MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 334 stars plant trees, light, step forward, down to earth

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  Chapter 334 The stars plant trees, light, step forward, and keep your feet on the ground!

Although the previous Uchiha Yu shuttled between the ninja world and the elf world, his own power was still dominated by the ninja world system, or in other words, the bloodline advanced level of the Otsutsuki clan was the main battle strength promotion. Way.

   The evolution stone provided to him by the elves world can enhance physical fitness and pupil strength, elves provide combat power support, but all kinds of skills are still only from the perspective of taste, and they are not the main means of fighting the enemy.

  Before the original return mode of golden lines appeared, most of the help provided by the wizard world to Uchiha Yu was still cashed out on the wizard.

   Even if it is the original return under the golden pattern, it is also a means to assist the reincarnation eye to become stronger.

   It’s not that it’s not good, but it’s easier to become stronger than to balance if you focus on it, but at the current level of Uchiha Yu, he should think about how to maximize the use of the resources of the two worlds!

   To save the crisis of the two worlds, Uchiha Yu felt that he should mobilize all the forces that could be mobilized.

   Ordinary civilians don't matter, if they want to help, they can only use themselves as battery nutrients to provide the powerhouses of Uchiha Yu, and it may not work...

What   Uchiha Yu said, uniting all the forces that can be united, refers to those powerhouses who stand at the top like him.

  In the Ninja world, most of the peak combat power is unclear with the Otsutsugi clan, and the group of invaders from the outside world may not necessarily help Uchiha Yu to protect these two worlds.

Even exposing the coordinates of other worlds to them before fully understanding the details of the Otsutsugi clan is a very stupid behavior. In the Ninja world, only a few local strongmen such as Uchiha Madara can support it. mesa.

But it doesn't matter, the peak combat power of the elf world, although they fight to the death on weekdays, they have to fight to the death, but from the perspective of the world as a whole, they are all trustworthy allies, and those divine beasts can be fought for. the power of!

  Three Cloud Gods, Three Holy Swords, Phoenix King Guards, Three Gods, Bird Gods, Zhushuidu Brothers and Sisters, Beautiful Dream Gods, Nightmare Gods…

  Hoo King Lugia, Rabbi Kira, the three gods of Fengyuan, the three gods of Fengyuan, the three dragons of space and time, the two dragons of the Pluto, the three gods of the Dragon Giratina, HupaCarlos...

   So here comes the question, are the group of ultimate alien beasts of the Great God of Radiance considered friendly?

   The ultimate space connected by the ultimate cave, is it a part of the fairy world?

   They are known as the legendary Pokémon in the universe, will they…

and many more…

  Uchiha Yu's mind flashed...

   The Nebula Pokémon Cosmog that grows by absorbing starlight, Cosmo...

   Solgaleo, known as the "Sun-devouring Beast", is known to have endless light energy...

   Known as the "Beast of Inviting the Moon", Lunaara, who also has the power to devour light...

   At the same time, Necrozma, whose name is radiance, uses the power of light to gain incomparable strength...

  According to the description, the form of Ultimate Necrozma is a dragon that emerges from the light.

   It was further transformed by absorbing Solgaleo or Lunaira's Necrozma, a new form that it had never even experienced.

   Its body is made of light energy that it absorbs from Solgaleo or Lunaara, which is swallowed into it.

   Its body temperature is as high as 6000 degrees, and it can emit laser light from any part of the body, burn and penetrate everything, with a range of up to 30km.

   It will wave 4 wings and tear the opponent with its claws, and the place where the claws pass will be burned to melt by high temperature.

   Its ability surpasses all the legendary Pokémon that have appeared so far, and its strength has risen to an astonishing level.

The    description can't be trusted. After all, the temperature of the lava snail's surface in the illustrated book is 10,000, but the most important thing is that the source of energy for those cosmic Pokémon is light!

   That is what Uchiha Yu is most concerned about!

  Because I have seen the huge stars in the universe, Uchiha Yu can better understand that kind of power...

No, I can't say I saw it, because it's too huge, Uchiha Yu can't see the other party's original appearance, it is the power that even the mental power will be burned, almost most of the energy on the living planet is given by stars. Part of the light produced…

  Uchiha Yu once complained about the Otsutsugi family: I like to plant trees everywhere on various planets. If you have the ability, you can go to the sun and go to the stars. There is a lot of energy, so you can absorb it as you like...

  Cough, planting a tree on a star is impossible, at least Uchiha Yu can't think of how to implement it.

   However, what if he could imitate the ability of the elves who can madly absorb the light to become stronger, and transform the divine tree into a tool that results by absorbing the light and heat emitted by the stars?

  Plants have to look like plants, do your photosynthesis well, you can devour any planet without any worries, as long as the energy of the stars emits a little bit, it is estimated that the divine tree will be able to bear fruit...

  Uchiha Yuyue thinks more and more that this method is feasible. If it can be successful, the quality and quantity that Arceus said are all gathered!

  Quality has the background of the unknown totem waiting for his development, which is a mighty force enough to create the world, and the quality is absolutely enough.

   If you measure it, there will be infinite rays of light shining on it. No matter how you use it, in the eyes of creatures at the level of Uchiha Yu, it is truly infinite energy!

   "That's the only way to make the most efficient use of the resources of the two worlds!"

Uchiha Yu's eyes are bright, and he even wants to ignore the time-space double dragon, turn his head to the ultimate cave and catch two extreme beasts to study, or go to the universe to see if he can find some light-absorbing spirit by luck …

   But the question is, how to go to the ultimate space, and rely on the ether foundation to help open the ultimate hole? That would be too slow!

   Therefore, the power of time and space is the key, Uchiha Yu stared at the two giant dragons that were still fighting, and forced himself to calm down.

   Haste is not enough, he is already on the fast lane now, or in other words, he is madly getting stronger with a rocket-like speed!

   Even the adventurous move he just revealed in the turbulent time and space is something he has never done before!

   Uchiha Yu's heart trembled, and finally he knew that he had lost the calm that he had always been valued.

  Thinking of what Ohnogi once said to him: If one day, there is no companion around you who can remind you not to get carried away, can you still maintain the current rhythm, or in other words, the original intention of life attitude can still be preserved?

   "Beside me, remind my companions..."

  Uchiha Yu lowered his head in a daze, and saw a small purple head exposed from his collar, the dream demon was staring at Yu, and the ruby ​​on his chest was shining brightly.


  Dream Demon showed a sweet smile.

   "Oh, yes, one day I will become more reckless than you, and I need your reminder."

   The corners of Uchiha Yu's mouth twitched, and he gently stroked the dream demon's head: "It feels good."


   "Even if the time is tight..."

  Uchiha Yu's complexion returned to calm, he looked at the space-time Ssangyong, and returned to the plain appearance at the beginning: "I also want to make sure that every step I take is down-to-earth.

   In the face of a huge crisis like the destruction of the world, any perfunctory and shortcomings will be magnified infinitely. Even if the strength is not enough to stop it and fail, I don’t want to know how to stop it but watch myself fail because of the lack. At least, no regrets! "

   (end of this chapter)