MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 87

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"...The **** of the East Heaven made a decision, and it really is beyond my reach," Xuan Jinghe in the bottle sighed after a moment of silence.

Xu Shuangce's figure had already flashed above Ying Kai, and he fought thousands of moves in an instant, the sea of ​​clouds, lightning and thunder, and countless thick pillars of lightning struck the world. Ying Kai really didn't want to get into a fierce battle with Xu Shuangce, Ding Shanhai blindly blocked the helpless sword, and continuously spurted out golden blood in the heavy collision of landslides and landslides, his body fell to the ground quickly, and suddenly there was energy behind him It's Taishou Bai!

Ying Kai suddenly turned around, and a sword exploded with all his strength——Clang!

At the same time, Ding Shanhai blocked the helpless and Bai Taishou who came from the sky, and the sharp edge of the sword exploded!

At this moment, Linjiang in the distance has been engulfed in flames, and the city wall collapsed under the gunpowder smoke, all the tragedy is reflected in Ying Kai's eyes. However, he didn't have any joy after his wish was fulfilled, so he closed his eyes after a while and looked away.

"A Wei," he smiled hastily, "It would be great if I were still in Die Si Meng Sheng at this moment."

Gong Wei's pupils widened slightly.

After these words, the sword in Ying Kai's hand suddenly withdrew.

However, he and Taishou Bai couldn't hold back the great power of the two divine swords, and the three sword edges rubbed against each other to erupt a dazzling electric light, sending Ying Kai flying far away, and instantly submerged into the sea of ​​thunder!

Gong Wei strode forward to chase after him, Xu Shuangce closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes and said: "It's too late, it has already disappeared."

Gong Wei couldn't tell what it was like, and turned around after a while and asked, "Has he returned to the heaven?"

Xu Shuangce said: "It should be hidden somewhere in the world, but you and I can't sense it."

The soldiers who destroyed the world were blocked by Xuan Jinghe for three days with the Mahayana seal, and they only had time to slaughter the city of Linjiangdu, and some of the people had already evacuated before. , has been calculated a lot.

But the millions of mechanism parts that were released by the Exterminating Soldiers have already flown to every corner of the world, and it is not known when the thunder will explode. Xu Shuangce exhaled lightly, pressed Gong Wei's shoulder with his slender fingers, and said, "Go back first. I'm afraid there will be chaos later." Gong Wei's thin figure fluttered in his robes in the strong wind, staring blankly at Ying Kai's disappearing There was a trace of sadness deep in his eyes, and he said softly for a long time: "It would be great if the little fox from nine thousand years ago was picked up on Cangyang Mountain earlier..."

But Xu Shuangce said indifferently: "It's too late. It's useless to influence Chen Yuan now, and the only one who can save him is himself."

As long as Ying Kai returns to the upper heaven, the rest of the gods will be able to perceive it immediately, and it will be hard to find if it is hidden in the human world. It's just that he doesn't know what he is doing at the moment. How does he feel when he sees the familiar Daishan Xianmeng turned into white ground and the bustling Linjiang city is burning?

Gong Wei had mixed feelings, Xu Shuangce took a hand and walked back.

Xu Shuangce is tall and tall, and Gong Wei being held by him like this is a bit like a master holding a young lover. The lightning in the sea of ​​clouds beside the two finally subsided, Gong Wei suddenly remembered something, raised his other hand to touch Xu Shuangce's heart, and asked worriedly, "Does it still hurt?"

Xu Shuangce was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's no longer hurting."

Gong Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. Hey, in fact, like Qu Xie, I will not really die. Heaven and earth will conceive me again after thousands of years, but you are a human body, if you really die But what should I do? You can’t use that talisman indiscriminately in the future.”

Xu Shuangce said, "But you will be hurt."

Gong Wei said casually: "It doesn't hurt too much... Hey, Xu Bai, did you just say a word of love to me?"

Xu Shuangce remained silent.

Gong Wei's black and white eyes lit up again, and the melancholy was swept away, and he said with a smile: "Don't be shy, can you say a few more words to me? If you say a few more words, I will kill you." Actually, it doesn’t hurt at all, and I’m happy to tell you a secret now.”

Xu Shuangce held his hand tightly, and finally asked after a while, "Have you always been like this?"

Gong Wei asked: "What kind?"

Xu Shuangce said in a low voice: "The world misunderstood you, rejected you, and turned swords against you; Ying Kai regained his evil thoughts, and let down the painstaking efforts you made to relieve him nine thousand years ago; even I forgot in the reincarnation. I killed you, even almost killed you with a sword on Shengxiantai... Can all these be written off? Just because you survived by luck, can you pretend that nothing happened?"

By the last few words his voice was already coming out of his jaw.

Gong Wei blinked in confusion, and said: "But people in the world love me very much. Ying Kai cried when he wanted to goug my eyes. You only threw your sword at me because of a misunderstanding, and you used it to show yourself in the end." Surrogacy died for me, didn't it?"

Xu Shuangce's complexion was as white as ice, and he didn't say a word.

"Love and hate in this world are constant, just like Tai Chi Yin and Yang, they are all part of the natural law. People gain hatred when they are misunderstood, and they will naturally gain love when the misunderstanding is eliminated."

Gong Wei secretly glanced at Xu Shuangce's expressionless face, thought for a while and then said relaxedly: "But having said that, your affection for me is definitely not part of the law of nature."

"..." Xu Shuangce finally asked, "Why?"

Gong Wei replied with a smile: "Because there are too many, natural Taoism should not be able to accommodate it!"

Xu Shuangce stopped, and pressed Gong Wei tightly into his arms, with his chin pressed against the young man's temples, and every trembling breath brushed the ends of his soft black hair.

"My affection for you," he said in a low voice, "is the avenue I'm pursuing with my heart."

At this time, a person with a sword in the distance came in a hurry, and behind the divine sword was a long red golden energy, it was Yu Chirui!

When Gong Wei sees Yu Chirui now, the alarm bell rings wildly, ready to stop Xu Bai from lifting him upside down and hanging him on the tree at any time. But this time, Yu Chirui didn't care to say anything more, and said straight to the point: "The envoy from Jinmen came to report that something fell from the sky just now and collapsed the school grounds."

Gong Wei blurted out: "What?" But he already had a premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, Yu Chirui frowned tightly: "Soldiers cut off their hands."

The huge severed limb of the Mieshi Soldier was seven or eight feet high and weighed hundreds of tons. It crashed and collapsed on the vast school grounds of Yejinmen, billowing with dust and smoke.

Changsun Chengfeng stood up from the edge of the deep pit, withdrew his spiritual power with both hands, and his face was not very good-looking: "There is huge resentment and evil thoughts in this thing, and the power of Lihuo is extremely strong. I guessed it right before, I'm afraid it will happen again later." It's going to burn in no time."

Mu Duozhu was stunned: "Burn it? But the organs on the soldiers have been scattered all over the world. Could it be..."

Could it be that the horrible black fire will be ignited in cities, villages, streets and alleys, and everywhere in the world?

All the masters stood on the Yejinmen school field, looking at the vast land in the distance, each feeling shuddering in their hearts.

Xu Shuangce raised his sleeve and flicked it, and his divine power condensed into a faintly shining sealing circle, completely covering the severed hand inside. Gong Wei was being held by his side by his side, poking his head out and asking, "Have Taoist sects all over the world started to take in common people?"

Changsun Chengfeng sighed, "It's not easy!"

Previously, Changsun Chengfeng had sent an order to the Taoist sects all over the world to clean up the towns and villages in various places, and try to take the people into the major families and sects to take refuge. But there are only a hundred Taoist sects in the world, and there are more than ten million people. There are still many people who are unwilling to give up their houses and fields, and are unable to leave due to mobility issues.

Gong Wei nodded in understanding, and said: "Contain as much as possible, and if it really burns later, send people to search and rescue as much as possible. The key to this matter is to find Beiyuan Shangshen. The crux of the matter lies in him alone, and he must be solved. Then deal with the ghost prince."

When Ying Kai was mentioned, everyone was silent.

Mu Duozhu hesitated again and again, but still couldn't help saying: "I really don't understand, where did Ying Kai come from so much resentment and evil thoughts, and he seems to have changed overnight? He has always been gentle, introverted, and never angry..."

Gong Weixin said that's not called introversion, it's clearly called depression. Nine thousand years ago, what the ghost prince dropped into his heart was an evil seed. It would be fine if there was no soil, but Ying Kai was forced to suppress too many emotions in his heart since he was a child. Those disappointments, pains and injustices eventually became The soil of this evil seed--the more repressed the person, the more ruthless they will break out, which is exactly the reason.

But before he had time to say anything, suddenly a woman in the distance, wearing a jingle bell and holding a long sword, meandered across the school grounds, saluted gracefully in front of all the masters, and everyone hurriedly returned the salute, saying: "Madam."

Gong Wei immediately recognized her - this is the eldest sister-in-law of Jianzong Wei Chirui, the mother of the young master Yu Chixiao, the only mistress of a century-old family visiting Jinmen, and is often called Mrs. Yuchi in Taoism.

Gong Wei still likes her very much, because she was the one who fell in love with "Xiang Xiaoyuan" at first sight. As a result, Yu Chixiao, who was born rebellious, resigned in court, which not only made "Xiang Xiaoyuan" crazy, but also almost made his own mother go mad.

Lian Yu Chirui also respectfully saluted the eldest sister-in-law. The eldest lady is a female cultivator, she doesn't talk about red tape, she held up her sword and said with a smile: "I have arranged for the children of my sect to go to the nearby people separately, and I also need to provide services for women, children, children, and young people. The elderly and the infirm arrange the medicines in the houses one by one, which is very complicated and incompetent. Therefore, if the hospitality is not good, please forgive me, all the masters."

It's okay for everyone to talk respectfully, but the eldest lady turned to Xu Shuangce again. She didn't know what happened on Shengxiantai three days ago, she leaned over and said with a smile: "Xu Zong is the main force to turn the tide, his courage is extraordinary, and the women are very admired!"

For some reason, Gong Wei felt that Xu Shuangce's voice was tense: "I dare not be that."

Then he immediately knew why Xu Shuangce was nervous, because the next sentence of the eldest lady was even more attentive: "I have something I want to ask Sect Master Xu. Has your disciple Xiang Xiaoyuan returned from the dream to the present world? He should still be a baby at this moment Baby? Not engaged yet, right?"

Gong Wei: "..."

Yu Chirui: "..."

Mu Duozhu: "..."

The surrounding air was quiet, only Changsun Chengfeng asked in a daze, "Xiang Xiaoyuan? Who?"

Just as Yu Chirui blurted out what to say, Gong Wei instantly silenced his voice, and only had time to utter a short: "Ah——"

Then Gong Wei cautiously poked his head out from behind Xu Shuangce, and said, "Mrs. Yuchi..." Immediately after Xu Shuangce cast a silencing technique on him, he also uttered a short: "Ah——"

Changsun Chengfeng was even more puzzled: "...'ah'?"

With an indescribable expression on Mu Duozhu's face, he whispered in his ear: "Xiang Xiaoyuan, Sect Master Xu's beloved disciple, heir of the Cangyang Sect."

The eldest grandson Chengfeng suddenly realized: "Has the Cangyang Sect finally accepted disciples? It's a good thing!" Then he immediately lowered his head and began to search for various magic weapons in his arms as a greeting.

Xu Shuangce held Gong Wei's hand tightly with his powerful palm, and said flatly: "Thanks to the wrong love, but the young disciple has a marriage contract, so there is no need to mention this matter."

The eldest lady's eyes full of anticipation turned into shock: "How is it possible to have a marriage contract at such a young age? Which family is it?"

Xu Shuangce was silent for a moment amidst the indescribable gazes behind him, and calmly avoided the question: "Your son is still young and his mind is uncertain, so there is no rush."

Da Furen said anxiously: "He has already settled his mind. I asked him what he meant the day before yesterday, and he is willing."

Xu Shuangce sneered: "Chuitiao child, children's words are free, don't count."

The eldest lady said sincerely: "Sect Master Xu doesn't know something. Although Yuan Ju is only six years old this year, he is already an older child. You just need to see him..."

Xu Shuangce flicked his sleeves and turned around: "We didn't talk about this before the weak crown."

Behind him, Yu Chirui and Gong Wei raised their hands at the same time to say something, but both of them were silenced, so they could only utter an urgent murmur.

Only the eldest lady was overjoyed and said, "Really?"

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head and yelled angrily: "Yuchi Yuanju—come down for me—"

Yejinmen's up and down are busy taking care of the nearby people who come to take refuge, and the sky is full of children coming and going to guard their swords, intertwining into a gorgeous vigor. Following the eldest lady's call from the sky, a familiar figure hurried down the sky, it was Wei Chixiao, the young master of Ye Jinmen: "Mother?"

Xu Shuangce turned around.

At that moment Gong Wei clearly saw the blank expression on his face.

Before the butterfly's death and dreams were shattered, Yu Chixiao, the young master of Jinmen, was twenty-two years old. When he returned to the present world sixteen years ago, he should have turned back into a six-year-old child.

However, Yu Chixiao, the "six-year-old boy" who appeared in front of Xu Shuangce at this moment, was eight feet long, holding a hook in his hand, with a strong and neat figure, and six gold rings on his left sleeve. Because he was directing his children to come and go, he was sweating profusely at the moment, and kept wiping his forehead with his cuff: "What's the matter, mother?"

Da Furen asked beamingly: "Is Sect Master Xu satisfied?"


Sect Master Xu turned around slowly, inch by inch, his condescending gaze moved back and forth on the faces of Yu Chirui and Gong Wei, his eyes were cold and severe, and he did not say a word.

Gong Wei finally struggled to break free from the silencing technique, rubbing his hands guilty and grinning: "Eye, the situation is hectic right now, and more people can help a little more, so when you were not awake by the Santu River that day, Changsheng asked me to tell him My nephew made a trick to restore the age in Die Si Meng Sheng... Chang Sheng told me to do it! If you don't believe me, ask him!" Then he quickly lifted Yu Chirui's silencing technique, and used "It's all your fault" His eyes silently condemned him.

Yu Chirui was finally able to open his mouth, and the first sentence he said was frankly to Xu Shuangce: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Immediately afterwards, he turned to the eldest lady, and said with a firm face: "I don't agree with this marriage, Xu Shuangce's marriage contract with his apprentice is himself. They are still practicing double cultivation in front of me, and I have seen it! You can't fake it! !"


The eldest grandson Chengfeng managed to find a few magic treasures, and was writing "Congratulations to Master Xu on his beloved disciple" on the red envelope when he shook the pen and dropped it on the ground.


There was a dead silence.

The cold wind whizzed past the crowd, and Madam Yuchi's expression was blank for a while, and she said in a trembling voice: "Ah?!"

Mu Duozhu covered half of his mouth, turned to the stunned grandson Chengfeng, and reminded softly: "The red seal can still be used if you change it to 'Congratulations to Sect Master Xu for his beloved wife'."

Xu Shuangce's dark eyes stared at Yu Chirui, and then slowly moved towards the tree beside the school field not far away.

After a few breaths, Yu Chirui suddenly came to his senses, and immediately took three steps backwards, and asked with a vigilant look: "What are you doing? Did I say something wrong?!"

Xu Shuangce took a step forward and stretched out his hand.

Yu Chirui teleported back thirty feet like lightning, but Xu Shuangce ignored him at all, and pressed one hand on the magic circle covering the soldier's severed palm. The magic circle's aura suddenly became brighter several times, and the next moment——


The huge organ broke into flames, and the black fire roared hot and threatening. It almost broke through the protective shield, but was forcibly suppressed by Xu Shuangce's unquestionable divine power!

Everyone retreated half a step subconsciously at the same time, only to see another Jinmen disciple approaching like a sharp arrow in the distance, before landing, Baoquan shouted: "Report to Jianzong! The black fire exploded in the back mountain forest!"

"Report! The villages and towns under the mountain are on fire!"

"Report! There are black fires burning in various places in Linnan. The water can't be extinguished, and you will die if you touch it!"

All of a sudden, the mechanism parts scattered all over the world turned into raging black flames, burning bigger and bigger, and the smoke of war rose everywhere!

Xu Shuangce suddenly exerted force and forcibly flattened the black fire in the magic circle, leaving only the scorched remains of the soldiers' severed hands.

Immediately, he pushed forward with both palms, and the majestic divine power rushed up to the sky, spreading circularly in all directions, like thousands of meteors rushing towards the high-burning smoke of gunpowder everywhere!

However, this is not enough at all - destruction is much simpler than protection, and the divine power required for burning is much less than suppression and extinguishment. The beacon smoke from all over the world only weakened for a short moment, and then continued to rise into the sky again, vaguely gaining the momentum of explosive combustion!

Without hesitation, Yu Chirui flew to fight the black fire in the back mountain of his house, and Changsun Chengfeng also immediately sent a sound transmission talisman to ask about the situation of Julu City. People were coming and going around, like a frying pan, Mu Duozhu shouted loudly in the chaos: "I really can't find Ying...find Beiyuan Shangshen right away?!"

Xu Shuangce continued to increase his divine power to press down on the wilderness and wilderness, his eyes were cold, and he just shook his head.

At this time, Gong Wei let out a soft "Huh" and said, "The fire in the north seems to be bigger."

The golden gate mansion is on the top of the mountain, and the school grounds are located in a very high position, so you can have a panoramic view in all directions. Without waiting for everyone to react, Gong Wei went up to the sky with his sword, stayed for a while and then suddenly returned quickly, as if he had discovered something: "Xu Bai, Xu Bai!"

Xu Shuangce looked up.

"—Thousands of miles away to the north, Suicheng!" Gong Wei put his hands around his mouth and said loudly, "The Suicheng near the Yanchun Terrace is the most blazing and has the strongest divine power. Ying Kai may be nearby!"

A figure in black robe and silver sword quietly landed on the city wall.

The city has been engulfed in black flames, and the criss-crossing neighborhoods are like long flame dragons. The streets under their feet were in chaos, and countless people ran wildly with their families and their families, screaming, crying, dogs barking and horses neighing, being drowned in billowing black smoke.

The disciples under the Holy Throne of Yanchuntai Le are quickly back and forth with their swords, and they are rescuing the people trapped in the city one after another, but that is just a drop in the bucket. Too many people are lucky and unwilling to give up the family property that they have worked so hard for all their lives. At the end, they are unable to escape, and can only be trapped in the flames and cry hoarsely: "Save us!" "Come on!" "Save us!" Bar!"…

Ying Kai closed his eyes heavily.

"Save us!" He heard the crying of the people kneeling under the mountain gate nine thousand years ago, and the noise shook the sky: "Those are our homes and fields, our chariots, horses, cattle and sheep!" "Flood control? You Are you crazy?" Nine thousand years ago, Xu Shuangce's voice was calm, sharp, and merciless: "The spiritual power is too much to use up, so it's better to transfer the tens of thousands of disaster victims to the upper reaches. Why do you care about so much land and property?! Do you have to be so responsive?!"

However, the shrill cry in front of the mountain gate was like a nail that drilled into the ears all the time: "Aren't you people who cultivate immortals, don't you want to become immortals and gods?" "Save our homeland! Save us! !" "If you don't save yourself from death, pigs and dogs are worse!"

Ying Kai opened his eyes suddenly, the fundus of his eyes were bloodshot.

There was a loud bang, and rows of neighborhoods not far away completely collapsed. The flames roared and exploded, sparks splashed wildly, some people tried in vain to carry water to put out the fire, and the backs of more people running away were shaking.

"Are you really happy when you see this?" Gong Yui's clear eyes seemed to be still looking at him, filled with sadness.

"Compared with Senior Brother Ying in Die Si Meng Sheng, which one is happier?"

Ying Kai pressed his heart forcefully, his five fingers sank deeply into the lapel of his robe.

It hurts, he thought.

Shouldn't the feeling of being rewarded by volunteering be the most enjoyable? Why is there such a heart-piercing pain?


A small figure stumbled on the street. It was a little girl about four or five years old, wearing a bloated flowered jacket and messy braids. Xu Shi was thrown away by his family during the chaos, his face was covered in gray smoke, he fell to the ground after walking a few steps, and got up with two small black hands supporting the ground, staggering forward while wiping away tears. .


Ying Kai looked at her back, suddenly feeling a little dazed.

A similar cry emerged from the depths of my memory. It was the young Yuchi Rui who had just been sent to Tu'a, the boy was hiding by the pond behind the rockery and biting his fist, but he couldn't hold it back in the end, like a Crying like a child: "My mother went with my father, I don't have a mother anymore—wow——"

The young Gong Wei also squatted beside him and cried, but that was because he provoked Xiao Wei Chirui just now and was beaten and cried. After crying for a while, he wiped away his tears, and comforted Yu Chirui sensibly: "It's okay, Changsheng, I don't have parents, people will die, you will get used to it in the future."

As a result, Yu Chirui cried even more when he heard it: "Wow!"

"Mother! Where are you! Mother—"

The little girl bumped into the figure in front of her suddenly, fell to the ground, raised her head in a daze, and looked at this tall young man in black with big eyes filled with tears.

Ying Kai closed his eyes.

——It is obviously completely different, but the little face full of tears overlaps with Xiao Yuchirui in the depths of memory, and in a daze, it seems to overlap with Gong Wei when he was young, as if returning to that dream The familiar faded grace.

"I, my mother is lost." The little girl cried sobbingly, tears rolled down her cheeks, and she opened her hands in a childlike voice: "Please, please help me, wow—"

Please help me.

Ying Kai finally knelt down slowly, like sleepwalking, reached out and hugged the crying little girl. He was blank and dazed, he didn't know what he was doing, and he didn't know the meaning of doing it, so he just let the little girl hug his neck like grabbing a straw, and staggered through the black fire step by step. Lead her to a safe place outside the city.

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