MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 3

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Half a day later, at the foot of Cangyang Mountain.

A young monk in a green shirt and carrying a guqin lingered on the side of the road for a long time, kept looking downhill, and finally saw his familiar figure from a distance, and raised his voice, "Yuanju!"

Yu Chixiao stepped forward quickly: "Yunfei? Didn't I tell you that I'm waiting for news in Linjiangdu? Why come here in person?"

The person who came was Meng Yunfei, a good friend who sent a letter asking for help a few days ago. He looks handsome and gentle, and his stature is similar to Yu Chixiao's, but his temperament is much more refined. Hearing this, he said frankly: "I'm so anxious, I can't do anything, so I just came to find out the situation." Question: "What did Cangyang Sect say?"

Yu Chixiao shook his head, and briefly described what happened when he met Xu Zongzhu on the mountain just now, and said with difficulty: "It's the first time I've heard people use Taoism to describe this kind of thing naturally..."

Meng Yunfei comforted him: "Sect Master Xu's temperament is different from ordinary people, and the whole world knows this. Besides, since the death of the palace chief 16 years ago, Jianzong has been at odds with Cangyang Mountain ever since, so it's normal that people don't want to see you. Did you promise to help the young master?"

Just as Yu Chixiao was about to answer, he suddenly felt something and turned his head abruptly.

— Not far from the mountain road, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy sat cross-legged on the top of a tree, his face was white, his eyes were dark blue, and he carried a huge bag of broken flowers on his shoulders.

Yu Chixiao: "How did you clean up so quickly?!"

Nonsense, can you not be fast, who can't run fast when they see Xu Shuangce!

Gong Wei declined the kindness of the teachers who wanted to send people to protect him, and he was full of enthusiasm to eliminate harm for the people. He firmly expressed his trust in Yuchi Shaoxia, quickly packed his luggage and broke away. Before he left, he was dragged and forced by the senior sisters Countless snacks and food, even the half-person-high Dayuan burden did not delay his pace of running wildly.

He wasn't afraid of being recognized by Xu Shuangce and killed without further ado, but Xiang Xiaoyuan was innocent. In case this body is crippled, what will the little charmer use after returning to her soul?

"Is this the young master Xiang?" Meng Yunfei was stunned for a moment when he saw Gong Wei, Jun's face flushed slightly.

Yu Chixiao peeked at his reaction, and said coldly with a bit of taste: "As long as you see a little fool running around with people, and you can't shake him off, then it must be him. Do you still need to ask?"

Meng Yunfei disapproved: "Yuan Ju! How can you say that!"

Gong Wei had a bad relationship with Xu Shuangce in his previous life, especially in the last four years before his death, they were even more tit-for-tat, and the situation was like fire and water. At that time, Xu Shuangce's harsh evaluation of Gong Wei was widely circulated, saying that he enjoyed playing with people's hearts, and this was due to his evil intentions.

But this is actually wronging him, Gong Wei even has a limited understanding of the human heart, let alone the ability to play with it - he mainly relies on guessing and observing the subtle emotional changes of others. For example, now that he has two dull dark circles under his eyes, he glanced back and forth between Yu Chi, Xiao and Meng Yunfei, and then suddenly he was enlightened by the undercurrent surging in the air, and he almost understood it.

When Yu Chixiao disliked Xiang Xiaoyuan, he said that he had something to belong to, maybe it wasn't entirely an excuse.

But it doesn't matter to him anymore, anyway, nephew Yuchixian is doomed to pay the price for this poor bastard.

After knocking the last melon seed, Gong Wei clapped his hands and jumped off the tree. Sure enough, when he landed, he was staggered by the huge burden and nearly fell. Meng Yunfei grabbed him and said, "Be careful!"

"Xiang Xiaoyuan" was too young, Meng Yunfei, a martial arts practitioner, could grab his entire elbow with one palm.

No matter when and where, Gong Wei can immediately enter the state with a blink of an eye. He raised the corners of his eyes in this posture, and after a while, he pursed his lips and smiled, and said in a low voice, "I don't have a sword."

Meng Yunfei was stunned for a moment: "You..."

"I'm an inhuman thing, I can't produce golden pills, and I don't have a sword." Gong Wei tilted his head and looked at him, so innocent and magnanimous that he didn't seem to understand what the word "inhuman thing" meant, and then asked: "Can you protect me?" Does the sword take me?"

Yu Chixiao immediately objected strongly as if being killed by lightning: "How can this be done?! Linjiang is far away, Yunfei's sword is not enough to carry two people, come here!"

Gong Wei sneaked behind Meng Yunfei, peeping at him with only two eyes, Meng Yunfei could only say, "Okay Yuanju, Mr. Xiang is still young, don't keep scaring him."

Yu Chixiao was wronged: "I scare him? Do you know how capable this guy was when he was in the Cangyang Sect? He clearly—"

When Meng Yunfei turned his head, the tip of "Xiang Xiaoyuan"'s eyes quickly blushed, and when he blinked, tears flowed down his face.



Meng Yunfei said: "Okay, Yuan Ju, you stay away from Young Master Xiang, that's the decision."

Yu Chixiao: "What?!"

Gong Wei raised his head and looked up at Meng Yunfei, while twitching the tip of his red nose, he pursed the corners of his lips and forced a smile, then glanced warily at Yu Chixiao, his face full of timidity and innocence.

At that moment, Yu Chixiao clearly saw him make a mouth shape:


Yu Chixiao was about to explode, and tugged at Meng Yunfei's sleeve desperately: "Look! Look! Look! See what kind of face he treats me, look!"

Meng Yunfei broke free, almost one head and two big: "I don't want to watch! You are not allowed to talk anymore, go!"

Three people, two swords, travel thousands of miles in half a day against the wind. Gong Wei was comfortably wrapped in Meng Yunfei's cloak, and he took out another handful of melon seeds from nowhere and started knocking, and asked loudly while knocking: "Senior Meng, you just said that Jianzong and Xu Shuang... have a bad relationship with our Sect Master Xu. What's going on?"

Maybe because Meng Yunfei is Qin Xiu, he is not as sharp-edged as Jian Xiu. On the contrary, he has a kind of gentleness like a brother next door. He held the back collar of the cloak in one hand to prevent him from falling off, and said with a smile: "You don't know about such a big thing? No wonder, you were only two days old at that time, right? Do you know Fahua Immortal Venerable in the Immortal League's "One School, Two Venerables and Three Sects", the head of the palace?"

Gong Wei excitedly said, "Hey, why don't you know, our suzerain hates him!"

Xu Shuangce actually has nothing to do with any emotional words such as "love", "hate", "happy", "sad", "jealousy", etc. Since many years ago, he has lived himself as a Icy abstract spiritual symbol.

Meng Yunfei laughed, but did not correct him: "Maybe! In short, some accidents happened sixteen years ago, and the dean of the palace passed away. A few days after the death, Jianzong personally rushed from Yejinmen to Cangyang Mountain to see Sect Master Xu. The door didn't answer, so I smashed the stone tablet at the gate of the mountain into powder with a sword—your current stone tablet was re-engraved later."

Gong Wei had a melon seed between his teeth, but he didn't nibble, and remained silent for a moment.

Perhaps because of the wind, his clear voice became a little slow: "...What happened later? How did Sect Master Xu take revenge?"

The stone tablet of the mountain gate, the face of the sect. This enmity lasted no more than ten years, no less than a hundred years, it depends on whether Sect Master Xu is an open-minded person-Sect Master Xu has never been.

Just as Meng Yunfei was about to answer, Yu Chixiao flew closer from a distance with a whoosh, and yelled almost close to his ear: "Don't talk to this kid—!" Then he bent down and shouted at Gong Wei: "Don't try to bring Yunfei down! Honest man!"

Meng Yunfei: "Mr. Xiang, what's wrong with you? Wake up, Mr. Xiang! - He seems to have fainted from your fright! Yuanju!"


The three of them arrived in Linjiangdu in the evening. This famous Jianghuai city has changed from the prosperous and romantic atmosphere of the past. The brothels and brothels are bleak and depressed. The monks who stayed in the city had already gathered in the front hall of the palace, anxiously waiting for Mr. Yuchi and Young Master Meng to drive them. When they saw their swords falling, they flocked to them and talked about the situation in the city for half a day. .

The brothel prostitutes naturally didn't dare to open the door, the heads of each family panicked and came to surround the Xiuxian sect with jingling rings, and the streets were filled with pearls, emeralds and warblers, and the young monks were so red-faced even when they went out. The richer families are well-informed and know that Taoist fairies are the ones who die the most, so they dare not pin their hopes on these useless immortal cultivators, and have already sent their family members and Qingjun Erlang out of the city crying.

Even Linjiang Prince's Mansion was in panic, saying that the prince was unwell, and closed the door to thank guests from noon.

Meng Yunfei raised his eyebrows, turned to a young man in his twenties in a vermilion robe in the hall, and teased, "My lord, are you feeling unwell?"

Linjiang Wang is also a good-looking talent, and has a very good demeanor, but at this moment there are wry smiles on the corners of his brows and eyes: "Two immortal masters, this king was in a hurry before, and promised to give up the house where the girl was cast, and let the immortal family do it. But today the imperial court document has arrived, the words are very harsh, and there are already many dissatisfaction. The immortal master said before that he would lure that powerful evil spirit over, and then try to capture him, but just in case, just in case..."

Yu Chixiao didn't have such a good temper as Meng Yunfei, so he asked sharply: "The lord changed his mind because he saw that Sect Master Xu didn't come in person, right?"

King Linjiang laughed like he was crying: "Master Immortal, you insist on telling me the truth, right?"

Sovereign Xu is the number one person in the world, and his authority is unshakable. Many years ago, the late emperor paid homage to Cangyang Mountain and conferred him the position of national teacher. Although Xu Shuangce coldly rejected him, it can be seen that his reputation has penetrated into the royal family. The king of Linjiang dared to give the entire palace to Xu Shuangce to slaughter the monsters, but he might not dare to act rashly in the face of Yu Chixiao, which is also human nature.

Gong Wei has been standing in front of the window lattice with his hands behind his back since he entered the palace, looking at the newly bloomed egret orchids in the jade basin, and the corners of his lips curled up when he heard this.

He doesn't know the strength of Young Master Meng, but the six gold rings on Yu Chixiao's arm are not fake. In terms of proficiency in slaying demons and demons, he may not be worse than the young Jianzong himself. The King of Linjiang obviously doesn't know much about the internal affairs of Taoism, he doesn't know that if Yu Chixiao is let go today, he will have to invite the great masters of the level of the Three Sects and Four Sages in person - but these few are not easily I will take care of him.

Yu Chixiao closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he obviously suppressed his anger: "It's already past the unitary hour, and it's going to be dark soon. Eight people died last night. If we don't solve it tonight, ten more people may die. Twelve, or even twenty, the prince understands in his heart, right?"

King Linjiang said sincerely: "Don't worry, Master Immortal. Many people died in other places in the past two days. This king will personally lead the way to send you there. Come, please."

Yu Chixiao said: "I told the lord that the place where the evil spirit harms people for the first time has the heaviest blood, and it is also the place where it is most likely to be lured out again. The lord understands in his heart, right?"

King Linjiang said: "Understood, this king will take the whole family and his family to move to another village in a hurry tonight, should the immortal master go to other dead people's places to see first?"

Yu Chixiao's anger seemed to be uncontrollable: "In order to get rid of evil spirits, you must hit the target with one blow, and you should avoid procrastination. Otherwise, once the demons are left behind for a hundred years, the prince doesn't need me to explain, right?"

Linjiang Wang personally poured a cup of tea: "The immortal master is very knowledgeable, come, drink tea, why don't we go to other people who have died before—"

"My lord," Gong Wei said with a smile.

His voice was soft and kind, like a dream lingering in his ears.

The noise in the room seemed to be silent at the same time, and Gong Wei turned his head from the pot of egret orchids, passed through the surrounding people, and looked at Linjiang King tenderly.

"My lord raises orchids very well. I'm hungry, can you give them to me?"

—No one noticed that there was a blush in the depth of his right eye, like a peach blossom in early spring floating down a branch, and then disappeared without a trace.

Everyone around looked at Gong Wei blankly, their expressions seemed to freeze, as if it had been a long time before they heard soft inhalation sounds from all directions.

"...Eat...what to eat?" Linjiang Wang seemed to have fallen into some erratic dream, looked straight into Gong Wei's eyes, and subconsciously repeated: "Can... can I eat it?"

Gong Wei said: "Yes." He took off the egret orchid, tore off half of the snow-white orchid and ate it slowly, and said with a smile: "My lord, I'm tired. I want to sleep tonight. Your family has died." That room, okay?"

Linjiang Wang stared at him unblinkingly, couldn't even move away, and stammered repeatedly: "Okay...okay, this king will take you there, I will take you there."

Gong Wei frowned.

Even if that smile appeared on Xiang Xiaoyuan's face, it didn't violate harmony, so he ate the remaining half of the flower with a smile, and said, "Then thank you, my lord."

King Linjiang couldn't take his eyes off "Xiang Xiaoyuan" all the way. He personally led all the famous monks into the courtyard where the oiran had cast the bouquet, and talked again and again, courteously, until the sky was completely dark, Yu Chixiao Had to make a sound to chase people away, the young prince just woke up like a dream, and reluctantly left.

Yu Chixiao waved the disciples out of the room, and the first sentence he said was:

"Did you use the magic trick on him just now?"

This magnificent room still maintains the scene at the time of the crime, with a white silk hanging from the beams, kicked down benches on the floor, messy decorations and jewels all over the floor, and a few drops of dark red blood dripping from the thick Persian carpet. . Gong Wei was wandering around the house, when he heard this, he raised his eyebrows, turned his head, and looked at him innocently and surprised: "Why did Yuchi Shaoxia say that? I am an inhuman thing, and I am good at using inhuman things." There is nothing wrong with tricks."

Meng Yunfei, who was sitting by the side, finally couldn't listen any longer, and closed the book with a snap: "Master Xiang, you are just like us, you are an ordinary person, so don't take those contemptuous remarks to heart. Who told you that you are inhuman? ?”

Yu Chixiao: "..."

Gong Wei: "..."

Gong Wei twitched the reddish tip of her nose and whispered, "No, there's no one there."

Meng Yunfei asked suspiciously: "Really? Don't worry, young master, there are only the three of us here. If someone ever speaks rudely to you, Yuanju and I will definitely..."

Yu Chixiao: "Yunfei, the time has come! You go outside to defend the formation, and I will protect the dharma in the room, don't be distracted!"

Meng Yunfei was confused, and was slapped out of the room by Yu Chixiao, and he slammed the door shut, only to hear Gong Wei behind him: "Puchi—"

"Xiang Xiaoyuan!"

Gong Wei put his hand on his forehead and asked with a smile on his face: "What's the matter, Shaoxia Yuchi? 'Young Master Xiang is not a human being, and his behavior is often weird'. Didn't you say that yourself when you retired?"


Yu Chixiao took a deep breath, recited the meditation mantra for half a moment, and told himself that as soon as the matter was over, he would immediately send this inhuman... send this **** Cangyang sect disciple back, and then opened his eyes and said coldly: "You Shi Three quarters have passed, and the ghost will come at any time. In order to prevent you from going mad and committing suicide, I will seal the meridians of your whole body so that you cannot move an inch, do you understand?"

Gong Wei's smile continued: "No rush, no rush, I'm still a little hungry." As he spoke, he tore off the egret orchids that King Linjiang had brought to his eyes just now, before he had time to put them into his mouth. In the middle of the day, Yu Chixiao slapped him on the back, and immediately fell down on the couch with a groan, and froze upright.

Knock knock knock, the monk outside the house knocked on the door timidly: "Mr. Wei, Mr. Yuchi, the King of Linjiang sent someone to send two pots of peonies again, and asked Mr. Xiang if you want to eat?"

"He doesn't eat! Who eats these messy things all day long!" Yu Chixiao finally found an outlet for his anger: "Go back and defend!"

The monk rolled and crawled away.

Gong Wei burst out laughing again, staring at the curtain on the top of the bed and said, "Young Hero Yuchi, this is not good for you. There was a saying in Jianzong back then that flowers, plants and trees are formed by the aura of heaven and earth, and eating them can absorb the essence of nature. You can say that I am a non-human thing, but you can't say that Jianzong, after all, he is your uncle."

Yu Chixiao was meditating inside the house with a sword in one hand. Judging from his expression, he didn't want to talk to him, but he still couldn't hold back: "There is no last sentence."


"There is no 'food can absorb the essence of nature'." Yu Chixiao said coldly, "The latter sentence was said by the director of the palace, in order to find a reason to eat my family's jasper and peach blossoms."

Jasper peach blossom?

Gong Wei said softly "Ah", thinking that there really was such a thing, but how old was Yu Chixiao back then, so he was there at that time?

That happened a year before his death. A sect presented a pot of rare green peach blossoms from Yuchi's family. Ying Kai, the leader of the Xianmeng, was very interested when he heard about it, so he invited him and Xu Shuangce to share the rewards. At that time, their conflicts were not so sharp—at least not so sharp in the eyes of others, so Ying Kai took this opportunity to persuade the two of them to turn their fighting into friendship, saying that you don't really have a **** feud, why bother to fight each other all day long, and let the family Does martial art read jokes?

Gong Wei is not interested in answering Kai's old tunes, but is very eager for Jasper Peach Blossom. He liked to eat flowers since he was a child. Ying Kai had been admonishing him several times in the process of raising him, and he changed a little until he grew up, but he often ate flowers secretly when no one was around. Jian Zongwei Chi Rui had seen through this crooked gang early on, and said that jade and peach blossoms are rare in a hundred years, and anyone who dares to steal them will be killed by me. Who would have thought that when the maid came to have tea, the peach blossoms in the pot suddenly disappeared, leaving only bare branches. Just as Yu Chirui slapped the table and violently wanted to arrest Gong Wei and kill him, he only heard a sound of "Boom!" Xu Shuangce, who was sitting not far away, put down his teacup heavily.

At some point in the white porcelain cup, several delicate and beautiful green peach blossoms floated, and one of them was already drunk by him along with the tea, so he knew who did it without asking.

The surroundings were so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be clearly seen. I saw Xu Shuangce's sharp black eyes staring at Gong Wei, his throat moved for a long time, and he swallowed the peach peanuts between his teeth, then got up and walked away.

That day, Yuchi Rui chased Gong Wei two miles away with his sword.

The so-called turning hostility into friendship has naturally come to naught. From then on, all the famous families in the north, headed by Cangyang Sect, united against the head of the palace everywhere in the Xianmeng. All kinds of friction became more and more intense, and finally led to the tragedy of Taiyi's promotion to Xiantai at the beginning of the twenty-eighth year.

Yu Chixiao was silent for a long time, he remembered something, and sighed: "There are no more peach blossoms in this world."

Gong Wei didn't react: "What?"

"Before the dean of the palace died, the peach blossoms in the world bloomed for a moment, and then turned and thanked again the next day. Since then, there has never been a single peach blossom in this world. It has been sixteen years." Yu Chixiao glanced at it contemptuously. He glanced at it: "Do you know that there used to be a fruit called peach? Heh."


Gong Wei stared at Fangliang in astonishment, what did he think, the peach trees in the whole world are not blooming? Is the relationship between heaven and man real? Even God thinks it's Xu Shuangce who deserves to be damned, not me? Ah, no wonder all the people in the market along the way are selling plums and loquats... After thinking about it in such a mess, he suddenly realized something:

"That's not right, Yuchi Shaoxia, then Xu—then what is the door opened in front of our Sect Master Xu? You almost stabbed me there."

Yu Chixiao: "I didn't stab you! Please don't add fuel to Yunfei's face! That is the last peach blossom forest in the world. It is open all year round regardless of the seasons!"

Gong Wei was stunned suddenly, her heart trembled violently.

The undefeated flowers blooming in four seasons must be maintained by spiritual power, and it will continue all year round.

He originally thought that Xu Shuangce would shovel that peach grove after his death.

There was a gentle night breeze outside the window, but the house was silent. The two people who were sitting and lying down had different thoughts. After a long time, Yu Chixiao sighed resentfully, full of disapproval:

"The legend is that after the death of the head of the palace, Sect Master Xu killed the corpse in this forest, and the blood seeped into the peach blossoms. Alas, a generation of immortals, why did this happen?"

Gong Wei: "..."

Gong Wei turned his head with difficulty, and stared quietly at Yu Chixiao: "Can you tell me more about the fact that your Jianzong smashed the Cangyang Mountain stele into powder? I suddenly really want to hear the details."

Yu Chixiao immediately glared at him from top to bottom, with a face full of disdainful expressions, just about to say that you, an outer disciple, still wanted to vent your anger on Sect Master Xu, when suddenly the candles in the room flickered twice for no reason .

Yu Chixiao's movements were like lightning, and he fixed the flame with one finger. At this time, Gong Wei on the couch suddenly changed his expression: "Don't move."

These two words are like hitting gold and breaking jade, and his tone is very different from his usual tone, Yu Chixiao's brows were tightened immediately: "Why?"


Gong Wei looked over his shoulder, frowned a little bit, and said softly, "There seems to be someone behind you."

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