MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 79 Holy Sorcerer 42

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Lilo looked straight at Elvis’s eyes, and the two looked at each other for a long time until Elvis draped his head and stretched out With one hand holding his side face, Li Luo came back to God.

I saw Elvis' long golden eyelashes also hang down gently, and the eyes were covered.

It’s just that, but I don’t know why I don’t have the strange feeling that I had seen before, but it looks very gentle.

Li Luo looked at Elvis's look. He only felt that the softest part of his heart seemed to be stabbed. He couldn't help but smashed the hand that Elvis had holding his face. Hey, "Elvis, I will stay with you, will not leave you." Li Luo said that he paused here and then said, "You don't have to fear my departure, because now I am, fundamentally I don't want to leave you."

Yes, he is no longer able to leave Elvis like the previous world. This person in front of me is his own lover. How can he leave him and leave the world?

Unfortunately, he has been too slow, and he has not found it. Elvis has already discovered his own anomaly.

If you can make Elvis feel at ease, let him say how much guarantee is no problem.

Then, Lero was as confused as to hold Elvis’s hand holding his face and hold it in his own hand. He stretched his hand to Elvis’s neck and kissed Elvis. Sri Lanka's lips.

After actively kissing Elvis for a while, Li Luo felt that his waist was hugged by Elvis and his control was completely returned to Elvis's hands.

But Elvis is not like he used to, kissing him with such a sense of possessiveness, but leting Lero feel his cherished feelings for himself and feel his irreplaceable feelings. He kissed him like this, cautiously, if he was the treasure he had recovered.

This kiss is extremely lingering, and Li Luo feels that he almost has to lie in the kiss of Elvis.

I don't know how long it took, Ellios was softened by Elvis's kisses, and his face was kissed and flew up two thin red clouds, not to mention the more sparkling ones that became more and more There are some slender cats at the end of the eye.

Li Luo is now like a person who is soaked into the jar and then pulled out. The halo smoked completely does not notice the changes around him.

The white mist surrounding him and Elvis didn't know when it disappeared, revealing a vast green grassland inside.

In the arms of Elvis, Leroy’s confused head gradually reacted after Elvis left his lips for a few minutes.

Then Li Luo looked up and saw that Brian, who had been watching Her and Elvis for a long time, and the one sitting at his feet, licking his tail. , while using his own head to lick Brian's thigh lion-type Warcraft - Eli.

Li Luo: "..."

Looking at Brian, who looked at him with a gentle smile, Li Luo simply wanted to bury himself directly in the dirt beneath his feet.

Ah, ah, when were they there? I feel like I was kissed by Elvis and I was so soft that I was seen by others.

Li Luo’s original red face suddenly turned red, although he knew that this Brian was just the one that Brian left before, and the soul that condensed with his trace of soul memory. However, still still feels very shy Li Luo, simply did not dare to see Brian's eyes with obvious laughter.

Elvis has no feeling at all. His current eyelids have returned to a clear blue, and his lips are still rare with a clear smile.

His hand still glared at Li Luo's delicate and tough waist, holding him in his arms, feeling the humiliation of his lover, Elvis could not help but reach out and touched the head of Li Luo. Next, my heart feels that this reaction of Li Luo is really cute.

"Cough," Brian looked at the two people who showed their love in front of themselves without any scruples. They couldn't stand the general coughing twice, then said, "Elvis, congratulations, you have passed this. All the tests of the magical relics." Speaking here, Brian applauded Elvis. "I have to admit that you are very good and excellent beyond my imagination."

Yes, he thought that after Elvis entered this ruin, it should take almost ten years to get out of this ruin. But he did not expect that Elvis had completed his expectations ahead of time, and that he had advanced so much, which really surprised him.

This child must be able to bring a different change to the world. The inheritance of their holy magician will be perfectly presented on this child's body, flashing a light that people can't directly look at.

Elvis listened to Brian's praise for himself, and did not answer, but the hand around Lero's waist tightened a bit. He doesn't know how good he can be. He only knows that as long as he can protect this person in his arms, he can become stronger and stronger than he is now. No one can cross him and hurt his arms. This person.

"Now I will hand Ile to your hands. I hope that you will treat it well in the future. Before I passed away, my biggest concern was the most proud masterpiece of my life." Brian said, While looking down, I caressed the head of the lion who is still licking her own legs. Eli was very comfortable to touch by his master, and could not help but make a deep cry from the throat.

Brian looked at Ellie, the big lion, who was holding his palm, and then patted his head with his own hand. "Go, go to your new owner."

Eli's low voice made a few low-pitched voices from the throat, and was urged by Brian a few words before he stood up from the ground and stepped forward to Elvis.

On the way to Elvis, it has been reluctant to turn around and look at his original owner, from time to time a low-pitched, whispering sound.

It wasn't until ten minutes passed, it came to the side of Elvis, who was not far from Blaine. After Elvis’s kneeling, the tail behind him did not shake, but squatted on the ground, leaning his head on his two forepaws, his eyes staring at Brian.

Elvis glanced at Eli, who was not far from his legs. "It doesn't want you, I think it's left with you."

Brian shook his head. "I am going to completely collapse now, and I have no way to take care of it." Speaking of it, Brian seemed to sigh, "Elvis, it Just give it to you."

When Brian finished, he turned and lifted his finger to the huge blue lake surrounded by the grass in the distance. "Leaving the transmission of this magical relic, on the grass in the middle of the lake." I will send you in the past."

Lelo silently listened to Elvis and Brian's conversation, reached out and touched his cheek, feeling that the temperature on his cheeks had finally fallen. I thought I would leave here right now. Anyway, I had already lost my face in front of Brian. I couldn’t go out when I was out, and Elvis was holding it somewhere. If I was seen by other people, how could I see it? do?

Thinking of this, Li Luo immediately pushed Elvis's arms and stood next to Elvis.

Elvis couldn’t help but flash a trace of regret, but thinking of the words that Li Luo said to himself not long ago, he couldn’t help but hook his lips.

Elvis felt that his feelings had never been so pleasant except after the last time he was confessed by Li Luo. In the days when I was with Li Luo, although I already have this person, behind the joyful emotions, there is always a hint of urgency and uneasiness.

It’s like these days with him and Li Luo, one day after one day. He imagined and Li Luo's long, but only gave him the feeling of being so quick.

But now his lover has given him assurance that Elvis has never been as happy as he is now. He turned his head and looked at Li Luo, reaching out and holding Li Luo's hand on his side.

Li Luo did not resist this, so he was led by Elvis and followed Brian.

When I saw all the people in the original place, I began to shift positions. It looked up and looked at Brian, who was in front of him. He snorted a few times in his throat, and stood up from the ground, hanging his tail and following him. Behind Los and Elvis.

Brian took Lelo and Elvis to the side of the lake. Then, Lero felt that the breeze around him began to tremble, and his body suddenly drifted away from the ground for more than half a meter.

The next moment, Li Luo felt that he was being sent to the greener grass that was going to the center of the lake.

Brian still stood still, only him, and Elvis and Eli were sent to the grass.

Brian stood on the side of the lake, and he smiled and waved in their direction, his mouth seemed to open and close. Li Luoton felt that his eyes were lit with a bright white light, only a few seconds, a huge transmission magic array appeared at their feet.

A light curtain descended from the sky, and quickly covered the two people and one beast inside. Then, the light curtain slowly disappeared, and the two of them and the beast disappeared without a trace.

Brian, standing by the lake, with a gentle smile as usual, looked straight at Elvis and Lilo, and they disappeared. "It seems that it is time for me to leave, but before leaving. It’s great to be able to meet such a good child."

His body began to become transparent, starting from the feet and slowly dissipating into the air.