MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 91

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Ghost Prince fixed his eyes on the rapidly rotting flesh and blood on Ying Kai's chest, and froze for a moment.

"As expected of someone who used to have the heart of perfection, I really underestimated you..." He finally coughed violently and shook his head and laughed: "But is it really worth it? To die for the insatiable world?"

A large stream of blood gushed out from Ying Kai's abdomen. He didn't even have the strength to stand up. He leaned against the half-collapsed stone pillar and curled his mouth: "No, I just died for myself."

Ghost Prince didn't expect this answer, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the dying and lifeless Xuan Jinghe on the blood pool of the altar in the distance.

"Die for yourself?" A secret anger rose from the ghost prince's eyes, even the intermittent coughing of blood stopped, and he raised his voice: "It's ridiculous, after reincarnation, you will not be the same you! You lost your godhead You will never be able to reset Beiyuan, you can only be an ordinary person, and you will never get rid of your inherently ugly humanity! You—”

At this time, there was a sound of flesh and blood, and it was Gong Wei behind him who pulled out the divine bone dagger forcefully, and the blade strangled across the ghost prince's throat, and said coldly: "You know that even gods are not qualified to judge the goodness of human nature. evil?"

Before he finished speaking, he slashed mercilessly!

The blood of the gods splashed three feet like a waterfall, the throat of the ghost prince was completely broken, and the completely destroyed body only shook and hit the ground with a bang!

The air seemed to be still, and the silver blood of the gods was slowly spreading on the ground, reflected in the ghost prince's open eyes.

"..." Ying Kai stared intently: "Is he really dead?"

But Gong Wei stood in front of Ying Kai, tremblingly said: "It's not that easy, his soul will never die, he must be sealed into the realm of chaos."

For a natural **** like Qu Xie, what is destroyed is only the body of the god, but the soul will never disappear. The only way to solve it is to seal it. Sure enough, wisps of silvery smoke gradually rose from the ruined divine body, and quickly condensed into the appearance of the Ghost Prince in mid-air. That handsome, snow-white boy's face had never been so stiff and cold as it is at this moment.

Ying Kai lost his voice: "Be careful!"

As soon as Ghost Prince's spirit stretched out his hand, the blood sword not far away turned into a stream of light and was summoned. He held it tightly in his palm with a snap, and slashed at Ying Kai, but was blocked by Gong Wei with a lightning-like "clang!"!

The two swords clashed tightly, making a sharp rubbing sound, and the ghost prince asked each word: "Do you think you can seal me again for nine thousand years?"

"No," Gong Wei stared closely at this face similar to himself, and said through his teeth: "This time, I will seal you until the sky falls apart!"


The two swords clashed rapidly, and a blazing electric light burst out, and the violent momentum during the fierce battle caused the hall to vibrate violently. Countless arc-shaped sword lights shot in all directions, stone pillars, ground, and walls exploded into powder one after another, ruined walls and bricks fell like a torrential rain, and the black jade seat on the high place collapsed in the impact!

After losing his divine body, the ghost prince really began to weaken rapidly, and his soul power was consumed extremely quickly, and he was no longer Gong Wei's opponent. Violently shaking the Zhonggong Weiyi sword, the ghost prince was swept away, and the divine power that could be called rage caused the ghost prince to smash out and smash through the huge jade pillar. To the ghost prince's seal!

As long as this palm is firmly pressed, Prince Ghost's soul will be bound by chains immediately, and he will never be able to escape again.

But it was too late and then too soon, the ghost prince blocked the rushing Gong Wei with his horizontal sword, slid out with his strength, flew dozens of feet in the blink of an eye, turned around and jumped up, and stabbed Ying Kai with his sword !

——This sword is clearly intended to make Ying Kai lose his soul after death.

Gong Wei's expression changed drastically, he threw his sword without hesitation, and the white prefect cut through the air and shot towards him.

However, the ghost prince was waiting for this opportunity, he stopped in an instant, and Bai Taishou's sword light was nailed into the ground with a "do" sound against the top of his head; then the ghost prince turned around and rushed out of the hall without hesitation, Twelve A giant palace door burst open.

He wants to run!

This move was too fast, Gong Weiyi stretched out his hand to recall Bai Taishou, and flew to chase after him, but Ghost Prince's spirit rushed out of the palace door like lightning, and at some point the scene outside the palace turned into an overwhelming yellow spring.

He is the master of Onigaki, occupying all the geographical advantages, and can change the terrain as he wants. Once he was allowed to escape, it would be too late to chase after him!

Fury surged from Gong Wei's heart, and he swung his sword at Ghost Prince's back with all his strength: "Stop for me—"

However, the ghost prince moved faster, the huge sword light brushed past him, and the others had rushed out of the void outside the hall, and they were about to plunge into the torrential hell!

At this moment, it is absolutely impossible to catch up, but at this irreversible moment, a red golden sword in the distance is as powerful as a bamboo, cutting off countless ghosts along the way, and a shocking roar comes from afar:

"The sword comes out with the method-"

The Rakshata Sword Soul erupted into golden flames and slammed into the blood sword head-on. It turned out to be Yuchirui's divine soldier descending from the sky!

The ghost prince absolutely did not expect to come to rescue the soldiers, and was forced to retreat a few steps on the spot. The impact spread to the surroundings at the moment the two swords collided, and even stopped the Yellow Springs Waterfall.

"Southern Emperor Qilin?" Ghost Prince narrowed his eyes.

Gong Wei was chasing out of the hall: "Changsheng stop him!"

However, in the blink of an eye, countless layers of cold light erupted from the blood sword, and the ghost prince turned his wrist and said coldly: "Everyone will die forever."

The moment the four-character sword formula was released, the power of the blood sword **** increased by more than a hundred times, and immediately threw Yu Chirui several feet away!

Yu Chirui hadn't ascended yet, and the Raksha Tower was no match for the Heavenly Dao Excalibur. It took only a short time from the fight to the escape, and the Ghost Prince passed by without any reluctance to fight, and he was about to rush into the underworld again.

——The terrain under Huangquan is extremely complicated, once he enters, he will be unable to catch it again, Gong Wei chases after him furiously: "Stop!"

Yu Chirui, who was thrown away, stabilized his figure with a sword, raised his head and sneered: "Want to run?"

As soon as he said these words, Prince Ghost suddenly felt bad. But before he had time to turn around, the destructive sword light had already chopped straight to the top of his head, and behind the sword was a familiar figure with flying ivory robe sleeves—Xu Shuangce!


He had no choice but to stop the Ghost Prince desperately, at the same time Xu Shuangce pointed forward with his slender fingers, and a golden brand suddenly appeared on the ghost prince's chest, which was the word "Dongtian".

Going to the sky and entering the earth, there is nowhere to hide, this is an extremely powerful tracker!

"Want to run?" Xu Shuangce's eyes were cold, "Dream."

From the moment when Ying Kai forced her into the mustard pot, Gong Wei had been holding back her tears. Seeing Xu Shuangce, she suddenly couldn't help it, and burst out in anger: "He killed Ying Kai! He killed Ying Kai! Forcing Ying Kai to dissect his godhood! He, he..."

"I know." Xu Shuangce's tone was slightly hoarse, as if he saw the pool of divine blood dripping on the ground of the north wall of the heaven again: "I feel that it is not your blood."

Immediately, he moved his Adam's apple, swallowed all his emotions, firmly pressed against the ghost prince with his bright helplessness, and said to Gong Wei: "Go, I am here."

Yu Chirui couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed into the deep palace hanging high in the void, and Gong Wei followed closely behind into the door. The interior of the main hall has already been turned into ruins in the fierce battle. Ying Kai should have managed to chase a few steps just now, but he couldn't hold his last breath, and fell halfway under a huge half-collapsed jade pillar behind the door, foaming continuously. Gushing out from the corner of his mouth, the eyes have begun to fade.

Yu Chirui's footsteps stopped suddenly, as if he couldn't accept this scene at all, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Gong Wei half-kneeled on the ground, with a ball of divine light in his palm pressing on Ying Kai's chest, trying his best to curb the speed of muscle decay after the godhead was dissected, but it was of no avail.

"Don't cry..." Ying Kai murmured, and raised the corner of his mouth in a reassuring manner, "It's okay, don't...don't cry."

Yu Chirui clenched his fists and trembled violently, walked slowly for a long time, half kneeling on the ground, Ying Kai patted the back of his hand weakly: "I'm going to be the leader in the future."

Hot tears burst out of Yu Chirui's eyes immediately, but he couldn't make a sound even after opening his mouth several times, his chest gasped sharply.

"I'm sorry, senior brother," Gong Wei said with tears in his voice, "If I hadn't chosen you nine thousand years ago, none of this would...never..."

Guilt stabbed Gong Wei's heart repeatedly like a sharp knife, but Ying Kai already knew what he wanted to say, and tried his best to raise his cold hand to touch his head, then gently stopped him: "You didn't choose me." .”

After a pause, he emphasized again worryingly: "It has nothing to do with Ah Wei."

Gong Wei buried her head deeply, her ten fingers convulsed and pressed deeply into the cracked floor tiles.

Ying Kai's face was covered with blood, but he could still see the young and handsome, clear and profound outline. The exhaustion that was always lingering in his eyes finally disappeared, replaced by a trace of nostalgia, and he asked hoarsely: "Can I become a little fox again?"

Gong Wei closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. The next moment a fluffy little fox appeared on the spot, with fiery red fur and a soft and fluffy tail, whimpering and sticking to Ying Kai's side.

Ying Kai caressed the tip of the little fox's ear with blood-stained fingers, and he saw himself in a trance when he was a boy, and murmured contentedly: "...that's great."

The little fox opened his eyes and looked at him, his eyes were sad, and his pupils were as bright as blood. ——The illusion is activated silently at this moment.

It was as if nine thousand years had passed back in time, and the afternoon wind was blowing in his face, Ying Kai couldn't help but feel his eyes widen.

He saw the bright sunlight passing through the shade of the trees, and the young himself was wearing the robes of Cangyang Sect disciples, standing in the porch in an orderly manner, his whole body was full of restraint and tension. Not far away, the master stepped out of the threshold, stopped in front of him through the long corridor, and asked majestically:

"Other family suzerains have come to complain in person, why did you see Xu Bai start a fight, but didn't stop him?"

Ying Kai remembered.

That happened when he was fourteen.

That year, he and Xu Shuangce represented the Cangyang Sect for the first time to participate in the Immortal Alliance Conference, and won the second place among the Taoist schools. At the end, a crowd of idlers laughed and said that the disciples of the Cangyang Sect were useless. The world's first door. Xu Shuangce closed his eyes and counted silently to one hundred, then suddenly he drew his sword violently, one against twenty-nine, and beat the group of monks who were not even qualified to end to the ground and ran away.

Afterwards, the suzerain of the other party came to complain in person, directly ignoring Xu Shuangce, who was known to be rebellious and unruly, and pointed the finger at Ying Kai, who had just been established as the heir of Cangyangzong. Later, because of this incident, the two teenagers went to the execution hall to receive their punishment, and Ying Kai was forced to apologize to the twenty-nine monks who were beaten one by one-he still remembers the words of the master's reprimand at that time: "You As the heir of the Cangyang Sect, how can he not establish a reputation of being a man of cultivation? How can he attract even the slightest bit of criticism for himself?"

In the afternoon, a strong wind blew through the corridor. Fourteen-year-old Ying Kai looked up at the master, full of bewilderment. He knew that he was about to face a severe reprimand, but who knew that the next development would be different from what he remembered. Master raised his hand and touched his head:

"Don't worry, since you are right, you don't need to apologize."

Ying Kai was stunned in disbelief.

"It's not very important for people to slander and slander, let alone force yourself to satisfy everyone in this world." Master said gently: "Chen Yuan, people who cultivate the Tao should follow their original heart, and from now on only Live by yourself."

Every sentence was a luxury that he couldn't even dream of when he was young, but now it really rings in his ears, Ying Kai stands there at a loss.

Master took half a step back and looked at him deeply: "Chen Yuan, you are free."

As if a heavy shackle was suddenly untied, the soul became very relaxed, and joy flooded into my heart like a torrent. Ying Kai couldn't help smiling, like a traveler who has trekked for thousands of years and finally reached the end, he closed his eyes contentedly, unloaded the burden, and his consciousness quickly fell into the dark abyss.

In a trance, he heard wailing from a distance, it was Chang Sheng and Gong Wei.

Don't cry, he thought.

I will always remember the freedom and redemption of this moment.

——In the huge temple, Ying Kai, who was bruised and bruised, lay on the ruins and stopped breathing.

At the same time, above Huangquan, Xu Shuangce's mind suddenly trembled.

"Ah," Ghost Prince also sensed the same breath, and said softly, "He's dead."

With a click of the blood sword, it was immediately pushed to death by the helpless sword edge, Xu Shuangce's voice was rare and fierce: "Stop!"

Divine power erupted from his whole body, covering several miles in an instant, sealing off the entire area. The ghost prince was forced to stop his forcible breakthrough, his eyes quickly swept up and down, and he said indifferently: "Have you forgotten that I am the master of the ghost wall? Even if you can lock Huangquan, there is at least one place that you can't lock." living?"

Xu Shuangce frowned.

Seeing the ghost prince holding the sword in his right hand against the helplessness, he raised his left hand with a flick of his sleeve, changed several extremely complicated formulas in the blink of an eye, and pressed down hard with his empty hand: "Turn the netherworld!"

In an instant, the underworld was overturned, and the space was reversed. Xu Shuangce stretched out his hands to grab it, but the magic effect was faster than lightning. I saw that all the surrounding scenery was smashed, turned over, and reorganized. When the scene in front of me was restored, the ghost prince had disappeared without a trace!

Xu Shuangce made a seal with one hand, his face was frosty: "Chasing!"

——The tracking spell was launched in response.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, the ghost prince was rushing towards a shining white jade platform in the depths of the nether world, and the golden word "Dongtian" on his chest was branded brightly!

In an instant, Xu Shuangce sensed his specific location from the talisman, and his expression changed slightly when he opened his eyes.

In the main hall, Gong Wei suddenly turned and looked outside the door: "Not good."

Yu Chirui's tears were still wet: "What?"

Gong Wei flew out without hesitation: "Qu Xie went to Reincarnation Platform!"

When the last word sound roared out, the other person had already rushed out of the hall, was caught by Xu Shuangce's left hand, and took advantage of the opportunity to catch it into the crook of his arm. Yu Chirui hurried to follow, Xu Shuangce slashed with all his strength with the sword in his right hand, the shocking light of the sword illuminated Huangquan, splitting the ghost wall into the void!

The huge space rift sucked the three of them in at the same time, they moved thousands of miles away in an instant, and then their eyes lit up again.

In the distance, there is an incomparably huge white jade platform, the whole body is glowing with a bright light, and countless dead mortal souls line up here, ready to reincarnate on the stage, the line is long and has no end in sight.

A group of clear platinum light was drifting towards the team, Gong Wei recognized it at a glance, it was Ying Kai's soul!

Xu Shuangce shouted: "Be careful!"

Before Gong Wei could rush to **** it, the ghost prince's figure had already descended from the sky, with a hook of his fingertips, the ball of clear light shot out quickly, and he grabbed it in his hand. "Don't move." Ghost Prince pointed his sword at Gong Wei, narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

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