MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 66

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The overlapping doors were closed layer by layer, Xu Shuang stepped forward quickly, bent down and picked up Gong Wei's body from the ground, hugged it horizontally in his arms, went straight into the inner room and placed it on the wide bed.

Gong Wei was still twitching slightly, his eyesight was slack, and the gaps between his teeth were full of blood.

Xu Shuangce probed his sea of ​​energy, his expression darkened.

In just such a short time, Gong Wei's spiritual power seemed to be sucked away, without a trace remaining. Xu Shuangce pressed **** between his eyebrows and poured a little spiritual power into him, but Gong Wei didn't even respond at all, no matter how much power was poured in, it disappeared instantly.

There seemed to be a huge hole in the depths of his sea of ​​qi, rapidly consuming the spiritual power and even life of this body, and it couldn't be filled no matter what.

"...Xu Bai..."

Xu Shuangce asked in a low voice, "What happened just now?"

Gong Wei stretched out his hand to him tremblingly. Although his eyes were open, he seemed to be immersed in a distant dream, and he called hoarsely: "Xu Bai..."

Xu Shuangce grasped that cold hand and whispered, "Yes."

But Gong Wei seemed dissatisfied, and tried his best to put his upper body against his arms, murmuring eagerly. Xu Shuangce originally held him in his arms with one arm, so he let go of the other hand that was holding him tightly, and instead hugged him in his arms, and whispered: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, don't be afraid." afraid…"

In a blink of an eye, his left heart suddenly felt cold, and then hot blood gushed out.

"..." Xu Shuangce let go of his hand suddenly, and two words came out from between his teeth: "Gong Wei..."

He firmly grasped Gong Wei's wrist, preventing the sharp fingertips from poking in, and at the same time, his upper body slowly moved back.

I saw that Gong Wei's fingertips had sunk into the flesh of his left heart, leaving a large bloodstain on Cangyang Sect Master's robe, and the blood criss-crossed on the white to transparent back of his hand, falling drop by drop into the mattress.

The target that was close at hand could not be achieved, Gong Wei let out an unbearable whimper, and leaned forward with more force. He was already unconscious, and only Xu Shuangce's blood could give him a strong stimulus, making him stare straight at him, completely ignoring his hoarse and hot breathing.

The curse-like gatha resounded over and over again in the chaotic primordial spirit, flooding all the senses like thunder—there was no way to sustain this situation, and neither could the gods.

The only way is to kill Xu Yi.

The only way to kill Xu Yi-

Xu Shuangce's voice contained spiritual power, like enlightenment: "Gong Wei!"

With a crisp sound of clicking, Gong Wei unexpectedly twisted his grasped wrist bone abruptly!

Xu Shuangce was shocked and let go like lightning. Gong Wei immediately staggered to the bed, and rushed forward like a controlled puppet. His eyes were fixed on the bloodstain on Xu Shuangce's chest, and he moved straight to the heart. Dozens of moves were passed in an instant!

Gong Wei has no spiritual power, this body is already extremely weak, but there is a kind of ruthlessness when he is on the verge of death. Xu Shuangce didn't fight head-on, and retreated for a few feet while blocking, when Gong Wei smashed open the whalebone screen door in the inner room with a bang, his blood-stained fingertips were close in front of him—

Xu Shuangce's back touched the wall.

If he dodges and dodges, Gong Wei will definitely not be able to hold back, and he will hurt himself if he forcibly withdraws.

At the critical moment, Xu Shuangce stood still, grabbed Gong Weiji's fingertips in front of him at the peak, and used powerful softness to remove the edge. "Kara" snapped his dislocated wrist straight, and slapped him head-on. Hold him by the waist!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, Gong Wei leaned forward due to inertia, his heart was burning with murderous intent, but the carefully entangled hair on Xu Shuangce's right **** suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I saw that long hair finally unbearable to fight, loosened silently, and slowly floated to the ground.


Gong Wei woke up like a dream, his dull pupils finally showed a gleam of clarity, he broke away from Xu Shuangce and took a few steps back, then half-kneeled on the ground in a twirl.

Just as Xu Shuangce was about to step forward quickly, he waved his hand tremblingly to signal not to approach, closed his eyes to calm himself down, and said, " go."

Xu Shuangce didn't move: "Gong Wei?"

"Go, I won't be able to control it later." Gong Wei dug into the jade floor tiles with one hand, blood flowed from his fingers, and his throat was trembling with blood when he spoke: "I don't want to kill you, but that...that voice ..."

Xu Shuangce did not leave, but stepped forward and half-kneeled beside him on one knee, half-forced to grab his hand that was propped on the ground, and flicked on the scarred fingers, the large and small cuts healed naturally and melted away. Made shallow scars.

He held that cold and trembling hand in his palm, so that most of the weight of Gong Wei's body could not help leaning over, and was supported by him firmly: "Who asked you to kill me?"

Gong Wei panted and shook her head, then suddenly said in a low voice, "Xu Bai, I'm not human."

He also said the same in bed the day before yesterday, but it was more of a delicate complaint, not as calm and clear as it is now.

He said: "I am a ray of 'mind' between heaven and earth, and I was born to achieve a certain purpose. I will do what heaven and earth tell me to do. If heaven and earth tell me to kill you, I will kill you. Remember that Was I born in the Peach Blossom Forest in Cangyang Mountain in 2009? If Ying Kai was the one who picked me up back then, maybe you would have died long ago."

With just these words, Gong Wei couldn't control his sanity several times, his whole body tensed up, and he wanted to strike at Xu Shuangce's heart which was close at hand, but he forcibly suppressed it all by himself.

"Sixteen years ago, when I was promoted to Xiantai, I knew in my heart that it was very difficult to win. You are too strong and too sensitive. But the soul and primordial spirit have been urging me, and everything in the world is urging me. , as it is now.”

Gong Wei closed her eyes and shook her head, said with difficulty: "If you still hate me like you did in your previous life, at least you will feel less sad when I attack you."

"..." Xu Shuangce asked hoarsely, "Then what will happen to you after I die?"

Gong Wei was silent for a while, and said: "I don't know, maybe I will return to the world."

It was as if a steel needle had pierced Xu Shuangce's heart.

Gong Wei seems to be born with nothing to do with the word sad, he is always so coquettish and cunning, relaxed, he is very kind to everyone around him, and everyone likes him very much.

But those likes from others brought Gong Wei joy, excitement, and flowers. Only the "like" from Xu Shuangce will only bring him helpless sadness and sadness.

At that moment, Xu Shuangce even had a little impulse in his heart, thinking that he should just let him do it. The two cuddled each other in a pool of blood, and turned into ashes in the sky and the earth together. From then on, they would never separate you from me, and it was better than hurting each other and being disheartened now.

But those words of Duo Kaixun in Tianmenguan Abyss, like a bowstring tightly strangled his mind, making him dare not let go of the last sliver of reason.

"Gong Wei," Xu Shuangce stared at his pale side face, and finally asked that sentence, "Have you ever thought that this world is just an illusion created by yourself?"

Gong Wei was distracted, and it seemed that it took him a lot of effort to understand what he was talking about: " illusion?"

"Impossible. Why did I create this illusion? It is impossible for such a big illusion to exist in this world." Gong Wei's cold and profound side face was drenched with sweat, and his lips could not stop trembling in the shadows, looking a little nervous: "Pupil art is limited to what the eyes can see, and mirror art is limited to the light, unless it is...unless..."

Xu Shuangce suddenly had a certain premonition, and saw that Gong Wei's thin muscles were tense to the limit, and even trembled violently, saying incoherently: "Unless... unless... it's a dream."


As soon as the word was uttered, Gong Wei fell silent, staring at the front like a lifeless ice sculpture.

"A dream dies but a butterfly lives, and a dream has its end." The curse-like verse reverberated from the depths of the primordial spirit, like a bell ringing louder and louder until it was deafening: "Dreams are born to die, dreams to die to live—"

Kill Xu Shuangce.

Xu Shuangce must be killed—

Xu Shuangce felt something keenly: "Gong Wei?"

As soon as the words fell, Gong Wei suddenly broke free from his palm, and was once again controlled by the boiling killing intent in his instinct, even ignoring his weak body: "Bai Taishou!"

A cold sword qi flew from the inner room, held in the palm of Gong Wei, clanged out of the sheath, and slashed at the head with the sword.

But Xu Shuang's movements were faster, and he couldn't help but use his sword and scabbard to block Bai Taishou's sword edge. Without any spiritual power, he used more than ten moves of Gong Wei purely with sword skills, and struck at the opponent's hilt like lightning. pry!


Gong Wei dropped the sword by mistake, Xu Shuangce threw the helpless one, knocking the white prefect into the air at the critical moment, and the two swords spun and fell several feet away.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up Gong Wei, walked quickly to the inner room, threw him on the bed, pressed Gong Wei with one hand to prevent him from struggling, and put the three fingers of the other hand together, using spiritual power to force the blood from his fingertips, and quickly put him in the palace. But spells were written on the wrists, ankles, and bedposts on both sides. The imprisoning talisman dipped in blood exploded with great power almost immediately, and it seemed to be alive, locking Gong Wei on the bed tightly in circles, making him unable to move immediately.

"Xu..." Gong Wei trembled rapidly, his mind fluctuated momentarily, "Xu Bai..."

Xu Shuangce reached out to press the center of his eyebrows, wanting to input spiritual power, but he tried his best to avoid it: "Why don't you kill me, Xu Bai. I really can't do it, why don't you just kill me..."

Xu Shuangce pressed him hard, and pressed his forehead against his sweaty forehead: "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Gong Wei said hoarsely: "I seem to be having a nightmare, no matter what I can't wake up..."

"Don't be afraid." Unmoved, Xu Shuangce said in a low voice, "There will be a solution."

Gong Wei's thin body was still trembling, but Xu Shuangce hugged him tightly. After an unknown amount of time, the convulsions and struggles finally stopped, and Gong Wei fell asleep exhausted.

Xu Shuangce let out a breath, and at this moment, there was a dull sound in the air outside the hall: "Boom—"

He looked up suddenly.

A huge sound of collapse resounded through the sky:


"Sect Master!" Wen Xiuyang came quickly from outside the hall, his voice changed in a rare way: "The sky above Cangyang Mountain has collapsed!"

The doors of the palace opened suddenly, Xu Shuangce strode out, Yujian went straight up into the sky.

To the north of Cangyang Mountain, the dome of the sky was like an egg that had been knocked out, and a black hole suddenly collapsed. The entrance of the cave was about a hundred feet square, and the inside was bottomless. An extremely cold wind was blowing from the cave to the ground.

"Junior brother, what's wrong?!" "Junior sister! Little junior sister!" "Quick, hurry up and save someone!"

On the ground in the distance, Cangyang Sect was in chaos. A few young outer disciples were blown by the wind blowing from the black hole, and before they could even cry out, their whole bodies suddenly turned into fluttering crimson petals.

The brothers and sisters who rushed to the rescue were caught off guard and were also blown by the dark wind. They thought their lives would be over, but each was shocked to find that they were still standing in place.

Before the survivors had time to rejoice, louder exclamations sounded from all directions—more little disciples exploded into clusters of peach blossoms, and countless scarlet peach snows spun and flew straight into the sky amidst the sound of the wind, flashing the faint light of spiritual power. It was sucked into the black hole high in the sky and disappeared.

"Sovereign!" Wen Xiuyang came with a sword, his expression panicked but he tried his best to suppress it: "Thirty-six real people have formed a formation with sufficient spiritual power, and they can cooperate with the suzerain to mend the sky at any time!..."

Xu Shuangce interrupted him: "How do mortals mend the sky?"

Wen Xiuyang was startled, speechless on the spot.

I saw Xu Shuangce standing on the sword of reluctance with his hands behind his back, his eyes were dark, looking at the young disciples who turned into peach petals and flew away one after another in the distance, and suddenly asked: "These disappearing people are all under sixteen years old, right? "

Wen Xiuyang was at a loss: "Disciple... I don't have much contact with the outer sect, but I bumped into a few along the way just now, and they were indeed described as young, probably no more than sixteen years old..."

Xu Shuangce said in a low voice, "Sure enough."

Sure enough what?

Before Wen Xiuyang could react, he saw Xu Shuangce leaving in a flick of his sleeves, completely ignoring the dark hole in the sky above his head, his imperial sword fell straight to the ground, and he crossed the threshold of the Forbidden Hall without stopping.

Wen Xiuyang was stunned: "Sect Master?!"

Xu Shuangce went straight through the outer room and entered the inner room. Gong Wei was still comatose on the couch, with a pale face and frowning, as if he was still enduring unknown pain in a coma. Xu Shuangce pressed his **** on the sea of ​​energy between his eyebrows, and quickly poured in the majestic and pure spiritual power, like the rising tide of the raging sea, continuously, surging straight to the primordial spirit!

Any sect master would not be able to withstand such a huge consumption, but Xu Shuangce did not stop at all. At the beginning, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, no matter how much spiritual power was poured into it, it disappeared without a trace in an instant; after a full incense stick, Gong Wei's blue lips finally revealed a trace of blood, and a little spiritual power finally accumulated in the sea of ​​air ripples.

"Make it up, make it up!"

"God made up for it!"

Shouts came one after another from outside the hall, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, the black hole in the sky began to "heal" by itself, and finally disappeared, and the strange and deadly cool wind gradually subsided.

Some people were still in shock, some were weeping with joy, and some were still looking for the younger brothers and sisters who disappeared out of thin air... Xu Shuangce finally withdrew his consciousness, and with a weary flick of his sleeves, the doors of the Twelve Dao Palaces were closed immediately, and the bedroom was empty and quiet again.

On the wide bed, Gong Wei seemed to have finally got rid of the nightmare for a while, breathing steadily and lightly, and his long eyelashes were as black as crow feathers.

Xu Shuangce stared at him, and Du Kaixun's hoarse voice from the abyss sounded next to his ears:

"This huge illusion has begun to spin out of control. No one knows how long it can continue to operate, but the mana that maintains it is gradually being exhausted..."

What happens after it runs out?

The sky collapsed, the earth cracked, and everyone returned to the present world in the torrent of annihilation?

The frozen time in this world began to flow again, and Gong Wei on the Ascension Platform was stabbed in the heart by his sword in despair?

"You won't die." Xu Shuangce stared at Gong Wei's calm side face, and said softly: "If you die, I will wipe out the ghost wall, overthrow hell, go to Qiongbi and fall to hell...and bring you back .”

He leaned down and pressed a kiss between the cold and white brows, and thought of Gong Wei's words again in his mind-pupil skills are limited by eyesight, and mirror skills are limited by light and shadow, unless it is...

Unless it's a dream.

A few fragmentary images flashed in the depths of the memory, gradually becoming clearer, and Xu Shuangce tightened the sharp corners of his eyebrows.

Back then, when the chief of punishment and the Cangyang Sect Master confronted each other, there was indeed a dialogue between them about the "dream". But that has been too long, and it is as secret as mutual feelings, which has never been known by a third person for many years.

"—Do you know, Xu Bai." At dusk that day, in the corner deep in the library of the Cangyang Sect, the dean of the palace gently touched his ear, and said with a smile: "If I see a butterfly during the day, then I will see it that day. I will dream of you at night."

The author has something to say:

Ying Kai: "Just tell the truth, Xu Shuangce, you have fought with me hundreds of times without losing your hair. In fact, when you fight, you only want to protect that hair, right?"

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