MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 105 Immortal Demon 18

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Because of the insertion of the elders on the stage, the black fog that had shrouded the game table instantly dissipated.

I saw two people on the battle platform. Song Qingyun had already reached the edge of the game platform. When he saw the black fog dissipating, he immediately pointed to Chu Wuzhen and said to the elders and peaks on the battle platform: "Elders, peaks Lord, Chu Wuzhen has just used the magic power, he must have been defeated by the magic!"

However, Chu Wuzhen is standing in the same place, and the slender figure is like a pine or cypress that is not bent, and is not affected by Song Qingyun’s words. After the black fog dissipated, he did not have any other movements. He just turned around, and the dark and deep eyes looked straight at Li Luo among the elders of the elders. He did not care about Song Qingyun who pointed at him. As if for him, the thoughts of other people are not worth mentioning at all. Only the thought of the one in his eyes is what makes him most concerned.

Although this magical power in his body does not belong to him, his soul is indeed a magical repair. A past life has made all the people in the realm of the real world stunned.

Chu Wuzhen looked at the still-changing look, sitting on the stage of the Li Luo. He has always been very calm and calm, even in the face of the betrayal of the only recognized friend of the last generation, there is no panic. But now, he can't help but clench his hand on the palm of his hand.

Chu Wushao did not find it. He looked at Li Luo’s eyes and brought a hint of tension.

Although the current situation seems to be very unfavorable to him, even if he is directly determined of his magical identity, he is not incapable of escaping the current predicament, but will suffer some injuries and cultivate for a long time. But he doesn't want to see the person he cares the most, showing a disgusted expression on himself.

Sitting next to Li Luo, Elder Zhao turned to look at Li Luo. "This is indeed the breath of the devil, Gu Elder, have you not found anything wrong with Chu before?"

When Li Luo heard the voice of Elder Zhao, his heart moved, and suddenly he understood why Chu Wuzhen suddenly burst into the air of the magic repair. This thing must be irrelevant to the elder Zhao who sat next to him.

But now he can't find out what evidence, and Chu has no body, and it does exude a magical atmosphere. He did not know what method Zhao had used to make the innocence of Chu Wushen unable to control himself.

However, even if Li Luo knew that Zhao’s hands and feet were moving, there is no way to prove it.

So what are you going to do now?

Li Luo knows very well that the immortal is disgusted with the moxibustion and the quickness of the devil, and that the person who was originally a comprehension suddenly exudes a magical spirit. Others will even suspect that Chu Wushen was killed by a demon. She is here.

It’s a slap in the face of being judged by a depreciation.

Li Luo just glanced at the onlookers of all the onlookers, and they saw the fear and the defense from their eyes.

When Zhao Changla saw that Li Luo had not responded to him, he secretly sneered in his heart. Now, in this case, he has to look at it, and he has to deal with it.

Elder Zhao immediately made a look of concern. "Chou elder, although your only disciple has become like this, but you should not worry too much. We naturally believe that it is impossible to cover a demon." It’s been a long time since we’ve been in the door. You’ve just been so eager to love, so you haven’t found the exception of your only disciple for so long.”

The words of Elder Zhao seem to be talking about Li Luo. In fact, he has already directly buckled the hat of Mo Xiu to the head of Chu Wu.

Li Luo did not pay attention to the elder Zhao, but flew up from the top of the battle platform, and steadily fell on the game table, blocking the innocent Chu.

Then, he turned and looked at the elders who were going to go up to the front of the battle platform and took the innocent Chu. There was no hesitation in the cold phoenix and doubts about the innocent identity of Chu. The pale lips opened slightly. "Whoever wants to hurt my apprentice, let me pass the first pass."

When I heard Li Luo’s words, the elders and peaks on the battles suddenly met each other. Gu Chen’s savvy on the monastic road was quite high. It only took more than two hundred years to enter the Yuan Ying period, and now it’s over For ten years, they are not sure how much his repairs have reached.

Moreover, the elders present are also the repairs of the Yuan Ying period. The two ancestors of the higher ages are retired to practice in their own caves. Only when there are major events in the sect, their ability It may only be a pain in both sides.

Coupled with the fact that the head pays so much attention to him, they have no need to have a life-and-death grievance with Gu Tengchen. Naturally, they are unwilling to be the first bird and go up to fight with Li Luo.

Then the scene was so deadlocked.

At this time, I don’t know who suddenly shouted, "The head is coming!"

Everyone heard the sounds all over the playing field. Sure enough, a refined middle-aged man was walking down from a fan-shaped implement and slowly walked into the field. This person is the head of Qingyunzong. its.

Ye Tianqi's pace seems to be slow. In fact, only between the two, he came to the battle platform and the game table.

Ye Tianqi first glanced at the elders and peaks on the battle platform, then turned to look at Li Luo, who was indifferently but firmly standing in front of Chu.

Before he waited for him to open his mouth, Li Luo said to him first: "There is a flaw in the matter of innocence..."

"Hey, when I was fighting against me, Chu Wuzhen must have used the magic power, so it will exude the atmosphere of magic repair. This thing is witnessed by everyone, and Chu is innocent, he is the magic repair!"

Before Lin Luo finished, Song Qingyun, who was still standing on the side of the competition table, interrupted him aloud. "Chu Wuzhen is obviously a magic repair, and you are so sheltered by the elders, you are the magician." Collusion with each other, think..." When Song Qingyun was told by Zhao’s elders, he knew that Zhao’s elders had spent so much trouble, that is, they wanted to make Gu’s dust uncomfortable. Therefore, such a thing that can make Zhao Elder more satisfied with him, he will naturally not let go.

Sure enough, after he poured a dirty water on Li Luo, he saw Zhao Chang, who was sitting on the viewing platform, cast a smug admiration on him.

When Ye Tianqi heard Song Qingyun’s words, his face suddenly became somewhat difficult to look at. His eyes looked coldly at Song Qingyun. “Stop, there is no way for you to speak here.” But he did not stop it in time. When Song Qingyun spoke, the disciples who were skeptical about the innocence of the emperor were all whispering whispers.

Ye Tianqi valued Li Luo, but it is impossible to cover up a disciple who may be a magician in front of so many disciples.

"Guru elder, no matter whether Chu is innocent or not, you must first put him into the lock tower of our family. I hope that you can cooperate. Before I can confirm the facts, I can assure you that I will not hurt. There is nothing in the air."

Qingyunzong’s Locking Tower, as its name implies, is able to lock the physical strength of those who are locked in the cell of the tower, making it a forbidden place for ordinary people without spiritual power. The monks who were locked in the lock tower were basically impossible to escape.

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