MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 98 home

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Everyone has a side that they don't want to be seen by others. For Xu Mai, Xu Boyu and N City are the past that she doesn't want to show others.

She didn't tell anyone, not because she didn't dare to face it, on the contrary, she has been facing life every day since she became sensible. Others come to the world because of love, whether it is survival or life, the ultimate goal is to enjoy happiness.

She is different, since she was born, she has entered into a fate that she has to bear, and in this life, she has lived to pay for her life.

I can face it directly, but I don't want Min Yue and her family to know. Such a bleak and unknown fate, if you tell them, what kind of eyes will they receive? Maybe they would persuade Min Yue to stay away from him?

When being questioned again and again, Xu Mai concealed it, became selfish, and became greedy, because Min Yue was too warm, and she couldn't let go.

However, Min Yue's parents cared for her very much and praised her sincerely, thinking that she was good everywhere, so they handed Min Yue over to her with great confidence. While being moved, Xu Mai also felt ashamed.

The better they treat themselves, the more self-condemnation they have in their hearts. To be worthy of their trust, we must also give Min Yue the right to choose transparently.

During the two nights before Min Yue returned home, she figured it out. Min Yue has the right to know everything about her, and then choose whether to go on with herself, a person who is suffering from bad luck.

On the day of her confession on Valentine's Day, she once said to Min Yue, I will not let you go. But now, she wants to tear apart the past with her own hands, dripping blood, and show it to her sweetheart.

"Okay." Xu Mai weakly raised his hand, placed it on Min Yue's head, and lowered it so that she wouldn't see his expression. "I'll take you to City N."

The weather forecast said that the last few days have been cloudy or cloudy. When I went out in the morning, the sky was dark, the air was dull, and the air pressure was low. It seemed that a rainstorm was brewing.

The weather was bad, and even people were in a low mood. During the morning meeting, everyone's expressions were unclear. When Director Zheng announced that the Golden Knife Award had entered the final review stage and Xu Mai was not on the shortlist, everyone was so gloomy that they couldn't tell Come on.

The morning meeting ended in a hurry, and the operation was arranged airtightly. Everyone tried their best to cheer up and cope with the busy day.

Xu Mai took the time to find Director Zheng in private, and applied for two days of annual leave for himself and Min Yue on weekends.

Director Zheng was very surprised. Except for the time when he was hospitalized with stomach problems, Xu Mai had hardly had a rest since he entered the First Affiliated Hospital. He had to ask for leave so suddenly, and even two of them. The situation was very serious. It's really a pity that the Golden Knife Award was not selected, but it shouldn't be hit like this, right?

Director Zheng pondered for a few seconds, then comforted: "I checked the list on the website, and the eight shortlisted are all veterans, and I may not be able to match them. You are only thirty-two, don't be discouraged, there is still a long way to go , you can still..."

The Golden Knife Award is important, but right now, it is not the first in her heart. Xu Mai interrupted lightly: "Director, if it's convenient, I would like to go out to visit the elders who are hospitalized."

"Oh?" This was the first time she took the initiative to hear her mentioning family matters, and Director Zheng took it very seriously. "What's the disease, is it serious? Which hospital do you live in? Do you need help?"

"J Provincial People's Hospital." Now that he decided to take Min Yue to N City, Xu Mai no longer concealed it and was honest to the end. She said: "Min Yue wants to meet Professor Xu...he is mine..."

This title was too unfamiliar, and it was rarely mentioned for more than thirty years. Xu Mai was silent for a long time before he said sadly: "Grandpa."

Director Zheng picked up the water glass, and when he heard this name, he paused in mid-air and forgot to drink. Recalling the scene of the two meeting outside the operating room at the last annual meeting, I felt that something was wrong at the time, so it was.

There must be very complicated reasons for such a close blood relationship, but being as indifferent as strangers. Director Zheng was understanding, and quickly understood that this visit was not easy, so he didn't ask much, and after confirming the schedule, he approved the two people's vacation.

Xu Mai thanked him, and on Saturday morning, he drove Min Yue on the highway leading to N City.

The closer we got to N City, the darker the sky became. When we got off the toll booth, the dark clouds that had accumulated for three days finally broke down, and it began to rain lightly.

Min Yue sat in the co-pilot and looked out. The windshield was poured with a layer of rainwater, and the wipers swung over, blowing out a cloud of water.

When I was young, I traveled by car with my parents several times. The gentle scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, the fragrance of osmanthus flowers floated in the air, and the winding moat flowed quietly, reflecting the red lanterns hanging on both sides of the river.

This visit, the state of mind is very different from that of tourists. Maybe it was because of the continuous rain, maybe it was because Xu Mai lost his smiling face.

In the ancient alleys of blue bricks, the bells ringing in the distant mountains, Xu Mai's thoughts are buried in the dark mist and rain. Thinking of this, the scenery in front of me lost its color.

The car drove into the parking lot of the hospital, Xu Mai turned off the engine, opened the door and got out of the car, opened a large dark blue umbrella, and went around to pick up Min Yue on the other side.

By phone on the way here, the other party said they would be waiting for them in the outpatient hall. The two walked over side by side, and saw a male doctor in a white coat standing under the awning.

The other party also spotted them, stared at Xu Mai for a few times, and stepped forward: "Is it Xu Mai?"

Xu Mai closed the umbrella and nodded.

The other party was about fifty or sixty years old, and his eyes were very lively. On such an annoying rainy day, his expression was still calm, his leather shoes were clean, and there was no muddy water in sight. The thin rims of the glasses are black, and the lenses are clear, reflecting the harsh light. He doesn't talk much, but his gestures are rigorous, with a little bit of Xu Boyu's behavior style.

He said that he was a student of Professor Xu. Min Yue thought he was a young man, but he didn't expect to be a senior. He glanced at the badge, the director of the Cardiac Surgery Department.

After the other party introduced himself, he looked at Xu Mai and said with emotion: "You were only palm-sized in the incubator back then, but you have grown so big in a blink of an eye. The teacher must be so happy to see you."

He looked at Min Yue again, thinking it was a colleague or friend accompanying him, he said hello, and then mentioned the business: "I'll take you to see the teacher."

The two followed him to the inpatient department. On the way, he explained that Xu Boyu fell down the stairs half a month ago and suffered an intertrochanteric fracture. He underwent surgery for internal fixation and had to stay in bed for three to six months. Many of his students are working in this hospital, and they hired a nurse to help him, and they will take turns to take care of him after get off work. He has recovered well, but his mental state is much worse than before, and he seems to have lost interest in the world.

The bad luck that happened to his family was known to everyone in the school, but only the older students knew about Xu Mai's existence. After the discussion, it was decided to invite her to come and see the old man, maybe he would have hope of life.

Min Yue listened quietly, secretly surprised, although he had only met Xu Boyu once, but felt that he was a very powerful person, how could he lose all energy all of a sudden.

Taking the elevator upstairs, Min Yue quietly looked at Xu Mai's expression. From the time she left the house, she would always secretly glance at Xu Mai from time to time, worrying about her emotions. Xu Mai usually talks less, but today he cherishes words like gold. The closer he gets to N City, the colder the aura around him becomes.

The hot land of the hometown does not return warmth to people. Min Yue touched Xu Mai's hand with the back of her hand. In the scorching summer, her fingertips were as cold as winter snow.

Ding, the elevator has reached the orthopedics floor. The director went out to lead the way first, Xu Mai suddenly took Min Yue's hand and looked back at her.

Xu Mai's iris is a light amber color, slightly alienated and indifferent, revealing calmness and confidence. At this moment, it looks so fragile and helpless, like a maple leaf covered with autumn frost, fluttering, about to be blown down by the residual wind, and drifting to an unknown end.

Min Yue quickly realized, held her hand instead, and comforted her, "I'm here, Master."

I will follow you, even if you fall, you will fall into my arms.

The director knocked on the door of the ward three times before slowly opening the door and walking in. "Teacher, someone is here to see you."

Min Yue followed Xu Mai into the ward, seeing the person on the bed, her heart tightened. Xu Boyu lost a lot of weight, his cheeks were sunken, his mandible was clearly visible, and he leaned silently on the head of the bed, like a rotten and fragile branch.

Hearing the sound, he slowly turned his head to look over, his gloomy eyes flickered, and soon became silent again.

He didn't speak, Xu Mai remained silent, and the director looked around, but also remained silent. The atmosphere is very depressing, the rain is getting heavier, and the big raindrops hit the glass window, crackling, which is the only sound in this room.

Min Yue wanted to break the deadlock, and greeted tentatively: "Grandpa is good."

The other three were all taken aback, Xu Boyu turned his gaze to Min Yue's face, looked at it for a while, and then moved down to the holding hands.

Min Yue reacted quickly and wanted to let go, but was held even tighter by Xu Mai.

A crack appeared on Xu Boyu's solemn face, and he finally said, "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Xu Mai didn't flinch at all, and looked back calmly: "She is my lover."

Read The Duke's Passion