MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 68

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"The dome near the south collapsed suddenly, and the evil wind came from the black hole. The common people, men, women, young and old, immediately turned into peach petals when they touched it. All the monks of the immortal sect who were under the age of sixteen also turned into peach petals and disappeared without a trace..."

"Three quarters after the evil wind raged, the black hole suddenly closed without healing. At this time, thousands of civilians disappeared out of thin air, and the nearby fairy gate also lost 28 young disciples."

"This time there have been heavy casualties, and people are panicking. The whole world is looking forward to the Immortal League's punishment of Shu Gong to help."

The place where the sky collapsed was only a hundred miles away from the Golden Gate of Ye. When the incident happened, Yu Chirui, the sword sect, led people to help immediately. After the cave was eliminated, he also assisted the local fairy gate to deal with the aftermath. Therefore, all the disciples have only returned with their swords one after another until now.

The long vigor of Yujian's flight continued to fly across the sky, and the golden gate was different from the usual grand and solemn scene, and everywhere seemed a little noisy. Ying Kai walked through the long corridor, waved his hand silently, and the student behind him who bowed his head to report gave a deep salute and retreated respectfully.

"It's just the beginning," Ying Kai said softly as he stood still and looked at the sky.

Behind him, Yu Chirui also stood by the railing, Fox asked, "What do you mean?"

Ying Kai didn't answer but asked instead: "Do you still remember that after Liu Xuzhi woke up, he intermittently recounted the words and phrases about the opening of the glacier abyss, mentioning words such as 'fantasy' and 'present world'?"

In this regard, Yu Chirui's thinking is the same as that of ordinary people: "People who are about to die are just talking nonsense!"

Ying Kai shook his head: "Du Kaixun's words should be true, and the sky is falling right now is proof."

Judging from Yu Chirui's expressionless face, he probably didn't understand.

Ying Kai sighed: "If the world we are in is really a big illusion, and the illusion started sixteen years ago at Shengxiantai, then all the children born in the past sixteen years were not dragged in by the landowner from the present world. It is not a real person, but a product of illusion deduced according to the law of mortal reproduction."

"The master's spiritual power is about to be exhausted, and the sky and the earth will naturally begin to collapse, so the illusion will take back these dummies first." Ying Kai pointed upwards to the sky: "So when these children turn into peach blossoms and fly into the cave, they are actually reborn Recovering the spiritual power is just a way to delay the process of the collapse of the illusion."

Yu Chirui opened his mouth slightly in astonishment, and suddenly realized: "But the civilians under the mountain, regardless of men, women, or children, have turned into peach blossoms?"

"Yes." Ying Kai said calmly, "Therefore, there is only a more terrifying answer to explain this situation: there are actually not many real people in this world."

"The only ones dragged into the illusion from the present world are the monks of the major immortal sects, and the number exceeds ten thousand. The rest of the tens of millions of people are all illusions."

There was a long silence around, and it took a long time for Yu Chirui to say: "Ying Kai, are you crazy?"

Ying Kai turned around and frowned, "I look crazy?"


"Can you think of it? The sky, the earth and the people you see every day are fake." Ying Kai's fingernails were cut into his palms tightly behind his back, but his usual self-cultivation is still there, handsome and gentle His face didn't change much, but his voice sank two points: "The friendship in this world... I'm afraid it's also fake."

Yu Chirui's mind was buzzing: "Who did this?!"

In fact, the answer is ready to come out, but Yu Chirui is unwilling to believe it, and neither is Ying Kai.

But the difference is that as the leader of the alliance, Ying Kai couldn't escape. After a long silence, he finally said with difficulty: "I know the strongest illusion in this world, except for Gong Wei... there is no one else."

Yu Chirui turned around and left, Ying Kai snatched him back with one hand: "Where are you going!"

"Go to Gong Wei, he is now—"

"I can't see you. I just came back from Cangyang Sect. Shuang Ce built a forbidden hall and locked him up."

Yu Chirui blurted out: "And why?!"

Ying Kai hesitated to speak amidst his innocent and surprised stare, but now is not the time to be tactful, so he could only say: "Shuang Ce treats Gong Wei... with a lot of friendship."

Yu Chirui frowned: "Impossible. I think the collapse of the sky is most likely related to Xu Shuangce, maybe he was the one who coerced and induced that kid Gong Wei behind the scenes, otherwise why would he lock him up! "

Ying Kai was speechless, thought for a while and said: "These two have already formed a friendship."

Yu Chirui looked suspicious: "Have a hair-tied crown? Didn't you manage our hair-tied crown ceremony back then?"

The air was quiet for a while, and the two looked at each other.

Ying Kai finally could only say: "...they have both cultivated."

I saw Yu Chirui's eye sockets dilated, shock written all over his eyes.

For a long time he couldn't believe it: "Xu Shuangce is such a generous and kind person! How much spiritual power did he give Gong Wei?!"

Ying Kai looked at the big Jianzong he was pulling with one hand, and didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, there was a commotion in the distance, and the two of them looked for their reputation, and saw several young disciples swarming together like bees outside the arch, and someone was at a loss and exclaimed: "Uncle! What's wrong with you, Uncle!"

Ying Kai frowned, flew more than ten feet in the air, and stepped forward when he landed.

Those disciples hurriedly saluted the leader and Sword Sect. Behind them was a Golden Core cultivator, curled up in a corner under the arch, his eyesight was blurred and his whole body was trembling, his face was terrified, as if he was immersed in a terrifying illusion. .

Yu Chirui recognized him at a glance, and asked suspiciously, "Is Jing Hui real?"

This person is a great monk under Ye Jinmen. The young disciple at the side was at a loss, seeing the patriarch as if seeing a savior: "Uncle Master took us to Linnan to rescue the local fairy gate, but was almost blown away by the evil wind blowing from behind the cave. We dragged him back with all our might, but At that time, the person was already in a coma! We immediately escorted the uncle back, who would have thought that before he had time to report to Master Jianzong, the uncle suddenly woke up became like this..."

"Leader?" Daoist Jing Hui suddenly saw Ying Kai in the confusion, and tremblingly burst out two words.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly discovered the driftwood like a drowning person, and rushed to grab Ying Kai tightly, but his eyes seemed to penetrate Ying Kai directly, and he saw a more terrifying and **** scene in the void: "—No, it's not good, Leader! That Killing God is coming up! He's going to kill Xiantai! We can't stop him at all, no one in this world can stop him..."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, Yu Chirui asked suspiciously: "...The Killing God went to Ascension to Immortal Terrace?"

However, Ying Kai seemed to realize something from the incoherent words of the other party, and confirmed to the disciples with a more emphatic tone: "Is the real Jing Hui the wind that blows into the cave and becomes like this?"


Ying Kai immediately turned to Yu Chirui: "Sixteen years ago, when he was promoted to Xiantai for the sacrifice, was this Daoist Jing Hui from your family there?"

When the great masters attend the Ascension to Xiantai Ceremony, they usually bring their own disciples who are highly respected and cultivated. Yu Chirui nodded: "Yes. What's the matter?"

Ying Kai's complexion couldn't help looking ugly, as if he had thought of some extremely bad guesses in his heart.

"He's coming...he's coming!" At this moment, Daoist Jing Hui suddenly raised his head, his eyes stared straight into the air, as if he really saw a blood-covered killing **** climbing up the stairs, and even his pupils were terrified And trembling violently: "We must not let him come over, stop! Stop!"

With a clanging sound of the sword, he drew his sword amidst the exclamation of the crowd, and slashed down with all his strength!


Ying Kai shot decisively, and Ding Shanhai even sheathed to block Jing Hui's slashing sword, and then slapped him **** the cap.

Daoist Jing Hui didn't even have time to snort, so he slumped down and passed out.

Ying Kai waved his hand to signal the crowd to back away, then used his spiritual power to force blood from his fingertips, and quickly drew an extremely complicated and obscure talisman on Jing Hui's forehead - the soul-entering talisman. Immediately, he separated a soul from his body, and plunged into the real person Jing Hui's body.

This is to heal the victims of the illusion, enter their souls, and find out what kind of horrible scene they saw. However, Yipo is fragile after all, even for a strong man like Kai, it is risky. Yu Chirui frowned, squatted on the edge and clenched the hilt of his sword, ready to forcefully rescue someone if something happened.

Unexpectedly, there was no need in the blink of an eye, and Ying Kai's whole body shook, his eyes opened, and the parted soul was forced to retreat again.

"I can't see it." Ying Kai gasped, got up and shook his head, "His soul is not strong enough, his consciousness is too chaotic, I can't see what the phantom in his mind is at all... If Shuang Ce is here, maybe I can take the risk. He has studied the Soul Entering Talisman deeply, much better than me."

Generally, when a person reaches the peak, he may be able to praise a low-ranking person better than himself in a certain aspect with humility, but there is a high probability that he will be taboo to admit that a strong person at the same height as himself is better than himself in a certain aspect.

However, Ying Kai is open and frank, even in front of a crowd of people. Yu Chirui also got up and asked: "Then what should I do, get Xu Shuangce?"

Ying Kai's eyes fell on the unconscious Jing Hui, and after a moment of consideration, he shook his head: "Right now, things in Linnan are chaotic. Since you are visiting the Patriarch of Jinmen, you should stay here to calm people's minds."

"how about you?"

"I'll go back to Xianmeng Shushu Palace to ask for the leader's seal, and summon Cangyang Sect Master Xu Shuangce to have an audience." Ying Kai looked at the cloudy sky above his head, gritted his teeth, "I must have a good talk with him."


Strange clouds cover the sky and cover the sun, faintly disturbing the earth, and the mountain rain is about to come and the wind fills the city.

Fortunately, it was not far from Yejinmen back to Mount Dai, Dingshan Sea God Sword was extremely fast, and Ying Kai returned to Xunshu Palace before dark. The collapse of the sky caused panic among the immortal sects everywhere. There were already more than a dozen patriarchs, big and small, waiting to have an audience here. From the dark cabinet, a leader's seal made of platinum and sapphire was taken out.

This seal is more than an inch long and wide. Although it is small, it has a lot of weight, and it is easy not to show it to others. Ying Kai put it into the sleeve of his robe, and was about to turn around to go out when his fingertips suddenly touched another heavy object in his bosom. He took it out and looked at it, slightly startled.

It was the bronze wedge box that slipped from Xu Shuangce's sleeve in front of the Forbidden Hall of the Cangyang Sect.


The window lattice was blown open at some point, the books on the desk were flipped, and the wolf on the pen holder was swaying slightly. There seemed to be a faint bitterness and whistle in the cold wind, but it was a sharp weeping.

Who is crying?

For some reason, Ying Kai felt a sudden irritability in his heart.

He stepped forward to close the window without hesitation, trying to drive out the endless crying, but the moment the window sash closed, a stronger gust of wind rushed straight to his face, and the bitter taste suddenly became clear stand up-

There was a distinct smell of something being burnt.



Sparks exploded on the beams of the house, crying and shouting people gathered, and the fire blazed in the city.

With a bang, the city wall collapsed, and boundless flames shot up into the sky, devouring Ying Kai's limbs and bones!

Ying Kai was awakened by a loud bang. He suddenly came back to his senses and found that he was still standing by the closed window. His heavy clothes were already drenched in cold sweat. On the ground, the bright sound is made by it.

"..." Ying Kai staggered back and leaned against the desk: "How come..."

Blood, screams, boundless fire... lingering cries from all directions.

On the golden boat that day, he used his primordial spirit to clear the way for everyone, entered the illusion of the war of annihilation, and saw giant soldiers slaughtering all living beings. After he came out, he began to dream of similar tragic scenes from time to time, and the nightmares have become more frequent recently, making him miserable once he fell asleep.

But why did the scene that was clearly only seen in a dream suddenly appear in the daytime?

Ying Kai swallowed his dry saliva forcefully, feeling extremely irritable and depressed for some reason.

"No," he thought habitually.

"I am the leader of the alliance, and everyone in the world is staring at me. I can't let others see me by showing this appearance."

He barely suppressed the irritability and anger in his heart, and bent down to pick up the bronze box on the ground, but the square box made of copper wedges fell apart just like that. Ying Kai blamed himself for not breaking other people's things, and wanted to pick up the box and put it together, but saw a thin silk shaft exposed from the scattered copper wedges, which was accidentally touched by his fingertips, and there was no sound. Breathlessly turned into blood.

Ying Kai was shocked.

The next moment, the blood rushed towards his face, so fast that he was caught off guard, and directly crashed into his brain!

The surrounding study rooms quickly blurred, like color blocks soaked by water. The whole world seemed to sink into deep water in an instant, and even the five senses and seven orifices were submerged.

What is this, illusion? !

Ying Kai struggled violently but to no avail. Just as he was suffocating, suddenly an invisible giant hand lifted him out of the water, and the salty and sinister wind rushed toward his face——

Deafening roars resounded from all directions, and as far as the eye could see were the yellow floods, which connected the sky and the earth together.

Before Ying Kai realized what was going on in this illusion, he felt endless exhaustion and severe pain rising from his limbs, making him kneel down involuntarily. It turned out that the spiritual power of his whole body was overdrawn to the limit.

A familiar voice came from behind: "Are you still alive?"

Ying Kai recognized the voice and turned around in surprise.

I saw Xu Shuangce standing in mid-air with his sword in a panic, his whole body was drenched and his face was pale. His robes and accessories were very different from usual. When he looked closely, it looked like the clothes style in ancient paintings thousands of years ago.

"...Shuang Ce?!"

Xu Shuangce seems to be in his early twenties, his eyebrows are sharper than now, and he has a more youthful and rebellious temperament, but his voice is already hoarse due to exhaustion of spiritual power: "If the flood is not controlled in the Taihu Lake area within an hour, The eight or seven river mouths in the lower reaches will all burst their embankments, and by then the entire water situation will definitely be out of control."

At this time, another gust of wind roared in, and the heart-piercing cries of the people in the distance could be faintly heard in the wind. Xu Shuangce supported his forehead with one hand, and his eyes were vaguely impatient: "We haven't died yet, why are we crying?"

Whether it was the monstrous flood in front of him or Xu Shuangce's uncharacteristic words, Ying Kai was too shocked to speak. But at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it—the levee in front of him collapsed under the shaking of the ground, and the sky-high waves rushed in like thousands of troops, covering his entire field of vision in an instant!

"...forget it," Xu Shuang drew his sword out of its sheath, and exhaled heavily, "I'm afraid you and I will really die here today."

Ying Kai's face changed drastically, and before he even had time to draw his sword, a huge flood flooded in, engulfing all his senses in an instant!


Rolling thunder resounded across the sky above Mount Dai, illuminating layers of strange clouds.

"Has the leader not come out yet?" "I've been alone in the study for most of the night..." "The masters of all sects are waiting for an audience, is there anything wrong with the leader?"

Finally, a servant from the Xunshu Palace came to the door of the study with tea, and carefully knocked on the door: "Leader? Respond to the leader?"

There was a sharp creak, and the study door opened.

The waiter raised his eyes subconsciously, just as the thunder rang out from the window, and Ying Kai's figure behind the table was instantly illuminated.

Ying Kai sat upright, half of his body was submerged in darkness, but half of his body was illuminated by lightning. He stared straight ahead, with no expression on his face, he looked like a lifeless statue, only a star of blood gleamed slightly in his eyes.

The sudden panic gripped the servant's heart, and the teacup shattered on the ground with a shake of his hand, bang!

"Leader forgive me, leader forgive me! I'm-"

Ying Kai spit out a few hoarse words: "You go out."

The servant's movements froze, but it was still caused by concern after all. He couldn't help muttering: "Is the lord... the lord is not feeling well, do you want to ask Master Yizong to come and see..."

The table was torn apart amidst the loud noise, and Ying Kai roared at the top of his lungs, "Get out!"

The housekeeper had never seen Ying Kai, who was always gentle, be so furious in his life, he couldn't believe his ears, and even crawled out of the threshold before picking up the broken porcelain pieces. With one last glance before the door was closed, he saw Ying Kai flicking his sleeves in the air, and a black airtight space - the mustard pot - was raised from the void.

Mustard seeds are hidden in Xumi, and the sun and moon are held in a pot. This Taoist magic weapon is used to confine oneself.

Ying Kai seemed to be enduring the pain and rage, the veins from his neck to the back of his hands bulged. He covered himself with the mustard pot, and the whole person entered the confinement space, and disappeared out of thin air from the messy study room.

"...League, leader..."

The servant knelt on the ground in shock, just as he was full of doubts, suddenly there was an earth-shattering sound above his head——


He raised his head tremblingly, and the huge thunder pierced the sky, and the ghostly night sky was instantly brightened.


The sound of thunder passed through layers of bed curtains, becoming indistinct, like faint waves on the distant sea.

"Xu Bai..."

Yui Nakamiya moved under the quilt and let out a slight murmur. Xu Shuangce hugged him even tighter, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, go to sleep."

Gong Wei's side cheek was pressed against his neck, her flowing hair brushed against Xu Shuangce's chin, and she murmured, "Has the sky fallen?"

"It's just thunder."

Gong Wei nodded, seeming to feel a little relieved: "The sky can't fall down again."

Xu Shuangce stopped patting, and in the darkness, he stared at the front without moving. After a long while, he finally asked, "You have been in the palace all this time, how did you know about the collapse of the sky?"

"I can feel it."


"Strange," Gong Wei opened his eyes in doubt, and frowned, "Why can I feel it?"

Xu Shuangce exhaled silently, but without letting Gong Wei notice, he raised his hand to gently cover his eyes: "Don't think about that, go to sleep."

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the window, and the whole world seemed to turn into a roaring sea, only this forbidden hall was drifting alone like a solitary boat. The four sides of the bed framed a private and warm little world, guarded by Xu Shuangce's strong arms, the world was turned upside down, and it was isolated from it, not even a breath of wind and rain could penetrate.

Layers of treacherous fog and many dark murderous intentions disappeared with the rainstorm and turned into a blurred background.

"I seem to be able to sense many movements in this world all of a sudden... Dark clouds are churning in the sky, cracks are spreading in the ground, and many mountains in the distance are about to collapse." Gong Weiyi lay motionless in Xu Shuangce's arms, and the moment he sighed, he melted into the boundless sky. In the dark night: "I feel so uncomfortable, Xu Bai. Is this world going to be destroyed?"

There was a faint fragrance of peach blossoms in his hair, Xu Shuangce patted it up and down until the cool hair was completely straightened out, then said: "No."


Xu Shuangce said: "I will find a way to continue it."

What else can be found?

Mountains and rivers will collapse, and rivers will stop flowing. There is nothing eternal in this world, just like a dream that will wake up one day. Even if the last trace of spiritual power is exhausted and the last drop of painstaking effort is drained, it will only delay the moment of waking up from the dream, and let the warm illusion indulge a little longer.

Gong Wei's mind was sober for a while, and he was in a trance for a while, unable to distinguish between reality and dreams, as if floating in the cracks of time and space, he asked softly: "Xu Bai?"


"I feel like you're a little sad."


Xu Shuangce's hand stroking his hair paused.

"Don't be sad, I like you." Gong Wei raised his head, looked at his deep and clear jawline in the dark, and said, "Let's chat."

This time Xu Shuangce finally didn't let him sleep again, and whispered: "What do you want to talk about?"

Gong Wei thought for a while, then smiled and asked, "Since when did you like me?"

The author has something to say:

Yu Chirui: Xu Shuangce! I misread you! You are a good person!

Xu Shuangce: ...

Gong Wei: ...

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