MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 94

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Thanks to the blessing of one million taels of gold from the leader who sold the fox, many small sects finally got reconstruction funds, and the casual cultivators were properly resettled.

A few months later, Yu Chirui used his spiritual power to rebuild more than half of the collapsed Mount Dai, barely forming the shape of a mountain, and then built a new one on the site of the original Xianmeng.

No one is more familiar with the internal structure of this huge building than Yu Chirui. He and Gong Wei got together to restore the original blueprint, and even marked all kinds of hidden doors and secret passages clearly. After the new building was built, the bedrooms, palaces, gardens, corridors, and even the plants and trees inside were no different from the original ones.

Only one person is missing - Ying Kai.

The leader with simple attire, cool sleeves, an ancient bronze sword that shakes the world, and who is gentle and courteous to everyone will never come back again.

Many people have mixed feelings about Kai. Immediately after his ascension, he began to destroy the world, but at the very beginning, the construction of the Tongtian Avenue was shared by the hundreds of families of Xuanmen; A hard blow.

Because of these complicated reasons, in the end, Xianmeng agreed not to give Ying Kai any posthumous rituals, including no burial, no monument, and no clothes tomb. Ying Kai’s name and the year of birth and death are simply engraved on the forest of stone tablets that record the previous leaders of the alliance. The rest of his life is very small. Presumably, in a few decades, the world’s memory of this leader will fade to only one The point of the name is gone.

Only Tua Nei, under Yu Chirui's insistence, kept Ying Kai's study. Every stroke and every piece of paper in the study has completely restored the scene of the year, as if opening the door, you can see the young and handsome man in dark blue katana, sitting behind the desk earnestly reviewing documents that can never be finished.

"Do you think I will become like Ying Kai one day?" Yu Chirui stood at the open door of the study on the day when Tuya was completed, and suddenly said a word after a long while of trance.

Gong Wei sat cross-legged on the railing of the promenade behind him, and lazily replied while cracking walnuts with his teeth: "No, if you want to open up, just don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Yu Chirui said sadly: "But yesterday I was forced by Chengfeng to read the documents for two hours..."

There are only three things in Jianzong Wei Chirui's life, practicing swords, sleeping, and collecting all kinds of words that praise him. For him, looking at the documents for two hours is better than going to fight with Prince Ghost for two hours. Changsun Chengfeng must have used very terrible methods to force Yu Chirui to submit. Gong Wei was about to comfort him, when Changsun Chengfeng's hasty voice suddenly came from behind him: "I'm really sorry, Bai Xie, can you help me stay in Julu City for one more month? I'm afraid the Ghost Festival will come back too." not going…"

Gong Wei and Yu Chirui turned their heads together.

In the distance, the eldest grandson Chengfeng was facing them with his back, walking quickly through the corridor, and beside him was a thousand-mile manifesting formation floating like a shadow, and in the formation was a white scorpion with arms folded. He was not very happy to hear the voice: "But Mr. Chengfeng , you haven’t been home for two months.”

Changsun Chengfeng sighed exhaustedly: "The preparations for the succession ceremony of the leader have not yet been completed, the ruins of the former site of Tua have not been cleaned up, and there are still ancient books, secret scrolls, calligraphy and paintings, and magic weapons buried under the ruins waiting to be rescued." ..."

"Isn't the newly elected leader Jianzong?" Bai Shi asked suspiciously, "Master Chengfeng, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Really not! How could I lie to you! I was just trapped here!..."

The figure of Changsun Chengfeng swearing and swearing disappeared at the end of the corridor, and Gong Wei turned his head to look at Yu Chirui after a long while, and both of them fell silent at the same time.

"Why don't you put some pressure on yourself." Gong Wei said tactfully, "It would be bad if the eldest Sun Chengfeng is forced to become the second Ying Kai, although he may not be able to ascend, but he can be a soldier. .”

Yu Chirui: "..."

Yu Chirui looked deeply into the study room, and tremblingly said from the bottom of his heart: "I want to accept Kai."

Gong Wei couldn't help but sigh: "Chengfeng thinks more than you."

"Isn't Ying Kai born yet?" Yu Chirui asked desperately for the 108th time.

Although the destructive power of Ying Kai's World-Exterminating Fire cannot be compared with that of the World-Exterminating War nine thousand years ago, it should not be underestimated. It took Gong Wei several months to settle the merits and deeds and arrange reincarnation for the victims one by one; the severely damaged Linjiangdu and Suicheng spent a total of 800,000 taels of silver to repair it. It was planned by Xu Shuang, the richest man in Cangyang Mountain.

Although all injuries have been minimized, it does not mean that Ying Kai's punishment can also be reduced.

In order to pay off his sins, Ying Kai must at least reincarnate several times in pain, and in the first life, he will probably be cast into the animal realm. Gong Wei had already prepared for Ying Kai's first reincarnation as a cat and dog, but Xu Shuangce smashed Ying Kai's soul into the reincarnation port randomly in Guiyuan, and now it's like throwing dice. It is impossible to predict what Ying Kai and Xuan Jinghe will be reincarnated into.

Gong Wei shook his head regretfully: "Too many people died and reincarnated at that time. The ghost judge said that the water outlet of the reincarnation well was blocked, and it may take a while before it can be drained to Ying Kai and Xuan Jing River."

...What a realistic reason.

Yu Chirui was silent for a moment, and asked a very crucial question: "Is Xu Shuangce lucky?"

Gong Wei said seriously: "Of course, Xu Bai is the best in all aspects!"

Yuchi looked down at him condescendingly, and said calmly: "Your double cultivation has damaged your brain, isn't it me who is the best in all aspects?"

Gong Wei was about to argue with reason, but at this moment he saw Yu Chirui looking behind him, his expression changed and he was about to slip away. But before he had time to take a few steps, he was entangled in the feet of the soldiers who flew in the air with a few swishes, and almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Gong Wei turned around: "Chengfeng?"

The eldest grandson Chengfeng hurried over, still holding on to the soldiers, and saluted Gong Wei: "Master Jingxian." Then he turned to Yu Chirui who was struggling hard at the side: "Mr. Leader."

The leader of the alliance is still stubborn: "I have already seen the process of the succession ceremony, and the documents have been approved. I will practice swords this afternoon..."

The eldest grandson Chengfeng couldn't laugh or cry: "Just now the monk came to report that something was dug out from the ground when cleaning up the ruins of the former Tuya. The disciples dare not specialize in it, so I want to ask the leader to look at it."

Gong Wei asked curiously, "What is it?"

Changsun Chengfeng said: "Bronze coffin."

Even Xu Shuangce rushed over from Cangyang Mountain, standing in front of the formerly faded and collapsed foundation, dressed in white and black, with a dignified appearance.

Gong Wei carried two peeled walnuts in his arms, and walked forward happily. Before Xu Bai could say a word, Xu Shuangce wiped the corner of his lips with his hand, and the walnut dregs were wiped clean. Then Xu Shuangce took the two walnuts, poured the nuts into his palm, fed them to Gong Wei one by one, and said, "Go in."

After that, he took Gong Wei's hand and walked into the tunnel first.

Sun Chengfeng, the eldest son behind him, looked at all this and murmured enviously: "I miss Bai Xiang..."

Yu Chirui was in a hurry: "Then you should go back to Julu City."

Changsun Chengfeng looked back at the new leader coldly, and said, "No, my conscience does not allow me to do this."

Yu Chirui: "..."

After the collapse of the original Tuya, all the treasures in the secret library were pressed into the ground, the secret scrolls were burned to pieces, and most of the fragile magic weapons were smashed to pieces. In order to save the remaining things, the disciple had to dig a secret passage to the bottom of the ruins. The four mermaids went through the zigzag tunnel that was hundreds of feet long, and finally saw the light.

I saw that this was the inner and outer coffin chamber of a tomb, and most of it had been crushed. Fortunately, the bronze coffin was still relatively intact, and the heavy coffin lid had been knocked down by the beam and a corner had been pried over.

Yu Chirui recognized it: "Isn't this the ghost prince concubine... the remains of the ghost prince?"

This bronze coffin has been passed down in the Xianmeng for a long time, and was handed over by the leaders of successive dynasties. According to legend, it is the remains left behind by the ghost prince's army after his ascension.

In Die Si Meng Sheng, Ying Kai sealed the bronze coffin with golden water, and then put it into the ninth floor of Dingxian Mausoleum together with the mirror coffin of the ghost prince, Gong Wei's gold coffin, and the empty coffin prepared by Xu Shuangce. deepest layer. But in this world, Ying Kai never built any Dingxian Mausoleum, so this bronze coffin also stayed under Tuo'a, and was never disturbed by anyone.

"Where did the remains come from? When the Xuanjing River flew up, the bones were all turned into slag. Later, I carried a small shovel to dig it out, and only found a non-weapon sword." Gong Wei felt very novel, and walked around this huge body. He groped here and there as he walked, and said with a smile: "However, Xuan Jinghe said that his sword will be free in his heart, so he passed on the Buqi sword to the later generations of Juzong, hoping that future generations will use this sword to slay demons and demons, and protect the world. Human world, here."

Gong Wei turned around and raised his chin at Changsun Chengfeng.

I saw the eldest grandson Chengfeng kneeling on the ground, bowing three times and nine times to the bronze coffin as a salute, holding a sword in his hand and solemnly said: "Senior's teachings, this junior will keep them in mind, and I will definitely live up to my entrustment!" Then he turned his head sternly He glanced at the new ally leader.

"?" Yu Chirui hid behind Xu Shuangce, and said inexplicably, "I asked you to protect the world, why are you staring at me?"

Xu Shuangce asked: "Then what's in this coffin?"

"It should be a set of clothes put in by his disciples." Gong Wei stood on tiptoe and peeked into the gap where the coffin lid was pried up, and said with a smile: "I can't see that there are quite a lot of burial artifacts in Xuanjing River. Help me open the lid of this coffin, pick out the magic weapon and repair it, Xuan Jinghe can continue to use it after reincarnation... Changsheng be careful!"


Yu Chirui lifted a corner of the coffin lid with one hand, his arm muscles bulged, and he lifted it suddenly, the thousand-weight bronze fell heavily, and immediately smashed a huge deep hole in the coffin chamber floor.

"Cough, cough..." Gong Wei buried her mouth and nose in Xu Shuangce's palm, still coughing, and looked inside curiously.

Xuanjinghe was lifted from the army, and only one coffin was left for the world to enshrine. Naturally, it was not white mortuary clothes, but the clothes and dresses of the Juzong sect. The full set of robes is placed in the shape of a human being, and underneath is covered with a layer of magical artifacts of various colors. However, most of them are not top-grade, and some talismans are even scattered and do not make up a complete set.

The eldest grandson Chengfeng sighed while helping to search: "The dignified soaring power, the funerary objects are so simple..."

Gong Wei took a small basket to put those magical artifacts that were barely in good condition, and sighed: "It must have been the end of the World Annihilation War 9,000 years ago. It’s probably because it’s exhausted. It’s not bad to be able to put together such a coffin.”

He flipped through the small basket, felt that it was almost done, and turned back and said, "Changsheng, please close the coffin lid. When Xuan Jinghe is reincarnated, let's find a chance to give him the magic weapon."

Yu Chirui went to move one end of the coffin lid as promised, and Changsun Chengfeng was afraid of damaging the senior's coffin, so he hurried to help move the other end. The two lifted up the huge bronze coffin lid one after the other, Yu Chirui gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you never order Xu Shuangce to work?!"

Gong Wei said strangely: "You have sold me to others, do we still have the confidence to order others to work?"


Yu Chirui had nothing to say, he and Changsun Chengfeng put the coffin lid on the coffin one after the other, and were about to push hard, and it slid close, suddenly Xu Shuangce seemed to see something, put his **** together and lightly tapped, Then he blocked the heavy coffin lid abruptly: "Wait."

Everyone didn't know why, but Xu Shuangce frowned, stretched his hand into the coffin, rummaged through a pile of paper-like talismans in the corner, and accurately picked out a small iron basin with a diameter of one foot.

Changsun Chengfeng was shocked: "Cornucopia?!"

Could it be that the surviving monks from 9,000 years ago saw that the funerary objects were too simple and couldn't stand it, so they had to grit their teeth and collect some money in the end?

There is a seal stuck in the small iron basin, and there is a note on the seal, which is written by magic and has not faded for nine thousand years. Everyone leaned over to look at it, and saw that the thin and hard handwriting was clearly Xuan Jinghe's handwriting:

"When the Immortal Sect is exhausted, I will not be able to return this battle. After I die in the battle, I can take out one million taels of gold from my life savings and use it for the revival of the Immortal Sect in future generations. I hope that the future generations will live up to the ambitions of the predecessors." , to eliminate demons and defend the way, to bring peace to the world. Xuan Jinghe must write."

The cemetery was quiet.

Gong Wei: "..."

Xu Shuangce: "..."

Grandson Chengfeng: "..."

Yu Chirui had already fallen into a state of dementia, muttering: "One million taels, one million taels, one million taels..." Then with trembling hands, he tore off the seal in the small iron basin.

The next moment——Boom!

The earth shakes and the mountains shake, the sky collapses and the earth sinks, and the mountains and rivers are swallowed up with anger!

A total of one million taels of brilliant gold coins gushed out like a blowout, crushing the entire coffin chamber alive.

At the critical moment, Xu Shuangce carried Gong Wei out of the tunnel like lightning, Changsun Chengfeng was the second, and Yu Chirui followed in disgrace. As soon as the four of them evacuated to the ground, they heard one after another bangs behind them, and the entire tunnel collapsed amidst the vibrations!

All the monks outside were dumbfounded, looking at this unimaginable gold coin fountain, everyone's expression was shocked to the point of blankness.

"..." Yu Chirui turned his head inch by inch, suddenly enlightened, and stretched out his hand "Pa!" He grabbed Gong Wei and dragged him behind him, and said tremblingly to Xu Shuangce: "Your one million taels! You can pay it off now! "

Gong Wei: "?"

Gong Wei came to his senses in an instant, clutching Xu Shuangce's sleeve tightly, and said angrily at Yuchirui: "You've already sold me to Xu Bai! How can you buy it back?!"

Yu Chirui was so excited that he said incoherently: "Xu Shuangce! I don't owe you any more money!"

Gong Wei: "There's still interest!"

Xu Shuangce: "..."

The God of East Heaven blocked Yu Chirui who was roaring in his ear with one hand, and grabbed the righteous Gong Wei with the other hand. He looked expressionlessly at the huge pit where gold coins kept popping out in the distance, and he was able to maintain his demeanor at this moment.

"That's the gold saved by Xuanjinghe!" Gong Wei scolded Yuchirui angrily: "How could you give the money to Cangyangzong without his consent?"

Yu Chirui almost pressed the note on Gong Wei's face, and read it word by word: "--'for the revival of the immortal sect in future generations', do you understand?!"

"I want to be a fairy gate for future generations..." Suddenly Gong Wei's voice paused, and he realized something: "Hey, isn't this the 'after death Yude' in the Dao of Heaven?"

Yu Chirui: "What?"

"You have to accept the gold on behalf of the Immortal League, and use it to revive the Taoist sect, protect the poor, and support the disciples, so that you can be counted as Xuanjinghe's posthumous virtue." Xu Shuangce said calmly, "Yin virtue is of great benefit, it can make the The soul is reincarnated in advance, so that Xuan Jinghe doesn't have to wait in line at the reincarnation well."

Yu Chirui was dumbfounded.

But the eldest grandson Chengfeng had already reacted, and pulled him ecstatically: "Hurry up and accept it!"


Yu Chirui was skeptical, so he turned around under the eyes of everyone, and facing the tunnel that was collapsed by the gold coins, he lifted his robe and knelt down:

"Junior Yuchi Changsheng, respectfully accepting the gift from Senior Xuan, will definitely use one million taels of gold to revive the Hundred Families of the Immortal Alliance, shelter the poor monks, and vow to live up to the ambitions of the predecessors."

As he said that, he lowered his head and performed a big gift firmly.

It was as if there was an invisible balance in the dark, and the moment his voice fell to the ground, the last weight was put down, and it tilted violently.

Xuan Jinghe's yin virtue has been capped.

A radiant meteor streaked across the sky, dazzling even in the daytime, flying towards the east under everyone's gaze, and disappeared in the distant capital thousands of miles away.

Xu Shuangce's heart moved, and he said softly: "Reincarnated."

Yu Chirui: "So fast?!"

Xu Shuangce didn't answer, and immediately took Gong Wei's hand, and the two held a sword together, and flew away towards the direction of the capital.

Read The Duke's Passion