MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 47

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Isn't the ghost princess a woman?

This was Gong Wei's first reaction, but then he thought about it, that's right. If Mrs. Xu is not a woman, then of course the Ghost Crown Princess may not be a woman. Anyway, no one knows what happened behind the myths and legends. It's just that it was also rumored by the world to welcome the relatives, that Xu Shuangce had run before and after to help cross the barriers, the ghost prince may not have that luck.

However, the well-known Taoist stories suddenly intersect with reality, which still makes Gong Wei feel absurd. He sat on the bed hugging the quilt and pondered for a long time, then he suddenly realized, and hurriedly said: "So the master saw a female giant?"

Xu Shuangce glanced at him indifferently, as if he didn't even bother to answer.

Gong Wei said embarrassingly: "The disciple is dull. The disciple still doesn't understand why the master is worried. Could it be that the **** looks very scary?"

Xu Shuangce said: "I didn't see the description of the other person's face clearly. Presumably mortals need mana to see the appearance of a **** clearly. I just suddenly remembered one thing - the mechanism giant in the illusion said, all things are like dogs, Soldiers perish."

Gong Wei naturally heard these words, after all, the soldiers roared with anger at that time, "Then Master thinks..."

Xu Shuangce suddenly fell silent, as if he didn't even know how to speak the next words.

After a long while, he took a deep breath and said slowly, "Is it possible that the organ giant itself was sent by a certain **** to destroy the world?"

Gong Weixin's words are too absurd. Could it be that this "certain god" just wants all living beings on the earth to die?

"If this is the case, it can be explained by the extremely evil catastrophe that the master descended when he crossed the catastrophe, because it was originally not for the transcending catastrophe to ascend, but for the punishment of dismembering the body and never being reborn. Afterwards, the spirit in the mirror To strike back the Nine Layers of Heavenly Lightning and fly up to the sky with the Grandmaster's Primordial Spirit is also against the will of this Heavenly God, so he appeared in a fit of rage and sent down divine punishment."

If you distinguish carefully, Xu Shuangce's voice was unusually unsteady when he said this, and there was even a hint of hoarseness at the end.

He said: "If my conjecture is true, then this **** should be an evil god."

Everyone knows that Sect Master Xu is a taciturn person, and Gong Wei has never seen him say so many words at once, although he became more and more confused the more he listened, and he didn't dare to ask the bottom line, so he could only say: "But... but Master , the ghost princess in the myth finally ascended smoothly."

Xu Shuangce said: "Yes, I have ascended."

"Then the **** you saw failed?"

The sky outside the window gradually dawned, and finally reflected a glimmer of light in the dim and ambiguous room. I saw Xu Shuangce standing in front of the window lattice, with half of his body submerged in the shadows against the light, his brows were as clear as pictures, but the unspeakable haze seemed to be covered under his eyelashes.

"Yes," he said softly, as if he was answering Gong Wei or talking to himself.

"—Where did this **** who committed evil sins go after his failure? Was he relegated to being a human being?"

The lower half of Gong Wei's face was hidden behind the quilt, with only a pair of eyes staring carefully at Xu Shuangce. Under Cangyang Sect Master's calm and restrained appearance like deep water, there seemed to be a faint violence and disturbance that was about to emerge, which made him a little nervous, but he didn't know where the strangeness came from.

"...Did Master tell the conjecture to Leader Ying?" He asked in a low voice vigilantly for a long while.

Unexpectedly, Xu Shuangce glanced at him and said calmly: "No, anyway, as long as you find out who is behind the scenes, you can get the answer, so I only told you as a teacher."

Gong Wei: "...Huh?"

The feeling of boredom and irritability on Xu Shuangce's body was not so heavy, which should be the reason why he temporarily put his thoughts aside. He turned back and opened the window of the inn, and said: "So if there is a third person in this world who knows, it must be you who said it—"

The early morning wind gently blew his unhurried words to Gong Wei's ears: "Love disciple."

Obviously it's a normal name, but it might be because she was only wearing pajamas, Gong Wei nestled in the corner of the wide bed, her cheeks felt hot for no reason, and she touched her ears unnaturally.

Xu Shuangce turned around, with a half-smile: "Get up, beloved. You can go to the sacred place of Yanchuntai music today. Don't you know a good friend there?"


Xianmeng set up inns in various places for monks to rest and recuperate. They did not accept folk copper coins and silver tickets, and could only be credited to the accounts of sects or directly used in gold. When they came down to check out, Gong Wei was ready to cause a sensation, and carefully hid herself behind Xu Shuangce. Unexpectedly, when the two of them passed through the lobby, the monks who came and went looked as usual, without the slightest surprise, as if completely He didn't recognize the majestic Cangyang suzerain.

Xu Shuangce said calmly: "Don't worry, the teacher has already cast a blind eye. When others see you and me, they only see an ordinary Cangyang sect monk."

Gong Wei cupped his hands in admiration, "Master is wise!"

Then he suddenly realized, an ordinary Cangyang sect monk?

"...Master, what about me?"

Xu Shuangce glanced at him lightly from the corner of his eyes, there seemed to be a trace of ridicule flickering in the depths of his eyes, and then Shi Shiran stepped forward to pay the bill.

Gong Wei stood still, subconsciously touched his face, thinking what did he turn me into?

But it's useless to worry, unless he finds a mercury mirror to perform the spell, otherwise he won't be able to see what he looks like in the eyes of others, so he can't just catch a passer-by and ask, "Hey, what am I?"

Gong Wei had no choice but to suppress the faint feeling in his intuition, and looked around.

Because most of the monks fasted, the inns set up by Xianmeng rarely provided food, and even if they did, they only provided food for young disciples who had just established their foundations. Most of them were simple staple foods such as hot porridge and steamed buns. The dish delivery window in the inn kitchen was open, and a basket of steaming steamed buns was being lowered into the drawer. The person in charge of the spoon picked up a bun and broke it open casually. Gong Wei's eyes straightened, and he saw that there was a huge chicken and mushroom ball inside.

The fragrance wafted along with the wind, Gong Wei gulped, feeling a sudden sadness welling up in his heart.

Although eating is not necessary for him, it is also one of the greatest joys in life. Leaving aside the few meals of boiled vegetables in Cangyangzong, the last serious meal was more than a month ago, Meng Yunfei invited drunk chicken, when he was still in Linjiang...

At this moment, the chef suddenly looked out, and seeing Xu Shuangce's back was facing them, he waved furtively to Gong Weiyi.


Gong Wei didn't know why, so he leaned over, the fat chef wrapped the bun in paper and stuffed it into his hand, his love was almost overflowing: "Before the Daoist doesn't look back, hurry up and eat, hurry up!"

Gong Wei was stunned: "Yes, but I don't have any money?"

"Oh, what money do you want. Take it!"

"No, I can't take something for nothing..."

"Take it quickly, sorry to see you." The chef couldn't help but urged in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, I'll keep an eye on that Taoist for you, hurry up and eat!"

Gong Wei was caught off guard by the meaty and juicy bun stuffed into his mouth. In a panic, he looked back at Xu Shuangce and swallowed with his neck straight. The rich sweetness of the food and the strong love of the chef almost surrounded him. A steamed bun was eaten fast like a war. The chef stretched half of his body from the window to help him block Xu Shuangce, and quickly took another bun and opened it with chopsticks. He whispered: "This is also made of chicken stuffing. , eat the stuffing!"

The chicken and mushroom **** filled Gong Wei's mouth, and at the same time, a sudden question filled his mind: How do you know I like chicken stuffing?

At this time, not far away, I saw Xu Shuangce take half a step back, and then the shopkeeper's smiling voice came: "Guest officer, go slowly, guest officer, come back next time!"

Chef: "Quick, he's back!"

Gudong! Gong Wei swallowed her food forcefully, and hurriedly wiped her mouth while exhorting: "I will bring money next time!"

The chef was full of brilliance, reluctantly waving goodbye, Gong Wei quickly cast a cleansing spell on his mouth and fingers, and the moment Xu Shuangce turned around, he ran back to the door of the inn, with his hands behind his back, his head raised. Innocent, completely undistinguished.


The four eyes met, and the breeze passed by.

Xu Shuangce looked Gong Wei up and down, and for some reason Gong Wei felt that although his face was alienated, there was always a hint of a smile that was not a smile in his eyes.

With a flick of his sleeves, he lifted his feet across the threshold and said calmly, "Let's go, my beloved disciple."

Xu Shuangce had long legs and big strides, and Gong Wei followed behind, secretly turning around and waving gratefully at the fat chef.


Yue Sheng Liu Xuzhi lived in Yanchuntai, and Yanchuntai happened to be stuck on the only way to Tianmenguan, only more than a hundred miles away from Suicheng where they were. Gong Wei originally thought that according to Xu Shuangce's personality, he would never stop halfway, and go to the Yanchun Terrace with the sword for three moments; who knows that Xu Shuangce had no intention of summoning helpless at all, so he was so empty-handed without holding the sword. Ting Xin walked around the city.

Suicheng is located at the border, so it is naturally not as prosperous as Linjiang, but the morning market is also very lively when there are stalls. Gong Wei was seriously injured, his spiritual power had been suppressed to the maximum, he was not walking as fast as Xu Shuangce, he stumbled behind him, and most of the passing people in the city looked sideways at him with smiles, and couldn't help being suspicious Cong Sheng thought to himself what exactly did Xu Shuangce turn me into?

At this time, someone was selling breakfast on the side of the road. He took out the hot chicken skeleton from the pot with a large spoon, and shouted loudly: "Liu's Chicken Noodles! Genuine chicken drumsticks! Take a look!"

Gong Wei couldn't help looking for the reputation, but saw that the breakfast seller immediately caught the potential business opportunity: "Guest officer, do you want to try it? It doesn't taste good and you don't need money!"

Gong Wei thought sadly that even if it was delicious, I would have no money, and Xu Shuangce was not the kind of master who would give pocket money to his disciples at all! Unexpectedly, at this moment, the breakfast seller saw that he was going to leave, and immediately changed his words, beckoning enthusiastically: "Don't go, don't go, today I will give away a bowl of chicken drumsticks for free, first come, first served! Don't miss this opportunity!"

Gong Wei was so startled that he almost staggered, Xu Shuangce who was in front of him suddenly stopped, turned around, and said calmly, "What's wrong?"

Gong Wei didn't dare to mention the word "chicken", so he hurriedly ran over, lowered his eyebrows and said pleasantly: "Return to Master, it's nothing."

Xu Shuangce looked down at him for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his right hand.


Gong Wei didn't dare to act rashly, she froze there for a moment, only listening to Xu Shuang's words: "Pull."


Gong Wei pinched Xu Shuangce's sleeve with **** very wittily, and smiled apologetically, "Master is really considerate of the disciple, and the disciple is flattered..." Before he could finish his sentence, Xu Shuangce raised his left hand and touched his wrist, Gong Wei was snow-white On the inner side of his wrist, a light golden word shimmering with light suddenly appeared, which was clearly "Xu".

"Since you are walking slowly, don't look around. With this mark, no matter where you are, the teacher will know."

Gong Wei gritted her teeth, thinking that you actually gave me a mark, and confessed honestly and sincerely on the face: "I know my mistake."

Xu Shuangce said happily: "Otherwise, if he was kidnapped, wouldn't the trip be delayed?"

"Master has taught you the right thing, the disciple must... abduction?"

It was the first time in Gong Wei's two lifetimes that he heard this word appear on him. Combined with the chef's overly loving performance just now, a terrible guess suddenly came to his mind:

"...Master, did you turn me into a little maid?"

Xu Shuangce glanced at him condescendingly, but walked forward without answering.

Am I really a little maid? Xu Shuangce can't play tricks like that, can he?

Gong Wei hastened to follow, and the doubts in his heart almost overwhelmed him. Fortunately, Xu Shuangce slowed down this time so that he wouldn't run and chase after him. After about a stick of incense, he suddenly stopped. Gong Wei looked up, and there was a tavern in front of him.

"Master Dao please! Please come in!" The waiter ran out full of enthusiasm, took Xu Shuangce upstairs to the private room with a wink, and asked attentively: "What do you want to eat? What do you want to drink?"

Xu Shuangce lifted his robe and sat down, casually said: "Don't you want to eat?"

— As expected of Sovereign Xu, such a beautiful word as eating is actually just "eating" in his mouth.

Gong Wei's heart that had been frightened for the past few days suddenly raised his throat again, thinking that Xu Shuangce was also among those who forced him to eat food in his previous life. Ready to cheat him?

Thinking about it this way, Gong Wei didn't dare to say words directly linked to death, such as drunk chicken, roast chicken, saliva chicken, mushroom chicken buns, etc., gritted his teeth and said with pain: "I don't dare. I should eat the grain in order to seek the Tao. Can you be greedy for your appetite?"

Xu Shuangce didn't even lift his eyelashes: "It's okay. I'm in a good mood today, teacher. I'll buy you whatever you want."

Gong Wei stood up and bowed: "Since this is the case, please give me a bowl of boiled vegetables in white water!"


Xu Shuangce's movements stopped. After a while he asked, "Why?"

Gong Wei looked solemn: "I have been away for a long time, and I miss the food given by Master on Cangyang Mountain very much, so I only want to eat boiled vegetables in plain water. Always remember Master's kindness. Master is wise!"

The air in the private room seemed to freeze.

Gong Wei maintained this respectful bowing of his head, and it took a long time before he heard Xu Shuangce say softly: "But I remember that when I was in Linjiangdu that day, you didn't see any outsiders, and took the initiative to ask Meng Yunfei, who was under Le Sheng's sect, to buy a meal of drunken chicken." , and had a good time talking."

Why did Xu Shuangce still remember that unlucky drunk chicken after so long?

Gong Wei spoke loudly and said: "The disciple was too relaxed and broke the precept for a while, I promise not to do it again in the future!"

The temperature in the private room seemed to drop suddenly, only to hear Xu Shuangce repeat word by word: "-too relaxed."

There seemed to be a thin layer of ice in his eyes, and he said slowly for a long time: "Sure enough, the only time my beloved apprentice makes friends with that disciple surnamed Meng can he be happy and relaxed. No wonder he had a big appetite that day, and even laughed at Yanyan."

Gong Wei thought that he couldn't understand me eating drunk chicken so much, so he confessed even more: "Master..."

"Give him boiled vegetables." Xu Shuangce said coldly.

The little girl hurriedly ran off with oil on the soles of her feet. After a while, the food came in. It was indeed a huge bowl of vegetable soup that was very similar to the one on Cangyang Mountain. The water surface was so bright that it could be used as a mirror without any greasy smell, and it reflected Gong Wei's sadness. Just like this, he had to thank Sect Master Xu pretending to be grateful: "Master's great love, this disciple will remember it in his heart!"

Xu Shuangce, who was in a "very good mood" just now, didn't even respond to him.

As soon as the private room door was closed, only the two of them were left sitting opposite each other. Gong Wei didn't even dare to lift his head, and was dumbly eating the green vegetables one by one like coptis, when suddenly a jade tablet on Xu Shuangce's waist lit up and flew into the air automatically, popping up a thousand-mile display formation, the center of the formation's light It was Ying Kai.

"That's great, Shuang Ce, you're finally willing to accept my revealing card! I tried to contact you last night, but I couldn't—" Ying Kai's eager voice stopped abruptly when he saw Gong Wei.

Gong Wei: "..."

Ying Kai: "..."

In an instant, it was as if thunder from the sky stirred the fire on the ground, Gong Wei was so wronged that he almost jumped on the spot and wailed: Senior brother! Have you seen how miserable I am now, humble and hungry! Don't hurry up and rescue me!

"Really." Xu Shuangce, who was on the other side of the round table, said calmly, "This place is remote and the aura is thin. Maybe it's because the magic circle is not visible."


Ying Kai stared helplessly at his junior brother whom he hadn't seen for sixteen years. Although he had tried his best, anyone who knew him well could see the four words of strong smile from his stiff expression: "...Shuang Ce, this Is that the little disciple you took away? Haha, how did it become like this?"

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