MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 2 Elf Dream Demon, the place to sleep

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  Chapter 2 The Elf Dream Demon, The Resting Place

   Gray and white bricks, misty and hazy.


  Uchiha Yu looked around with a dignified expression. He clearly remembered that just a minute ago, he was planning to escape at the Konoha Guard.

   But in the blink of an eye, he was thrown into such a gloomy and unfamiliar environment.

   Who shot himself?

  Uchiha Yu forced himself to calm down and screened over and over in his mind those who had a reason to attack him, but he had no clue.

   The problem was the light ball that appeared in front of you at that time?

   Yu looked down at the clothes on his body. It was still the high-necked robes of the Uchiha clan. The corners of the clothes were flat, and the probability of being searched was greatly reduced.

  Ninja bag, kunai, shuriken, and a detonating talisman…

   Well, they are all neatly carried on the body, not a single piece falls off.

  The chakra is overflowing, and the body is also in good condition. It is easy to mobilize the strength of the whole body.

   This made Uchiha Yu relieved. He was afraid of encountering an enemy he couldn't defeat, but he was even more afraid that he couldn't even struggle.

   frowned and looked beside him, but the visibility was less than ten meters. These fogs that blocked his vision were troublesome.

   At this point, a single hook jade appeared in Uchiha Yuscarlet's eyes.

  Writing round eyes, open!

  In an instant, the field of vision in front of me was much wider. Although I still couldn't see too far, it was more than five times more than the initial visibility distance of only ten meters.

   is enough, Uchiha Yu nodded lightly, although it can't compare with the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, but this is not the field that Sharinyan is good at.

   is at least much better than those who don't have Tongshu Xueji. Sure enough, most of the satisfaction comes out of comparison.

   With the operation of the writing wheel, Uchiha Yu found that there was some kind of negative energy contained in these mists, which was different from Chakra, but it seemed that it could also be used by him.

  The tombstones erected in the mist add a lot of gloomy atmosphere.

   Of course, this didn't scare Uchiha Yu, he clenched the Kunai in his hand and stepped into the mist.

  When the surroundings are covered by fog, there is no need to think about the direction, just adapt to the situation.

   In fact, thinking of everything that happened before, Uchiha Yu already had a very bold guess - he may not be in the world of Shinobi anymore.

   Although it may sound unbelievable, but having experienced such things personally, Yu has a strong ability to accept these emergencies.

  There is actually a lot of evidence, whether it is the words on the tombstones or the surrounding energy that is different from Chakra, it is actually confirming this.

   But Uchiha Yu didn't jump to conclusions, he was waiting for the evidence to appear in front of him.

   "Cough, lad, here."

   A crotchety figure was reflected in Uchiha Yu's eyes, and upon closer inspection, it was actually an elderly woman with a cane and a benevolent face.

  The old lady's appearance is very ordinary, so ordinary that when you look at it, you will subconsciously think whether you have seen her somewhere?

   A mother-in-law with such a popular face will not give the slightest sense of disobedience whether she appears in the park in the morning, in the square at night, or at the door of the next door.

   But she appeared here, it seemed a little weird.

   Not to mention, the other party was holding a bowl full of suspicious green soup!

   "Uh, old lady, are you calling me?"

   Uchiha Yu's heart was clear, the other party took himself as a target.

   But I finally met a person to communicate with here. Since the other party wants to play, Yu will accompany him to the end.

   He wanted to see what medicine was sold in the other party's soup.

In fact, Uchiha Yu suddenly rushed up to grab the old woman's neck and lifted her up, and then forced her to ask the other party's urge: "Old man, don't play with your uncle Yu if you know what to do, no. If I'm honest, I'll throw your ashes in a fire on the spot!"

   But Yu knew that it was only because he was influenced by the character of the original body. After receiving all the memories of the other party, he naturally understood the other party's way of doing things.

   Coupled with the influence of the Uchiha family's naturally cold and cold Chakra, it caused him to have the idea just now.

   But Yu resolutely suppressed this idea for the first time, he didn't want to become an extreme Uchiha lunatic.

  Uchiha: I want this old woman to dance.

   Yu: No, you don't want to.

   There are thousands of thoughts in my heart, but the royal face pretends to be puzzled: "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

   "Hehe, I see young people, you seem to have a lot of things that you can't let go?"

   The face that was very kind just now, as the old woman laughed, the wrinkles on her face were squeezed together, and she instantly turned into an old witch who could stop crying at night.

   Hearing the old woman's dazzling remarks, Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes. You are carrying a bowl of soup yourself, and you said that I have something that I can't put down?

  Yu didn't follow the other party's topic. He wanted to see if he could get any useful information from the old woman: "Old man, where is this place, and how can I get out?"

   "Here... oh hehe..."

   The old woman seems to be unable to speak without a smirk: "This is a forbidden place for the living, and the way back has disappeared when you come here, you can only go forward.

  Come, drink this bowl of soup, and cross the bridge ahead..."

   "It seems that there is nothing to ask."

  Uchiha Yu's face suddenly turned cold, he could see it, the other party didn't plan to reveal any information to him from beginning to end.

  Since that's the case, don't blame him for flipping the table.

  The calm Yu stopped thinking, and the clever Uchiha brain occupied the high ground.

   Yu took the bowl from the old woman's hand and slammed it to the ground. There was no sound of the porcelain breaking, and the soup bowl turned into a black smoke and dissipated before it hit the ground.

   At the moment when the porcelain bowl dissipated, the old woman's face darkened, and an emotion called resentment flashed in her eyes.

   At the same time, Yu suddenly felt a sense of fatigue, as if the action of throwing the bowl just now caused a huge loss of his physical strength.

   Without hesitation, Uchiha Yu's eyes narrowed, and he directly took out the shuriken from the ninja bag around his waist and threw it.

The target of the    shuriken was not the old woman, but the empty position above her right.

  Shuriken passed through the seemingly uninhabited area, and a scream rang in Yu's ears.

   Seeing the old woman whose expression became dull and dull, Yu sneered, and passed the palm of her hand directly from the old woman's position!

   Unsurprisingly, the opponent was just a phantom created by illusion.

   "There are actually quite a few illusions that can hide from these eyes, but unfortunately, it doesn't include a young illusion like yours."

  Uchiha Yu looked in the direction from which the screams came, and his expression became very complicated.

   He has a dark green hairstyle like a ghost fire, but there is a pink and red iris on the edge, and a string of conspicuous red beads hangs around his neck, which is a prop used by the other party to store his fear.

   recalled the description of the creature in front of him in the illustrated book, Uchiha Yu murmured to himself: "Isn't this coming out, the decisive evidence, the elf dream demon. Sure enough, am I no longer in the ninja world?"

   Yu looked at the epitaphs on the many tombstones beside him, which expressed the thoughts of the living for their deceased partners.

   "Little York, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run away..."

   "Mengmeng eclipse, you will always live in my heart!"

   "My close partner, Vulcan Moth, rests here forever."


   (end of this chapter)