MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 83

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In fact, Gong Wei cannot be blamed for the fact that there have been no monks ascending in nine thousand years, because the mirror fairy is not the only condition for deciding to ascend.

The Dao of Heaven has its own set of mysterious rules for conferring gods. If a monk has destiny, luck, realm, merit, and no karma, that is naturally the best, but almost none of the immortal gods in the upper heavens can meet all the conditions—like It is difficult for someone like Xu Shuangce who cultivates his original mind to measure his merits and virtues. Ying Kai ascended after breaking through his karma, while Xuan Jinghe was born without a horoscope at all.

Therefore, the law of Heaven's ascension is fluid and uncertain. Only when a monk's fate and luck are so strong that it is rare in the world, it is possible for Tiandao to lock the qualification for ascension in advance, so that Gong Wei will be inspired to rush to this monk to perform his duties as a mirror fairy .

It is rare to see a monk whose fate is so strong. It just so happens that there is such a monk in the present age - Jian Zong Wei Chi Rui.

The four pillars and horoscopes are all destined to ascend, and those born in the family of Xiuxian have the luck of ascending. The three souls and seven souls are born pure and straight, without any obstacles of heart, emotion, and killing, and they have just entered the early stage of the Mahayana realm. All the basic conditions for ascension were miraculously met by this person. As long as he cultivated for dozens or hundreds of years, he would be able to ascend to immortality immediately when he died.

So Gong Wei got a sense from the nine thousand years of deep sleep and was awakened.

——His duty is to follow and protect the new **** until he ascends. He never expected that these monks would force open the gate of heaven to ascend by themselves.

Gong Wei rushed to the Daishan Xianmeng with a sword, and the heavy guards did not constitute an obstacle for him, so he went directly to Tuia to see Ying Kai who would be nine thousand years later.

Ying Kai's appearance and demeanor are not much different from those nine thousand years ago. When Gong Wei appeared, he was sitting behind a desk annotating papers. When he saw a young man in scarlet clothes appearing in midair, his first reaction was shock: " Who are you?"

When Gong Wei raised his eyes, his right pupil was as red as blood.

The pen in Ying Kai's hand suddenly fell to the ground, and the light in his eyes froze, and he froze in place.

Gong Wei stepped forward to lift his robe and sat beside him, stretched out his hand to probe into the primordial spirit, his heart sank suddenly - as expected, Ying Kai didn't have the conditions to ascend at all.

Xu Shuangce's tens of thousands of deaths in the past nine thousand years have eliminated a considerable part of the killing barrier, but it has not completely polished Ying Kai's killing barrier. More importantly, when Beiyuan Shangshen was relegated, his evil thoughts were drawn out and sealed in the Mieshibingrenren. Once Beiyuan returns to the position of God, the evil thoughts will also be unsealed and return, but at this moment Ying Kai's kind thoughts and understanding of the world are far from being strong enough to compete with those evil thoughts back then.

In other words, as long as Ying Kai ascends, he will be swallowed by evil thoughts immediately, and the beacon smoke of the second war of annihilating the world is just around the corner.

Gong Wei was about to further investigate what caused the Xuanmen Baijia's urgent desire to ascend, when suddenly the door was pushed open with a slam, and a young man with a stern face in a brown gold robe on the back of an eagle said sharply: "Who is that? Here? Stop!"

Gong Wei turned his head to see Yu Chirui.

Immediately after Yu Chirui walked out another familiar figure, with a handsome face and an indifferent expression, holding the hilt of the sword of reluctance in his palm - it was Xu Shuangce!

Gong Wei had imagined the scene of meeting again many times. He thought that he would be very excited and happy at that time, but what he didn't expect was that when this moment really came, the first thing that came to his mind was strong grievance and sadness.

Do you know how many years I've been waiting?

Why have I still missed it for so long?

Gong Wei looked at Xu Shuangce, blinked her Yin Hong eyes, and tears welled up in her eyes uncontrollably. But before he had time to say anything, a large number of faded guards had already arrived, drawing their swords as if they were facing an enemy: "Where is the evildoer?!" "Watch out for his eyes!" "Let go of the leader!"

"Wait... wait," Ying Kai finally managed to make a sound from the dizziness, and said while holding his forehead, "don't...don't hurt anyone."

Yu Chirui said in astonishment: "Have you fallen into an illusion?!"

In an instant, everyone changed color.

A young man with strange eyes and unknown origin directly broke into the center of the fairy alliance, and let the leader suffer from illusion without saying a word. Where did this terrible evil come from? !

Ying Kai shook his head and said hoarsely, "I don't know, but he... he shouldn't be evil."

The sequelae of hallucinations made Ying Kai unconscious, but he had an inexplicable familiarity with Jingxian instinctively. All kinds of contradictions made his brain ache, and finally raised his eyes and looked at Gong Wei for help: "Who are you?"


Gong Wei looked around at the vigilant faces of the people around him, pondered for a moment, and said slowly, "I am the spirit of the myriad mirrors in the world."

Ying Kai gasped and nodded: "Okay, okay." Then he sat down staggeringly, raised his forehead and waved his hands: "First invite the person down and place him in Tuo'a, he should have no malicious intentions, I have... I have to think about it again." .”

"No malice?!" Yu Chirui couldn't believe his ears, stared at Ying Kai and then turned to Gong Wei, clanging the Rakshata out of its scabbard: "——What kind of enchantment did you cast on Leader Ying?!"

Ying Kai stopped immediately: "Longevity!"

The scene was tense immediately, but Gong Wei nodded after deliberating for a moment and said, "Okay."

Then he turned to Ying Kai, everyone saw his beautiful, clear and blood-red right eye, each word aroused a faint echo because of the infusion of strong spiritual power: "—— Regarding the matter of the Tongtian Dao, don't act rashly, you need to do it. We have to discuss it again."

Ying Kai's eyes became slack again, Shaoqing nodded dumbly and said, "Understood."

At that moment, the same frightening thought came to everyone's mind: evildoer!

Gong Wei casually threw Prefect Bai to Tu'a guards, and a group of people were fully on guard, half begging and half pressing him to take him down.

However, just as they passed by, Cangyang Sect Master, who had not spoken all this time, suddenly turned around and asked abruptly, "Why are you crying?"

Gong Wei's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned around slowly.

Xu Shuangce stared at him condescendingly, and repeated: "Why were you crying just now?"


Nine thousand years later, Gong Wei has grown up, and is no longer the little fox sitting on the bridge of the Nai River and weeping. But only in the face of Xu Shuangce, he was still a little weak and childish deep in his heart, and he couldn't help showing his head.

Gong Wei took a deep breath, suppressed her disappointment and sorrow, and smiled with reddish eyes: "Because I feel very happy when I see you."

Then he turned around and was led down by Tuao's guards.

A young man of unknown origin used illusion to control the leader, and the news quickly spread to all schools of Taoism.

In the following period of time, the three sects, four sages, and the masters of the masters took turns to run to Tu'a, and everyone questioned Gong Wei with great vigilance, and at the same time, everyone's soul was inspected by Gong Wei. . When this round of cross-examination finally came to an end, Gong Wei finally figured out what he had been wondering all along—the reason why the Taoist schools were so eager to build the Tongtian Avenue was because they suddenly had the ability to build the Tongtian Avenue.

A young **** in a black robe with a blood sword entrusted a dream to the masters of the great masters, and in the dream showed a strange and powerful magic circle, which can make long steps that go straight to the sky rise from the ground, and then open the upper heaven and close the nine thousand. year door.

As for the true identity of this god, Gong Wei didn't have to guess.

Something must have happened to Xuan Jinghe. Gong Wei's first reaction was to go down to Onigaki to check the situation, but the Ghost Prince moved faster than him.

That night, Gong Wei was awakened by the stinging pain, and found that he had inhaled the blood manluo poison from the underworld. A young man was about to goug out his right eye—it was the second son of the eldest grandson's family who had just been imprisoned. Kai Xun.

Gong Wei immediately brushed the bold young man away with his palm. In the confusion, he didn't notice the light golden blood on the young man's hand, and said sharply, "Who poisoned your blood manluo? Where is Qu Xie?!"

Du Kaixun stared at him with a smile, licked the dripping blood from his fingertips, followed by a teleportation technique, and escaped from Tua without hesitation.

——At that time, neither of them thought that such a simple action would make Du Kaixun the only lucky exception in Die Si Meng Sheng in the future.

Gong Wei naturally flew after him. Tua's heavy restraints couldn't stop him at all, the two chased and fled a hundred miles away, Gong Wei summoned Bai Taishou to block Du Kaixun with a sword, stretched out his hand to explore in his soul, suddenly found something, lost his voice Question: "Your fate was changed by Qu Xi?!"

Du Kaixun was not born a good stubble, but he shouldn't be so bad. His sinister four-poster horoscope must have been changed the day after tomorrow. Gong Wei was shocked and was waiting to be questioned, but a blood sword stabbed him silently from behind, and he couldn't dodge in an instant, and was pierced through the lower abdomen by the sword!

"Aren't you curious?" Qu Xie's slow voice came from behind: "If someone is born with the same talent as Xuan Jinghe, but walks on the completely opposite path to Xuan Jinghe, what will be the result in the end? ?”

Gong Wei swung his sword wide open and roared furiously, "Qu Xie!"

When there was a loud bang, the ghost prince firmly blocked Bai Taishou's sword and said with a smile: "I have been paying attention to these two brothers since before they were born. Being an older brother is very boring, but being a younger brother is amazingly talented. You said that in the future, you will become a brother?" What will Xuan Jinghe look like when he sees his outstanding junior with his own eyes?"

Gong Wei sternly asked: "Where are the Xuanjinghe people? How did you escape?"

Ghost Prince tilted his head and smiled, the crooked eyes made people creepy: "Guess?"

Before the words fell, the blood sword stabbed again, Gong Wei blatantly met the attack, and the powerful vigor like a series of explosions immediately shook the entire distant place!

Gong Wei was already injured at this time, while Qu Xie only had a clone without a divine body, fighting with thousands of moves to end neither in victory nor defeat. It is impossible to hide this violent movement. Seeing that the monks of the Xianmeng were about to be alarmed and came, Du Kaixun actually took the risk to go there and come back. He secretly winked at the ghost prince, and suddenly pulled Gong Wei from behind. Sword attack.

However, at this moment, the ghost prince suddenly sensed something, and his face froze: "Let's go!"

Du Kaixun was still young after all, and he didn't realize it after a while, only to see Prince Ghost disappear into the air in a flash.

The next moment, a majestic, powerful, lightning-fast sword force descended in the air.

Du Kaixun didn't have time to react, so he was blasted out by the comer with a sword in the chest, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and knocked down rows of trees alive!

It's Cangyang Sovereign!

Gong Wei tightly clutched his bleeding abdomen, his eyes lit up with an unbelievable brilliance: "Xu Bai?"

Xu Shuangce retracted his sword and turned around, and said coldly, "What did you call me?"


Gong Wei froze for a moment, seemed to realize something for a while, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and whispered: "...Sect Master Xu."

Xu Shuangce looked him up and down.

The tall and straight figure of Cangyang Sovereign emerged from the world under the moon, like a banished fairy, but for some reason, there was a faint blue shadow under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept well recently, his eyes deliberately avoided Gong Wei's face, and swept across his abdomen The wound stopped suddenly.

It took him a while to look away from the bloodstain and said, "You shouldn't have escaped from Tu'a."

The pain that was more painful than the wound suddenly came to my heart. Gong Wei stood in a daze for a moment, and finally couldn't help sobbing: "Do you really not recognize me, Xu Bai? I am... I am your little girl." Fox."

Xu Shuangce frowned his slender eyebrows.

--Little Fox.

The memory that had been solidified for nine thousand years was shaken in an instant, as if a piece of auspicious light flashed in the torrent of time, making him feel a little dazed.

At this time, all the monks from the Xianmeng came, the lights were brightly lit, people were buzzing, and the sound of footsteps filled with surprise and reprimand. Xu Shuangce forced himself to stabilize his mind, turned his head away from looking at Gong Wei, and said coldly, "Aren't you a mirror?"

If you listen carefully, there seems to be a trace of resentment deep in the tone.

Gong Wei opened his eyes wide in panic.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Shuangce left without saying a word, and disappeared into the night.

No one knew that Xu Shuangce had that dream again after returning home.

From the first time I met the young man who called himself Jingling, the same scene had repeatedly appeared in the unknown dreams of Cangyang Sect Master. In his dream, he stood beside a soft couch like clouds and mist, and looked at the young man lying drunk on the couch. His deep scarlet robes and skin were like ice and snow, the fragrance of peach blossoms lingered in his flowing temple hair, and his bright red lips were slightly parted. Undefended look.

So sweet and charming, you can grab it with your hand.

Xu Shuangce's heart was beating like a drum, and she bent down uncontrollably, all her rationality was tense to escape, but what she actually did was lowered her head and kissed those soft lips. Lips and teeth intersect, intimate.

The boy was woken up by the kiss, without any discomfort, he called out to Xu Bai in a long, pleasant voice. Then he put his arms around Xu Shuangce's neck, murmured coquettishly inaudible, and easily pulled Xu Shuangce to the bed, and the two of them fell into that deep, secret, endless dream together.

"Do you know what the mirror likes to do most? —Imitation." A ghostly voice emerged from the depths of consciousness again, and said with a smile: "No matter how humble and passionate love you offer, the mirror can reflect it back as it is. "

"This is the biggest helplessness in your life."

Xu Shuangce woke up suddenly, turned over and sat up. But the next moment, the scent of peach blossoms after the snow came from his side again, and he saw the young man appearing from the void again, leaning against his neck, and said with a smile: "I like Xu Bai the most."

"Every time I see Xu Bai, I'm full of joy, like a spring breeze and a bright moon, and a group of flowers. I think it's because I like Xu Bai!"

"Go away," Sect Master Cangyang squeezed his forehead tightly with one hand, and burst out two words from his teeth: "Go away!"

With a flick of his sleeves, he strangled with vigor like a sharp blade, tearing the overlapping dreams into thousands of pieces and sweeping them away!

——The cold moon shines into the Xuanji Hall from outside the window.

The sleeping hall was empty, and in the dead of night, only Xu Shuangce's rapid and hoarse breathing echoed.

He sat on the bed and slowly turned his head to look at his side. The remaining charm of the dream still lingers in my heart, but the other side of the bed is cold and flat, empty.

The young man named Gong Wei was fading away, and he had never been to Cangyang Sect.

It's just a mirror—Xu Shuangce's eyes were cold, and every word was full of hatred.

It's just a mirror that allows me to see how I fell into a love disorder and how sad and ridiculous I am.

A few days later, with the acquiescence of his elder brother, Du Kaixun was sentenced by the Immortal League to exile in the extreme north for abusing domestic slaves, committing murder and wounding others.

No one expected that Du Kaixun met Xu Shuangce who had been chasing him all the way here halfway through his exile.

"Why did you kill me, just because I stabbed that monster named Gong Wei?!" Du Kaixun asked in disbelief before he died.

Xu Shuangce didn't answer, but drew his sword out, but the cold light illuminated the entire glacier.

Du Kaixun's head flew off the cliff, he was still frozen in shock and astonishment at the moment of dying.

The cold wind howled across the snowy field, Xu Shuangshe drew back her sword, and once again a sliver of uncontrollable hatred and longing appeared in her heart—hate herself who was so perverted and unable to extricate herself, and longed to use this as a reason to be able to use this as a reason for every day in the future. The night sinks into deeper and more secret dreams.

He suddenly wanted to go to Tu'a to see Gong Wei.

He wanted to ask that boy himself, he said he was his own little fox, does this still count?