MTL - The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML-Chapter 95 Immortal Demon Lord 8

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Li Luo opened his eyes and sat up from the stone bed covered with a thick layer of mattress, then lazy and stretched a big lazy waist.

Because there is only one person in this cave, Li Luo does not care about his image.

A long, soft, long hair was not bundled with a jade crown, so it was scattered behind his back and shoulders. The robes are also loosely draped over his body, and from the wide open neckline, you can see a large white skin.

Li Luo licked his long hair, walked down the stone bed with bare feet, stepped on a soft carpet, walked to the table not far away, poured a cup of tea and poured it.

He has been in this cave for more than ten years. Although he can't comment on social software like Xiaoqi, it can be played like online games.

The future online games are truly all-network games. When you enter the game, it is like having another life, with a different start.

In ten years, Li Luo played several different types of holographic online games on the star network, such as the future development games, ordinary life games, and antique martial arts games.

However, because he is not a game house of technology flow, every game is played just plain. In the game and watching the hot drama, Li Luo also put his own text in the real world, and finished the draft, and also took the time to finish the three long articles.

After Li Luo finished the throat with tea, he began to organize his clothes.

He stayed in this cave for so long, and it is time for him to go out today. If there is no mistake, the innocent people will follow the batch of monks in the past few days.

Li Luo put on a light green robes and bundled his long hair with the jade crown made of the most commonly used sheep fat jade. Then he walked to the cave house closed for more than ten years. Doorway. With both hands, the ban on the blockade of Dongfu was solved.


When Li Luo took his leaf boat back to his small courtyard on Qingyu Peak, he reported that the head of Qingyunzong Ye Tian had already known.

Ye Tianqi did not think that Li Luo was going out of customs so quickly. Ten years ago, his only apprentice, Chu Wuwu, did not come out of Qinglian’s secret environment. It seems that he could not hold back.

Ye Tianqi walked a few laps in the big room and decided to go to Qingyu Peak in person.

So, just after Li Luo had just walked into his small courtyard, Ye Tianqi appeared in front of his small yard.

"Gu Elder." Although Ye Tianqi is a long-time leader of Qingyunzong, he does not have a high self-esteem. Compared with these elders in the Zongmen, his cultivation talent is much worse. Moreover, these elders are also the foothold of Qingyunzong in the forefront of the Tianyun Continental School. He naturally does not dare to neglect. Therefore, for these elders, Ye Tianqi has a very humble and kind attitude.

Just like now, he stood outside the small yard of Liluo, but did not rush to go directly into the yard.

When Li Luo heard Ye Tianqi's voice, he walked out of his room. Sure enough, he saw a smiling middle-aged man standing there at the door of the courtyard.

"Head." There was no extra expression on Li Luo's face, but he was still very polite in the direction of Ye Tianqi.

Even if he bows and bows, his back is like the bamboo planted in this yard. There is a kind of temperament that is not bent.

Ye Tianqi stopped him at the time of Li Luo's ritual, and reached out and held his arm, stopping his bending.

"Gu elder, we will go ahead and talk about it." Ye Tianqi looked at the simple stone table stone bench placed in the small courtyard and said.

"Good." Li Luo did not say anything more. He nodded and turned and took Ye Tianqi to the stone table to sit down. Then I looked at Ye Tianqi and asked, "The head is coming over, but there is something to tell me to do?"

Ye Tianqi looked at Li Luo's cold face, and for a moment he sighed and said to Li Luo: "Gu elder, you just left the customs, may not know the news. Qinglian ten years ago In the mystery, after your disciple has gone in, he will not come out with other people. He is likely to have an accident in the secret."

Although Ye Tianqi uses a rather arrogant rhetoric, the discerning person knows what he wants to express as soon as he hears it.

After listening to Ye Tianqi’s words, Li Luo did not show any strange look. Instead, he calmly pointed at Ye Tianqi and nodded. “I understand what you mean, but I don’t think my disciples will Such a simple loss will be lost in the Qinglian mystery. These days, the Qinglian mystery will open up this group of disciples, and my disciples will come out with them."

Ye Tianqi sees Li Luo like this, and it is not good to persuade.

After Li Luo entered the Qingyun dynasty, because of his cold temper, there was rarely a close person around him, and he finally took the initiative to receive an apprentice. In the end, it was such a result. It was really a pity.

"That's the case, but if you are an elder, you still don't want too much hope."

In the past, there was no precedent that the monk did not come out after entering the Qinglian secret for the first time, but it came out after the opening of the next decade, but this example is too little and too little. It can be counted with only one hand. come.

Listening to Ye Tianqi’s words, Li Luo’s heart was not worried at all. After all, he is also aware of the next story, the male master Chu Wuyi will definitely come out with this monk this time.

But these words, Li Luo naturally can not be said with Ye Tianqi.


After two days in the afternoon.

In the clear sky, a large piece of white clouds like cotton candy floats.

Because the season is close to late autumn, the weather is very cool and comfortable.

The refreshing breeze rolls the sweet scent of the fruit that I don’t know from where it is, just like the dancer’s flipped skirt, gently smashing through the small yard filled with bamboo.

Li Luo sat next to the stone table in the yard, holding a jade white tea cup in his hand, and slowly drank the tea made from the sweet-scented osmanthus flower produced by the sweet-scented osmanthus tree irrigated with Lingquan in the cup.

Today is the day when the Qinglian mystery is once again opened, releasing the monks who have tried in it before.

Although Li Luo also wants to wait in the valley to wait for Chu to appear, but to do so, obviously does not conform to his original character. Therefore, Li Luo can only sit next to the stone table in his yard, while drinking tea and waiting for Chu to return.

The clear tea will infiltrate Lilu's pale lips with a layer of shiny luster. Today, he wore a light blue color, painted a few clouds of robes with silver lines, and a wide belt of the same color at the waist, which completely outlined the thin and tough waist.

His shoulders are narrow, his body is slender, and his skeleton is smaller than the average male, so he looks a little thin. Looking far away, if you are at any time, you will leave the wind.

On the outside of his light blue robes, a light white silk gauze was covered, and the layer of enamel appeared to be more white than the finer yukon jade. The clear image is to shine.

When Chu did not walk to the door of the small courtyard where he missed for a long time, he saw this scene.

It seems that it is aware that someone is coming, and the person who looks like a jade, but who is cold and ice-like on the surface, looks up and looks in the direction of the courtyard door.

The phoenixes on the end of the eye are like two springs. When I saw the person who appeared at the entrance of the hospital, the microwave rippled for a moment, but then it changed back to the original appearance.

Chu Wuzhen has been completely a tall and straight-eyed adult. He looked a little younger face ten years ago, but now he has become a deep-rooted savvy. Below the two thick swords, the two eagle owls contain a look that makes people unclear, and looks at the direction of Li Luo.

Chu Wushao was wearing a black suit and completely showed his wide shoulders and long legs. He had a cloth wrapped in his back and he didn't know anything, but he could see that it was long and wide. Although Chu was not on his back, the lower end was about to be dragged to the ground.

Chu Wuzhen suppressed the greed in his heart and wanted the hunger in front of him. He wanted to tens of thousands of people all over the body, a pair of dull eyes, just a restrained look at Li Luo, thin The corner of the lips smacked a slight curvature. "Master, I am back."

Li Luo saw that Chu was innocent, and his heart was naturally very happy, but his face was completely inconspicuous, but he faintly nodded toward Chu. "Well, come back."

Then, Li Luo looked like he found something, and he looked at his own innocent eyes. "You have now entered the late stage of building a big one?"

"Yes, Master." In fact, Chu Wuzhen has long been a monk in the early days of Jindan, and has already touched the trick of breaking through the middle of Jindan. However, in order not to attract the attention of Qingyunzong, I used the secret method to suppress my cultivation to the late stage of the building.

Chu Wuyi walked to the stone table, untied the things on his back and placed it on the ground next to the stone table. When the thing was placed on the ground, the land was suddenly pulled out of a shallow pit of the same shape.

"What is this?" Li Luo looked at the tightly wrapped things and asked.

"Master, do you want to see it?" Chu Wuyi’s gesture naturally raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Luo.

Of course, I want to see, this is the artifact written in his book! Although he can't use it, even let him touch it.

Li Luo snorted in his heart, but the face was still a cold expression. "Is this what you got in the secret?"

"Exactly." Chu Wuyi regained the thing he had just placed on the ground, and in front of Li Luo, slowly untied the layer of cloth wrapped in the outside.

The author has something to say: God, you are really too bad and cursing me.

Ge Youzhen... I smashed two characters, and all of them were r...〒▽〒

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