MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 42

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"Since this is the case, please be careful with the leader, I am about to start casting spells." Changsun Chengfeng took the lead to stand above the mysterious ice coffin, and said: "All immortal friends, please surround the Fahua Immortal Venerable in a circle, and don't distance yourself I'm too far away...Master Jianzong? You haven't finished picking it yet?"

Yu Chirui lying on the ground: "..."

Gong Wei broke out in cold sweat all over his body, but his brain was completely blank, he couldn't make a sound, and subconsciously pointed to his right eye and made a desperate expression, as if he had a sudden cramp.

Yu Chirui: "??"

"It's me!" Gong Wei kept mouthing at him, "It's me! Gong Zhengyu!"

"Longevity?" Ying Kai was following the instructions of Changsun Chengfeng, placing his hands half an inch in front of the eyebrows of Fahua Xianzun's corpse, and asked, "Do you need help?"

- It's over.

Gong Wei's eyes went dark, and he saw that even Mu Duozhu's feet took half a step back, and he looked like he was about to bend down: "Are you all right, Jianzong, are you a peanut..."

At that critical moment, Yu Chirui reached out and took out a few peanuts, and then escaped from Gong Wei's horrified sight.

He stood up to meet everyone's gaze, and spread his hands blankly: "It's over, you count."

Mu Duozhu: "..."

Changsun Chengfeng's dumbfounded voice came from the coffin: "Okay, everyone, follow what I said, and form a magical formation with me at the center. Please, leader, when I play the magic formula, please put your Yuanshen Send them all into the immortal body of Fa Huazun, and you must follow my instructions to act..."

Yu Chirui finally found out? Did he recognize me?

Gong Wei lay under the coffin, feeling excited and apprehensive, but dared not make a sound. He tried his best to look around in the limited space, and saw that everyone was gathered around the coffin. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Shuangce still stood closer to everyone.

—Bingrensi is really related to Du Kaixun who was exiled seventeen years ago?

Xu Shuangce once went to the extreme north ice field to kill him, but he missed?

Countless thoughts filled Gong Wei's mind, and before he had time to figure it out, he heard Changsun Chengfeng suddenly type out a talisman: "Form and consciousness follow me, soul and spirit penetrate together!"

Everyone present at the same time felt that they were being pulled forward heavily, but it was actually the primordial spirit who quickly entered the formation of the gods. Under the coffin in the center of the magic circle, Gong Wei knew that he could not escape, so he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in time, and the next moment his consciousness was completely black!

As if countless years had passed and it was only a moment, he slowly opened his eyes, and violent shocks and roars rushed towards his face from all directions.

This is a piece of consciousness that Du Kaixun forcibly imparted to the puppet through the soldiers. But unexpectedly, this period of consciousness did not reveal his own hiding place as everyone expected, and it was not even any familiar territory on the Central Plains.

This is a plain of burning war.

The earth is torn apart, and the sky is covered by gunpowder smoke. The unfamiliar capital in the distance was shrouded in raging flames. The city walls collapsed, people neighed on their backs, and burning bricks fell like a torrential rain, crushing the fleeing and crying people into a pulp.

Several great masters stood high in the dark clouds, with the sleeves of their hurricane hunting robes flying. When Ying Kai opened his eyes, he saw the hellish situation, and subconsciously drew his sword: "What's going on?!"

The eldest grandson Chengfeng stopped him: "Brother Ying, don't worry. This is Du Kaixun's consciousness, and you and I are just outside bystanders, don't you believe me?"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the flamboyant gravel flying from far away passed through his palm, as if piercing through an unreal phantom, and flew away in an instant.

"We are just spirit bodies, we can't change what has happened in the conscious world, and we can't save the people who have died here." As he spoke, Changsun Chengfeng frowned, and murmured the question in everyone's mind: "But this... What the **** is this place? I can't recognize it at all. What exactly is Du Kaixun trying to control Fahua Immortal Venerable's bones for?"

At the same time, in the distance, Gong Wei carefully hid behind a hill, and saw Lieutenant Chi Rui turning his head repeatedly in mid-air, looking around, as if he wanted to find himself, but because of the thick smoke of the war, he didn't see Baizhangyuan Gegong Wei stretched out his hand and waved it.

"Jianzong?" Mu Duozhu asked strangely, "What are you looking for?"

Yu Chirui turned his head quickly, with an indifferent expression on his face: "It's nothing."

Mu Duozhu: "..."

Yi Zong looked back curiously, but saw nothing but burning villages and cracked hills on the plain. He was full of doubts, when suddenly there was a sound from the capital ahead—Boom!


The ground shook violently, and the footsteps were getting closer. Immediately afterwards, a huge human-shaped black shadow towering above the capital appeared above the capital, and with a heavy wave of its hand, a hurricane blew up out of thin air, sweeping away the gunpowder smoke.

Ying Kai asked in surprise, "What is that?"

——After the gunpowder smoke cleared, the black shadow finally revealed its true face, it turned out to be a machine soldier!

No one in the world has ever seen such a large and terrifying soldier.

It is more than a hundred feet high, with its head above the sky and its feet on the ground in the true sense. It has a whole body of fine steel armor, and holds two long knives burning with raging golden fire in both hands. It looks like a moving hill from a distance. The soldiers have all facial features, but their brows are blunt and rigid, and their huge eyes are like two suns, looking down at the crowd fleeing for their lives like ants, as if they are high above the gods, cold and majestic.

"Help!" "Hurry, run!" "Mother, mother!"...

The soldiers raised their feet high and stomped them down mercilessly. Countless people were instantly trampled into **** mud!

"...Chengfeng?" Ying Kai trembled.

Changsun Chengfeng even changed the tone of the ending: "I've never heard of it, I swear I've never seen it!"

Mu Duozhu blurted out: "Is it going to kill everyone here?!"

As if to answer his words, the soldiers raised their hands, crossed their swords, and swung them in the air. The golden fire on the knife immediately engulfed most of the city in the sea of ​​flames, and the bursting houses rushed into the sky!

The impact caused the high-altitude clouds to disperse, and the strong wind even pushed several Grandmasters back several steps. The eldest grandson Chengfeng managed to stabilize his figure, and said in shock: "When did this happen? I've never seen it in the family history! How about you, Brother Ying?"

Not only the history of Julu City Chief Sun's family, but the entire Immortal Alliance has never recorded such a horrific disaster. Ying Kai's hand holding the hilt of the sword protruded, and he frowned and said, "I've never seen this in any classics either. What the hell..."

At this time, Xu Shuangce suddenly said: "Someone is here."

Everyone looked at the reputation at the same time, but saw the terrifying long knife of the soldier swung out with all his strength again, and the two fire dragons roared towards the crowd, and they were about to turn countless people into charred bones—

At this critical moment, a white gold sword light rose from the crowd, it was extremely fierce and powerful, and cut off the fire dragon in mid-air!

The impact of this sword was enough to shake the entire plain, and even Jian Zong Wei Chi Rui's expression changed slightly: "Who is it?"

The sword light rushed into the sky, and the golden fire disappeared. On the top of the last tower in the distance, a tall silhouette appeared in the billowing smoke, facing the giant soldier without fear, and his sleeves fluttered in the wind.

The visitor was still very young, and his side profile was very beautiful and quiet, but at this moment, because his forehead to cheeks were stained with blood, it added a bit of abrupt sternness and majesty. His hair rope and belt fluttering in the wind were all embroidered with gold thread, and his white clothes were stained with blood everywhere. His injuries were already very serious, but his back was straight and not bent at all.

The long sword held in his right palm glowed with bright flames. The shape of the sword was very familiar. Near the hilt were engraved with two ancient seal characters——

Changsun Chengfeng read out in surprise: "No weapon!"

Everyone involuntarily looked at the identical sword in Changsun Chengfeng's hand, and Mu Duozhu pointed at the back: "Could it be... Could it be some giant sect?"

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone realized one thing: the name of Juzong had been passed down in the eldest grandson's family for three generations, but this young master was obviously not an ancestor of the eldest grandson's family.

How many years ago did Du Kaixun plant this consciousness in the body of Fahua Immortal Venerable, and where did it come from?

The old opponent who could never be defeated reappeared, and the soldiers were immediately enraged. Its two huge flaming eyeballs suddenly burned even more intensely, and it rushed straight up on the flat ground. Baizhang's body was so swift and violent that it made people shudder, and it chopped at the top of the grand master's head with a knife!

However, the young Zong's figure was faster, as if the serious injuries all over his body did not affect his speed at all, he flew back to the plain outside the city in the blink of an eye. He probably wanted to use himself as a bait to buy time for the people to escape, but he saw that the soldiers really abandoned the city and chased them down instantly. Two long knives slashed wildly, and the tumbling golden flames erupted like thousands of volcanoes.

This apocalyptic scene of **** is enough to make anyone terrified, but the young master did not retreat at all. He carried out a thousand moves in an instant, and his vigor penetrated the sky and the earth, even tearing the high-altitude clouds to pieces!

Changsun Chengfeng was frightened, and murmured: "I think it's because I humiliated the Buqi sword, but it has such a sharp edge..."

Ying Kai was also staring at the battlefield and couldn't take his eyes off: "Chengfeng don't need to be ashamed, this senior is already at the very late stage of Mahayana."

"Extremely late?"

"I'm afraid I won't lose—no." Ying Kai's voice paused, and he changed his words: "I'm afraid we can match Shuang Ce."

Several people couldn't help looking at Xu Shuangce, but saw Cangyang Sect Master slightly frowned, and whispered two words: "It's a pity."

Changsun Chengfeng: "What a pity?"


Neither Ying Kai nor Xu Shuangce said a word. At this time, two swords split the sky and cut down, the young master gritted his teeth and blocked the horizontal sword, and the earthquake-like blow rushed in all directions, and the plain under his feet was instantly cracked!

"Do you know why he didn't summon the sword soul?" Ying Kai sighed and said, "Because the injury is too serious, the golden core has been burned long ago."

The destruction of the golden core is the most desperate nightmare of all monks, even for grandmasters. But in the Mahayana period, the golden elixir is strong and strong, and it is unrivaled in the world. If a person is alive, the elixir is still there, and if a person dies, the elixir does not necessarily perish. What terrible blows did this master endure to destroy even the golden elixir?

And what kind of astonishing and extraordinary perseverance allowed him to destroy his golden core without dying, and he was able to stand up and continue to stand in front of this mechanism giant with his last breath?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Ying Kai frowned suddenly: "Not good."

I saw that the two knives of the machine soldier were held in the air by a sword, the anger in the giant eyes had been burned beyond measure, and suddenly he opened his mouth and took a deep breath towards the sky, even the black clouds within a hundred miles were sucked in by it belly.

Immediately afterwards, it lowered its head and spewed out golden fire that covered the sky and the sun!

At that moment, it was as if the **** opened up and the yellow spring poured down, and the fire dragon descended into the world from the sky, which was spectacular and indescribable. The Grandmaster had nowhere to hide, and was instantly blown away by the impact of the explosion. Like an arrow, he crashed into the hills dozens of miles away, and the cliffs and cliffs collapsed in response!

The tons of boulders pouring down buried him completely in an instant.

The strong shock shook the four fields, and the mountains and forests fell one after another like building blocks. The mechanism giant raised his knife sharply, facing the sky, and let out an overwhelming roar:

"The humble dogs of the common people, the soldiers will destroy the world!"

"The humble dogs of the common people, the soldiers will destroy the world!"—"

This time, no one could stop it anymore. It slowly turned its body, facing the capital city at the end of the plain, and took another breath towards the sky, with hundreds of sharp teeth criss-crossing in its huge mouth.

Thousands of people in the city realized the coming of the end at the same time, knelt down like mountains and seas in despair, and watched the terrifying golden flame flashing from the giant's throat again.

Mu Duozhu lost his voice: "No, this city is over!"

"...No." Ying Kai's tone was slightly hoarse, and he couldn't tell whether it was shock or admiration: "It's not over yet."

Following his line of sight and looking behind the soldiers, he saw a sudden movement of the collapsed mountain wall in the distance, and boulders broke open one after another.

The young master was lying on the bottom of the pit soaked in blood, his hands and feet were all broken, and his bones were shattered every inch of his body. But those beautiful eyes were still open, the clouds and the sky were all in sight, and the expression on his pale face was calm.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted his only left hand that hadn't been broken, and the **** silk thread shot up, stretched and elongated in mid-air, and submerged into his whole body in an instant.

It was as if an invisible force lifted his body flat and suspended him, click! Click! There were several brittle sounds of bones, several broken spines were put together, the twisted hands and feet were straightened, and the torso and limbs returned to their original shape; he was forcibly repaired like a smashed doll, and he stood up softly, followed by another loud sound With a "click!", the broken neck was pulled back to its original state.

In the distance, the sword turned into a meteor and flew towards him, and it was held tightly in his right palm with a snap. Immediately afterwards, he raised his head, and the spiritual power rose from the soles of his feet and enveloped his whole body for the last time. A giant machine that is ready to go.

"Soldiers...soldiers..." Changsun Chengfeng trembled.

"He, he made himself the last soldier puppet..."

At the very late stage of the Mahayana realm, it is already the highest peak that monks in the world can climb. Once you reach this level, the heavenly tribulation may fall suddenly at any time, as long as you survive the thunder calamity, you can immediately ascend to the ground and become a fairy.

There is no one in a century, no one in millions of people, only the truly Chosen One can reach this state, only one step away from becoming a god.

However, this young master burned the golden core, shattered his iron bones, wiped out his century-old practice, wiped out his celestial predestined status, and finally did not even leave his body behind, and was completely reduced to an immortal battle puppet.

——The humble dog of the common people, and the destruction of soldiers and men.

The end has come, what else can he do?

The strong light enveloped the whole world, and the destructive flaming golden dragon finally spewed out from the mouth of the mechanism giant, roaring and rushing towards the earth!

It is impossible to describe this world-ending grand scene in words. Wherever the golden fire went, the mountains and forests were destroyed, and all collapsed and turned into dust; thousands of miles of plains were reduced to basins, thousands of hectares of long rivers poured into the sky, and the eyes of countless people reflected the approaching fire dragon at the same time.

Time freezes at this moment.

A brighter and more eye-catching figure turned into a light arrow and came from far away, swung a sword heavily, and the light curtain covered the sky.

The fire dragon bumped into Jianguang, and suddenly turned into a torrent soaring into the sky!

"Great, huge sect..."

I don't know who started to make a trembling voice, and then it spread across the earth. Countless people knelt down on the ground, crying and kowtowed like mountains and seas: "Great Master!" "Grand Master!"...

"Ju Zong!" The roar of the mechanism giant shook the wilderness: "Ju, Zong—!"

The Grandmaster held the sword in both hands, standing in the air, blocking all destructive impacts in front of him. Blood gurgled down from his whole body like a fountain, but even though the bones controlled by the soldier silk were shattered into powder, they did not bend at all, and his eyes were still terribly bright after being stained with blood.

"...'Cangsheng humble dog'," he said word by word.

He is so ruthless, but his voice is strangely soft, every word carries overwhelming power:

"The humble dog of the common people, the way will end."

"The way of mortals lasts forever."

Mortals live forever.

The mechanism giant has never been so completely enraged, suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar, the sound waves shook the city and pulled out the stronghold, and then the third huge golden flame and a pair of long knives chopped off at the same time!

— This unprecedented majestic power is like the wrath of the nine heavenly gods, enough to completely tear apart any existence in the world.

The sky and the earth were suddenly white in the strong light, and everyone lost all vision. Therefore, no one could clearly see that before the last moment, the grand master turned his head and glanced at the vast land and thousands of people behind him.

Then endless golden light exploded from his whole body.

That is simply beyond the power of mortals, the so-called "near God" is nothing more than that. Space, time, and the whole world seem to be reversed. The torrent rushing towards the city wall hangs in the air, falling towards the boulders above people's heads and turning back; Inch melted and turned into nothing.

The agency soldiers roared unwillingly, but no one could hear them now.

In the shock like the creation of the gods, it was finally thrown out by a sword, and millions of mechanism parts on its limbs exploded all over the sky. Only the mountain-like body fell from the sky, smashing heavily through the basin formed by the plain, and split a rift several hundred feet long in the strong earthquake.

— A sword is inserted between its brows.

The grand master did not let go of the hilt of his sword in the end, he was like a shocking meteor, he blew himself up together with the three souls and seven souls, at the cost of the soul flying away and not entering reincarnation forever, and finally died together with this world-destroying giant, and was buried in the ten thousand feet together the center of the earth!


After an unknown amount of time, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the high-altitude clouds finally resumed their flow.

No one spoke, or even moved. After a long period of silence, Changsun Chengfeng finally let out a long breath as if he was exhausted, and said hoarsely: "I am speechless..."

Ying Kailue turned his head to Xu Shuangce and asked, "Can you do it?"

Xu Shuangce shook his head: "I can't do it."

Ying Kai sighed: "I don't know if I can do it, and I don't know if I can do it."

He looked at the huge basin that had completely changed under his feet, and turned his gaze to the steep rift valley in the distance. If you can't ascend, I'm afraid no one has the qualifications to ascend. It's a pity that such a senior who looked up to the mountains did not survive in the end..."

Ying Kai's voice stopped abruptly.

He and Xu Shuangce looked up at the sky at the same time, their expressions suddenly changed, Changsun Chengfeng asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Then he got the answer.

—Black clouds are layered and rushing, and thunder and lightning are faintly flashing. The vast sky gradually began to rotate without wind, and the catastrophe was imminent.

This Grandmaster is indeed qualified to ascend.

So after his death, the Nine Heavens Tribulation descended!

Changsun Chengfeng said in shock: "Could it be that the person is not completely dead? How is this possible? This..."

Ying Kai opened his eyes suddenly: "Not good, the last breath is not gone yet."

Before he finished speaking, he rushed out like lightning, but no matter how fast he walked, he couldn't beat the catastrophe. Before everyone reached the edge of the rift valley, they saw a huge thunder coming down from the sky, and the first thunder calamity plunged into the abyss like a poisonous dragon. It was so fierce and violent that it exploded the entire basin like a frying pan !

"How is it possible?!" Even Ying Kai was forced to cover his head and face with one hand, and shouted: "How can such a great master welcome such-such-"

Xu Shuangce looked up into the sky, his pupils shrank slightly: "Extremely evil."

Those who survived the catastrophe had only the last vestiges of their souls left, but what fell from the sky was an unprecedented and unheard-of catastrophe.

Even if this grand master is alive, it is impossible for him to ascend smoothly. This is clearly to destroy his soul and make him immortal, and even his body will be whipped to powder after death!

Ying Kai drew his sword in anger, but it was of no avail. In this conscious world, they are just spirit bodies, neither can be hurt by the sky thunder, nor have the power to change the external objects in the slightest, they can only watch the second sky thunder fall in the sky, as if engulfed in infinite hatred and rage , whipping like a giant whip towards the scarred body at the bottom of the abyss—

This blow not only completely tore the remnant soul apart, but also separated the head of the corpse and cut off the limbs.

But just before the tragic scene, a crimson light suddenly flashed in the center of the swirling robbery cloud, and then it got closer and clearer.

Ying Kai was stunned: "That's..."

It turned out to be a bright and clear double-sided mirror.

It hovered above the abyss for an instant, and the second thunderstorm came, hitting this invincible patron saint in an instant. The current exploded in all directions and splashed gorgeous waterfalls, which could not leak into the abyss at all!

"What's going on?" Mu Duozhu covered his eyes after being stabbed, and raised his voice and asked, "Did something come down from the sky to protect him? What is it?"

It is said that if the meritorious deeds of the person who crosses the catastrophe are unmatched, there will be immortals descending to protect him, but that is just a legend after all, and there has never been any historical records throughout the ages. Besides, if the heavens believed that this giant sect could really ascend, why would it be an extremely evil catastrophe?

What is it that tears apart Jieyun and comes down to protect the Dharma?

Xu Shuangce's expression suddenly changed.

It was just a split second, almost like an illusion - he saw a figure flashing in the mirror, and he couldn't see the shape at all. He just felt like a young man with crimson robes facing the nine heavy thunders without fear. He swung his sword.

The majestic sword light rushed into the sky from the mirror, and the second thunderbolt was shattered, and the magnificent light even tore apart the thousand clouds!

——At this point in the battlefield, it is finally beyond the scope of human beings, and it is a real duel between "heaven" and "heaven".

Read The Duke's Passion