color was milky white, with emerald green chopped green onion floating, and the fragrance was attractive.

Jiang Hui believes that fish meat is a high-quality protein, and she likes to cook fish in different ways, braised in soy sauce, steamed, grilled and fried, fish **** and fish noodles, all of which are delicious. Min Yue, who was raised by her since she was a child, also loves to eat fish. When she smells the aroma, she swallows her saliva so greedily.

Jiang Hui had a thermos bucket by her hand, with the lid covered, and it was impossible to see how much was left in it, but it seemed that only one bowl was filled.

Min Yue licked her lips: "Mom, I also want to drink fish soup."

Pang Pang smelled the smell of fish, and anxiously meowed around the legs of the dining table. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he put his stomach away, jumped onto the dining table with difficulty, and went straight to Xu Mai's bowl.

Jiang Hui grabbed the cat's hind limbs like a big chicken leg, pulled it back like a carrot, hugged it in her arms, and kept it from disturbing it, and replied casually, "I didn't do your part."

Min Yue was dumbfounded: "Are you still my real mother?"

Jiang Hui glanced at her, meaning: "How did I know you would be here?"

Well, back to the question just now...

Min Yue was at a loss for words, she lowered her shoulders little by little, and collapsed on the dining table like melting ice cream.

She lay on the edge of the table, buried her face in her arms, exposed her red right ear, and looked at the people around her for help.

Xu Mai opened his mouth to explain: "Auntie, I proposed it on my own initiative. I hope she can move in with me. I didn't tell you and uncle in advance. I was negligent..."

Jiang Hui saw it just now. There was a dark red mark on Min Yue's neck, and she was dressed like that again. It was self-evident what happened the night before. She just didn't say it, but she knew the truth in her heart.

The modern society is open enough, cohabitation before marriage is not a big deal, and the child Xu Mai is very reliable and responsible, she can trust her.

Besides, the two of them are going to live together for the rest of their lives, and sooner or later they will live together.

Jiang Hui didn't mind much, and waved her hand to indicate that Xu Mai didn't need to apologize: "You can take care of each other if you live together, and I can see the two girls once in a while, isn't it good? Let's drink fish soup, it won't taste good when it gets cold .”

Xu Mai pushed the bowl towards Min Yue, who reached for the spoon, and Jiang Hui started nagging again: "Eat after you brush your teeth, this is specially made for Xu Mai, she has worked hard for half a month and needs to make up for it." Body."

Min Yue stared at the bowl eagerly: "I also want to make up for my body..."

Jiang Hui was very straightforward: "You don't need it. I see that your face has rounded up quite a bit. It doesn't matter if you skip a drink."

Min Yue was stabbed to death and was defeated. These days I often cook by myself, eat too well, and unknowingly gained three catties, and my face is rounded visible to the naked eye. Yesterday I skipped dinner on purpose, and my stomach was flattened by hunger, so I dared to wear the pajamas that outline the body line.

But then I ate supper later... The road to losing weight is difficult.

While the mother and daughter were bickering, Xu Mai had already taken out another bowl and shared half of the fish soup with Min Yue, and the fish meat was also put into her bowl, leaving only some tofu for himself.

Seeing that she had to be modest, Jiang Hui said quickly, "I came here after eating, leave me alone, eat quickly, you have to go to work after eating."

Min Yue bit the belly of the fish and glanced at the phone. It was already half past six, and she had to go out at seven.

Jiang Hui petted the cat, and looked at the two daughters facing each other drinking soup head to head, feeling very good.

"My friends used to show off how smart their children are and how good their grades are, but now they show off that their children have gone abroad or studied for a Ph. D., as if they are ahead of me and live a happier life than me."

"In my opinion, no one is as powerful as our Xu Mai."

Thinking of the old sisters' tone of politely begging for help recently, Jiang Hui raised her eyebrows: "Among their relatives and friends, there are quite a few people with heart problems, and they all want to ask me to get your expert number to help them see. "

"Oh, I have a high status now, even better than the chairman of the scalper company." Jiang Hui smiled broadly.

Xu Mai was startled slightly.

Her birth was the beginning of all bad luck, she lived with her sins, and all her sacrifices were to make up for it. But even with such hard work, it still dragged down the grandma and grandpa who had the grace of nurturing.

Her existence is a nightmare, a burden, but no one's pride.

But Jiang Hui's happiness can't deceive anyone, she is really proud of herself, she is very proud of having "other people's child".

She even cooked early in the morning and sent fish soup across the river and most of the city. She didn't know that Min Yue was here, and this breakfast was carefully prepared only for herself.

She treats herself as a member of the family and treats herself like a daughter, so she should give back double.

Xu Mai then said: "Why don't you send them my mobile phone number, if you need anything, you can contact me directly."

Jiang Hui said sternly: "That's not okay, they will annoy you to death, and they can pester you for a long time to ask about a little thing. It's okay, I'll stop you, if it's serious, let him go to the hospital to find you, you will add Just a number."

After Jiang Hui finished speaking, she looked at the sultry girl, and sighed deliberately: "They are obviously in the same department, why are my friends not looking for someone, but Xu Mai? Someone should reflect on it."

Even eating quietly would be shot, Min Yue choked a mouthful of fish soup into the esophagus, coughing very aggrieved.

Is it my fault? No, the standard of excellence has been raised by Master!

Afraid of being nagged about again, Min Yue drank the soup in two or three gulps, ran to the bathroom to wash up, and hid away.

Jiang Hui took turns off today, but she knew they were busy, so she left after sitting for a long time. While Min Yue was washing up, Xu Mai fed the cat, and when she finished changing, it was exactly seven o'clock, and the two of them went out to work together.

After the morning meeting, Deng Sang suddenly raised his hand timidly, expressing that he had something to say.

After she became the hospital chief, she quickly exhausted her business, but she didn't temper her personality to be more outgoing, and she was still a little timid in front of so many people.

More than twenty pairs of eyes stared at her, scaring her so much that she shrank her neck like a photophobic fungus, shrinking from dehydration little by little.

Director Zheng smiled lovingly and encouraged, "What's the matter with Xiao Deng?"

"I..." Deng Sang took out a stack of red invitation cards from his white coat, "I want to invite everyone to my wedding..."

Everyone gasped in surprise, and said, "You've made a big move. Usually, you rarely show affection, and it's really efficient to directly announce the marriage news."

Someone winked and smiled meaningfully. Hu Yidao didn't have so many twists and turns, and he had a good relationship. When he thought of something, he said directly: "Sangsang, do you have it?"

After sending out the invitations one by one, Deng Sang slapped him on the back with his medical records, and said angrily and shamefully, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh, that's because I feel old and I'm afraid I won't be able to marry, hahahaha!" Hu Yidao joked awkwardly.

Deng Sang was so angry that his neck was red, and he hurriedly explained: "I just think that there are many accidents in life, such as this MERS... There are many things that cannot be waited for. In the end, there may be no chance to do it."

Marriage is a top priority in everyone's long life, and it is likely to determine a person's life for decades to come.

After marriage, one has to shoulder the responsibilities of a family, even the families of both parents, to raise and educate their children. Once this burden is lifted, it cannot be let go.

However, contemporary young people pay more attention to enjoyment than giving. It is difficult for them to accept that they have to give up their personal happiness or sacrifice their careers for the sake of their families.

As a result, more and more people are afraid of marriage, and they need to have enough impulse to muster up the courage to enter the palace of marriage.

There is no such thing as "ready" and the years go by too quickly for you to be ready. Many couples are exploring the true meaning of marriage while facing overwhelming challenges. When they look back when their gray hair is gray, they realize that they have gone so far hand in hand.

When Deng Sang saw an opportunity to get married, he seized it.

The wedding was scheduled for May 20th. According to the local customs of S City, a banquet was held in the evening. All the doctors and nurses who were not on night shift in the Cardiac Surgery Department went and sat at six large round tables.

Few of Min Yue's college classmates got out of the singles, let alone married, and a few of her middle school classmates were married, but she was busy graduating at the time, so she only paid gift money and didn't go to the banquet.

This is her first time to attend a friend's wedding, fresh and looking forward to it. When the lace veil flew from a distance and fell on the bride's head, Min Yue screamed with excitement, more moved than Deng Sang himself.

Xu Mai looked at her sideways: "Do you like flying veils?"

Min Yuekuang nodded: "I like it! What a dream!"

There were stars in her eyes, and her face was full of longing.

Knowing that she has a girlish heart, Xu Mai smiled and held her hand under the table: "Okay."

Min Yue blinked, contemplating an unusual aura, and asked in a low voice, "Does Master want to hold a wedding?"

Xu Mai gently pinched the end of her ring finger: "Yes."

I want to give you a wedding.

It may not be grand, but others have this ceremony, and they are reluctant to leave a blank in your life.

I want to prove to you and reassure my uncles and aunts that if you choose me, there will be no regrets in your life.

Min Yue seemed very happy, stretching her neck to look around, learning how Deng Sang arranged banquets, and learning from them. Looking at it, I suddenly remembered something—

Xu Mai has no immediate family members, so... what other relatives can attend their wedding?

After hesitating for a while, he leaned into Xu Mai's ear and asked, "Which relatives does Master plan to invite?"

Xu Mai's smile froze suddenly and gradually disappeared. She looked away, looked at the two newcomers in the middle of the stage in the distance, and replied flatly: "Let's talk about it later."

Seeing her abnormal behavior, Min Yue realized that she probably touched a topic that shouldn't be mentioned. Shut up obediently and didn't ask any more questions, but felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Master has a secret from me...

The flower throwing session came soon, setting off a small climax. Many single women in the banquet hall crowded under the stage together, ready to grab the bouquet thrown by the bride.

Hu Yidao raised the sleeves of his suit, revealing a section of his wrist, and wanted to grab it. Everyone laughed at him: "How can a big man grab flowers."

Hu Yidao laughed, and waved his hands indifferently: "Don't care about these details, I'll fight to get out of the order!"

Squeezing into the crowd, he even specially greeted the people on the stage: "Sangsang! Throw the flowers to me later!"

Standing among a group of beautiful girls, the young man in a well-fitting suit looked very special at first glance.

Deng Sang covered his mouth and snickered, turning his back to everyone. The master of ceremonies counted down "three, two, one". She raised the bouquet and threw it back vigorously.

The audience roared with laughter, Min Yue and the others were far away from each other, so they stood up anxiously and looked ahead. I saw Hu Yidao holding up flowers with his right hand and clenched his left hand into a fist, like a football player kicking a goal, he raised his arms and shouted: "YES!"

The master of ceremonies has presided over hundreds of weddings, and such emergencies can also be deftly resolved: "This handsome guy, you can send flowers to a certain lady present, maybe a relationship will start."

Hu Yidao gave the flowers to one of the bridesmaids, and asked straightly, "Hello, is it convenient to add WeChat?"

Booing laughter and applause resounded through the hall again.

Afterwards, the wedding banquet began, the bride and groom changed their clothes and toasted the guests in turn.

When turning to Min Yue's table, Deng Sang didn't take the wine cup mixed with water, and asked the bridesmaid to pour him a glass of real wine, held it up with both hands, solemnly respected all colleagues, and then looked at Min Yue and Min Yue with a little drunkenness. Xu Mai said with a smile: "Next time it will be your turn."

The big guys laughed at the same time, looking forward to their response very gossip. Before Min Yue had time to be shy, Chen Sitian spoke first: "Maybe I will get married before them!"

"It might be me!" Hu Yidao ran back with a roguish smile, and proudly waved his phone: "I'm going to get the bridesmaid's WeChat account! There's a show!"

"Your horoscope hasn't been written yet, and the two couples must be faster than you." The head nurse often plays Weibo and grasps a lot of new news, explaining: "On the Internet, it is said that same-sex marriage will be legal within this year."

All the people present were so focused on their work that few of them paid attention to the news on the Internet every day. Hearing what she said, they were surprised and congratulated Min Yue and the others.

Director Zheng smiled benevolently, raised his wine glass and signaled to Min Yue and Xu Mai: "I'll have your wedding wine next time."

Min Yue smiled amicably, and couldn't help thinking of Xu Mai's concealed reaction when they talked about hosting a banquet and inviting relatives.

What was she hiding, and why didn't she want to tell herself?

As the closest other half, Min Yue was a little hurt.

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