MTL - The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura Fields-Chapter 124 marry

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Yue Xiuzhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and the white spot lingered on Tiandao's palm, and then slowly flew into Yue Xiuzhi's eyebrows.

[Fuck, is it true or not, I'm not dead yet? ! 】The system shouted in Yuexiu's mind.

[You didn't find my code and copied me again, did you? 】The system suddenly panicked,【The me now is just me who has exactly the same memory as the previous me, but it's not "me" anymore? 】

Yue Xiuzhi: […]

[Why did your brain become so big all of a sudden? ] He asked with black lines all over his face.

【Pei Ming and I found a way to awaken the Heavenly Dao of the original world, and he brought you back from the "past". 】 Yuexiu said.

The system took some time to digest these, and suddenly exclaimed excitedly: 【Heavenly Dao of the original world has woken up? ! 】

Yue Xiuzhi: […]

Why did it feel like Tongzi became stupid after he came back.

[In short, to live up to your expectations, the main system is about to die. 】Yue Xiuzhi said: 【He is not a system, but one of the real culprits who once put Heaven to sleep. 】

【…It’s fine if it’s not the system. 】The system sighed,【Traitors are always more hated than foreign enemies. 】

The two of them communicated seamlessly in their minds, but Pei Ming who was next to him was a little unhappy.

"This system will stay in his sea of ​​consciousness forever?" Pei Ming asked with a frown.

He didn't like the system in the first place, if Yue Xiuzhi hadn't said that the system was sacrificed for Yue Xiuzhi to save him, he wouldn't have had a good look at the system.

Even if his tolerance for the system has increased, but thinking of the system will always stay in Yue Xiuzhi's sea of ​​consciousness... Just thinking about his vinegar jars can open as many vinegar factories.

"After the main system is put to death, the system family will return to their small world." Tiandao said.

"The world of the system?" Yue Xiuzhi repeated with a smile.

[System, what is your world like? Is it a world where a group of light spots are floating? 】Yuexiu's joke system.


[We are much more advanced than you, okay! I am in a high-dimensional world, the light spots you see now are just my projections in this low-dimensional world! 】The system exploded.

[In our world, we ourselves have a specific form, which is hard for you to imagine. 】The system snorted coldly.

[All right, all right, Brother Tong is awesome! 】Yue Xiuzhi joined in without sincerity.


"Once I wake up, those small worlds will not be able to steal energy from me. The main system should have discovered it." Tiandao said.

"Then what?" Yue Xiuzhi asked with a frown.

"Not much." Tiandao said with a smile, "It's just a little trouble, don't worry."

"If nothing happens, you can go back. I will start to deal with the main system and the small worlds. After all, the main system has already controlled many small worlds. If you move him rashly, it will still cause some bad consequences." Heaven said.

"Is it troublesome?" Yue Xiuzhi asked worriedly.

"It will take three or four days." Tiandao frowned slightly, even if his brows were frowning, his glamorous face was still shockingly beautiful.

Yue Xiuzhi: "..."

I used to think that guy Pei Ming was a bully, but later I found's nothing compared to you.

In this case, Yue Xiuzhi has nothing to worry about for Tiandao.

He and Pei Ming returned to the real world, and Yue Xiuzhi suddenly turned to Pei Ming and said, "Since it's still three or four days away, why don't we go play while this is the time."

"Going to play?" Pei Ming raised his eyebrows.

"There is so much fun in this world." Yue Xiuzhi said with a smile, "Although cultivation is not developed, human beings have achieved many things that were unimaginable before with technology."

"We can go to Las Vegas to get a marriage certificate first." Yue Xiuzhi held Pei Ming's hand, smiling with starry eyes.

Fortunately, Qin Xun helped Pei Ming get his ID card and various documents before, otherwise Pei Ming would still be a criminal, let alone go to Las Vegas to get a marriage certificate.

"Marriage certificate?" Pei Ming tilted his head, "In your world, isn't same-sex marriage forbidden?"

"Not in China, we can go to Las Vegas to do it. Although it doesn't have much legal effect...but it still has a sense of ceremony."

Yue Xiuzhi raised their interlocking hands and put them in front of his eyes, shook them lightly, with a smile in his eyes: "In this way, you will be my wife from now on!"

Pei Ming couldn't help laughing, but the smile on Leng Jun's face was extremely gentle, and he didn't care about who was the lady.

He just put down the hand that was intertwined with his lover's fingers, and suddenly clasped his lover's waist tightly with the other hand, leaned close to his lover's face, nose to nose, and asked: "In this case, can we have a bridal chamber?" gone?"

During the conversation, there was an ambiguous atmosphere exchanged.

Yuexiu's face, which was still smiling one second, turned green the next.

He was stuck in his head for a long time, and finally said with some stumbles: "You can, but you are my wife, so you have to be below..."

This kind of thing, it's better to be relatively small... Wait a minute, I'm not saying I'm small!

It's Pei Ming, that guy is not human!

"Okay." Pei Ming readily agreed.

"...Really?" Pei Ming agreed so readily, Yue Xiuzhi couldn't believe it.

"I'm fine, but it may be a bit hard to repair." Pei Ming said pointedly.

It's true that it takes more physical strength to attack...but it's better to use some physical strength than being attacked.

Yue Xiuzhi made a plan for himself in his heart, and felt that this wave of profit would not be a loss.

"Then we are leaving tomorrow, how can we come to Hyundai without taking a plane." Yue Xiuzhi said.

Pei Ming looked at his lover and nodded slightly.

They booked their plane tickets and set out on their way across the Pacific the next day.

"How many hours did you ask me to sit here?" Pei Ming huddled on the seat with long arms and legs, looking aggrieved.

"This kind of thing is slow and boring, it's better to go directly." Pei Ming looked at his lover, trying to find some compensation.

Yue Xiuzhi said helplessly: "If you go directly, it will be regarded as a smuggled immigration, and it will be very troublesome to be caught."

Qin Xun told them that in reality, there is also a set of rules that restrict monks. If you leave the country directly, the consequences will be more serious than ordinary people smuggling.

Although... Pei Ming can't be controlled.

The stewardess who walked up to them and was about to ask them if they wanted food froze slightly when she heard this weird conversation.

If she heard correctly, these two people first complained that the plane was "slow and boring", and then said that if they went directly, it was considered a stowaway... Wait, what is going directly?

By boat? Isn't flying faster than taking a boat?

These days, can the mentally ill get on the plane?

But the flight attendant's good professionalism did not allow her to ask such impolite questions, so she asked as usual: "Gentlemen, do you want lunch?"

She took the opportunity to take a more positive look at the two of them, and found that they were so handsome, especially the man sitting by the window who looked at least 1.9 meters tall. She had never seen a man who could One-tenth the size of this man.

At this time, Yue Xiuzhi was still holding Gu Sinian's face, so although he was very stunning, he was still much worse than the handsome Pei Ming next to him.

Such a person, meeting one is enough to make people amazed, who wants to get together with people with outstanding looks?

Face control is common to everyone, so the stewardess quickly forgot Pei Ming's crazy speech before.

"Want some to eat?" Yue Xiuzhi turned to Pei Ming.

"What's so delicious about these lifeless things...I'll make them for you later." Pei Ming, who had never learned how to cook, boasted loudly.

Airline stewardess:"…"

Wait, did you just say "no spirit"?

Are you right? In fact, what you want to say is that airplane food has no soul, right?

Yue Xiuzhi tugged at Pei Ming's sleeve and motioned him that it was a little rude to say that.

Then he turned to the stewardess and smiled, "No, thank you."

"Okay, if you need anything, please come to me anytime." The stewardess left with a dazed expression after she finished speaking.

Don't good-looking people have bad eyesight?


They got off the plane and hailed a taxi to the Clark County Civil Affairs Office.

The Clark Civil Affairs Bureau has two reception windows, one is open to lovers who have registered online, and the other is open to lovers who have not registered online.

In order to avoid too long queues, Yue Xiuzhi had already filled out the application form online before coming, but even so, they had to queue for a while.

With their outstanding looks, they are always eye-catching, let alone in such a foreign country, they can almost be said to be the focus of the crowd.

What's more, they are now in the Clark County Civil Affairs Bureau, which shows that they are a **** couple.

Yue Xiuzhi was patted on the back suddenly, he turned his head and found that it was a beautiful blond woman with a tall black man standing beside her.

She asked Yue Xiuzhi in English: "Hey, is that handsome gentleman your partner?"

"Yes." Yue Xiuzhi replied in English with a smile.

This was still an unknown language to Pei Ming, he couldn't understand what his lover was talking to this white woman, but he was instinctively displeased when his lover was accosted suddenly.

He glanced at the white woman, and his consciousness instantly invaded the part of her cerebral cortex that was in charge of language. After a while, he mastered the language.

So he heard the white woman say, "You look really good together, bless you!"

Then his lover also said softly, "You too."

There was a smile on the corner of Pei Ming's mouth that he had never felt before.