MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 85

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Human world, Mount Dai.

The sky was gloomy and vast, and a gust of cold wind blew, and the golden circle of Mahayana imprinted on top of the sky suddenly burst into cracks——


In the middle of the air in the distance, Changsun Chengfeng and Mu Duozhu turned their heads sensitively at the same time.

At this time, Li Gongwei and the others disappeared from the Shengxian Terrace for no reason, and three full days had passed. I saw that for the past three days, the golden light circle that had been confining the World Exterminating Soldiers tightly like a copper wall and an iron wall suddenly became full of cracks without warning, and immediately after that the golden and iron-boned "Xuan" word on the top was ominous. It flickered a few times, like the last violent shaking before the flame went out.

"..." Changsun Chengfeng's expression changed slightly, and every word was chilled: "The magic circle can't hold it anymore."

Mu Duozhu lost his voice and said: "Isn't the Mahayana Seal printed by people? How could it be suddenly———"

He couldn't help looking at the word "Xuan" flashing high in the sky, and a terrible answer rose from his heart.

"...Yes." Changsun Chengfeng said with difficulty, "I'm afraid that the senior surnamed Xuan...can't hold on anymore."

As soon as the words fell, the four walls of light shattered, and exploded into soaring fragments under the fearful gaze of the whole world!


Nothing can stop the World Destroyer Giant anymore. The gigantic demon broke free from its shackles, stood up, and roared furiously to the sky. Immediately afterwards, the two mechanical arms cut off by Gong Wei three days ago were sensed, broke out from the deep valley, rotated and assembled in mid-air, boom! Boom! There were two loud bangs, and the soldier's shoulders were fitted back tightly.

The black fire dragon, which had been held back for three days, spewed out.

The disaster came in an instant, and the fire dragon descended from the sky, covering the entire Linjiang City in an instant!

There was a huge earthquake on the ground, the city collapsed, and countless people were sucked into the black fire in the blink of an eye, crying and howling into the sky. The eldest grandson Chengfeng stood up with his sword without any hesitation, rushed towards the world-destroying giant like lightning, and said sharply: "Medical Sect, please use the golden boat to transfer the people, I will try to hold it back first!"

At this moment, it was too late for you to push me back, Mu Duozhu snapped his fingers, and the shadow of a huge golden boat appeared in the strange clouds above his head, and then pushed the clouds and waves, and rushed towards the burning Linjiang Capital at full speed.

Just at this time, Mieshi Soldiers rushed to the sky, saw the golden boat at a glance, and immediately swung the huge knife with all their strength, and saw that the hull of the boat was about to be cut in two, but Changsun Chengfeng arrived just in time, and he did not block it with his sword. Take the blow!

As if nine thousand years later, in the reincarnation of fate, the Mieshi Soldier collided head-on with this Juzong Immortal Sword once again.

The last trace of breath left by Xuan Jinghe on the blade awakened its most furious memory, and when the old enemy met, he was extremely jealous, and the other knife chopped at Changsun Chengfeng!

But at this critical moment, several strands of golden light rushed from behind, dragging Changsun Chengfeng several feet like lightning, passing by the terrifying blade—the soldiers' strands.

Changsun Chengfeng turned his head: "Bai Fei?!"

The soldiers put their silk back into their sleeves, Bai Fei came flying, and was firmly caught by Changsun Chengfeng, and the two of them rose to the sky with a sword: "Why are you here?!"

Bai Fei's robe sleeves fluttered and fluttered in the strong wind, and he raised his voice, "I am your soldier, so naturally I will be wherever you are!"

Changsun Chengfeng opened his mouth to reproach him, saw that his hairband was loose, and forgot the words in an instant, so he helped him fasten the fluttering hairband, and said: "This place is extremely dangerous, soldiers must be held back..."

At this time, the Mieshi Bingren's attention was completely attracted by the sword, and the screaming people in Linjiang in the distance were left behind. Suddenly, two clusters of golden fire ignited in those huge black eyes, and they roared and rushed forward. To two people.

Changsun Chengfeng shouted: "Be careful!"

Unexpectedly, the sword was raised up suddenly, and the soldier's giant sword was cut close to the back in the air, and the big earthquake was torn apart in the loud noise!


Onigaki, Sanzu River.

The shock faintly came from the top of the head, Gong Wei stood still sensitively and looked up, only to see the sky in the underworld faintly covered with blood and ash.

Yu Chirui also struggled to raise his head, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on in the sky?"

"As long as there is a disaster in the world, the sky of Onigaki will be stained red with blood, and the more dead souls there are, the faster the ghost prince will recover." Gong Wei paused, his expression sinking: "It should be a prisoner The Mahayana seal has been broken."

Yu Chirui immediately reacted: "Xuan Jinghe is dead?"

Gong Wei said: "Not yet, but I'm afraid it will be... soon."

At the same moment when the godhead was completely transferred to Xu Shuangce, Xuan Jinghe completely lost his divine power, the Mahayana seal was wiped out in ashes, and the soldiers escaped from the trap -- this series is completely a chain reaction. Xu Shuangce took Gong Wei's hand, slightly raised the scabbard to signal forward, and said, "We must return to the human world as soon as possible."

Looking in the direction pointed by his scabbard, there is a faint suspension bridge connecting the sky and the earth in front of him, which is one of the "nine wells" that Onigaki leads to the human world. They can rush back to the mortal world by crossing this suspension bridge hanging like a hair. They must go back and kill soldiers as soon as possible, otherwise the more dead people are, the stronger the ghost prince's divine power will be.

Gong Wei frowned: "I'm still worried about Xuan Jinghe. I'm afraid Prince Ghost will hold his soul and prevent him from entering reincarnation..."

Before the words finished, Xu Shuangce paused.

——The rushing Santu River seemed to stand still for a moment, and then countless blood crows croaked and came from the direction of the suspension bridge, covering the entire sky with their wings. That scene was enough to make one's hair stand on end, but the next scene was even more horrifying. The densely packed blood crows fell to the ground and transformed into their real bodies, turning into demons and ghosts of different shapes.

As far as the eye could see, all over the mountains and plains, there were hundreds of millions of phantoms, surrounded the three of them, and rushed up like a tsunami!

With a clang, the white **** came out of the sheath, and Gong Wei was furious: "Qu Xi——"

"Want to leave?" Ghost Prince's eyes flickered coldly, "It's not that easy."

In the huge and dark deep hall, a huge magic mirror is suspended in the air, reflecting the scene of the fierce battle on the opposite side in real time. The ghost prince sat in the middle of the blood pool on the altar, holding Xuan Jinghe who had fallen into a coma in the crook of his left arm, and pressed the fingers of his right hand between his eyebrows, continuously injecting divine power.

Black hair on the temples covered Xuan Jinghe's pale face. He was so angry that his soul had already begun to dissipate.

"I personally prepared a generous gift, and traveled thousands of miles to welcome you in." Qu Xie slightly tilted his head, and whispered in Xuan Jinghe's ear, "You will never leave Guiyuan."

The magic mirror in front of him was reflecting the scene on the Santu River, Xu Shuangce and Gong Wei were back to back, fan-shaped sword light illuminated the sky, cut off a large number of demons in half, and corrupted black blood rushed into the sky.

But immediately after, more demons and ghosts from the sky and the earth surged madly, engulfing their figures in an instant!

"Xu Shuangce——!" Yu Chirui twisted his head up and his feet up, and raised his head with difficulty again, almost out of anger: "Why don't you let me down——!"

Gong Wei: "..."

Xu Shuangce didn't even look at it, and struck with his sword horizontally.

The thick tree branch suspended in mid-air broke at the sound, and the fairy-binding rope hanging upside down on Yu Chirui's feet turned into flying smoke; the momentum caused Jian Zong to smash into the pile of demons, bang like a cannon! Bang! Bang! There was an open space.

In the blink of an eye, the phantoms swarmed up again, and Yu Chirui rolled over on the spot, drew his sword and roared: "The sword comes out with—"

The Rakshata Sword Soul whizzed up and wiped out all the evil spirits in a radius of several miles!

Xu Shuangce and Gong Wei were back to back, facing the monsters and ghosts rushing up one after another like a huge wave, each sword light cleared dozens of feet of white ground. But the blood crows in the distance are still rushing up continuously, and when they land, they will turn into monsters as high as hills or skinny ghosts, constantly slowing down their progress, as if they will never reach the suspension bridge leading to the world in front of them. .

At this time, the sky above his head shook again, Gong Wei looked up, and it was clearly the movement from Mount Dai.

The sky is more intense than before, like blood, and the Mieshi soldiers are slaughtering wildly, no one can stop it!

Suddenly, a flash of sword light was like snow, Xu Shuangce cut the group of evil spirits who were almost approaching Gong Wei into soaring gray smoke, and shouted: "My queen, take Yuchirui to the bridge!"

At this time, there was no time to give way, Gong Wei said: "Okay!" Immediately after leaping up, he grabbed Yu Chirui who was fighting fiercely in the air, and dragged him by the back collar with one hand and flew to the suspension bridge, hundreds of demons who followed him were cut apart by the helpless sword like lightning Open, the stump fell like a torrential rain.

However, at the next moment, Yu Chirui's roar came from the strong wind: "Bridge! Bridge!"

Gong Wei raised his eyes and saw a figure with a black robe and a **** sword suddenly appeared above the suspension bridge, it was the ghost prince!

The ghost prince's soul was broken up by Gong Wei on Shengxiantai three days ago. He was severely injured and forced to return to the divine body for cultivation. But at this moment, it may be because the World Exterminating Soldiers have already begun to slaughter. There are more and more dead souls in the underworld, which made him speed up the recovery process. At this moment, he forcibly separated the soul from the **** body, and landed on the suspension bridge in the sky. .

There was no expression on his youthful face that was always smiling, his eyes were full of cold light, he slowly drew out the blood sword, and said coldly, "Give me the godhead." Clang!

Bai Taishou slammed into the blood sword head-on, Gong Wei sternly said: "Bring back Xuanjinghe's spirit!"

Ghost Prince only spit out two words: "Don't even think about it!"

The two Heavenly Dao Excaliburs with the same roots fought fiercely, and their vigor burst out in succession, shaking the entire Santu River. The ghost prince forced Gong Wei back step by step, at this moment he had no choice but to kill him, and with one blow, the ghost prince was forced back tens of feet. Xu Shuangce's face was terrified: "——Let's go!"

The next moment he turned around, Jian Guang wiped away the continuous demons and ghosts behind him, and then backhanded "Dang!" He held the blood sword that fell from the sky, and it turned out to be a sword that suppressed the audience!

Gong Wei knew that Xu Shuangce alone was enough to deal with it, so he stood up with his sword without hesitation, grabbed Yuchirui's collar with one hand, put his other hand around his mouth like a trumpet, and shouted with all his strength: "Xu Baishang! Kill him!" !"

Yu Chirui was eager to try, and wanted to join the team that killed Qu Xie, but was forcibly held back by Gong Wei, and rushed towards the suspension bridge in the distance without looking back.

The ghost prince turned around to stop Gong Wei, but Xu Shuangce blocked the blood sword just as he swung it out——Clang!

Charged out with majestic vigor, and wiped out all the evil spirits that rushed from the sky!


The two of them looked at each other through the blades of their swords, Ghost Prince squinted his eyes, his naturally cold gray pupils stared at Xu Shuangce, and suddenly the corners of his lips curled up: "Has the mirror fallen in love with you, God of the East?"

Reluctantly, he suddenly exerted strength and forced the ghost prince back a few steps in the air before he stood still.

Seeing Xu Shuangce flicking his sleeve and swinging his sword, he said calmly, "I have nothing to do in this life."

Immediately there was a sneer in his eyes: "——What about you, Qu Xi?"

The ghost prince seemed to be pierced by a steel needle, and his face changed drastically in an instant!

"...It's a pity, I don't know how to write the word 'reluctantly' in my life." Ghost Prince frowned, and returned to his usual smile, but the cold light in his eyes made people feel particularly creepy, and he shouted word by word between his teeth: " Mortals die—”

The blood sword erupted with dazzling light, and the sword was fierce and violent like never before, and it slashed towards Fu Nai!

The ground-breaking vigor of the two gods fighting came from behind, Yu Chirui turned his head against the hurricane, and asked hoarsely: "Can Xu Shuangce do it?!"

Gong Wei did not hesitate: "Xu Shuangce will definitely do it!"

Half of Yu Chirui's face was blown out of shape by the wind, but he could still see the deep suspicion in his eyes. At this moment, Gong Wei's footsteps stopped suddenly in mid-air, and the inertia almost threw Yu Chirui out: "What are you doing?!"

The suspension bridge was close at hand, but Gong Wei stopped in mid-air, looked back at the ghost prince who was dragged by Xu Shuangce in the distance, panted and said, "Changsheng, I suddenly have a plan."

Yu Chirui: "What?"

"I'll explain later, the two of us must move quickly, otherwise Changsun Chengfeng and the others may not be able to hold on." Gong Wei grabbed him and said, "Come with me!"

Yu Chirui didn't even have time to resist, so he was pulled by him to make a sharp turn, flying vertically against the biting air current.

Seeing that the suspension bridge was getting farther and farther away, and there was no time to ask questions at this moment, the two of them went straight up with their swords for a quarter of an hour. The clouds above their heads were thin, and finally a huge dark building suspended in the air appeared. .

They actually went back to the place they hurriedly left three days ago - Ghost Prince's dormitory!

The twelve hall doors are tightly closed, and the momentum is magnificent. Gong Wei suddenly stopped, Bai Taishou's sword clanged out of its sheath, his expression and voice were tense: "Changsheng, I'm going to break open this door forcibly now, but once the door is opened, I will get a response. Once he comes back, I will be responsible for delaying the time and you will be responsible for robbing him, understand?"

Yu Chirui cracked his knuckles a few times, already understood his plan, took out the soul-capturing rope from his arms and swung it skillfully twice: "Do it."

Gong Wei nodded, the majestic dormitory was reflected in his squinted pupils, and the white prefect sword in his hand was igniting raging flames. At this moment, he remembered something, and suddenly sneered again:

"Qu Xie, Qu Xie, back then when you went up to Cangyang Mountain together with Beiyuan and hacked down the palace that Xu Bai carefully built for me, did you ever think that the gate of your house would also be hacked down by me one day?"


Yu Chirui paused, looked at him suspiciously, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't the prison Xu Shuangce built for you?"

Gong Wei turned a deaf ear to it, and swung his sword brazenly—Boom!

Twelve giant gates fell at the sound and exploded into countless fragments. The loud noise shook the entire Ghost Garden!

On the Santu River in the distance, Ghost Prince's face froze, and he looked back in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, he withdrew his sword resolutely, and rushed to the bedroom regardless of everything, but the sword light stopped in front of him like lightning!

When there was a deafening sound, Prince Gui swung his sword and shouted: "Don't stand in my way!"

At the same time, Gong Wei: "Longevity steals people!"

There was no need for a second order, the moment the twelve giant doors burst, Yu Chirui had already rushed in.

Aftershocks continued on the ground of the main hall. On the blood pool of the high altar, the ghost prince's divine body was still sitting upright, with **** pressed between Xuan Jinghe's eyebrows, continuously inputting divine power to maintain the vitality of this body. However, Xuan Jinghe has only his last breath left, even with the naked eye, it can be seen that the next step is just waiting for time.

Without hesitation, Yu Chirui threw the golden soul-catching rope in the air, and it caught Xuan Jinghe's... feet with great accuracy.

Immediately, he pulled violently, and the living soul that hadn't completely expired was immediately lifted upside down, swish! With a sound of leaving the body, the volley flew across the arc!

Xuan Jinghe's entire soul: "?"

Yu Chirui didn't care about explaining, holding the sword in one hand and the soul-catching rope in the other, he turned around and rushed out.

Unexpectedly, at this time high above the palace, the Ghost Prince had already arrived at lightning speed, his speed was unprecedentedly fast, Sen Han shouted from far to near: "Give it back to me—"

Gong Wei, who was guarding outside the hall, stood still, and greeted him with a sword, and the Bai Taishou and the blood sword collided with a shocking electric light!

"Quick! Quick!" Yu Chirui rushed out of the palace door with the soul-catching rope, and yelled at Gong Wei: "Let's go!"

Ghost Prince caught a glimpse of Xuan Jinghe's living soul wrapped around the end of the soul-catching rope, and his entire expression changed immediately.

He suddenly exerted all his strength to throw away the white prefect, and rushed towards the Xuanjing River, but Gong Wei's sword didn't stop him; at this critical moment, he saw the light of the sword flying in the distance, and Xu Shuangce once again killed in time!


Unexpectedly, the sword's power was astonishing, and it thrust in horizontally and blocked the ghost prince forcibly!

The situation turned into a three-on-one again in an instant, and the Ghost Prince couldn't go around Xu Shuangce to **** back the Xuanjing River. For a moment, an unparalleled hostility rose from the bottom of his heart, and even his whole body glowed with a faint silver light. With a flick of his sleeve, he said coldly: "I am the master of the underworld. Do you really think you can get out of this **** alive today?"

Gong Wei and Yu Chirui blocked Xuan Jinghe who was **** with a rope behind them, and they exchanged glances quickly upon hearing this.

At this time, Xu Shuangce, who was at the front, said calmly: "I suddenly remembered something."

Ghost Prince narrowed his eyes: "What's the matter?"

"Xuan Jinghe cursed you with the same life and death curse. If his body dies, your divine body will also be wiped out." Xu Shuangce turned his eyes from the ghost prince's face to the huge and majestic temple in front of him, and said slowly: "Xuan Jinghe Jinghe's body should still be inside, with only his last breath left..."

Ghost Prince's pupils shrank slightly.

The next moment, the soul of the sword awakened helplessly, and Qingxiao penetrated the three realms and went straight to the sky.

Xu Shuangce asked: "Back then you and Beiyuan rushed to Cangyang Mountain and hacked down the Forbidden Palace I built for Gong Wei. Did you ever think of today?"

The last word landed, and the ghost prince had no time to stop it, Xu Shuangce swung a sword that would destroy heaven and earth!


The magnificence of the sword light shook Huangquan, as if even the space was torn apart; the beams in the hall exploded into powder, and boulders fell all over the sky like hail!

The Ghost Prince's Temple, which had stood for thousands of years, collapsed in the midst of the earthquake.

Even the blood gray sky was trembling violently, and the Santu River poured back into the sky, making a loud splashing noise.

No one could keep standing in this terrifying shock, Gong Wei was rushed several feet by the hurricane, and crashed headfirst into Xu Shuangce's arms; then Yu Chirui staggered over, holding on to the swaying Xuanjing River. "He himself admitted that he is the Forbidden Palace!" Yu Chirui pointed at the expressionless Xu Shuangce, and shouted at Gong Wei's ear with all his strength amidst the roar: "Be sober!"

Gong Wei: "..."

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