MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 1

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Blood spurted out with the long sword, Gong Wei staggered back half a step, and fell to the ground slumped.

With a crisp clang, the poisoned dagger slipped out of his hand and fell to his feet.

"Grand Dean!" "Sect Master Xu?!" "What's going on, this—"

Everyone on Shengxiantai stepped forward quickly, but their frightened faces could no longer be seen clearly. Gong Wei fell to the ground and looked up along the **** long sword. The hilt engraved with the word "Nothing" was being tightly held by a slender and powerful hand. .

And up the arm, there is Xu Shuangce's condescending, perennially frozen face:

" want to kill me?"

Gong Wei closed his eyes and gasped for breath, then opened his eyes and looked at the distant mountains and forests in deep winter.

Xu Shuangce's voice seemed to be a little louder, maybe because he got closer, every word seemed to come from between the teeth:


Gong Wei didn't answer, the cold of the rapid blood loss paralyzed his senses, and even his vision was blurred. In a trance, he heard boiling noises coming from a distance, and several masters rushed forward at the same time, forcibly inputting spiritual power to continue their lives, but it was actually useless.

Xu Shuangce has been in the Mahayana realm, the number one person in the world, but he never loses his soul under the sword.

"...I'm sorry." Gong Wei laughed intermittently, with blood gushing from the corner of his mouth, the lines of laughter on his pale face were a bit shocking: "I'm sorry, you...Look..."

"Don't move!" "President of the palace!" "Don't move!"

Gong Wei didn't seem to hear the shouts around him, he raised his hand panting, and looked in the direction he pointed, only to see the winter mountains and forests were gray and silent, the cold wind was blowing the mountains, rivers and pine seas, and disappeared into the distant horizon:

"Look, Peach Blossom."

—Xu Shuangce's face and even his breathing seemed to be frozen.

At that moment, the pupil of Gong Wei's right eye turned red strangely, and at the same time, thousands of crimson petals flew out from the slender fingertips, like a flock of shining butterflies flying away with the wind, sweeping away from the tall white jade platform. To the earth covered with severe winter.

As if spring returned to the world in an instant, the mountains, rivers, fields, and peach forests were in full bloom, and the extremely brilliant crimson clouds spread to the horizon, reflecting everyone's horrified eyes:

"This... what is this?!" "Illusion, illusion!"

"You will never be able to ascend." Gong Wei just lay in a pool of blood, smiling and staring at Xu Shuangce with crooked eyes, but every word was terribly clear: "Your cultivation in this over. "

He could no longer see Xu Shuangce's expression, that terrifying illusion of heaven and earth exhausted his last trace of spiritual power. Gong Wei's hand fell back to the ground, he closed his eyes amidst the peach blossoms flying all over the sky, and fell into a dark and long sleep.

In the last scene of this life, Xu Shuangce finally leaned down and reached his throat—

But he didn't know what happened after his death.

At the beginning of the twenty-eighth year of Taiyi, at the Shengxiantai Grand Meeting, Gong Wei, the headmaster of the Xianmeng Criminal and Punishment Institute, armed with a sharp blade, assassinated Xu Shuangce, the lord of Cangyang, but was killed on the spot by the sword of Reluctant.

The world shook, and everyone knew it.

Sixteen years later.

"—Junior brother!" "Junior brother is awake!" "Quickly call senior brother!"

There was a mess around her, like countless chicken cubs chattering at the top of their throats, tearing Gong Wei's temples throbbing and hurting.

His first thought was: big brother? My brother in charge is here?

But then he realized something was wrong, because in the Immortal League, apart from the senior brother Ying Kai, there wouldn't be so many people calling him junior brother clamorously.

Gong Wei reluctantly opened his eyes, the first thing he felt was pain—the pain in his limbs seemed to be interrupted and then reconnected, a typical sequelae of inadvertent cultivation.

The pain made his mind dizzy and his vision blurred, and it took him a while to get clear. The plain white bed curtain first came into view, and then the whole small and simple but clean room. Surrounded by five or six teenagers, a young man who was about as tall as a crown, with hair tied and sword in his hand, stepped forward quickly, and asked in one voice, "How are you, Junior Brother? Lie down quickly! Don't move around!"

...It seems that the last roar I heard before dying was the dean, please don't move. This familiar coincidence is really kind...

Gong Wei lay back in a dizzy state, only to see that senior brother told several teenagers to guard outside the door, then grabbed his hand and carefully felt for his pulse. , but there is no danger of life, it is really great!"

who I am?

where am I?

Am I not already dead?

"Junior brother, please remember that cultivating immortality is a dangerous danger. If you go crazy next time, it will be trivial to destroy all your cultivation bases at once, and you may even die right away! - Alas, senior brother knows that you are too sad, But there is no room for change in Yu Chixiao's resignation, junior brother, let's relax. Bloodline is not something you can choose, nor is it your fault; don't say that you are only half of the bloodline of the charmer, even if you are completely a charmer, we Everyone will not change their views on you because of this, let alone have any intention of belittling you..."

Gong Wei, who was upright and paralyzed with his dead body, suddenly heard something extraordinary: "Wait?"

Eldest brother has never heard of it, probably rehearsed countless times while he was in a coma, and now he is persuading him impassionedly and earnestly: "Although Charm Demon has never produced a golden core since ancient times, you are at least half human, junior brother, so There must be hope! As long as you hang on your shoulders and work hard in the future, we all believe that you will be able to achieve positive results! Waiting for the day when you feel proud in the future, we... What's wrong with you, brother? Are you sick again, brother?! Come help! Help! "

Gong Wei sat up in shock in his dying illness, and grabbed the elder brother with a trace of unconcealable shock in his eyes:


The senior brother was even more frightened than him: "Junior brother! Did you lose your memory?!"

After half an hour, Gong Wei finally managed to piece together the general idea by relying on the information obtained from side-by-side information and the scattered memories left by the original body.

His original name was Xiang Xiaoyuan, he was a junior disciple who had just established his foundation, with mediocre talent and low cultivation, but he was very famous in the sect.

Because the brain lacks a string.

Generally speaking, all disciples who have spiritual roots and can cultivate immortals are not far behind in their natural intelligence, but Xiang Xiaoyuan is a one-in-a-million exception. Sixteen years ago, the gatekeepers found him as a baby at the foot of the mountain. He had a high fever, gassed like a gossamer, and couldn't even cry. There was nothing around him except the four pillars written in blood. The elders of the Zongmen worked hard for half a month asking for doctors and delaying the medicine. The high fever that almost killed the baby subsided, but it inevitably hurt his intelligence—everyone agreed that it was because the child was out of his mind. the culprit.

Xiang Xiaoyuan didn't learn to speak until he was six or seven years old, and he barely built his foundation at the age of thirteen or fourteen. So far, he has not been able to form a golden pill, so he has no formal qualifications to become a teacher, and has always been an outer disciple.

——If this child was born worthless, that would not be the case, for example, he is well-behaved, ignorant, diligent, no matter how difficult the practice is, he will earnestly complete it, and he never complains of suffering or tiredness. There is no teacher in the sect did not like him; but the terrible thing was that these qualities did not make up for another fatal behavioral flaw in him.

He likes to see pretty sisters.

The child's love for the beautiful sister is natural, whenever he meets a beautiful fairy on the road, he can follow her for half an hour in a daze, and he doesn't make a sound when others ask him, it's like falling into a magic barrier. In the past, when he was young, he didn't need to pay attention to the defense of men and women. Most of the older sisters laughed it off and didn't care about him seriously; as a result, this problem became more and more serious. Gradually, he not only followed the beautiful young ladies, but even the beautiful younger brothers began to attract his attention. up.

——If it were sixteen years ago, when Gong Wei, the head of punishment and punishment of Xianmeng, was still alive, he would have personally driven Xiang Xiaoyuan when he fell ill for the first time, and slapped him back into the furnace to reshape him. The second time he dared to fall ill again, he was directly tied back to the Criminal Court to accept the transformation of the dean's surging love.

But what is surprising is that the people around Xiang Xiaoyuan did not severely reprimand him. He even followed a group of Yizong disciples down the mountain in a daze, and walked for twenty miles before realizing that he did not know the way. The disciple took good care of him for half a month before sending him back. Before leaving, he reluctantly gave him a bag full of pills.

Xiang Xiaoyuan went so smoothly without any setbacks, and grew up to be sixteen years old under the pampering and pampering of everyone, until half a year ago, he went down the mountain with his senior brother to buy things, and met the wife of Yuchi's family on the way out.

The senior brother made a mistake, Xiang Xiaoyuan got into the carriage without hesitation. It would not be an exaggeration for such rude behavior to be dragged out on the spot and beaten to death, but Mrs. Yuchi, who was bumped into the front, had no time to attack, all her fright and anger suddenly turned into surprise, and she waved her hand to Xiang Xiaoyuan with bright eyes. Snuggled close to her, stroked his hair and sighed:

"The rumors in the rivers and lakes do not deceive me, you are really a good-looking wife."

Her second sentence was:

"I have a son, Wei Chixiao, who has reached the crown and has not yet married. Would you like to form a Taoist couple with him?"

Yu Chixiao, the nephew and nephew of the Jianzong family, has a good reputation for being outstanding, and is the leader of the younger generation of various Taoist families.

Xiang Xiaoyuan's mentality may not understand what it means to become a Taoist couple, but everyone knows that this marriage is a great deal. If it weren't for the special circumstances within the Jianzong family, it should have been absolutely impossible. So all the teachers immediately responded to Mrs. Yuchi's request, and quickly exchanged the four-pillar horoscope and the token of fate.

— Just as he was about to become a grand ceremony, he suddenly encountered strong opposition from a person.

who? Yu Chixiao himself.

"I already have my own heart, so I can't obey my parents' orders. Please forgive me. In addition, as far as I know, the noble sect has half of the blood of the little prince, so there are many strange behaviors. Such an inhuman thing , I really can’t seek the same way with him, please forgive me!”

Yu Chixiao's words were too fast and merciless, even his own mother didn't have time to stop him, the word "Mei Yao" blurted out, and Xiang Xiaoyuan was stunned.

Succubus is one of the lowest level of monsters, good-looking, insane, without any demonic power except that it is very easy to arouse the goodwill of others, and it is almost the same as ordinary people. The law of the Immortal Alliance strictly stipulates that demons must be eliminated when they see them, but it is an exception for succubi, because of two points: first, they are double-cultivated with humans, which is of great benefit to monks; They can't learn such an advanced thing, it's so stupid that people can't bear it.

Xiang Xiaoyuan has practiced hard for many years, never knowing that he is a Charm, and all his hard work has been in vain from the very beginning.

The elders were afraid of hurting him, so they didn't dare to tell him.

The child went back in a daze, suddenly vomited three liters of blood in the middle of the night, and then went mad. Fortunately, all the senior brothers and sisters had already made preparations and lined up twelve hours a day to stare at this little evil, only to find out and rescue him in time, otherwise he would be in danger of exploding and dying on the spot.

After being in a coma for half a month, Xiang Xiaoyuan finally woke up from the daze, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

No one knew that the one who woke up was Gong Wei, the headmaster of Xianmeng Criminal Court who died under Xu Shuang's sword sixteen years ago.

The room was deadly quiet, Gong Wei rested his hand on his forehead, and remained silent for a long time.

Senior brother pinched the corner of the quilt nervously, preparing to rush out at any time if he showed any signs of madness, and call someone: "Junior brother? Junior brother, are you okay?"

The younger brother is not good, the younger brother is dead, and the soul has passed the bridge of Naihe!

"..." Gong Wei finally let out a long sigh, looked up at the senior brother, and said sincerely: "Brother, there is one thing I have to tell you. In fact, I am not—"

The senior brother stared at Gong Wei nervously.

Gong Wei looked back at his senior brother expressionlessly.

"...No." The next moment Gong Wei changed his mind and said, "I want to meet Yu Chixiao first."

Brother, I knew that you were about to fall ill with a look on his face: "You must not!"

Gong Wei compromised: "Madam Yuchi is also fine."

"It's even more impossible! The master strictly orders you to rest and avoid emotional fluctuations. You are not allowed to see anyone named Yuchi again in this world!"


This time, Gong Wei was silent for a full cup of tea, and then looked up at the senior brother sincerely again, and said, "Then let's go back to the thing that we had to tell you just now. Actually, I'm not—"

Knock knock! The disciple's nervous voice sounded outside the door: "Senior Brother Qian, Senior Brother Qian! Visitors from Jianzong have arrived in the front hall, and the Master calls you to ask Brother Xiang if the situation has improved!"

——Jianzong Weichi's house, really dozed off and met a pillow!

Senior Brother Qian immediately pushed him back on the couch, fearing that he might cause trouble, he couldn't help but tucked several layers of quilts around his neck: "Brother, rest well, don't think about it too much. Teachers, your brothers and sisters I'm here to accompany you, don't run around, you know?"

Gong Wei nodded obediently: "Got it."

Senior Brother Qian never imagined that this fellow in front of him is best at talking to people and talking nonsense when he sees people.

As a result, as soon as he left, Gong Wei immediately turned over and sat down on the bed, straightened his clothes, patted his cuffs, and opened the door with a squeak. Looking back, with one voice:

"Why did Junior Brother get out of bed and walk around, go back and rest quickly!"

"Brother is hungry and thirsty, tell me where are you going?"

...Is it necessary to be so strictly guarded!

The six eyes met, the air froze, and the faces of the two teenagers blushed strangely at the same time.

Gong Wei clasped his hands knowingly, and was disturbed by the sound of the voice, he closed the door and retreated into the house with a low eyebrow, looked around, and his gaze fell on the chained window.

After counting interest.

The iron chain broke into several pieces silently, Gong Wei nimbly got out of the gap relying on the lightness of his body, then patted the ashes, stomped his feet, habitually put his hands behind his back, and went straight to the front hall calmly.

In his previous life, Gong Wei presided over the Criminal Law Institute, and made outstanding contributions to promoting the level of education in the world of cultivating immortals, improving the brand image of the Immortal League, and maintaining the peaceful development of the major sects. No such thing - but rounding is correct.

Therefore, he has dealt with the Yuchi family a lot. The head of the family is Yuchirui, the sword sect in the current "one sect, two respects and three sects". , is also the veteran of Gong Wei's previous life who bragged and made troubles and watched operas and ate melon seeds-he bragged and made troubles and watched operas, and Yu Chirui ate melon seeds.

After so many years, he didn't know if Xu Shuangce was dead or not. If he wasn't dead, he would probably be willing to kill him again with his sword. But Gong Wei is not very afraid of this, as long as he hugs Lao Tie's thigh in time and covers him with the status of the sword **** Wei Chi Rui, the two of them can still find a way to rescue Xiang Xiaoyuan's soul from the underworld. back into this body.

Gong Wei, surrounded by Senior Brother Qian, strolled around the back mountain to the front hall, and saw a group of outer disciples in blue clothes standing intently in the distance, all of them were strictly regulated, and they looked like idlers waiting within ten feet The way he grabbed it.

He rolled his eyes, rushed straight to the roof, and quietly lifted two glazed tiles.

"...This evildoer is rare in his life, and he is very paradoxical. Twenty-eight people have died in Linjiang. I know the attitude of the noble sect now. If it is not for human life, I would not dare to go up the mountain to disturb you at this time..."

In the hall, there were several middle-aged monks sitting in rows, each frowning. Senior Brother Qian, who had just been called, stood beside him, frowning imperceptibly, as if he disapproved but did not dare to speak out.

At this moment, the person who spoke was a young man in his early twenties. Gong Wei took a closer look, and saw that this handsome guy had sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and his aura was superb, but there was a faint arrogance unique to young people in his brows. He was wearing a school uniform of the Jianzong School with a brown eagle back and gold trim. On the left arrow sleeve, there was a delicate pattern embroidered with gold thread, which wrapped around his upper arm into six rings, and he couldn't help but gasp in his heart.

These six golden rings have a lot of background.

The disciples of Jianzong were not qualified to use gold thread at the beginning when they traveled the rivers and lakes. Only when they made great achievements and became famous would they open the ancestral hall and sue their ancestors, and use gold thread to embroider a family crest densely on the arrow sleeve of the school uniform. The standard for making great achievements is very high, including but not limited to: fighting against natural disasters, resolving the scourge of swords and wars, beheading demons at the level of disasters, discovering and reporting the traces of the great demon to the Xianmeng in a timely manner, etc. It is worth noting that this word is very spiritual. Jianzong Wei Chirui himself traveled the world when he was young, and unfortunately rescued the little emperor who was sneaking around the brothel and had no money to pay the bill and was almost caught washing the dishes. A gold ring was embroidered on the sleeve.

Of course, the emperor didn't go to brothels every day, so under normal circumstances it was hard to get the golden ring. Among the children of Jianzong who can embroider one is considered talented, and those who can embroider more than two are even rarer.

The young man in front of him actually has six ways, and he has a high status in the Yuchi family and even the entire Xianmeng, one can imagine.

Gong Wei was looking through the cracks of the tiles, only to hear Senior Brother Qian finally couldn't help it: "Young Master Yuchi's words are very true, but you may not know it. I just woke up when I went into a coma for half a month, how can I wake up?" —”

"Mao Zhang! Don't be rude!" the elder monk on the first seat scolded.

Poor Senior Brother Qian plopped on his knees and didn't dare to say anything.

Gong Wei was amazed, and wondered what the **** was going on with the little charmer here?

"I know this, but this matter is really unavoidable." The young man's face was neither humble nor overbearing, and said indifferently: "I was born in the year of the catastrophe, and I only know Xiang Xiaoyuan, a disciple of the noble sect. I don’t have time to look elsewhere. Twenty-eight people in Linjiang City have died, and it is urgent to catch the real culprit.

Gong Wei just heard that "the year of great misfortune is cloudy, the moon is cloudy, the sun is cloudy, and the hour is cloudy", and his mind couldn't help but move.

Most of those with such a negative physique are furnace cauldrons. Considering the special circumstances of the Jianzong family, it is no wonder that Mrs. Yuchi feels like a treasure when she sees Xiang Xiaoyuan - but this is not important. The key point is that the unlucky child Xiang Xiaoyuan was born on the same day that he died sixteen years ago!

He only breathed a little harder, and saw the young man raised his head sharply, and then flew outwards:


Gong Wei's thoughts turned, and he escaped with a light kung fu, and flew twenty feet away in an instant, and flashed into the peach blossom forest in the distance, only to hear the disciples behind him shouting one after another: "Who is there!"

"Ah, it's Junior Brother Xiang!"

"Yu Chixiao is chasing after him! Stop him!"

Gong Wei: "Pfft—"

At this moment, a strong wind came from behind, Gong Weiyi tilted his head, an unsheathed sword brushed against his ear, and hit the tree trunk in front of him like lightning, boom!

The shadows of the trees swayed, and the falling leaves were colorful. Gong Wei's way was blocked by solid objects, so he had to turn around suddenly, and the snow-white sleeves of his inner clothes fell down in the air.

I saw the young man behind him frowning, "It really is you!"

Gong Wei turned a blind eye to his livid face, and confirmed with a smile: "Mr. Yuchixiao?"

Human voices could be faintly heard from the depths of the peach forest, but the disciples hadn't caught up yet. The young man withdrew his sword, swished back three steps, looked down at Gong Wei's waist, and finally gritted his teeth and forced out a few words:

"Master Xiang, can you return the token to me?!"

Gong Wei followed his gaze and looked down.

There used to be a blood jade pendant hidden in the waist of the inner garment, but now it slid out according to the movement, and it was half the size of a palm, and the carving was extremely fine. It was the unicorn, the family emblem of the Jianzong family.

It was the token that Mrs. Yuchi tied to Xiang Xiaoyuan. After the little charmer passed out, everyone was in chaos, so they probably hadn't had time to return it.

Gong Wei put his hands behind his back and raised half of his eyebrows: "I thought your first sentence should be sorry, Mr. Yuchi."

Yu Chixiao frowned and asked back, "What can I do to you?"


That's right, the bloodline of the enchanting monster, something inhuman, and unattainable - Yu Chixiao didn't say anything wrong, so what is there to be sorry for?

Gong Wei opened his mouth, and seemed to want to say something for a moment, but swallowed the words back, holding the blood jade between two slender fingers and shaking it in front of Yu Chixiao: "Want?"

Yuchi Xiaojun's face sank slightly: "The blood jade unicorn is an ancestral engagement token of the Yuchi family. Since you and I have nothing to do with each other, I will return it immediately. Please forgive me, young master!"

Gong Wei nodded, casually tossed the jade pendant high, and caught it with one hand with a "snap", finally showing an unabashed malicious smile that kind of hit me:

"Hee hee, no."

Yu Chixiao: "..."

Yu Chixiao stared at "Xiang Xiaoyuan", his eyes were shocked as if he saw an evil spirit possessing him.

Gong Wei immediately cleared his throat, quickly searched the few remaining memories of the original body, speculated that it might be in line with the original body's personality, and then his face changed instantly, and he burst into tears:

"Hey, no."

The air was so quiet that it seemed that Yu Chixiao was about to suffocate to death.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind, and the elders who were in the hall just now finally rushed over with a group of disciples. Before the middle-aged monk in the lead could make a sound to separate the two, he suddenly looked past him and caught a glimpse of something in the distance, and immediately bowed down:

"My lord!"

All the disciples fell down in unison, Yu Chixiao looked behind Xiaoyuan, his expression changed immediately, he knelt down on one knee and pressed the side of his sword: "This junior has seen Sect Master Xu!"

Gong Wei's pupils slowly dilated.

As the people behind him approached step by step, the severe pain of soul tearing revived from the left chest, like a cold sword piercing through the heart again, and blood and flesh burst out of the chest.

- "Nothing".

No one around noticed that the bottom of Gong Wei's clothes began to tremble slightly. He pressed his heart tightly, his fingertips dug into his flesh, his muscles and bones bulged, his joints turned white, and he staggered and knelt down on the ground.

That icy voice sounded from the top of his head again:

"What's the noise here?"

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