MTL - The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura Fields-Chapter 78 Wronged

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Compared with six hundred years ago, the five sects of Pei Ming after he became a **** have changed a lot.

First of all, a sect like Ming Mie Dian who always thinks of crooked ways, even if he has not colluded with the demons in this world, has killed himself.

In this world of Huaqing Pavilion, the real Jun Huachen was jealous of the fact that Yang Yueling loved Pei Ming, and after chasing and killing Pei Ming, he was killed instead.

Then according to Dianjia's routine, Huaqing Pavilion hit the young ones, and the old ones came, and finally Pei Ming took the blame. So before Pei Ming became a god, the Huaqing Pavilion was already in the air.

The Saint's Walk has always stood firm, and the Medicine King's Valley has a place among the five major sects, ranking fourth by relying on both sides and barely competing with the world.

Today, Sheng Zhe Xing has reversed his original attitude of indifference to the world, and has become the largest sect in the spiritual world, with a detached status. The second and third are the newly rising sects, namely Bailianya and Samsara Pagoda.

Although there is an explosive growth in the powerhouses of Transcendence Realm and God Transformation Realm, these powerhouses generally gather in the temples and are on the road to become more powerful, while those who are willing to stay in the sect are very few.

Therefore, although the transcendent powerhouses are not very valuable anymore, Yuan Yinzong still squeezed into the bottom of the five major sects by relying on Lu Fanyi and Fu Yunxu who transcended the realm.

There are four in the Yaowang Valley, five in Bailianya, and seven in the Reincarnation Pagoda. However, no one knows the number of strong people in the Transcendental Realm in the Walk of Saints. It's just that from some news, it can be vaguely deduced that there should be at least a dozen of them who are beyond the border, and there are even more powerful ones in the apotheosis realm.

This is because Saints Xing completely claims to be the most loyal believer in the gods, and many strong people who have studied in the God Realm are also willing to name themselves in Saints Xing.

Although Yuan Yinzong is also one of the five major sects, its status has never been recognized.

Events like the Spirit Test Conference were organized by the five major sects in the past, but after Yuan Yinzong became one of the five major sects, they have been excluded all the time. Including the division of some resources, it was never given to Yuan Yinzong.

Therefore, although Yuan Yinzong is said to be one of the five major sects, it is actually not as good as some second-rate sects. When the disciples of the sect go out, even the second-rate sects dare to laugh at them.

It's not that they are overconfident, but they know that Yuan Yinzong is a blasphemous sect. Nowadays, everyone regards the gods as the most noble and supreme existence, but there is still such a blasphemous sect as Yuan Yinzong, who can bear it?

Therefore, recruiting disciples for Yuan Yinzong is becoming more and more difficult. For example, when Pei Ming first entered Jiuhuaxiao, there was never a grand ceremony for accepting disciples with a scale of 10,000 people. Even Yuan Yinzong has not held a ceremony for accepting apprentices for many years. up.

They usually look for those gifted children from the people, those children who are either hard to live in, or who are eager to practice but have a low status and no connections, will be willing to come to Yuan Yinzong.

But this is something that ordinary big sects will never do. Because although there are geniuses left behind in the folk, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack one by one, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the children from the folk are indeed not as good as the children from the cultivation family on the overall level.

The disciples of Yuan Yinzong are indeed much inferior in talent compared to other major sects, but they are more diligent and hardworking. Outsiders look down on them, but they are extremely united inside.

After learning about these things, Pei Ming smiled lightly.

— Work hard and unite well, so that we can go far, doesn't matter.

Such a big movement of Yuan Yinzong can't be hidden from other sects.

A mountain range stretching for thousands of miles rises from the ground. Several thunder calamities condense and disperse on the mountain range, and finally lead to a transcendent thunder calamity. On this day, Yuan Yinzong is really famous.

At this time, the senior leaders of the other four major sects were all talking about this matter in horror.

"What happened to Yuan Yinzong?!" The strong man in the Samsara Tower was shocked.

"The Thunder Tribulation was a small Thunder Tribulation that advanced several times in one territory. Although the realm is not very advanced, it is really unheard of for several people to advance at the same time. What is even more frightening is that those Thunder Tribulations were scattered immediately after forming ...Who has the ability to scatter Thunder Tribulation?" asked another strong man.

"Let's not talk about the broken Lei Jie, the entire Yuan Yin Sect has risen to the ground in an instant. In today's world, who has such supernatural powers?" Someone squinted his eyes slightly, his expression unpredictable.

"Stop playing charades, isn't it obvious?" said his last strong man.

"If it's really that one..." The person who spoke was suffocating, "Why did that one do that?"

After Pei Ming became a god, he seldom took care of the affairs of the second world of spirits and demons. The previous gods ended up falling because of their meddling too much. And Pei Ming is more sitting on the temple, overlooking the cycle of life and death, the common people in the two realms. In his eyes are myriad avenues, the eternal cycle of reincarnation, and his cultivation base is getting higher and higher day by day, but he doesn't know what these cultivation bases are useful for.

Pei Ming's divinity became more and more serious, while his humanity was continuously withdrawn. It wasn't until thirteen years ago, when he came to another world by accident, that his humanity was constantly awakened...

Of course, the experts in the Samsara Tower will not know these things. They only knew that the gods hadn't interfered with mortal objects for a long time, so why did they appear in Yuan Yinzong now and make such a big commotion?

Are the people in Yuan Yinzong really respectable?

If so, why did His Majesty do this?

What is Your Majesty's attitude towards Yuan Yinzong, a sect that once blasphemed the gods?

Now it seems that the possibility of good intentions is huge... But if so, what should they do?

All the powerhouses in the Samsara Tower looked at each other with complicated eyes.

Not only the Reincarnation Pagoda, but also other sects. In particular, Saints' Walk is about to turn the sky upside down.

"Why did Yuan Yinzong, a blasphemous place, get favored by the gods?!" Someone asked, with the appearance of a crazy believer—this one looks like the original aboriginal saint's practice.

"Don't worry, if they really get the favor of the gods, then we have to obey the will of the lord." Someone sat calmly at the side and said calmly.

"We don't have the right to ask who your lord wants to favor, but why is it the blasphemous place of Yuan Yinzong?!"

"You said that you have no right to intervene, so what else can you say?" The man raised his eyes, "You and I can interfere with the meaning of Your Majesty?!"

Its degree of tearing is comparable to the peak duel between rational fans and brain-dead fans.

No matter how big the storm is outside, it will not affect Pei Ming and Yue Xiuzhi in the God Realm.

This night, the two of them had just finished cultivating their souls, and Yue Xiuzhi's headache was almost gone, but this was only a superficial improvement due to Pei Ming's soul cultivating for several days. The soul will deteriorate again.

After this soul cultivation was over, Yue Xiuzhi did not go to rest directly as usual, but asked Pei Ming, "When do you plan to let me go back?"

Hearing this, Pei Ming was suffocated, his expression became a little gloomy, and he said after a long time: "Stay here, isn't it good?"

Is it not good? Your friends are all here, Yuan Yinzong will become better and better... I am also here.

Is there anything more in that world than here?


Just one more kid.

Seeing Pei Ming's hardened face, Yue Xiuzhi sighed.

"I'm not at ease." Yue Xiuzhi said, "Before I left, I broke through the Transcendence Realm and broke the restriction of the Heavenly Dao on the Transcendence Realm, then the people in the demon world will quickly break through the Transcendence Realm."

"The matter of the saint's work has not been resolved, and they are still planning to collude with the demons... How can I rest assured."

Pei Ming's complexion still didn't improve.

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "Then you can rest assured in this world? Yuan Yinzong has just gotten better, but the other five people have not yet broken through the transcendence. Other sects jointly squeezed out Yuan Yinzong. With the current strength, how can you withstand the best spiritual veins? These...why do you feel relieved?"

Yue Xiu was aphasia for a while.

Pei Ming didn't expect him to answer, but replied by himself: "The reason why you can rest assured is because I know that there is me here and Yuan Yinzong has me, so nothing will happen."

"But...Xiuzhi, you can't settle accounts like this." Pei Ming's expression suddenly became aggrieved, "You know I will arrange everything, so you can leave this world to find that kid at will... What you are obviously guilty of is I made it up to that kid..."

Yue Xiuzhi was stunned.

How could there be... a sense of déjà vu where the sensible brother blames Ma Ma for being partial to the useless younger brother...

Although he complained so much in his heart, Yue Xiuzhi didn't know why, and he really felt a little guilty.

Yue Xiuzhi said with a troubled expression: "But after all, I poked the basket out, I really..." Don't worry.

In the original book, there is no one who breaks through the Transcendence Realm before the protagonist breaks through the Transcendence Realm.

In the original book, Pei Ming himself broke Tiandao's restriction on Transcendence, but because of his poking around, Xiao Ming has just returned to One Realm, and it is estimated that several Transcendences will emerge soon.

This variable is too big, how can you rest assured if you want to practice more?

Besides, how could he sit back and watch his mistakes worsen with peace of mind?

Indeed, as Pei Ming said, although Yuan Yinzong is not stable in this world, with Pei Ming around, there is no possibility of chaos.

Seeing Yue Xiuzhi's embarrassed expression, Pei Ming sighed and said, "Forget it, that world is indeed not comforting, at least I'm here."

"You're not afraid that I'll give up on Taozi..." he said in a low voice.

The more you cultivate... the more you cultivate, you really have a guilty conscience.

He wanted to raise his hand to pat Pei Ming's back, but just as he raised it, he put it down again, and just said, "Sorry."

"After you recover from your injuries, I'll send you away." Pei Ming said.

Yue Xiuzhi heaved a sigh of relief. Pei Ming said before that his injury would heal in just a few months... In a few months, there shouldn't be any big troubles on Pei Xiaoming's side.

After he was relieved, he suddenly felt even more guilty.

Why do you act like you can't wait to leave... Although it is true.

"Let's say it first, if you hurt yourself again, I'll bring you back and never let you go!" Pei Ming said seriously with a straight face.

Yue Xiuzhi nodded, but he was calculating in his mind how likely it was that he would not be injured in the Demon Realm dungeon next time he had to go to the Saint's Walk dungeon... It didn't seem too great.

-talk later!

Yue Xiuzhi evaded this question, nodding his face very sincerely.

Naturally, Pei Ming knew that Yue Xiuzhi was not seriously agreeing to this matter, so he could only sigh silently in his heart, thinking that with his avatar there, he would not make too much of a mistake.

If it's really a life-threatening moment... I will pull him over directly! Let's talk about life and death in that world!

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The author has something to say: Brother Daming: I know that children who cry can eat sweets (proud, jpg)

Brother Xiao Ming: I'll kill you shameless! (Take out against the current to attract thunder)

Readers: Wait, aren't you father and son (funny face)