MTL - The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura Fields-Chapter 88 dead

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The words are divided into two ends.

Let's talk about Yue Xiuzhi and the black-robed youth, the black-robed youth's halberd was wrapped around Nishui, and the two magic soldiers kept making the sound of metal and stone clanging, and Nishui was gradually drawn further and further away by the halberd in the fight .

"Without the sword, I will see how you fight me!" A long mace appeared in each of the hands of the black-robed youth.

The whole body of this mace is black, the handle is pure gold, the steel gauntlet and the mouth at the end of the handle are made of dark red metal, it looks like a magic weapon.

The young man in black slapped the maces in his hands, and the sound of the blows was like hitting a person's heart.

Yue Xiuzhi stood high in the sky, unmoved by the words of the young man in black. Instead, he suddenly galloped towards the black-robed youth very quickly.

Yue Xiuzhi didn't have a sword, and he had a magic weapon in his hand. Yue Xiuzhi dared to come, which surprised the young man in black.

Then he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in his heart: Since you are rushing to die, I will help you!

He picked up the mace and rushed towards Yue Xiuzhi, and then made a horizontal split with both maces, trying to cut Yue Xiuzhi across the middle.

But Yue Xiuzhi's reaction was very quick, he immediately jumped into the air, and then pressed his shoulder before the black-robed youth could react, and rolled behind the black-robed youth.

The mace is a very powerful weapon against horses. Ordinary maces are already very heavy. In horse battles, even through armor, they can kill people alive. Not to mention the long mace in the hands of the black-robed youth, it weighs several tons, and it is an out-and-out killer weapon.

If Yue Xiuzhi really got it, it would probably be cut in half directly.

But also because of the weight of the divine weapon, the young man in black couldn't hold back his momentum. Seeing Yue Xiuzhi suddenly disappear in front of him, he wanted to stop but was slow for a moment. It was this moment that gave Yue Xiuzhi a great opportunity.

Yue Xiuzhi raised his right hand, and using his hand as a blade, he quickly slashed at the neck of the young man in black, and there was even a **** glint in the afterimage.

The black-robed young man slammed to the side, but it was too late, he could only narrowly avoid the neck, but the slash still hit his left shoulder.

The left shoulder was immediately chopped off by Yue Xiuzhi!

The broken arm fell from the sky, but the mace in the left hand did not fall along with the broken arm, but was suspended beside the young man in black.

I'm sorry, your father and I have already practiced the highest level of swordsman pretense - there is a sword in your heart, everything is a sword, so what if you take Nishui away?

At most, lightning strikes you.

The black-robed young man forced himself to shrink the ground into an inch, quickly distanced himself from Yue Xiuzhi, and then said with a grim expression: "Yue Xiuzhi, you forced me to do so!"

As his words fell, the two maces emitted dazzling golden light, and the light became stronger and stronger, almost illuminating the sky.

Yue Xiuzhi had a bad feeling in his heart, and was about to take advantage of the reading time to stop it, but when he rushed to the black-robed youth about five feet away, he seemed to hit an extremely hard wall, and then flew out backwards.

Fuck, I used to think that the protagonist was stupid when I read novels and anime, and I didn't know how to attack while the enemy was reading the article, and waited for the enemy's big move to be released. Now I'm being slapped in the face...I didn't expect this thing to have protective measures when reading the article!

Yue Xiuzhi flew several hundred feet backwards before he managed to stabilize his figure. At this time, the mace in the right hand of the black-robed youth had already left his hand, and was suspended in the air together with the other mace.

Then they got closer and closer, and finally merged together, and a beam of light shot up into the sky from this fused mace!

After the beam of light dissipated, the fused mace also revealed its true colors. It was longer than the original mace, and its whole body turned dark red.

In ancient times, the mace was a symbol of impartiality, impartiality and authority, and it also meant judgment.

Yue Xiuzhi saw that the face of the young man in black robe had deteriorated a lot, and his lips were even paler, and he understood in his heart: No wonder this guy didn't use this trick before, it turned out that he had to pay a huge price.

The young man in black grabbed the mace, and then used the mace to strike Yue Xiuzhi in the air, and a golden force instantly struck Yue Xiuzhi.

Yue Xiuzhi wanted to hide, but he felt that this force was irresistible, his feet seemed to have taken root, and he was motionless waiting for this force to rush.

He knew in his heart that this should be the special function of this mace, but no matter how much he struggled in his heart, he was still unable to move.

At this time, Pei Ming in the small world seemed to sense something, and suddenly broke the small world and rushed towards Yue Xiuzhi.

Before that, the man in Tsing Yi had already been severely injured by him.

Pei Ming first put tremendous pressure on the man in Tsing Yi, but after all, the man in Tsing Yi is a transcendent peak who has lived for tens of thousands of years. The man in Tsing Yi found an opening and broke free.

But he didn't take any advantage from Pei Ming. Pei Ming directly weakened his cultivation level to the middle stage of Transcendence—it can't be weakened any further. At this time, the two are at the same level, and Pei Ming gave the man in Tsing Yi a slap hit.

However, the transcendent strongman is still very resistant to beatings. Even if Pei Ming is beating him up, he won't be able to beat him to death for a while.

At this time, he took the initiative to break through the domain, and the man in Tsing Yi was finally able to catch his breath, and desperately took out the elixir and stuffed it into his mouth to heal his wounds.

The time when the beam of light hit was also very fast, even if Pei Ming had already used Shrink the Ground, by the time he reached Yue Xiuzhi's side, the beam of light had already arrived.

It may be because Pei Ming has mastered the laws of this part of the world, so the immobility effect of the mace did not appear on him.

Pei Ming grabbed Yue Xiuzhi and hid to the side, but the golden beam turned as if it had eyes, and continued to hit Yue Xiuzhi.

Pei Ming couldn't help it, so he directly hugged Yue Xiu's death in his arms, and the golden beam hit him directly on the back.

All this happened so fast, before Yue Xiuzhi was surprised why Pei Ming appeared suddenly, he was hugged by Pei Ming in the next moment.

When Yue Xiuzhi came to his senses, the time that seemed to be fast-forward just now seemed to be in slow motion. His golden beam of light hit Pei Ming's back, and he felt that Pei Ming's whole body was stiff. , but the hands that hugged him never let go and tightened even more.

He felt waves of warmth flowing from Pei Ming's hands into his body, his eyes widened, and he knew that it was Pei Ming sending him spiritual power to protect him.

Pei Ming sent all his spiritual power to him, but he resisted with his pure physical body.

That force kept destroying Pei Ming's physical body. After the golden light beam was exhausted, Pei Ming's hands that were clinging to Yue Xiuzhi suddenly loosened, and he fell powerlessly downward.

Yue Xiuzhi grabbed his hand violently, pulled him up and hugged him.

The young man in black saw that although the blow did not hit Yue Xiuzhi, it was enough to beat Pei Ming to the brink of death.

He raised his mace and planned to strike again to finish off Yue Xiuzhi, but suddenly there was a vast voice from heaven and earth: "The gods have descended into the world, you should do your best to assist them."

Both the black-robed youth and the Tsing-clothed man's eyes widened in disbelief.

Everyone in the Saints' Walk, no matter the high-level officials watching the battle or the panicked ordinary disciples, also froze in place when they heard this voice.

-how is this possible? !

Everyone was amazed at the first time.

Then there was a burst of ecstasy—a **** has come to the world, who is it, and where is it? !

Then, a golden beam of light descended from the sky, directly shattering the barrier outside the Tiandao Pool, and the extremely mysterious Tiandao Pool in the Saint's Walk was completely exposed to everyone's eyes.

They saw the unidentifiable color of the Tiandao Pool, countless treasures of heaven and earth, and even the young man standing by the pool.

The golden light was especially powerful, and fell directly on the young man by the pool.

At this moment, everyone's heart beat like a drum.

The black-robed youth and the green-clothed man were even more unbelievable.

This is Yue Xiuzhi's first apprentice, Pei Ming. Even though they have kept away from world affairs for tens of thousands of years, they still know very clearly about the people around Yue Xiuzhi who killed Qing Cheng.

They thought that Yue Xiuzhi came this time to covet Tiandao Lake, and they didn't listen to Yue Xiuzhi's nonsense that "the gods have been reincarnated, and Tiandao Lake can recognize the reincarnation of gods"... Now it seems that it is actually true ? !

Others still have doubts, but they have stayed by the Tiandao Pool for tens of thousands of years, and only the three of them were present when the oracle was sent down by the Heavenly Dao. !

This is the voice of heaven!

But they'd rather it be fake!

Otherwise... what did they do?

At this time, the mountain peak of Saint's Walk also shook, as if something that was suppressed wanted to rush out.

The rocks kept rolling down, and the vibration became bigger and bigger. In the end, the mountain peak split in two, and a silver sword flew out of the crack and flew to Pei Xiaoming's side.

Pei Xiaoming also had this indescribable familiarity with the sword, he reached out and held the sword.

Then the mustard bag around Yue Xiuzhi's waist also started to vibrate, and a bright green stone flew out automatically, also flying towards Pei Xiaoming.

Yue Xiuzhi recognized this stone, it was randomly picked up by Pei Ming as a stone to improve the Thousand-Gun Formation when he was in Guiling Secret Realm, Pei Ming told him to throw it away, Yue Xiuzhi said it was so beautiful, so he casually put it in the mustard bag.

The bright green stone was embedded in the hilt of the sword, and Pei Xiaoming felt a slight shock in the sea of ​​qi, as if there was a wonderful connection with the secret realm of Guiling in the sea of ​​qi.

This is something that Pei Ming has never experienced.

He has got the sword, but the bright green stone is still covered in dust in the Guiling Secret Realm, and he doesn't know what the stone is for—of course, he is seriously injured and dying at this time. Never mind that.

Others didn't know the origin of the sword, but the black-robed youth and the green-clothed man knew it very clearly.

This is the only weapon of the gods, and it is an "artifact" in the true sense.

When the gods fell, the suzerain of Saints Xing went to the God Realm with chaotic rules, space cracks and chaotic forces for this artifact, and brought the sword back to Saints Xing with all his might.

He said that when the sword recognizes its owner again, it will be the day when the gods will return.

After speaking, he died of exhaustion.

They only regarded this incident as the suzerain's nonsense before his death, but they didn't expect to actually see this day now!

No matter how complicated the emotions in my heart were, at this moment, the joy of the return of the gods overwhelmed everything. The young man in black robe and the man in blue came to Pei Xiaoming, knelt down, and shouted: "We It is my great fortune to welcome Your Majesty back!"

Hearing what my ancestors said, the other envoys of the Saints also knelt in front of Pei Xiaoming and shouted.

And the ordinary disciples of the Holy One also reacted, they knelt down together, and shouted loudly: "Welcome Your Majesty to return!"

Pei Xiaoming looked at the person in front of him with a calm expression.

And Yue Xiuzhi has no time to take care of these.

He hugged Pei Ming, his eyes were a little red.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Pei Ming smiled with difficulty, and his tone was weak but gentle: "Don't be sad, you know, this is just a clone."

"It's a good thing I came here with you, otherwise something will happen to you idiot..."

A tear dripped from Yue Xiuzhi's eyes and hit Pei Ming's cheek.

Pei Ming raised his hand with some difficulty, wiped away the tears from the corners of Yue Xiuzhi's eyes, and said, "Don't cry...or you will misunderstand me. I misunderstood that you were touched by me, misunderstood you..." I fell in love with me.

He didn't say the following words, but Yue Xiuzhi knew what he was going to say. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said to Pei Ming: "Impossible, don't even think about it, people like me can hold grudges for a lifetime, don't waste time on me anymore."

Don't pay for me anymore, I can't bear it anymore.

To be with you because of emotion and guilt is too insulting to you and me.

"I know..." Pei Ming smiled, and stopped entangled in this topic, "Before I left a layout in Huaqing Pavilion just in case, from now on... Huaqing Pavilion will follow Jiuhuaxiao's lead, you Don't... worry..."

His breathing became weaker and weaker, and his words became intermittent.

Yue Xiuzhi's eyes were red, but he tried his best not to let the tears flow out.

The last thing he heard Pei Ming say was: "I'll... come to you soon."

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The author has something to say: the mace written today refers to Baidu Encyclopedia, and the moment is 0.018 seconds.