MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 324 Fradali and Aix

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   Chapter 324 Vladali and Aix

   "It's not really that difficult."

  Under the excited gaze of the handsome guy, a little natural energy was infused into the bad frog's body, constantly restoring the opponent's vitality.

Uchiha Yu carefully observed the state of the bad frog. The latter froze on the bed motionless, as if he was dead in every way, but he has the characteristics of life, and this is also the handsome guy who has not given up until now. Reason for hope.

  According to this world, this is the result of the depletion of active energy.

  Before in the Hoenn area, in order to obtain energy to activate the space-time transmission device, President Zvqi once absorbed the energy of the super-evolved Lizard King and the flame chicken, which is the so-called active energy.

   The energy contained in the super evolution stone is it, the natural energy of the ninja world is also it, and it is also extracted by the divine tree. The active energy actually exists in everyone and the elves, but the amount is different.

  According to this world, active energy is an energy that can be slowly recovered "as long as there is still the thought of wanting to live".

The leader of the Flaming Team, Fradali, captured Xerneas and Yveltar in order to extract their active energy, using the two mythical beasts as batteries to activate and activate the so-called "final weapon" ", and finally kill all the humans and elves in the Carlos area, leaving only the "chosen ones".

   The so-called "chosen person" is actually very simple, that is, whoever Fradali sees rightly, that person is the "selected person", and whoever does not like the eye will die.

   But there is another way, you can join the Flare Team with a million entry fee, get the Flare Team uniform that is immune to the final weapon, and use the money to become the so-called "selected person".

  In Fradali’s words, that is: if you can’t even get one million together, it must be worthless to the world. It is a very effective way to judge those elite talents by the amount of wealth.

   Fradali used to be a great philanthropist, but he found out that the people he helped not only did not know how to be grateful, but were insatiable, so he went from one extreme to the other...

  How to say, Uchiha Yu thinks this kind of person is too idealistic and naive, like Yahiko in the early stage, and blackened Nagato in the later stage.

   I don't understand people's hearts, so I just flipped the table and set up the Flare Team, but the members of the Flaming Team were loyal to Vladali instead.

   Is it bad to do this early?

   If Fradali had given both kindness and power like this earlier, he would not have been swallowed up by the huge mental pressure, and finally chose to go to the extreme.

   and was hurt, not only Vladali, but also the protagonist group.

Aix, the protagonist of the Carlos area, has been a genius since he was a child. He has the same template as a genius like Crimson. As a result, because he became famous too early, he encountered a bad reporter who forcibly robbed his elf to conduct an "interview", which caused him to have a psychological Shadow, into autism.

   Locked himself in a small house and did not go out for many years, until the Flare team captured two divine beasts and destroyed the town where he was, and he had to embark on the road of escape with four friends.

Along the way, facing almost the entire Carlos area controlled by the Flare Team, the five children are enemies everywhere, and they may be attacked at any time on the road. They have received all kinds of malice from all directions. The eyes and ears of Team Flare.

   This is not over yet. In the end, Aix and the others worked hard and risked their lives to defeat Fradali, thinking that they had saved the world and the residents of the Carlos region.

   But when they were fighting, their bodies were tattered and dusty, but they found that the bustling city of Miare seemed like nothing had happened.

  The "upper-class people" in bright clothes are still spending their money like dirt, and they are drunk with money.

  No one cares about their life-and-death struggle just now, and no one cares that they saved their own lives.

   At this time, they can comfort themselves with the words "Ah, at least we have protected the daily life and smiles of the people".

   At this time, something more exciting is coming!

   "What's up with those dirty kids?"

   "It must be called the Miare Gang."

   "I really wish someone would take care of them..."

   "It's just..."

   After speaking directly to this group of children, the mentality collapsed. Just now I thought I was a hero who saved the world, but I was mocked by the people who saved their lives by betting on them...

   They woke up, and the Flare team seemed to be disintegrating, but these indifferent people were like a mountain pressing on their hearts, making people unable to breathe.

   Hurt by the people he helped, the protagonist group finally encountered what Fradali has been experiencing all these years!

   "What on earth are we fighting for?"

   "Are these people worth saving?"

  The five children asked themselves, and they were horrified to find that their minds were moving towards Fradali.

   As AZ said: "Humans have not changed in the past three thousand years, no imagination, no tolerance...

   I don’t want to understand things different from myself at all, and once I think I can’t understand it, my mind is full of wanting to rule out…”

   Those great principles Uchiha Yu didn't think about, and Jirai also faced this situation and thought hard for most of his life.

   If he can really handle the contradictions between human nature in his own way, then he is truly a saint.

  Unfortunately, he couldn't, and neither could Yuchiha Yu, so he faced pressure and had to choose a path of deception...

  The more you think about these truths, the more you feel that human nature is dark, and you will ignore those lights. In Uchiha Yu's view, all problems are ultimately caused by lack of strength and limited ability!

   As long as the fist is big enough, what you say is the truth.

   Just like the situation at hand, the state of the bad frog may make the handsome guy feel sad and desperate and even have a series of negative emotions such as hatred, but Uchiha Yu has the ability to save him, so the problem is no longer a problem.

   To be honest, it is considered a bad frog luck, and met Uchiha Yu. Otherwise, this kind of life-saving method of directly instilling natural energy, I am afraid that only the divine beasts that control the power of life, such as the King of Ho, Xerneas, can do it.

The way Uchiha Yu transmits energy through Miaomu Mountain, imitating the immortal mode of the frog family Koga Ninja Frog, plus Uchiha Yu once "unfolded" the bad frog, and has a very good understanding of its body structure, so this Bad frogs can be easily cured.

   "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

   Seeing the bad frog gradually recovering to health, the handsome guy could not help crying with joy: "You saved the bad frog again, twice!"

N on the side of    also cast a shocked and respectful look: "If I can do it to this extent, those regrets and mistakes can also be avoided."


   Kuroji didn't say much, just marked Uchiha Yu as a trustworthy and friendly unit in his heart. It's not that he doesn't know what to do, it's just that he can't have any feelings because of a natural defect...

   It’s just…

  Uchiha Miu looked at Kuroji and suddenly smiled.

   (end of this chapter)

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