MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 54

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Daishan, punish Shu Palace.

There was a heavy bang, and finally someone couldn't bear to drop the teacup, and said angrily: "Master Ying was assassinated on the golden boat, why did you 'invite' all of us to Mount Dai in the middle of the night?!"

The side hall was full of twenty or so grandmasters, tall, short, fat, thin, men, women, and children. Most of the sect masters of the Immortal League were here, and a small half were on their way due to the might of the Sword Sect.

After waiting for most of the night and finally waiting for the rafters, several disgruntled family lords couldn't wait to join in: "I just took a rest, and suddenly I was 'invited' to punish Shu Palace by the Young Master Ye Jinmen himself—I know Knowing that something happened to the leader of the alliance, those who don’t know think that the Xianmeng is going to raid my house with open fire!” “I didn’t say that even if something happened to Ying Chenyuan, the Xianmeng couldn’t detain me here as a prisoner, right? "Exactly! Who knows what the **** they're up to! What if someone takes the opportunity to hijack the leader and use us!"...

The eldest grandson Chengfeng, who was sitting upright in the east, put down his teacup heavily for the third time tonight: "Ahem!"

However, there are only three things. Although the deterrent effect of the first and second times is remarkable, the third time is not so immediate. The buzzing discussion only stopped for a few breaths, and then it became louder. A patriarch who looked old and knew his destiny slapped the table and said, "No, I must go out to see the leader immediately! Otherwise, if I am kidnapped by some traitor , Aren’t we being used in vain?!”

He is the head of the Duan family, one of the six great aristocratic families, and his status is very valuable. He immediately got the approval of several people around him: "That's right!" "Let's go out!"

About four or five people got up at the same time and were about to go out. The posture was obviously to see whether Ying Kai was dead or not. There was a commotion all around, Changsun Chengfeng slapped the table and got up and was about to scold, when suddenly he heard—


The Excalibur Raksha Pagoda submerged into the floor tiles, and the ground was instantly covered with cracks. A tall and straight figure in a golden armor and brown robe stood in front of the door, exuding a coercive power. It was Jianzong.

The men in Yuchi's family are all born with high eyebrows, especially Yuchi Changsheng's eyes are very sharp, like knives. Everyone trembled under his gloomy and sharp gaze, even the lord of the sixth family subconsciously fell silent, a chill ran down his spine.

He said coldly: "Those who can pass this sword, please."

There was no response from the surroundings, and all the footsteps that were about to move quietly retreated to their seats.

At this moment, a shooting star suddenly burst into the night sky. Through the wide open palace door behind Yuchi Changsheng, the shooting star was getting closer and bigger. The gorgeous tail light quickly swooped towards Xunshu Palace, and then boomed! With a sound, it landed firmly in the ring.

"Cang, Cangyang Sect Master!"

Everyone in the hall immediately woke up and stood up quickly. The car door was wide open to both sides, Xu Shuangce strode down the steps, a thin young man in scarlet clothes followed him staggeringly, his left arm was firmly held in his hand.

Everyone hurriedly said: "Sect Master Xu!" "Greetings to Sect Master Xu!"...

Xu Shuangce could not see the slightest abnormality in his body, he was still the domineering Sect Master of Cangyang. He stood still, looked over Yuchi Changsheng's shoulder, and glanced over every respectful and frightened face in the hall, there seemed to be a mockery in his eyes.

But unexpectedly, he didn't say a word, nor did he answer anyone present. Everyone saw him turn his head to the young man, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to see leader Ying, please wait here for a while."

——Whether it was his low and gentle tone or the self-proclaimed teacher, it was like throwing a heavy artillery at the head, and everyone in the hall was stunned.

Gong Wei didn't dare to look at the shocked eyes from all directions, and nodded meekly, then Xu Shuangce let go of his arm, and patted him on the shoulder: "Go and play."

Yuchi Changsheng: "..."

Gong Wei: "..."

Xu Shuangce turned around in the sight of countless people around him, raised his temples and robe sleeves, and walked along the long corridor to the inner hall of Xunshu Palace.

After a long while, Yuchi Changsheng's eyes finally turned to Gong Wei slowly, his face was always lacking in expression, but at this moment, there was clearly a big word of ignorance written in his round eyes.

Gong Wei covered his face with one hand, and said weakly: "Lesheng and Mr. Meng are seriously injured in the car, do you want to... invite someone to look at it first?"


The door of the inner room was pushed open with a creak, and Mu Duozhu turned sideways and said, "That's how it happened. At present, I can still try my best to control the three souls and seven souls, but I really can't find out the reason for the sudden shock of his soul. Uh...if it was really caused by someone's dark hands, the level of that person must have surpassed what I have learned as a current medical school, it is really unimaginable."

Xu Shuangce stepped over the threshold and stopped.

Ying Kai was lying on the bed, the blood from the seven orifices had been wiped clean, but even in a coma, he frowned, as if he was enduring some kind of pain.

"Juzong consciously couldn't explain clearly, and has already handed over many affairs on the side of the Great Rift Valley of the Sand Sea to his disciples, and came to the Xianmeng to volunteer as a hostage until the leader of the alliance wakes up and identifies the murderer." Mu Duozhu sighed: " But it's hard to say whether there is a murderer in this matter, and I am at a loss..."

"Understood." Xu Shuangce paused, and said, "You go, and treat Liu Xuzhi as soon as possible."

Mu Duo and Zhu Shiqu bowed: "I will leave it to Sect Master Xu."

After saying that, he exited the house and gently closed the door of the inner room.

There was a soft click, and only Ying Kai and Xu Shuangce were left unconscious in the inner room.

The ghost that suddenly appeared at the Yanchun Terrace, Le Sheng and his disciples who were hit hard one after another, Ying Kai who was bleeding from the seven orifices and fell into a coma, the corpse puppet who could leave at any time but had to wait until this moment to attack... all the accidents that happened one after another All vaguely point to the same answer.

In fact, the black hand behind the scenes has been revealed, but the most critical truth is still missing a piece of the puzzle.

——Ying Kai's life and death are still hanging in the balance, now is not the time to find that puzzle piece.

Xu Shuang let out a breath, temporarily suppressing the thoughts that had been boiling all the way.

He first raised his hand and brushed his right arm, and the pierced wound healed with spiritual power, leaving only an inconspicuous scar on the skin surface of the bottom of the clothes; then he pressed his fingers together on Ying Kai With a sea of ​​brows, he tried to pour spiritual power into it.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ying Kai's eyelids trembled, and they opened suddenly!

Even Xu Shuangce was surprised, and before he could ask, Ying Kai sat up regardless of the dizziness, looked straight at him with bloodshot eyes, and uttered a word hoarsely: "Xu—"


Xu Shuangce's eyebrows twitched, and at that moment he clearly saw strangeness, hostility and fear in Ying Kai's eyes!

After a long silence in the room, Xu Shuangce finally hesitated and said, "...Ying Kai?"

As if awakened suddenly by this sound, Ying Kai gave a shiver and closed his eyes tightly. After a few breaths, he opened them back to normal. He let out a long mouthful of hot air with the smell of blood rust, and said hoarsely: "Shuang...Shuang Ce .”

Xu Shuangce stared at him closely: "What's wrong with you?"

Ying Kai seemed to be in a very chaotic state, his eyes drifted away, his expression was in a trance, and he said after a while: "I seem to have a dream, I—"

His voice stopped abruptly, Xu Shuangce stared at him and asked, "What did you dream about?"


Ying Kai's Adam's apple visibly slipped, and he swallowed.

"A lot... a lot of blood, a lot of people died, I yelled and no one heard me. Then the surrounding became very hot, as if it had been scorched by karmic fire for a long, long time." He raised his head exhaustedly: "These are not Really, right?"

— a lot of blood, a lot of people died.

Could it be Liu Xuzhong's scariest memory after the endoscopic surgery, ascending to Xiantai!

Why do two people thousands of miles apart see it at the same time? !

Xu Shuangce's heart seemed to have fallen into a cold abyss, but there was nothing unusual on his face. He met Ying Kai's gaze directly, without showing the slightest suspicion in his heart, and calmly said: "Of course the dream cannot be real."


Xu Shuangce's tone was flat and unquestionable: "Dreams are just dreams."

Ying Kai nodded subconsciously, pondered for a while, and finally sighed in relief: "You are right."

After a pause, he said to himself again: "Dreams are just dreams... I should listen to you."

No one saw that Xu Shuangce's nails under the sleeves of his robe were deeply cut into his fingertips.

That's right, they met when they were teenagers, traveled the world together, and became close friends through life and death—as long as Xu Shuangce categorically denies it, how could Ying Kai not believe it?

Ying Kai helped his forehead, and said: "This time I fainted suddenly. I don't know whether it was plotted against me or because of myself. I also dreamed some... some ridiculous scenes."

He vaguely avoided what that "ridiculous scene" was, and looked up at Xu Shuangce. The strangeness and vigilance he had just woken up had completely disappeared, and the usual trust and familiarity between close friends had returned: "This is so weird. Do you have any clue, Shuang Ce?"

Xu Shuangce avoided his gaze, "Fahua Immortal Venerable escaped with his body, and there is a piece of silk hidden in his heart."

Ying Kai instantly put the last trace of entanglement about the dream completely out of the blue: "What did you say?!"

As soon as he lifted the quilt and turned over, he rushed out, but Xu Shuang moved faster and grabbed him: "Don't go out."


What Ying Kai feared the most in his life was that the secret of shocking the corpse would be leaked, which would not only harm the world, but also implicate the world's immortal sects. Maybe he would become a demon and heretic in the eyes of the world from now on. He was about to run out as soon as he broke free, but Xu Shuang's force on him was steady and unrelenting, and his voice was also calm: "There is a clue to this matter, and the truth will soon come to light, but you need to cooperate a little bit."

Ying Kai was stunned: "Cooperate with what?"


Half an hour later, the door was pushed open.

The dispirited Liu Xuzhi was supported by two disciples of the medical school, and he personally sent Mu Duozhu out of the room. The damage to the original spirit left by the mirror technique made him feel a little fluttering: "Brother Mu, brother Mu, you have worked hard. My little disciple can It is really thanks to you that he saved his life, and he must come to thank him after he wakes up, there is no way to repay his kindness..."

Mu Duozhu looked tired: "The doctor who hangs the pot to help the world is benevolent, so there is no need to mention kindness."

Liu Xuzhi was immediately moved: "Brother Mu is indeed a role model for our generation!"

Mu Duozhu said modestly: "That's natural. Just pay the consultation fee of 20,000 yuan."


Liu Xu let go of his hand, and the folding fan fell to the ground. After a long while, he said with difficulty: "...Why is it increased by 50% compared to last year?"

"What, fifty percent?"


Mu Duozhu was even more surprised than him: "Last year it was silver and this year it is gold, how come it only increased by 50%?"

There was a loud plop, and the disciples of the Medical Sect rushed forward in horror: "Lord Le Sheng!" "Master Le Sheng, are you okay!"...

Mu Duoju patted his sleeves gently, walked away with his head held high and his hands behind his back.

At this time, suddenly the door of the inner hall at the end of the long corridor creaked open, and a figure in ivory white robe stepped out of the threshold, it was Xu Shuangce. Mu Duozhu's heart froze immediately, and he didn't care about the consultation fee any more, he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Brother Xu! How is the leader?"

Even the sage Le who was waking up looked for fame, but Xu Shuang shook his head strategically, and said flatly: "The soul is stable and has not yet awakened."

Mu Duozhu's complexion suddenly changed: "Haven't you woken up yet?"

According to the laws of the Immortal League, if the leader is plotted against, before he wakes up and identifies the murderer, the lords of these famous families who are separate from each other cannot easily leave Daishan to punish Shu Palace. But for Mu Duozhu, this is not the point, the point is that even Xu Zongzhu couldn't save Ying Kai, so what can we do next? Should Ying Kai's life and death be left to fate?

Xu Shuangce raised his chin in the direction of the side hall in the distance, and asked lightly, "How did everyone react?"

Mu Duozhu said with a sad face: "Only Juzong is still conscious, and the other female masters are reasonable, and the rest of the pampered old men are more or less uncooperative. The loudest ones are all suppressed by Jianzong... "

"Notify Jianzong that everyone is not allowed to leave Punishment Palace for half a step, and those who violate it will be treated as suspects."

Mu Duozhu quickly agreed, but Xu Shuangce turned around and walked straight out, chasing after him: "Brother Xu, where are you going? I also—"

Xu Shuangce glanced back at him, his dark eyes seemed to be covered with frost, and Mu Duozhu immediately stopped in his tracks like lightning.

"Brother Mu, I'm going to find my lover, so you can also find my lover?"


Mu Duozhu held his breath and watched Xu Shuangce walking away along the bluestone corridor with his hands behind his back.


Although Gong Wei was allowed to play casually, he actually had nowhere to go. Liu Xuzhi and Meng Yunfei were hurriedly carried away by the disciples of the Medical Sect to rescue them, Yu Chirui wanted to stay in the side hall to guard the group of noble family lords, leaving him alone to worry about Ying Kai, but he couldn't help I was busy and wanted to find a place to rest, but my mind was full of thoughts, so I simply got up and wandered around in the dark.

Walking wildly along the familiar corridor and trestle bridge of the Punishment Palace, he raised his head not long after, and a vast building was exposed under the moonlit night in the distance, and he came to the Punishment Court.

Gong Wei was full of countless chaotic thoughts, all of which were suddenly forgotten at this moment, and just stared blankly at the extremely familiar crimson door, feeling lost and wondering what it was like.

After a long time, he finally climbed up the stairs and gently opened the door.

The Punishment Court was abandoned after his death. The arches of pendant flowers were quiet and lonely, and the huge courtyard was empty. Snow-white peach blossoms fluttered down under the moon, falling all over the courtyard. Gong Wei walked along the empty houses. The moonlight elongated his figure, passing through a tree by the corridor like a ghost. A blue stone pillar.

I think Ying Kai ordered people to clean it regularly, the wind chime under the eaves that he played with countless times is still hanging quietly, the silver surface is still bright, reflecting the cold moonlight. However, Gong Wei stretched out his hand on tiptoe and shook it, only to find that it stopped ringing. After careful inspection, he didn't know what went wrong, maybe it was because the mechanism inside was broken.

After all, it has been sixteen years, too long.

He sighed wistfully, and was about to turn around and leave, when suddenly the cool white sandalwood came blowing behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of hands crossed his neck, held the string of wind chimes, and pushed out a small piece of one of the silver bells in the gap, and the crisp sound suddenly swayed.

"It's stuck." Xu Shuangce's calm voice sounded behind him, "I have to dial out every time."

"Master... Master?"

Xu Shuangce's eyebrows and eyes were carved and carved, like a banished fairy under the moonlight, looking at the silver wind chime quietly.

Gong Wei knew that he couldn't explain why he came here indiscriminately, but unexpectedly, Xu Shuangce didn't ask anything. The ringtone gradually quieted down, Gong Wei finally couldn't help coughing subtly, and changed the subject as if nothing had happened: "Why did the master come so soon, the the leader safe?"



Gong Wei raised his heart, and Xu Shuangce turned his gaze away from the wind chime, and glanced at him: "I'm awake. Don't tell anyone."

Gong Wei asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Xu Shuangce didn't answer this question, turned around and walked down the steps of the corridor, Gong Wei involuntarily followed.

The courtyard is as bright as stagnant water, and the bamboo shadows staggered and swayed slightly. It is too quiet here, the moonlight covers the old houses like a green veil, the corridor is deep and endless, and the prosperity and laughter of the past are like falling flowers and flowing water, fading away from the void for a moment, returning to silence.

The corner of Xu Shuangce's robe brushed over the wide bluestone steps, stood still in the courtyard, and stretched his hands back quickly.


Gong Wei hesitated for a moment, then handed his left hand to the open palm, and was immediately held tightly by Xu Shuangce's cold and strong fingers, and was pulled half a step forward, standing beside him.

The two stood side by side under the moon, Xu Shuangce's fingertips caressed the pale golden word Xu on the inside of his wrist, and asked without warning for a long time, "Do you know where this is?"

"—Punishment Court." Without waiting for Gong Wei's answer, he said softly again: "After Fahua Immortal Venerable died, I often come here."

Gong Wei's heart couldn't help but move slightly, and he turned his head to look at the string of wind chimes hanging quietly under the eaves.

Immediately afterwards, as if sensing his gaze, the silver bell rose automatically without any wind, making a crisp, jingling sound. There was the sound of pedaling footsteps in the void, and a figure of a young man in a crimson robe rushed from the depths of the corridor. Two small gold coins around his waist were tinkling, and an attendant shouted from nowhere: "Immortal Venerable! Immortal Venerable, don't fall!"

It's backtracking.

If a strong emotional imprint was left on the place where the deceased often moved and stopped during his lifetime, there is a small possibility of recreating the scene of that day through retrospective spells.

Gong Wei looked back at Xu Shuangce, but saw that Xu Shuangce was staring intently at the young immortal in the corridor, his face was calm and unwavering, and there seemed to be a soft and sad gleam in his eyes.

"Why doesn't Xu Bai come to see me?" Gong Wei heard himself say in his previous life, sitting by the railing with his chin resting, tapping the wind chime with **** to make it sound.

The footsteps of the attendant came closer, but because there was no strong emotional fluctuation, he couldn't leave his figure in the backtracking technique, and he could only hear a persuasive voice, hesitating to speak: "Xianzun..."

——Sect Master Cangyang will not come, everyone knows it well. The short but intense dispute that day in the study of Xunshu Palace had already spread throughout the Xianmeng. All the famous families sent congratulatory gifts on the day of the founding of Xunshu Palace, but the Cangyang Sect did not move at all, and Sect Master Xu didn't even show his face.

Xu Shuangce had already broken with him.

Everyone in the world knew about it, except Gong Zhengyu himself.

The young man rested his chin on his slender hands, his black and white eyes reflected a crescent moon as he walked across the sky, finally made up his mind, and jumped down lightly from the railing.

"Xu Bai must be too busy." He said happily, "Let me go find him!"

The night wind swept the peach petals across the atrium, the figure of Fahua Immortal Venerable whistled and disappeared, and the scene in the retrospective changed quietly.

A group of crimson clouds passed over the wall of the punishment courtyard, and landed on the ground without sound. The thief-like young man looked vigilantly to the left and right, and after confirming that there was no one around, he exhaled and brushed his loose hair behind his ears: "The Cangyang Sect doesn't allow me to go up the mountain, how stingy!"

With a flick of his hand, he pulled down a scroll glowing with silver light from the mid-air, on which was written half of the orthographic characters, and he drew another stroke neatly with his fingers, and said to himself: "I haven't seen it today." Go to Xu Bai one day, and go tomorrow."

"Xu Bai didn't play with me today, he said he was busy, what does that mean?"

"I was chased away by that **** Wen Xiuyang today! It's too much!"

"I entered Xuanji Hall today, but Xu Bai is not there...why is he not here so late?"

There are more and more straight characters, and the frequency of being added is less and less. More often, the young man is surrounded by a group of monks, coming and going bustlingly; occasionally he will sit alone under the moon, his thin silhouette is elongated, moving from west to east as the stars turn.

"Today is also a day when I won't see Xu Bai," he said softly, holding his chin.

Finally, one day, when Fahua Immortal Venerable came in from the wall, his face was blue with cold, and there was an obvious wound under his right eye by the sword energy of reluctance, and the dry blood coagulated on his cheek was particularly shocking. He quickly cast a magic spell on himself to activate blood circulation and warm up his body. After holding his arms for a long time and trembling, he barely managed to warm up: "The Ice Prison in Cangyang Mountain is really well-deserved of its reputation. Fortunately, I slipped fast!"

Under the moonlight, his robe was crooked, and his black hair was hanging halfway down, making him look a bit embarrassed. He pulled out the scroll from the air for the umpteenth time, and just as his fingertips were about to make another stroke, his cracked fingers stopped in the air again, half a page of densely packed orthographic characters reflected in his eyes.

After a long time, he finally thought of something, sighed hoarsely, and said to himself: "...Xu Bai really doesn't want to see me."

"What's the point of me doing this?"

He waved his hand in a disinterested manner, and walked towards the bedroom, without looking back, the silver light of the scroll behind him completely dissipated in the air.

The scroll full of orthographic characters has never appeared since then.

Since that late night, Fahua Immortal Venerable's appearance and stature have undergone subtle changes. He began to grow taller, gradually out of the category of a teenager, and had a temperament between a teenager and a youth; he was still lively and lively, but his eyebrows and eyes no longer jumped out of childishness, as if time had finally settled on him. A trace of stability and depression.

Time flies, and the stars move.

The four seasons alternate in the courtyard where people come and go, and gradually return to the void, silent.

Fahua Immortal Venerable was leaning drunk on the bluestone table under the peach tree, his outer robe was draped over his shoulders, and blood was faintly leaking from the bandage under his left shoulder. He had just returned from slaying monsters in the far north, his body was still full of blood, his face was still tired, and most of the rippling peach blossom wine in his cup had been spilled obliquely, his slender fingers were soaked by the wine, reflecting faint Cold moonlight.

Gong Wei suddenly felt that his wrist was tightly grasped. He turned his head to look, and saw Xu Shuang clamping his five fingers so hard that they trembled slightly, staring at the figure leaning under the moon in the courtyard.

"Ai—" The figure sighed deeply, even though it dissipated into the flying peach petals as soon as it exited.

"I miss Xu Bai."

Xu Shuangce raised his head to the sky, closed his eyes and said nothing.

In the Backtracking Realm, Fahua Immortal Venerable seventeen years ago drank the cold wine in one gulp, stood up staggeringly, his robe sleeves brushed the reddish ground, and gradually disappeared into the depths of the corridor.


The night is as cool as water, and everything is silent.

Gong Wei stood there in a daze, a strange and great sadness flooded his heart.

He didn't know where this feeling came from, and he didn't know why, so he could only look up at Xu Shuangce blankly. The silhouette of the number one person in the world was stiff and cold under the moonlit night, and the bridge of his nose cast a shadow on his cheeks. I don't know why I closed my eyes so hard.

The backtracking realm rustled away, and that silhouette never appeared again.

After a long time, Xu Shuangce finally moved, opened his eyes and slowly lowered his head, staring at Gong Wei.


As the four eyes looked at each other, Gong Wei suddenly had a strange impulse, and wanted to call Xu Bai very much.

He felt that it didn't matter even if he was discovered. Xu Shuangce might be upset, but...but he wouldn't kill him. This kind of stupid and absurd self-confidence somehow filled his chest, and he even opened his mouth suddenly, and the familiar name was almost blurted out——

Xu Bai, how did you know that the pick of the wind chime was stuck?

Have you ever thought about me? you still hate me?

"..." Gong Wei looked into the dark eyes in front of him for a long time, his throat finally moved, and he hastily looked away.

"Master." He heard his suppressed voice whisper.

The five fingers holding his wrist seemed to be tighter, Xu Shuangce's eyes were frighteningly bright, and his thin lips were tightly pressed into a line, as if he was holding back something. They just stood side by side side by side, time seemed to have passed for a long time and seemed like a short moment, Xu Shuangce finally looked away, and let out a deep mouthful of scorching breath with the smell of blood rust.

He responded in a low voice and said, "Let's go."

Gong Wei felt his restrained wrist loosen, but he didn't let go. Just like that, Xu Shuangce took his hand, walked through the quiet and empty courtyard, and walked towards the dark red door in the middle of the night.

At this moment, Gong Wei caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly stood still and looked from a distance.

Xu Shuangce also stopped, and followed his line of sight to look deep into the courtyard. I saw that it was a row of houses with white walls and black tiles, which should be the temporary residence for the children of the family who were sent to the punishment institute. The pale twilight of the backtracking spell has not dissipated, and all the doors and windows were closed in the middle of the night seventeen years ago, except for a pale, handsome but sinister face exposed behind one window.

Xu Shuangce's expression changed slightly.

That was Du Kaixun.

He was too hasty to leave every time, and this was the first time he noticed this detail in the distance.

Gong Wei turned her head to look at him, meaning that she was very curious and wanted to have a look, so Xu Shuangce led him down, shrunk an inch and approached him instantly. Through the carved window lattice, one can see that the room is clean and simple, with nothing but a couch. Seventeen years ago, Du Kaixun stood straight in front of the window, staring at the cold white moon outside the window, his eyes seemed to have a hook, like a dark stone statue in a cold place.

Gong Wei leaned on tiptoe on the window sill, looked eye to eye, and softly said "Huh", "What is he doing?"

The conditions for the formation of the Backtracking Realm are very strict, and it must appear on the spot and leave a strong emotional imprint before it can be captured and recorded. The reason why Fahua Immortal Venerable left so many afterimages is because of his childish nature, no matter what kind of emotion he is impulsive, he is very strong, but what about Du Kaixun?

Is he just in a daze?

Xu Shuangce looked him up and down, and suddenly his heart moved, and he noticed a trace of familiarity from this unusual expression.

This expression seemed to be detached from reality, detached from the surrounding world, as if "seeing" and "listening" to the invisible scene in mid-air, he had also seen it from another person—Gong Wei.

When Gong Wei was young, she often stopped suddenly and stared in a daze, exactly the same as Du Kaixun at this moment!

At this time, Du Kaixun's state suddenly changed, as if he had woken up from a dream, he staggered back a few steps and bent down. He propped his hands on his knees and gasped for breath, his whole body began to tremble involuntarily, and it took him a long time to utter a few words out of the trembling:

"Why... why is this happening..."

what did he see

Xu Shuangce frowned, and after a while, he only heard a clear "clack" sound in the room, which came from Du Kaixun's teeth. It was piercing and full of hatred: "It doesn't belong to me..."

He raised his head inch by inch, his face was extremely distorted, and in the shadows, he could only see the cold light flickering in the corners of his eyes, and he gritted his teeth word by word:

"What no longer belongs to me, let it shatter, let it shatter into blood mud!"

Accompanied by the last word, his spiritual power burst through his fingertips, and he drew a strange and complicated spell in the air with his blood!

Xu Shuangce pulled Gong Wei back half a step with all his strength, and raised his hand to block him.

But I don't know why the talisman didn't light up after one stroke dipped in blood. Du Kaixun clenched his teeth even more tightly, and more blood gushed out from his fingertips.

Gong Wei asked in surprise, "What is that?"

This talisman is so unpopular and weird that even Xu Shuangce has never seen it in any Taoist secret volume, so he has no idea where Du Kaixun learned it from. His movements became faster and faster, his expression became more and more ruthless, he looked like a crazily devouring beast, the blood left streaks of criss-cross light in the air, but they were all fleeting, no matter how furious he was Madness is useless!


Du Kaixun knelt heavily and hit the ground with a fist, cracking his finger bones and leaving four clear blood marks.

Unwillingness and despair engulfed the top like a black tide, causing severe pain in his brain and thundering in his ears. He stared at the ground below his knees, his eyes were cracked and his whole body trembled violently, a drop of **** tears fell onto the cracked floor.

—At this moment, in mid-air above his head, the talisman finally lit up.

The blood-red evil curse was reflected in the eyes of Xu Shuangce and Gongwei at the same time, with evil intentions, it lit up for a few breaths, and then gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

But Du Kaixun, who lowered his head, didn't notice it.

He pressed his forehead against the floor, and it took a long time for his violently trembling body to calm down. It seemed that the boiling sea was finally covered by a more desolate and dark despair. His bleeding hands clenched fists against his ears and slowly let go. .

"My..." he mumbled sadly.

"…its mine…"

The sobbing finally leaked out of the air like breaking ice, and he didn't raise his head for a long time, until the twilight of the Backtracking Realm gradually faded, and the afterimages of seventeen years ago also disappeared, the cold moon hung high in the sky, and the old houses were restored Empty and quiet.


The backtracking spell completely disappeared, and they returned to the reality of the Punishment Academy.

The wind rustled through the treetops, and the wind chimes under the eaves in the distance jingled. The two of them stood side by side in front of the row of houses, Gong Wei seemed to be still immersed in the scene just now, and it took a while to recover: "What do you mean?"

Xu Shuangce faintly felt that something was about to come out, but at the moment, his thoughts were so complicated that he couldn't figure it out. After pondering for a moment, he took La Gongwei's hand: "Go back first. I need to go and see Liu Xuzhi, the matter of Tianmenguan Still use him."

Gong Wei was pulled two steps away by him, but he kept looking back. The old hut stood quietly in the dark night, and the blood, tears and curses of seventeen years ago seemed like a fleeting moment. A fleeting dream, lost in time before waking up, even the true master never knew about it.

"What is broken?" Gong Wei couldn't help thinking while walking, "Is it already broken?"

Xu Shuangce said: "The curse has already worked, it must be broken."

Gong Wei asked: "Then if something is broken, why didn't anyone find it?"

"Maybe it's because..."

Xu Shuangce's answer suddenly froze along with his footsteps.

Why is something broken and never found?

Naturally, someone patched it up before it was discovered.

Dingxian Mausoleum, Yanchun Terrace, Tianmen Pass, the ghost cultivator who suddenly appeared in the Penglai Palace, the puppet of the Fahua Immortal Venerable who lifted up the coffin, the giant of the world-destruction mechanism buried deep in the center of the earth...

The last piece of the puzzle finally snapped shut, and the treacherous pieces were strung together at this moment. The key to the mastermind behind the scenes turned out to be the sentence seventeen years ago—

"What doesn't belong to me, let it be broken into blood mud"!

"Master?" Gong Wei asked in confusion.


Xu Shuangce suddenly said softly, "I know what's going on behind the scenes."

Gong Wei was surprised: "What's going on?"

But he didn't get an answer right away, he just felt a weight on his shoulders, and was held down by Xu Shuangce's hand, and a ring of energy rose from the ground at their feet:

"We must take Liu Xuzhi back to Tianmenguan immediately, and do one thing for the mastermind behind the scenes, and the truth will naturally come to light after we finish."

What can I do to help?

Gong Wei didn't react at all, but Xu Shuangce put his arms around his shoulders, took him a step forward, and shrunk to an inch—

The surrounding scenery swept back like the wind, and they had already returned to Xunshu Palace in an instant. Twenty or so family lords are still detained in the side hall, and they can hear buzzing voices who dare not speak out: "It will be dawn soon, when is this going to happen?" "Ying Chenyuan Still awake? Can someone tell me what's going on now?"

Xu Shuangce landed on the ground with one step, the sound of the wind stopped instantly, and his powerful arms wrapped around Gong Wei who was diving forward.

Immediately after he raised his head, his eyes reflected the side hall building slightly illuminated by the blue sky in front of him, and the sound shook the entire land of Xingshu Palace, and exploded in everyone's ears:


The author has something to say:

Liu Xuzhi: Traveling with injuries is another price!

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy
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