MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 27

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quarter of an hour ago.

Wen Xiuyang stood still at the end of the stone steps, and made a gesture of invitation: "Young Master, forgive me and send it here."

The children of Yuchi's family are notoriously resistant to beatings. Yuchixiao was forced to suffer, but the two sword lights survived. After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, he was able to get up. Just as he lifted his foot and walked eastward, he suddenly stopped : "Brother Wen."


Yu Chixiao seemed to consider it for a moment before saying: "Sect Master Xu has a high position and authority, and the low-level disciples of the outer sect are indeed insignificant like ants. But the Fahua Immortal has passed away, and no one should be a substitute for the deceased, so from now on I I will try my best to stop this matter. If Brother Wen has a chance, please persuade him. "

Wen Xiuyang sneered, "Persuade?"

He suddenly changed the subject: "I think your posture is going straight to Dingxian Mausoleum, right?"

Yu Chixiao asked back: "Otherwise?"

"But if I remember correctly, Master Jianzong just asked you to return to the Golden Gate, stay behind closed doors, and protect yourself."

Yu Chixiao said unhappily: "If something happened to your Sect Master Xu, can you go back to Cangyang Sect with peace of mind and stay behind closed doors?"

"I can." Wen Xiuyang stared at him with raised eyebrows, and said, "My lord, I don't know how the Yuchi family disciplines their children—if you hadn't been a star in the crowd, you probably wouldn't have been able to raise your character. But in the Cangyang Sect , I and other disciples will never have any doubts about any decision of the suzerain, even if the sky falls."

Yu Chixiao was almost amused by him: "You are really..."

"Besides, it's too late. Since sixteen years ago, no one is doomed to persuade you." Wen Xiuyang said lightly, "If you really want to blame, then blame Xiang Xiaoyuan for getting involved with Fahua Immortal Venerable! "

Yu Chixiao was speechless, and had to shake his head for a long while and said: "Brother Wen and I really don't talk to each other, see you later when you go to Cangyang Sect. Let's go!"

He turned around and walked away, Wen Xiuyang raised his voice behind him: "If the eldest son wants to seek death, just come here in the future!"

Yu Chixiao just wanted to hurry to Dingling at this moment, and was ready to fly away with Yujian, but he still couldn't help turning his head when he heard the words: "Wen Xiuyang, you really..."

The next moment he froze.

From the tree behind Wen Xiuyang, a figure was hanging down silently, head on the ground and feet up in the sky, with his left hand making a silent gesture to him, while his right hand was copying a brick.

It was Gong Wei.

Yu Chixiao: "..."

Wen Xiuyang: "?"

The chief disciple of the Cangyang Sect was so alert, he was suddenly full of doubts, he was about to look back when Yu Chixiao blurted out: "Brother Wen!"

Wen Xiuyang paused subconsciously.

The two looked at each other, and Yu Chixiao was quick to think: "Brother Wen, you...what do you like to eat?"


Judging from Wen Xiuyang's expression, he probably thought there was something wrong with his ears: "What did you say?"

"I... I asked you what you like to eat." Yu Chixiao didn't know how to make an expression on his face, and said indiscriminately: "Brother Wen, you see, you and I have known each other for a long time. It is not surprising that we are so polite when we meet. , next time I go to the Cangyang Sect, I will bring you some greetings..."

Wen Xiuyang must have cultivated himself to the extreme so he didn't roll his eyes on the spot: "Crazy." Then he turned around and turned around.

Yu Chixiao: "No!"

Wen Xiuyang: "?!"

All the tragedies happened at that moment.

Gong Wei was about to hit his head with a round brick, but at this moment, he roared towards him, unable to hold back, the brick flew Wen Xiuyang in the face!

With a horrible bang, Wen Xiuyang flew several meters away, and fell to the ground on his back, with nosebleeds rushing out, and a clear brick mark appeared on his face.

Snapped! The brick fell straight from Gong Wei's hand to the ground.

Yu Chixiao: "..."

Gong Wei: "..."

The atmosphere was solemn like a funeral, and the two stared at each other with blank expressions.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Xiuyang on the ground bounced like a convulsion!

"Hahaha Brother Wen, don't send it off, come here, let's meet for a drink later!" Yu Chixiao rushed forward with a stride, swung the scabbard and bang! A blow to the head sent Wen Xiuyang flying, and he spit out blood again, and finally stopped moving.

"..." Yu Chixiao asked frightenedly: "Deadly... dead?"

Gong Wei tried his breath tremblingly: "No, I'm not dead. Anyway, it's the late stage of Golden Core, how could it be possible to die."

Wen Xiuyang, the first disciple of Xu Shuangce's outer sect and the chief disciple of the Cangyang Sect, just lay unconscious on the ground, with his back up to the sky and his limbs stretched out. A red mark was impartially branded on his comatose handsome face. .

The two assailants looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to the quiet gold bricks on the ground. Yu Chixiao swallowed: "This, what kind of artifact is this?"

Gong Wei said with a guilty conscience: "Ah, Sect Master Xu broke it in the bedroom, hahaha."

At that moment, he could almost see what was going on in Yu Chixiao's mind: a piece of gold brick randomly pried out from the dormitory contained such profound spiritual power, how powerful is Xu Zongzhu himself? !

At this time, a voice came from a distance, and it turned out to be a few disciples patrolling the mountain: "What was that voice just now?" "Didn't Senior Brother Wen say he would return in a moment?"

Yu Chixiao's first reaction was to run away, but Gong Wei suddenly changed his face, and rushed forward to hold him back: "Wait a minute, young man! Take me!"

Yu Chixiao was in a hurry: "Are you looking for death? I'm going to Dingxianling!"

"You and my dear Taoist couple, how can you not be with us through life and death?!"

"Who the **** is a Taoist partner with you?!"

"You are not my Taoist partner, why did you come here to meet me?!"

"Who wants to see you! I just—"

"Huh?" A mountain patrol disciple suddenly noticed the clue: "There seems to be someone over there?"

The two froze instantly as if struck by lightning.

The next moment, the bushes shook, and it was the mountain patrolling disciple walking towards him: "Ah, Junior Brother Xiang! You are..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Chixiao grabbed Gong Wei, straightened his sword, and rushed into the sky like his **** was on fire.

"Ah! Brother Wen!" The ground behind him was in chaos, and a disciple exclaimed from a distance: "Brother Wen, wake up, are you alright?!" "Come on!" "Help!"

The chaos got farther and farther, until it turned into a small dot, Yu Chixiao and Gong Wei retracted their stretched necks at the same time, with lingering fear on their faces, then stared at each other and said in unison:

"What are you doing here?"

"..." Gong Wei said angrily: "Otherwise? Stay in the Xuanji Hall and wait to die?! By the way, why did you come to the Cangyang Sect and go crazy?!"

Yu Chixiao blurted out: "It's not because of..." Then it stopped abruptly.

Gong Wei asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Yu Chixiao's expression was very strange, as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped talking.

After a while, he looked away, and asked abruptly: "Is there anything strange about Sect Master Xu's attitude towards you these days?"

Gong Weixin said, young man, you really know Sect Master Xu, his attitude is more than strange, there is no normal moment at all: "It's okay, what's the matter?"

Yu Chixiao immediately denied it: "Nothing."

Immediately afterwards, he paused, and couldn't help asking: "Did Sect Master Xu say that he thinks you are a bit like Fahua Immortal Venerable, or has he ever regarded you as Fahua Immortal Venerable's...that...substitute? "

He spoke the last two words with great difficulty, and quickly looked at Xia Gongwei's face after he finished speaking, whether he was worried that he didn't understand, or more worried that he understood.

"..." Gong Wei was dumbfounded, pointed at himself and asked, "A substitute?"

Yu Chixiao nodded cautiously.

Gong Wei stared at him with a brand new gaze, as if seeing a hysterical patient, and finally asked from the bottom of his heart after a while:

"Then he can still let me live until now?!"

The entire Immortal League knew about Xu Zongzhu's glorious achievements in killing and killing corpses, so Gong Wei endured so much that he didn't say the truth. In fact, what he thought in his heart was: Then he can let me keep a whole corpse? ?

"That's not the case. In fact, after I came back from Taoyuan Village, I felt..." Yu Chixiao paused again, as if he didn't know how to speak, and after a long time, he said "Hey!" and waved his hands: "Forget it, it's a good thing that you don't understand .”

Gong Weixin said that if the thinking of the younger generations is similar to yours, then it might be a good thing that I don't understand.

"But since you have come out, you absolutely cannot go back to Cangyangzong now." Yu Chixiao thought for a while and said, "I must rush to Dingxianling to support Master Jianzong now. Only disciples stay behind at Jinmen. It's useless for people to send you back, I'm afraid it won't stop Sect Master Xu from coming to pursue you - we can only go back and arrange your whereabouts, I think it's better to find a cave to hide you first. Anyway, in Sect Master Xu Before you figure this out yourself, you must stay away from him!"

Speaking of this, Gong Wei immediately regained his spirits: "Don't worry young man, I will follow you all the way!"

Yu Chixiao categorically vetoed it: "You are not allowed to follow me either! I told you that Dingxianling is very dangerous!"

"Didn't you go to Dingxianling to find Jianzong?"

"Who am I looking for is none of your business?"

"Of course it's none of my business!" Gong Wei grabbed Yu Chixiao's hand and said sincerely: "You and I are close relatives, your uncle is my uncle—no, closer than my uncle! How can I just sit there and watch?" Let our uncle be in danger and be helpless?!"

Yu Chixiao blushed: "Who is your uncle! Who is your relative?"

The two were wrestling back and forth on the Gouchen sword, you tear my face and I break your teeth, suddenly the light in front of them was so bright that the eyes of both of them went blank at the same time, Yu Chixiao suddenly looked back.

I saw a majestic and majestic Mahayana seal circle like a city wall close in front of me. For some reason, it has changed from the previous form. At this moment, it is like a transparent wall with dazzling golden light flowing on all sides, and it is extremely bright. Standing between the sky and the earth, it covers the thousands of miles of Daishan Mountains.

Xianmeng has arrived!

Gong Wei looked at the shape of the Mahayana seal formation, which was hard to see in a hundred years, and immediately said: "Change the direction quickly! Don't..."

But his words were not as fast as Yu Chixiao's actions.

Before he could utter the word "hard break", Yu Chixiao took the opportunity to break free, before he could hear anything clearly, he kicked Gong Wei down high into the sky, and urged Gou Chenjian to rush towards Daishan!

There was a prolonged sound of the wind, and Gong Wei fell to the ground freely, looking blankly at Yu Chixiao rushing towards the magic circle in the distance.

"..." Then he raised his hands to cover his eyes in horror, unable to bear to watch the **** scene that was destined to follow.

At this time, someone came from behind like a shooting star, reached out his hand in the sky to grab it steadily, and accurately grabbed Gong Wei, and brought him to another fairy sword.

From Gong Wei's perspective, he could only see the black robe sleeves fluttering in the wind, and then he was pressed firmly in front of him, and at the same time, a young boy's caring and gentle voice came: "Are you okay?"

This voice was surprisingly familiar. Gong Wei gasped inwardly. Before he could turn around to see who it was, he saw Yu Chixiao driving the Gouchen Sword in front of him, rushing towards the Daishan area like a red gold firework, and the next thing was as expected , just listen to the earth-shattering—


The Mahayana Seal Formation unexpectedly turned into an impenetrable wall at some point, Yu Chixiao, who was supposed to go through it directly, slammed his head hard, and was so solid that he flew out with his sword!

"..." Gong Wei on the sword turned his head in unison with the visitor, and watched Yu Chixiao draw a high-altitude parabola, flew over his head, and fell into the distant forest with a bang, scaring countless birds into the air.

After a long while, Gong Wei squeezed out a sentence: "...I'm not dead."

The voice of the person behind was full of uncertainty: "...Maybe."

Gong Wei finally had a chance to turn around and saw the other party's appearance clearly, but was stunned the next moment.

It was a young man with a very beautiful appearance, who looked eighteen or nineteen years old, with a calm and calm charm between his eyebrows, white clothes and black robes, gentle demeanor, and long black hair tied with a snow-white ribbon.

The overall attire is extremely simple, but there is a low-key, inconspicuous bay leaf embroidered on the end of the hair rope, which changes the expression of all Taoists—because it is pure gold thread.

School uniforms with gold must belong to more than three sects, direct relatives.

Gong Wei finally remembered why he had an impression of this person.

That happened half a year before his death. One day, the disciples heard the sound of discussion spread throughout the entire Xunshu Palace: "... Hey, have you heard that Juzong actually sent his own brother to Xunshu Palace? The hospital!" "How much trouble did this have to make?" "It is said that he abused a house slave, and the method was extremely cruel, which caused everyone to criticize him..." "Wait, isn't it just a house slave?"

"Bai Shui is my servant, so I can treat him however I want."

In the front hall of the Punishment Institute, a handsome young man in black with a purple belt and a pale face stood in the sight of everyone with his hands behind his back. His attitude was as lazy as if he was just here for a stroll. He paused and said lazily: "Although there are no outsiders Talk too much, but since even the Punishment Court has been alarmed, it doesn't hurt to take a step back."

He turned his head and said with a smile: "Bai Xun, they want me to let you go."

Kneeling in the backlight was a thin silhouette, so lonely that a gust of wind could break it, with its head bowed deeply and fearfully.

"Didn't you say you liked me and swore that you would rather die than leave me?"

Under the eyes of everyone, the kneeling figure trembled, and the despair visible to the naked eye almost overflowed with the trembling: "Please don't... don't drive me away, Second Young Master..."

But the tall boy laughed.

His facial features are very three-dimensional and deep. Normally, this smile is enough to make countless fairy girls blush, but at this moment, there is a calm, creepy cruelty and hostility.

"Really?" He just said with a smile.

"Then cut your heart out and show me."

Gong Wei lowered his eyes and let out a silent breath.

"Are you a disciple of the Cangyang Sect? It's too nonsense, why did you come here?" The young man's voice was very soft, so he even reproached him kindly, and then looked at the gray and smoky mountains in the distance: "This place is dangerous You can't stay long, come with me."

As he spoke, he turned the direction of the fairy sword and was about to go down, but Gong Wei in front of him raised his head and asked, "Who are you?"

The young man froze for a moment, and then remembered that he hadn't known his name in a hurry. He didn't mind at all that the other party, a young disciple from the outer sect, said to him like this, he humbly bowed his hands and performed a peer salute, and said apologetically:

"I'm a member of the giant sect, named Bailu."


— Juzong.

The world talks about one school, two respects, and three sects. Jianzong ranks first with his undoubted tyrannical strength, followed by Mu Duozhu, the experienced Jinchuan doctor, and thirdly, he is the best in soldiers, civil engineering, and mechanism skills. The grandson Chengfeng of the world's Juzong.

The similarity between Juzong and Jianzong lies in the fact that their ancestors both became great masters for a while, and then brought their own family to the position of the sixth family of Xianmen. After becoming an aristocratic family, you can recruit more disciples, natural talents and earth treasures, and you can even smash them to produce descendants that are not inferior to your ancestors. Only in this way can you pass on the name of the "Three Sects" in your own family from generation to generation.

The eldest grandson's family is worthy of being a hero. After seeing the Mahayana seal appearing in the world, they immediately sent a large number of people and stationed a camp at the foot of Mount Dai. Gong Wei followed Bai Fei Yujian to the ground, and saw that Yu Chixiao had been respectfully invited back from the mountains by the children of the eldest grandson's family. Kai's platinum Mahayana seal is still alive after all this. While rubbing his bruised forehead, he asked feebly, "The Mahayana seal is just a mark, why would you eject me?"

A man who looked about the same age as Yuchi Changsheng, with a black gold-rimmed robe casually draped over his shoulders, a handsome and kind-hearted man stood beside him, with his hands in his wide cuffs, and sighed, "Nephew, I didn't say You—the meaning of the Mahayana seal is to announce to the world that this place is contracted by Lao Tzu, and the responsibility is also taken by Lao Tzu, so that idlers are not allowed to enter? You know that Dingxian Mausoleum is haunted, but you still go inside, you really..."

Bai Fei stepped forward and bent down deeply, holding the immortal sword above his head with both hands: "Master Juzong."

This person is none other than Changsun Chengfeng.

Yu Chixiao saw Gong Wei at a glance, quickly covered his face with his hands and turned his back, but it was too late. Gong Wei stared at him dumbfounded for a while, and finally couldn't help confirming cautiously: "Young man, did you hit Brick when you landed on your face just now? The imprint on your face is very similar to the heroic figure of Wen Xiuyang when Brick slapped Wen Xiuyang just now. You see This has sharp edges and corners..." Yu Chixiao said angrily: "You are the one who beat Wen Xiuyang! Don't frame him!"

"Oh, I just said you should hold this sword." Changsun Chengfeng helped Bai Shi up with his own hands, and then turned to Gong Wei. When he saw the color of his school uniform, he was surprised: "This is not Cangyangzong!" How could you two be together? Elope? Mr. Wen has been silenced, right?"

Yu Chixiao hadn't had time to speak yet, but Gong Wei had deeply felt the character of Changsun Chengfeng in his previous life, and firmly denied it: "To be honest, Mr. Juzong, we have nothing to do with each other. It's a long story..."

"I understand, I understand, there is no need to explain." Changsun Chengfeng said empathetically, "Sect Master Xu and Yuchi Jianzong have always been at odds, how can we tolerate the feelings between you two? But what about the passionate feelings of young people?" Can you restrain yourself? So you silenced Wen Xiuyang, escaped from the Cangyang Sect, had nowhere to go and no relatives, so you had to come to the most dangerous place in the world, just when you were desperate, you just happened to meet me who was like a magic soldier descending from the sky..."

Yu Chixiao was already stunned.

Gong Wei was categorical: "No, Juzong! There is no such thing!"

Bai Xun couldn't help but said: "Master Juzong, I also don't think the plot is like this..."

However, before the words were finished, a member of the elder grandson's family hurried forward and held up a red magic talisman: "Speak to the Juzong! The Cangyang Sect Master sent a sound transmission talisman thousands of miles away. The matter is very important, please immediately." Take it apart!"

Gong Wei and Yu Chixiao hadn't had time to react, but Changsun Chengfeng had already entered the role quickly, taking a deep breath for the two of them.

Then he waved his hand, and the talisman exploded in mid-air, and the next moment, a voice that was neither humble nor overbearing, was the disciple Sheng Bo who was guarding the palace:

"Reporting to Juzong, my Cangyangzong lost an outer disciple named Xiang Xiaoyuan, who was abducted by Yejinmen Wei Chixiao. If you meet him near Mount Dai, please capture him and return him to Cangyangzong immediately. Yuchixiao can kill him on the spot .”



Changsun Chengfeng turned around dumbfounded, and stared at the two of them with blinking eyes.

Gong Wei changed his face like a magic trick, immediately bowed sincerely, and said in an emotive voice: "Yes, Master Juzong, it's what you guessed. I can only entrust you with my wealth and life!"

Changsun Chengfeng's heart was suddenly filled with a sense of justice, and he said angrily: "How could Xu Shuangce do this? Who does he think he is! Is the sincere affection between young people something he can stop if he wants to? Could it be that as a grand master? , can you do whatever you want?"

Gong Wei was moved and clapped his hands: "Juzong is so right!"

"..." Yu Chixiao said softly, "Your speed is really amazing, Xiang Xiaoyuan."

Changsun Chengfeng stretched out his hand to Bai Xun, and said dissatisfiedly, "Bring me my voice transmission talisman. Tell Xu Shuangce that there are many things in this world that are not at his control. Don't think that you can order others at will after becoming a great master! Anyway, he Now being imprisoned in the Cangyang Sect and unable to come to Mount Dai, let me just say that I said this..."

At this time, Sheng Bo's voice came from the talisman: "Other."

He paused and spoke calmly:

"Sect Master Xu said that if Lord Juzong has any objections, he will come to Daishan to have an interview with you in person within half an hour."

Changsun Chengfeng froze in mid-air.

After a dead silence, the eldest grandson Chengfeng turned his head, with his hands in his cuffs, his face full of sincerity and kindness:

"Two virtuous nephews, please listen to my advice. A union without the blessings of the elders is incomplete. The reason why Sect Master Xu objected must be for his reasons. Why don't you two go back to your respective homes first, find your own mother, and let me Come personally and send Nephew Xiang Xian back to the Cangyang Sect..."

Yu Chixiao blurted out: "Your sense of justice has disappeared too quickly, my lord!"

Changsun Chengfeng immediately lost face: "I'm not afraid of Xu Shuangce, this and that are two different things..."

"It's completely the same thing, are you so afraid that Sect Master Xu will come to your door?!"

Changsun Chengfeng: "It's not that I didn't..."

"Actually, you also think in your heart that Sect Master Xu can do whatever he wants, right?!"

Changsun Chengfeng opened his mouth half-opened, and after a long while he finally let out a self-defeating "嗐", and said sadly: "You young people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth! Who is not afraid of Sect Master Xu? You have seen the second great master in this world so mad , not only killing people but also killing corpses?"

An indescribable silence suddenly enveloped the open space.

For a long time, Gong Wei said quietly: "I can't refute it."

"So," Changsun Chengfeng pointed at the two of them back and forth with one hand, and said decisively: "Hurry up and go back to the Cangyang Sect and the Yejin Gate, and don't come near here again. Since the leader Ying has sacrificed the copper wall magic circle, it means that the situation inside is already over. It's very dangerous, later the medical doctor Mu Duozhu will come and guard the periphery of Daishan with me. Do you understand?"

In the distance, the boundary of Mount Dai that stretches for thousands of miles has been completely covered by the golden light and copper wall, and it is completely impossible to see what is going on inside. Yu Chixiao said anxiously: "No, I have to go in immediately, my uncle is still stuck in it..."

"Absolutely not! OK! Dingxian Mausoleum is the burial place of various families and sects!" Changsun Chengfeng interrupted him involuntarily, "Besides, if Ying Kai and Yu Chirui can't even figure it out, will it be useful for you two to go in? You have to Believe me senior, who is Jian Zong Wei Chi Rui? He won't die so easily—"


Suddenly there was a loud noise from Mount Dai, as if the earth had burst open, the forest shook violently, and everyone staggered suddenly!

Countless birds frantically startled, Changsun Chengfeng staggered to support Bai Fei, looked at the majestic copper wall circle that was so majestic that it was almost on fire, and said solemnly for a long time:


Yu Chixiao couldn't listen any longer, picked up the Gouchen sword, and saw a streak of red gold flying against the wind: "Let's go!"

"Wait!" Changsun Chengfeng came back to his senses and stopped him, abruptly blocking him half a step away: "Wait patiently, you must never go in!"

Yu Chixiao was furious: "Why? I know that Dingxian Mausoleum is a burial place, but the living are not more important than the dead?!"

Changsun Chengfeng collected himself, seemed a little hesitant, but he still sighed after a while.

"Fifteen years ago, Ying Kai proposed that all sects jointly build the Dingxian Mausoleum, and four golden coffins were suppressed on the ninth floor at the deepest point."

"If too many old people get together, one of the four coffins may wake up suddenly because of excessive joy."

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