MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 56 (1)

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Liu Xuzhi was stunned, and Gong Wei, who was faintly aware of it, couldn't help holding his breath, and the surrounding fell into silence.

It took a long time to see Elder Sun Chengfeng startled and said, "What did you say, Sect Master Xu?"

"Death for the soul body." Xu Shuangce looked down at him, and slowly repeated these four words again.

"Seventeen years ago in the extreme northern glacier, you released a soldier double on the road I was guarding in advance, and at the same time attached your three souls of heaven, earth and man to it, so it is enough to be fake. When the head of the double fell off After Shenjian, I thought you were dead, but in fact, your three souls were severely injured, and then you left your body and returned to your real body, thus completing a golden cicada escape."

"After I left the extreme northern ice field, you escaped from that land of death by some means. Afterwards, Changsun Chengfeng saw the manuscript you wrote before exile. Maybe it was to cover up the family's study of ghost cultivation and evil methods. Perhaps because he was afraid that Mieshi Bingren might be related to the Juzong family, anyway, he decided to come alone in secret, and in the end, he met you who had been waiting for a long time here."

Xu Shuangce squinted his eyes to look at Juzong, and his voice was soft and thoughtful: "At that time, you were only a 19-year-old boy, your realm was shallow, and you were seriously injured. It was lucky to escape from the extreme north. How did you kill the current Juzong? ?”


"How did you replace it, it has been seamless for seventeen years, Du Kaixun?"

The surrounding area was terribly quiet, "Changsun Chengfeng" looked back at Xu Shuangce motionlessly, even his pupils seemed to be frozen by shadows.

After a long time, a smile slowly emerged from under that gentle and handsome face, as if the solid outer shell had finally cracked a crack, revealing the unruly and evil inside.

"I should have known that you are not so easy to fool, Sect Master Xu." He just said with a smile, "Want to know? Then come and make a deal."

A huge chill suddenly climbed up from the spine to the top of the head, Liu Xu subconsciously took half a step back, and tremblingly said: "You... you are really... Du Kaixun!"

The real Juzong has already died, and the person who replaced him not only concealed the truth but also continued to do evil. No one has noticed anything abnormal in the past seventeen years. What kind of absurd and heinous felony is this?

Such insane people are unprecedented in the entire history of the Immortal League!

Xu Shuangce's expression didn't change at all, he still put one hand around Gong Wei's shoulders from in front of him, and pressed him tightly in his arms: "What deal?"

Just now, the sincere sincerity and guilt on the face of "Changsun Chengfeng" disappeared like a magic trick. Du Kaixun held the sword tightly in his palm and stood up with a smile. He was obviously at an absolute disadvantage, but for some reason, he didn't show his weakness at all, but instead had a domineering composure:

"The mechanism giant under the abyss is half destroyed, but there is something buried in its brain center. I want you to take it out and give it to me. Then you find a way to seal the mouths of Master Le Sheng and this little disciple, Tell them not to talk nonsense when they return to Xianmeng. In the end, you send me away from Tianmen Pass, because the sky phenomenon of black rainbow piercing the sun is coming, and the outside will soon be submerged in a deadly cold wave."

"After leaving Tianmenguan, I will leave on my own, and you will deal with Xianmeng." Du Kaixun slowed down his speech, and said clearly: "From now on, you will never find me in this world. gone."

These three requests are unbelievable, let alone from the mouth of the most heinous person in the history of the Immortal League. Sure enough, Xu Shuangce asked back, "What are you going to exchange with?"

Du Kaixun's tone was actually very gentle and polite: "As Sect Master Xu has seen, I have nothing to lose now."

Liu Xuzhi couldn't help it: "Then why do we still have to deal with you?!"

There seemed to be an intriguing look in Du Kaixun's eyes, and he said, "Are you really not curious at all, Sect Master Xu?"


"There is only one road to exile across that glacier. How did I know in advance that you were guarding the front and preparing to kill, so I released a puppet to die in advance with secret techniques? There is a world-destroying giant buried in the heart of the abyss, how do I know? Changsun Chengfeng will come alone, and even accurately determine the time and place of his appearance, so that he can successfully sneak attack and kill one of them?"

Du Kaixun already got the reaction he wanted from Xu Shuangce's eyes.

"Yes, you have already discovered that I can always predict certain things that will happen in the future." He changed the topic, and his voice became more slow and clear: "Sect Master Xu, do you still remember the time when you asked the leader on the golden boat? Two questions?"

On the golden ship? what is the problem?

Liu Xuzhi was full of surprise, even Gong Wei raised his head, but only saw Xu Shuangce's frozen face.

——At the edge of the deck of the golden ship, everything in the world was under your feet, and the mountains and rivers were vivid in your eyes, but Xu Zongzhu seemed to have fallen into a vast, blurred and unreal dream. Everyone heard him muttering:

"After Gong Zhengyu's death, did we all fall into the same illusion?"

"Could it be that I just had a dream, and everything in the world is just a dream?"

"You will make this deal with me." Du Kaixun stared at Xu Shuangce and said, "Because you really want to know the answers to these two questions."

"...Brother Xu," Liu Xuzhi's unsteady voice sounded in the dead silence after a long while: "This person used mirror techniques to sneak into my Yanchun Terrace and almost killed several innocent disciples of mine. You can't just let him go just because of this blandishment." let's go."

Xu Shuangce didn't respond.

Liu Xuzhi couldn't help being anxious: "Du Kaixun killed his own brother and impersonated him for seventeen years. The heinous crime is heinous, and he must not be released back to the mountains! As long as he returns to Daishan Xianmeng, he will be sentenced to death and released privately from death row prisoners." It is a serious crime! Sect Master Xu, you must not be confused..."

"It's better to change the terms of this deal." Xu Shuangce said suddenly.

Du Kaixun said: "Oh, what condition?"

"You tell me that secret, and then you will be arrested and brought back to Daishan Xianmeng for public trial."

Xu Shuangce paused, and said, "In exchange, I can let Bai Shui die in front of you more happily, how about it?"

Anyone with ears can hear the undisguised killing intent from his last few words, Gong Wei's face moved slightly, and Liu Xuzhi was stunned for a moment.

Du Kaixun's face also slowly changed - since just now he has been surprisingly calm, steady and steady, and even once had the upper hand. But from this moment on, the feeling of ease in his body gradually disappeared, and the paranoid and sick boy seventeen years ago once again appeared faintly from behind Juzong's calm mask: "No one can move the white hail."

Xu Shuangce said, "It's better to die cleanly and happily than to die long and painfully."

Du Kaixun stared at him immediately: "What do you mean? What else do you know?"

"Seventeen years ago, the Punishment Court." Xu Shuangce's tone was somewhat half-sarcastic: "You wrote the heart-piercing curse with blood, but you never knew that it had already been fulfilled on the spot, did you? Now I let him die Have a good time, and you should thank me."

Du Kaixun's face suddenly changed completely, and suddenly the sword energy rose from the ground, and the sword had already reached his face, followed by him sternly yelling: "I said that no one can move the white scorpion—"

He shot so fast that Liu Xuzhi didn't even have time to react, the huge rock was torn apart by the sword light, this was not "Changsun Chengfeng"'s usual strength at all, it was simply several chips higher than the real Juzong!

Liu Xuzhi lost his voice: "Brother Xu, be careful!"

In the blink of an eye, Gong Wei had been pushed half a foot away, Xu Shuangce stepped in front of him, the Qingyi sword flew out from Le Sheng's waist and held it in his palm with a "snap", and in an instant, he had passed hundreds of times with the Buqi sword. trick. The ground trembled and cracked and stretched in all directions, and the cliffs and boulders fell into the abyss like a torrential rain. Suddenly, there was a loud "Dang!"

The four eyes met each other within a short distance, Du Kaixun's eyes overflowed with a cold light, and he asked through his teeth: "When did you know?!"

"Mu Duozhu said that there is no shortage of soldiers in Bailu's body, because he didn't know that there was still one hidden in Bailu's heart, which was used to continue his life for seventeen years." Xu Shuangce only held the sword in one hand, and said mockingly: "Pull it out. He will die with that soldier wire."

Gong Wei didn't know about Mu Duozhu's investigation of the number of soldiers in Bai Xun's body on the golden boat. He didn't hear about it until then, and immediately let out a soft "ah", thinking about the cause and effect.

Heart-piercing curse.

In the middle of the night seventeen years ago, the young man who was distorted by jealousy and hatred swore a poisonous oath with blood to shatter the things that no longer belonged to him in this world into thousands of pieces—and the world really only belongs to him, but now it does not belong to him. There is only one thing that belongs to him anymore, and that is the only remaining flesh and blood heart of Bai Xiang.

This heart should have been torn apart with the effect of the curse, but Bai Fei has been alive until now. The reason is that Changsun Chengfeng added a life-saving soldier's thread to his heart before it was completely torn. .

This extremely secret thread has been barely maintaining Bai Shang's shattered heart until seventeen years later, when Du Kaixun wanted to manipulate the body of Fahua Immortal Venerable, he took a **** from Bai Shang's veins. The human silk was secretly carried into Dingxian Mausoleum; after the incident was defeated, Du Kaixun boarded the golden boat and was interrogated by all the great masters. Mu Duozhu was ordered to check whether the number of human silk in Bai Xun's body was missing. end.

Therefore, in desperation, the unknown soldier's thread in Bai Xun's heart was pulled out and placed in his spiritual veins to replace the one that was taken away by Du Kaixun.

The quantity is complete and there is no shortage, which is enough to deceive Mu Duozhu in front of Mu Duozhu that day.

The only thing that cannot be concealed is that the heart of flesh and blood is not a mechanical weapon, and once broken, it cannot be repaired.

From that day on, as a victim of the black hand behind the cover-up of Dingxianling, Bai Fei's life has entered a countdown.

There was a loud bang on the cliff, and when Du Kaixun was furious, his spiritual power rose sharply. The spiritual flow of the two swords shook along the mountain wall all the way to the top of his head, and large pieces of rubble fell like hailstones!

Liu Xuzhi flicked the sleeves of his robe, and shot out a radiant barrier in the air. Suddenly, countless rocks hit the barrier and shattered into powder.

"Being able to replace seventeen years without any flaws should not be a simple blindfold, but a secret technique of ghost cultivation that directly took away Changsun Chengfeng, so he couldn't condense the soldiers belonging to Du Kaixun. Take the soldier silk that I refined seventeen years ago and put it in Dingxian Mausoleum." Gong Wei also stood under the magic circle, and sighed softly amidst the violent vibration of the surrounding ground: "I must have been ready at that time , if things fail, you can put the blame on that dead 'brother'."

Today is the most evil Liu Xuzhi has seen in the past few decades, and he was very angry in his heart: "The human heart is so vicious, how can it go so far!"

Gong Wei's eyes flickered slightly: "I'm afraid it's more than that."

Liu Xuzhi was shocked: "What?"


A certain strangeness was in Gong Wei's heart, but there was no trace to follow.

Is Du Kaixun really the ghost cultivator holding the White Prefect?

It is true that he killed his brother and seized his family, but even if he has a good eye, can he really plan the 28 tragedies in Linjiangdu, the shocking corpse change in Dingxian Mausoleum, and then go to Penglai Hall to manipulate Le Sheng to kill several disciples?

Gong Wei shook his head, and said softly: "There should be something hidden behind this."


At this time, the cracking of the mountain rock was finally suspended, and Du Kaixun was swept away by Qingli's sword, and his whole body fell into the mountain wall alive. Xu Shuangce slashed his sword forward like lightning, but Du Kaixun's reaction was even faster. In an instant, there were several clangs of the sword's impact, and a splash of blood was drawn on Xu Shuangce's chest!

"Sect Master Xu is unusual this time," Du Kaixun said softly, stepping out of the mountain wall covered in dust, squinting his eyes.

Gong Wei subconsciously looked at Xu Shuangce's right arm—it's not that he is out of order, but that the pierced muscles and bones of his right arm have not yet healed, which is simply a fatal flaw in such a dangerous place where there is almost no spiritual energy.

Xu Shuangce exhaled, and said steadily: "It's really not easy for you to hide your strength and bide your time these years."

"In order to cover Changsun Chengfeng's skin well, there is nothing I can do about being wronged." Du Kaixun clenched his sword tightly, and a black flame of spiritual power suddenly shot up along the sword: "I'm sorry, Sect Master Xu, I really don't have time to procrastinate any longer."

Everyone's realm has been suppressed to the point where there is no one left, and he still has such spiritual power. How much does he usually hide his strength?

The corner of Liu Xuzhi's eyes twitched, and he pushed Gong Wei under the protective cover with his backhand, stepped forward and pressed it with one hand, a huge iron clock rose from his side, and the sound was shocking!

All the actions happened at the same instant - the moment the bell rang, the Buqi sword had already slashed towards Xu Shuangce with great vigor, and at the same time, Du Kai Xun Senhan glanced at Liu Xuzhi, and threw an arrow-like talisman with his left hand. The moment the golden light fell to the ground, it turned into a giant soldier, and the ground shook when the footsteps fell, and with a bang, it hugged the big bell, which weighed more than a thousand tons.


Buqi sword slammed into Qingli, and the pure black spiritual fire almost hit Xu Shuangce's face!

Du Kaixun gritted his teeth and said, "Give me what's in the soldier's brain below, and I swear that I will never appear in front of you again. Otherwise..."

Xu Shuangce's final voice carried a cold mockery: "If you die, you won't stain my eyes anymore."

Before he finished speaking, his intact left hand held the hilt of the sword, and the explosive momentum immediately burned all the way to the blade of Qingzhi—

Du Kaixun's heart sank.

But it was too late to even manipulate the soldiers to return to the defense, and the landslide was urging him with turbulent vigor, and he was knocked out by the collapsed rocks!

The loud bang was deafening, the earth trembled uncontrollably, and snow fell from the top of the head into the abyss like a tidal wave. Du Kaixun dashed through several mountain walls, and choked out a hot blood arrow from his throat—but he was so fierce that he gritted his teeth and stabbed the sword on the ground before trying to get up forcefully. At this time, his abdomen was suddenly frozen run through.

The smoke and dust dissipated slowly, and Xu Shuangce appeared condescendingly in front of his eyes, and the green quinoa sword had nailed him to the ground.

Du Kaixun's whole body was tense for a few breaths, and finally he couldn't hold back, and spurted out a big mouthful of blood!

The mechanism giant transformed from the golden talisman in the distance could no longer support it, let go of the big iron bell slumpedly, and disappeared invisible in the black mist.

Liu Xuzhi let out a long breath and stopped.


Gong Wei stood under the protective cover filled with spiritual light, and the tensed shoulders did not relax a little until this time, his eyes passed through the billowing dust and smoke, and happened to bump into Xu Shuangce's vision from a distance.


Xu Shuangce scanned Gong Wei's whole body up and down, as if he was sure that he hadn't scratched even a piece of skin, so he looked away calmly, and said slowly, "Du Kaixun."

In the realm of Du Kaixun, he would never be nailed to the ground by a sword of Qingli's level piercing through his abdomen, but at this moment Xu Shuangce's spiritual power is still burning on Qingli sword, making him feel it all the time. Seeing the pain of being roasted alive, I couldn't struggle at all, and reluctantly hooked the corners of my mouth: "Sect Master Xu."

"If you hadn't done those things seventeen years ago, the title of Juzong might really be yours now." Xu Shuangce's hands were strong and steady, but his voice was soft and cruel: "It's a pity, to go underground Then go and confess to Juzong."

He pulled out the green quinoa sword with all his strength, immediately brought out a splash of blood, and stabbed straight at Du Kaixun's eyebrows—

Liu Xuzhi hurriedly went to cover Gong Wei's eyes, and then there was a sound of metal cracking, but the expected tragic scene of brains splashing did not appear.

In the nick of time, Du Kaixun blocked the edge of the green quinoa sword, his armguard was shattered into powder, and the cold light of the sword tip was only half an inch away from the center of his eyebrows.

"I can't die," he gasped hoarsely.

After a while, he managed to stop his blood-smelling panting, looked up at Xu Shuangce from the ground, and smiled mockingly: "Sect Master Xu, your non-human attitude is really the same as when you killed me seventeen years ago. .Since you have defeated me, you can ask whatever you want, why continue to put on airs?"

Xu Shuangce looked down at him for a long time, a icy arc finally appeared on the corner of his lips, he drew back the blade of the sword and flicked it, blood splashed all over the ground immediately.

He finally asked, "What did you see that night in the Criminal Court seventeen years ago?"


Even after so many years, Du Kaixun's complexion still couldn't stop looking sour. It seemed that the furious and crazy young man in the middle of the night seemed to faintly show his clues from under his face, but he was forced back by himself:

"I saw that after I left, Bai Xun and Sun Chengfeng were together."

He panted and laughed: "I have been in this state occasionally since I can remember, seeing or hearing the scene that will happen from mid-air without warning. Before my mother died of illness, I saw her burn me with a golden fire My father has been obsessed with military soldiers for half his life, and the raging flames lit up the entire family mansion; before my father passed away, I saw him dig up my mother's coffin and burn it, his bones and ashes were smashed, and he looked crazy."

Du Kaixun always has an unconcealable unwillingness and paranoia when he mentions Bai Fei, but when he recalls this tragic family past, his tone is disgusted and alienated, with a kind of indifference as if it has nothing to do with him.

"This kind of unpredictable situation happened a dozen times later, and each time the development of reality was exactly the same as what I saw in advance. Gradually, I thought that I was born with the ability to predict the future." He laughed at himself and said: "It wasn't until sixteen years ago that I realized that this ability was actually an illusion."

Xu Shuangce frowned slightly: "What?"

Du Kaixun covered his mouth and coughed up several mouthfuls of blood heavily. He lay on his back on the half-collapsed rock and panted for a while before asking hoarsely:

"Do you still remember the 'Peach Misfortune' on Shengxiantai sixteen years ago?"

Peach disaster.

Xu Shuangce's expression seemed to have frozen slightly.

"Nine times in the middle of winter, peach blossoms are in full bloom, everywhere between heaven and earth, everyone in the world is terrified. Until a few days later, the peach blossoms in the city are all gone, and the grand scene disappears as if it never happened, and everyone is shocked. It is said that the soul of Fahua Xianzun finally left the world and was reincarnated."

"I thought so at first, but it didn't seem so simple until a few years later. Because I never saw any scenes of 'Future Sight', instead... I always felt a haunting feeling It's weird, as if many things in this world are different from what I remember."

Speaking of this, Du Kaixun took a breath, and Xu Shuangce immediately asked, "For example?"

"...For example," Du Kaixun said slowly, "there has never been any legend in this world about a ghost prince welcoming his wife."

"Obviously it should be the ghost prince welcoming the teacher."

Even Liu Xuzhi, who likes to collect the world's folklore the most, has never heard of it, so he said blankly: "Welcome the teacher?"

"It is said that in the upper heavens there is an extremely cruel and arrogant Beiyuan Shangshen, who colluded with the cruel and bloodthirsty ghost prince, and joined hands to bring down the disaster of the world. In order to protect this world, the Eastern Heavens God fought **** battles with them to draw the outcome, so he I made a bet with the position of God: If someone can survive with a knife and an axe, smash his body into pieces without falling down, and defeat the soldiers sent down by God Beiyuan to destroy the world with a mortal body, then he can immediately ascend to replace him. Beiyuan's status as a god, and at the same time the ghost prince must return to the deepest part of the underworld, and he must not appear in the human world forever."

"This bet is very harsh, because the soldiers who destroy the world are so powerful that they are close to gods. Countless cities were burned in the flames of war, and millions of people were turned into charred bones. A great master with the highest cultivation base in the world at that time."

"—At the end of the Mahayana realm, Juzong Xuanjinghe."

Gong Wei instantly thought of the grand master in the illusion who fought to the end and lost his mind and soul. For some reason, he forgot to hide it, and subconsciously raised his head to meet Xu Shuangce's gaze.

Both of them thought at the same time: So this is the name.

But since it has a name and a surname, why didn't it leave any records in the official history, and it was spread so absurdly?

"You have already seen the process of the world-destroying battle in the illusion. The God of Beiyuan sent an extremely evil catastrophe when he ascended, and the God of East Heaven invited an artifact to protect him. The artifact completely wiped out the nine layers of evil thunder After hitting back, Juzong was able to ascend smoothly, and the battle of annihilation was finally won by mortals."

"After that battle, Beiyuan Shangshen was deprived of his **** position, and the ghost prince was forced to fulfill his bet and returned to Huangquan—but because the ghost king had already died, in order to show the virtue of heaven's upbringing, heaven appointed him a master .In name, it is to exercise full authority over the ghost prince, but in fact it is to take over the power of the Twelve Houses of Onigaki on his behalf."

Du Kaixun shook his head and said, "This supreme master is the newly promoted Da Juzong, Xuan Jinghe."

Perhaps because he was listening too intently, Gong Wei suddenly had an idea: Judging from the strong and tough personality of the great master in the illusion, it is good to be a savior, but it is probably not a good thing to be a master.

It will definitely not be easy for the ghost prince to fall into his hands.

Du Kaixun said: "Guiyuan had no choice but to send out generous gifts and guards of honor to welcome the master, and the grandeur went straight from Biluo to Huangquan. From then on, the ghost prince was imprisoned in the deepest part of the underworld, and he could no longer do many evils. It is popular in mourning houses to worship the 'Prince Ghost Master', either for the stability of the house, or for the Jinbang high school, or for the souls of relatives to reincarnate with peace of mind. The incense is at its peak, and there are many believers, and he is a well-known god."

The tremor of the glacier gradually subsided, and the center of the earth became quiet, only to hear him exhale hoarsely.

"So you can imagine how shocked I was when I found out that there is no one in this world who worships the ghost prince teacher. And where did the ridiculous legend of 'ghost prince concubine' come from? I couldn't figure it out Thinking of...what happened in this world? If someone quietly changed history, why would no one know about it except me?"

"I wanted to keep this secret in the coffin, until I heard your two questions on the golden boat that day." Du Kaixun looked up at Xu Shuangce, his eyes were bloodshot: "Sect Master Xu, these three thousand mortals are ten feet soft and red. , have you never suspected that your palms are full of beauties and white bones, and your pillow is full of pink and black skeletons? When you wake up from a dream in the middle of the night, can you be sure that you really woke up, and not still stuck in another dream?"

Xu Shuangce's face seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't even move his eyes.

"Singing and dancing are peaceful in this world, but you and I are incompatible." Du Kaixun's tone was almost pleading: "Sect Master Xu, we are heretics in this world, and you and I are the same kind."


The air was eerily quiet, you could hear a pin drop on the ground.

Xu Shuangce remained silent for a long time, his expression could not be seen clearly from the side of his face in the shadows. Du Kaixun looked up at him expectantly, and it took him a long time to hear him suddenly sneer mercilessly: "The words are very pleasant."

"Sect Master Xu..."

"But I am not of the same kind as you. You just want to beg me to go down and take out the things in the soldier's skull."

Du Kaixun's sincere expression finally changed, and he smiled wryly after a long time: "As expected, Sect Master Xu's heart is as hard as iron, and he is not a person who can be moved by words."

He fell back on the ruins and said exhaustedly: "So let me tell the truth, I really need that thing very much, and I am willing to pay any price for it, except death."


Xu Shuangce narrowed his sharp eyes, pondered for a while and finally bent down slightly, and asked softly, "What is that thing?"

Du Kaixun asked back: "You already have the answer, why are you still asking me?"

Xu Shuangce didn't answer.

The two were so close that they could see their shadows in each other's eyes. Du Kaixun moved his lips that were cold due to blood loss, and only the two of them could hear his voice: "That's not a thing, it's a way."

"A road of no return to the real world."

real world.

Xu Shuangce maintained this posture of bending over, his pupils dilated silently to the extreme.

The corner of Du Kaixun's mouth curled up into a sneer: "Do you really think that the legend of Ghost Prince Master was distorted only because a certain period of history in this world was quietly tampered with? — No, it was because someone built a huge illusion that took all of us together. People have been taken away from the real world, and the distorted legend of Ghost Prince is just a small flaw accidentally exposed in this huge illusion."

"So, the 'foretelling' that I grew up with is actually just the remnants of my memories from the real world. After the Xiantai Incident sixteen years ago, I suddenly stopped being able to predict because the trajectory of the 'real world' was also different. As far as Shengxiantai, time was forcibly suspended after that."

"..." Xu Shuangce squeezed out a few words hoarsely: "Pause time?"

Du Kaixun nodded solemnly, and said: "I still can't imagine what kind of power it should be close to God. Something very, very terrible must have happened on the Ascension to Immortal Platform in the real world, causing an uncontrollable disaster Sexual consequences caused someone to use this power to forcibly suspend time, and then opened an unprecedented powerful illusion, dragging the whole world in. And the beginning of time in this great illusion did not immediately follow the Ascendant Terrace in the real world, Instead, it was set many years before the Shengxiantai Incident.”

"So everything in the illusion follows the development of the real world, including my heart-piercing curse on Bai Shi, and you going to the extreme north to intercept me. If there is no accident, when this false time and space progresses to Taiyi 2 In eighteen years, the disaster that happened on Shengxiantai will come again, and the illusion will be forcibly suspended just like the real world, and time will go back and start again."

"But not this time, because this time you killed Fahua Immortal Venerable, so time continues to go on."

Du Kaixun lifted his cloudy eyes and stared at Xu Shuangce's face close at hand: "However, after the death of Fahua Immortal, although the illusion continued to operate, many problems gradually appeared. You began to have doubts about the dream. I began to recall the distorted folklore, and the records in Onigaki's book of life and death have been blank for sixteen years... What does this mean, haven't you realized it?"

"This huge illusion has begun to get out of control. I don't know how long it can continue to run, but the magic power to maintain it is gradually being exhausted."


Not far from the edge of the cliff, Liu Xuzhi finally couldn't help it: "Master Xiang? Are you really alright?"

Gong Wei's face was already very pale, he looked up at Liu Xuzhi, and shook his head without saying a word.

From the deep black bottomless cliff in the distance, there was an extremely cold oppressive feeling that was getting heavier and more ominous, but he couldn't describe it in words.

Liu Xuzhi didn't know what happened to Xu Sect Master's little lover, he turned his head to look at Xu Shuangce and Du Kaixun who were in the collapsed rock, hesitated for a moment and was still uneasy, and muttered to himself: "What are they talking about? Under the sound barrier circle?"

He took two steps forward and raised his voice, "Brother Xu? Brother Xu, are you okay?"

Xu Shuangce stared straight at the empty air without even turning his eyes, and his thin lips were so tightly pressed that they lost all color.

——Du Kaixun's memory is fragmented, but he knows what the "happened" disaster refers to.

On Shengxiantai, blood flowed like a river, and the masters were seriously injured all over the place, waiting to die. The young man in scarlet clothes had his left arm broken and his abdominal cavity penetrated. He watched death come, but there was no way to escape.

Big tears mixed with blood were hitting Fu Nai He Jian, and he pleaded tremblingly: "...Xu Shuangce, I like you..."

Reluctantly, the sword pierced into his thin chest without mercy.

"You can't do this to me..."

The sword edge pressed down hard, piercing his heart.

Those tragic scenes are not the reincarnation of a certain life, nor another time and space, but real disasters with blood flowing like rivers.

That world was just suspended by people, but it can go back!

"I don't have much time left, so I have to catch up with Bailu..." Du Kaixun realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and paused: "In short, I must return to the real world as soon as possible. I know that disaster may have struck in that world , but I have no choice now, even if there is a glimmer of hope, I must try..."

"No." Xu Shuangce said hastily, staggering back half a step.


Xu Shuangce didn't answer.

"Sect Master Xu," Du Kaixun's posture was almost lowered: "I guarantee that this is just a piece of cake for you, as long as you are willing to go down to the abyss to get it, there will never be any danger..."

"No." Xu Shuangce's dark eyes stared straight at the air in front of him. His face was so cold that he almost burst out a few words between his teeth: "Impossible. There is no reason."

Du Kaixun's weak panting stopped, he stared straight at Xu Shuangce, and emphasized his tone for the last time: "Is it really impossible?"

Xu Shuangce's expression had already given him the answer.

"...Okay." After a long stalemate, Du Kaixun finally whispered, "You forced me."

He suddenly looked at Gong Wei in the distance, gloomy and stern without concealing it.

Liu Xuzhi immediately took a half-step forward vigilantly and blocked it with his body. Seeing this scene, Du Kaixun hooked the corner of his bleeding mouth, and the crazy young man who was dying on the glacier suddenly revealed his true form under the skin.

Immediately, he stood up with a long body, shaped like lightning, and raised his sword to rush towards Gong Wei!

Liu Xuzhi shouted angrily: "Be careful!"

— Before he finished speaking, Qingli sword came out, Xu Shuangce didn't wait for him to get close, and pierced Du Kaixun's back heart with a sword in mid-air!

The point of the sword entered from the back and exited through the chest, Du Kaixun's movements froze for a moment, his eyes opened wide and he looked forward.

Time seemed to be stopped, and after a few breaths, he finally staggered a few steps forward, his body broke away from the **** sword and fell to the ground.

No one expected that Du Kaixun, who was still talking well, would suddenly be so crazy, Liu Xuzhi was still terrified, and he still maintained the gesture of preparing to summon Zheng Mingyi's big chime, and said: "Why did he suddenly..."

His words stopped abruptly, and the corpse on the ground turned into a gloomy stone man!

The three souls of heaven, earth and man broke free from the stone body and roared from the void. Liu Xuzhi looked back in horror, only to see a gray-robed ghost appeared behind Gong Wei at some point, three souls suddenly attached to it, and the ghost instantly turned into Du Kaixun!

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, so quickly that people were caught off guard, and the sword was already in Gong Wei's throat.

"-do not move."

Xu Shuangce stopped abruptly.

The severe pain of the soul being severely injured made Du Kaixun's face pale at the moment, but the hand holding the sword was bulging, and his eyes flashed with a desperate light: "I know that you have used the physical appearance technique on this little disciple, but when I speak I have been counting the time, from the trigger just now to the present, it just expires at this moment."

As expected of the person who killed Juzong and replaced him for seventeen years, his mind is beyond ordinary people, and he can still plan to this extent when he is seriously injured to this point!

Xu Shuangce stared at the sword edge in Gong Wei's throat, with a chilling expression on his face.

"Go to the abyss immediately and give me the thing in the soldier's brain." Du Kaixun coughed a few times while clutching his heart tightly, and gritted his teeth: "Just bring that thing up, and make sure it won't hurt you." You love nothing but a hair."


Gong Wei's face was actually paler than Du Kaixun's, and his internal organs seemed to be ignited by some kind of severe pain. He had never personally experienced such intense pain. Even in his previous life, when the evil cultivators wanted to assassinate him and eat his flesh, the pain and resentment he felt at that time were far from what they are now.

Gong Wei shook her head and looked at Xu Shuangce, she didn't have the energy to put on the usual "Xiang Xiaoyuan" tone, so she said hoarsely: "...don't go."

Half an inch down from the edge of the sword is the throat, and Du Kaixun's tone is a threat from Senhan: "Sect Master Xu?"

"..." Xu Shuangce looked upwards from the edge of the sword, fixed on Du Kaixun's sullen and sullen face, and suddenly sneered, "What do you want that thing for?"

Du Kaixun said: "Didn't I say that? I want to leave this place and return to another world."

"Why do you want to go back?"

Du Kaixun seems to have heard some joke: "I killed my brother and seized my house, my crime was exposed, I used soldiers to make a scene in Dingxianling, and I pretended to be a ghost repairman and used mirror techniques to frame Le Sheng. Isn't it a death sentence to be arrested?" ? Why do you think I should rush back to another world?"

Xu Shuangce asked coldly, "Apart from killing your brother and seizing your home, you did the rest?"

For some reason, there seemed to be a trace of uneasiness on Du Kaixun's face, but then he gritted his teeth: "Sect Master Xu doesn't need to be weird, you..."

"You're not that capable of planning the Dingxian Mausoleum Rebellion, you can manipulate the body of Fahua Immortal Venerable with a single soldier thread, and you can also get the Excalibur White Prefect." Xu Shuang

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