MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 254 Conspiracy

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When they came out of Yunfu, everyone didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

"God, it's going to change!" Wu Xuan whispered, and found that her rebirth had changed a lot of things, but it also made many of the fixed endings confusing, and she couldn't even grasp it.

At this time in the previous life, Wan Xuan Ling Xuan almost had to control the entire East Yan Kingdom, and the emperor had to surrender the imperial power. But in this world, because of his rebirth, he blocked the path of Emperor Ling Ling Xuan and made the situation more obscure.

She knew that even if she blocked Wan Ling Ling Xuan thousands of times, she couldn't stop his ambition. Because of this, people who don't go with him are even more dangerous.

In order to take power, Wan Xuan Ling Xuan will do anything, she dare not think about it, fearing that the final outcome can not bear herself.

"The emperor's long standing Prince, in the end, will only make ambitious people want to move," Wan Yan Shengyan naturally understands the key, he has nothing to do with the throne, so he can see more thoroughly.

"If the Prince is established, will those who have ambitions give up?" Yun Tao's tone was a bit punchy. He thought of people who were thousands of miles away, and thought of her identity and position, and a fire broke out in his heart. .

Wu Xuan looked at the elder brother who was calm, and opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't say the last word.

Yeah, what about being a Prince? Isn't Bailichunhui the future emperor scheduled for the Northern Han country? But King Wing had ambitions, and forced Bailichun to escape from death several times. His life was worse than that of ordinary people.

Now that the emperor has set up a prince as a prince, those who have ambitions always have ambitions, and they will never confess their fate.

Wan Ye Shengyan didn't open his mouth to refute, because being in the royal family has his own unavoidable calculations. Outsiders looked at him and felt that he was particularly happy. The father and king did not remarry, and the palace was simple—but who knows, even if it is such a simple Prince ’s palace, I do n’t know how many calculations and murders he has suffered. If it wasn't for the father's heart, at this time, I don't know if there is Prince Yong's House.

"Yan, who do you think the emperor would like to be the prince?" When asked, Xuan Xuan lowered her voice, so low that she couldn't even hear herself.

"Go back and talk!" It was inappropriate to discuss such a topic on the carriage.

Back to Yun's house, except for Yun Yanyan, all three went to the study, leaving Yinger and Luliu waiting at the door. No one could get closer.

"I discussed this with my father and he said that the reason why the emperor did not establish the prince is because the actions of several princes did not satisfy him," Wan Ye Shengyan also said without saying anything. Thought: "The prince is humble because of his background, and has no imperial prince. Although King Rui is born in the family, he does not have strong back support, even if he is superior, the emperor is also worried about his instability. Participation, not to be taken by the emperor. And King Xuan ... a historian should be the most suitable, but because he was too anxious and ambitious, the emperor did not make a decision, so that he would set up a prince. Until now, it's still hanging, "

"King Xuan is in power, and those who oppose him will not end well, and those princes will not be able to survive!" Seeing the cruelty of the Northern Han Dynasty's throne battle, Yun Tao would not feel that the rich Dongyan Congress is better .

Xuan Xuan had to admit that what Brother said was the most correct. Wan Xuan Ling Xuan is the kind of person who can't bear any flaws.

"My father Wang is the King of Rui. He has a gentle temperament and has a lot of people. Unfortunately, he is weaker than King Xuan." This is why Prince Yong's Mansion has no clear reason.

If the first queen is still there, perhaps King Rui's superiority is taken for granted.

For Xuan Wang, Xuan Xuan is also impressed, knowing that he is not a stubborn man, who is cruel and ruthless, also feels that Wan Ye Shengyan's words have some truth.

Since her rebirth, she was destined to die in this life with Wan Xuan Ling Xuan, either you or me. It is completely impossible to be good on both sides, so I can only choose one that can protect the Yun family and can hold the cloud. Mingjun at home. This person is the most suitable for King Rui.

"What if the Yun family supports King Rui?" Not only money, but also the mysterious power behind it.

Yun Tao didn't say anything because he knew that he had been away in recent years, and Xuan Xuan was oppressed by Wan Xuan Ling Xuan and was destined to be unable to get along with such people peacefully, so she suggested that she did not refute her.

"The same choice was made by Prince Yong's Mansion!" When she married her, it meant that the Yun family was tied to Prince Yong's Mansion and had the same life and death.

"This matter is not something you can do, but you should first decide your family affairs!" Yun Tao found that his wish to return was simple, but after returning, he found that the Yun family was in The location is not simpler than in the North Cold Country, so I can't leave immediately, I can only hold back and wait for the best opportunity.

Now, he just hopes to marry Xuan Er to Wan Yan Shengyan, and also finds a home for the Yun family to rely on, so he can safely leave the Yun family and do something for his loved ones.

Xi Xuan knew Yun Tao's intentions and did not stop. She knew that even if she stopped herself, nothing would change, especially that Bailichunhui had already imprinted on her brother's heart, and it would not be eliminated in this life.

The elder brother's temperament is like his father's. If he loves one person, he will fall in love with him all the time.

Wan Ye Shengyan likes this requirement the most. After discussing a few words with Yun Tao, I can't wait to leave Yun's house. I want to go back and let the father and king send official media to come to the door, and then hire him to get rid of the family affairs.

In order to fulfill his promise and to reassure his elder brother, Xuan Xuan just smiled with a pout on one side, completely controlled by two men.

Prince Yong heard that Yunjia Songkou was closed, it was a joy that could not even close his mouth, and the whole palace was full of joy. After all, this is the first happy event in the palace for many years. Can it make people happy?

I found the official media, brought a generous dazzling offer, and went to the Yun family to hire. There is no special requirement for the family matter that has been agreed to, and everything happens naturally.

However, because it is close to the end of the year, it is impossible to pick out any good days, so the date of marriage is moved to March next year-just like this, Wan Ye Shengyan still thinks it is too late.

The importance that Prince Yong's mansion attached to Yun Xuanxuan made the entire city envious whether married or unmarried. But the most generous offer of gifts was given. The real thing was to hold Yun Xuan in his palm.

It is said that Prince Yong's Mansion is an imperial family, and only requires the imperial edict. It is not necessary to spend a little engagement gift, and it can also let Yun Xuanxuan bring a large amount of dowry into the door. But in order to show the importance and speciality, I sent away the dowry left by the late princess, adding a lot, and it became a topic in Beijing at once, which attracted more envy and jealousy.

"Everything has been taken over by her," Yunhe said, knowing the news, she had a bite of silver teeth, but could not help it.

Although Xuan Wang doesn't dislike her now, she can't compare with her previous favor, which makes her have to move closer together, fearing that she will return to the days when the animal was not as good as before.

"What Sister Lotus is saying is that this girl Yun Yunxuan was not only named as the county lord, but also the concubine of the Prince Yong Palace, and the future Princess Concubine. This status is not ordinary. I can climb up! "Shangguan Yanlan had noticed Yun He long ago. Although he was anxious to kill her, he told himself that he must bear it, so as not to damage his own affairs.

Nowadays, there is too much momentum in the Wangfu palace. If she hits hard, not only will she not end well, but she wo n’t get the pain of Wang ’s heart, so she starts buying people ’s hearts in a low-key manner, making people feel that she is harmless. Reduce her guard.

"I'm here to see the princess," Yunhe just complained alone, but didn't know when Shangguan Yanlan was behind her, she couldn't help but look at the girl next to her, and shivered in her heart—this girl is herself After being favored by King Xuan, he looked loyal to himself, but he didn't know who he was loyal to.

"It's all my own sisters, don't care about those false gifts," Shangguan Yanlan muttered so much, and let the big girl next to him lift Yunhe.

Yun He wasn't sure about Shangguan Yanlan's thoughts, knowing her humble status, she pouted and remained silent, compared with the previous big grin, she didn't know the height and height of the sky, now she can be considered a lot of caution and humble, knowing what the gap is.

"Sister He, who is also the Yun family, why is there such a big difference in identity?" Shangguan Yan Lan looked at Yun He, who was humbled on the side, thinking of her petting Xuan everywhere, and there was a deep anger in her heart Pressing, knowing that you can't show a trace of discomfort at this time, or you will break your major event.

"It's cheap and useless to help Wang Ye," Yun He said, looking down.

Help the lord, hum, if it really helped, then I would bow my head and humble in front of you. Shangguan Yanlan gritted his teeth fiercely in his heart, but could not reveal the slightest.

"If Sister He is interested, she is not incapable of helping," Yun He wants to gain a foothold, and she understands it better than anyone.

She is Zheng Fei, and although others disdain, she will at least have a little face. And Yunhe, there is no strong backer, and it is the only chamber in Wangfu. Anyone who sees her unhappy can bully, so it is conceivable how big the mind is to climb up.

"How to help?" Hesitant in his heart, but still could not resist the temptation to climb up, Yun He finally spoke.

Seeing Yunhe be fooled, Shangguan Yanlan's eyes flashed a smile, but his face was always serious without revealing a trace of emotion.

"Yun Xuan Xuan doesn't know her identity. Relatively, her mother is also unclear, so ... when my mother gave birth to a big brother, she made a relationship with Yun Xuan Xuan, just because Yun Xuan Xuan wanted to attach The wealthy and powerful, my father and mother are helpless, and can only ignore this family matter ... "Shangguan Yanlan said while watching Yunhe's expression, seeing that her eyes were blank from the beginning to the last light Her own method made her fascinated.

Yun He was naturally moved, she always felt that Yun Xuan Xuan should be under her, and she should not have been so miserable, but she became a man. As long as Yun Yunxuan can be destroyed, everything she has now is gone.

Despite her heartbeat, Yunhe is now very different from before, at least knowing that some things look happy, but it is not easy to do.

"Without a marriage book, Yun Xuan does not admit it. What can it do?" Yun He knew that this was not true. If it was true, could the Shangguan people still allow Yun Xuan to be so mad? I had long thought about how to force Yun Yanxuan to marry, and took everything from the Yun family.

"I have arranged this, you just have to tell your mother, then ..." When she said that, she lowered her voice to Yun He's side and explained with a smile, "If it is The matter is done, the princess will definitely talk to the grandfather, let sister lotus become the concubine, and then arrange your mother, so as not to have her miserable life in Zhuangzi alone! "

The side concubine's identity attracted Yunhe's attention. As for the mother-in-law living in Zhuangzi, she never flashed in her heart at all.

"The princess rest assured, the scumbag must take care of this matter and let Yun Xuanxuan lose her reputation, and she will never have the face to live in the capital again!" Yun He's eyes couldn't hide her fierceness, and she was going to lose her name. Destroy everything you have now.

"Oh, these days, you do n’t need to report to enter and leave the palace. If you have news, just come to my yard!" In order to let Yunhe see greater power, Shangguan Yanlan simply let go.

"Thank princess!" Yun He remembered that he couldn't even go to the door of the palace before, but now he can easily go in and out, and his eyes are full of smiles.

"Bang!" After a good pear flower table became a crushed residue, everyone was afraid to say a word.

"Damn, where did such rumors come from?" After Xuan Xuan and Wan Yi Sheng Yan set up a marriage, they should wait for the date of marriage with peace of mind. However, at this time, Beijing had rumors that made people talk, saying Yun Yunxuan had settled with the cousin of the young plum Zhu Ma, but later, due to the attachment of the nobleman, he ignored the wish of the dead mother. Only today's wealth.

Such rumors reached Yun's house, which caused Yun Tao to smash a table.

"The obituary to the young master, it seems that the wife of the minister of the Ministry of Ritual banqueted some, and such rumors came out. It was pressed down by the wife of the Ministry of the Ministry of Ritual, but it was not immediately transmitted ... but then, the streets of Beijing There were rumors in the alleys, and it was out of control! "Yinger shouted in a deep voice, full of coldness in the people who destroyed the reputation of the master.

Such a person should really be killed!

No matter what the purpose is, to accuse the Lord of such charges is to force the Lord to die—too vicious.

"Brother, this matter has to be investigated slowly, don't be angry," Xuan Xuan has been completely silent about Shangguan's practice.

She did not want to move to Shangguan's house, and she relied on those women in Wangxuan Mansion to seize power, and each woman took the lead. Shangguan Yanlan's second half of life would be difficult. Moreover, Wan Xuan Ling Xuan would not tolerate a princess who did not help her at all, so she was waiting for the end of Shangguan Yanlan, waiting for the defeat of the Shangguan family.

But now, as soon as Shangguan Yanlan entered Xuanwang Palace, he gave himself such a big stumbling block. He didn't give a good tribute to him. ?

"Did these people act like you before?" Yun Tao asked sharply.

"This is pretty good," without waiting for Xuan Xuan to say it, Yan Yan muttered on the side: "In the Shangguan Yan Lan and the ceremony, they also deliberately injured her sister and gave her medicine, if not her sister is smart At this moment, my sister has long been the shack of Shang'an Yong'an, "and that aunt Jiao didn't know where it was.

For those in the Shangguan family, none of her felt good.

"Xuan'er, why didn't you say these things?" Yun Tao just knew that the Shangguan family had repeatedly calculated Xuan Xuan, but did not expect that there was such a despicable thing inside.

"...," Xuan Xuan looked at the angry elder brother, hesitated, and explained quietly, "brother, don't tell you that you don't want you to move to the official house. I want to see Shangguan Yanlan enter the Xuan Wangfu, and he will What kind of fate will be brought to Shangguan's family, then we don't need to do anything at all! "

"But you can't let them bully you for nothing like this!" Yun Tao looked at the calm and self-controlling Xuan Xuan, always feeling that it was not the younger sister who impulsively remembered and compared. She was a little too calm, this way, like her mother alive, as if she was planning, everything counted.

However, since childhood, Xuan Er, who was somewhat resistant to his mother because of Shanglan Yanlan's provocation, will she really get the true story of her mother?

"Brother rest assured, this time, since the Shangguan family has spoken so much, things will be even more troublesome. At that time, you can see who is calculating who!" Wu Xuan's eyes flashed a stern flash, knowing this In fact, Shangguan Yanlan is 100% mixed in with it.

She didn't count Shangguan Yanlan, she couldn't let go of herself. Such a person really thought that he would be lawless when he entered the palace of Xuanwang.

"Miss," Bai Yan, who had been silent, suddenly said, "There is no reason for it-even if we can be sure that the wife will not make such a relationship for the young lady, we will not allow these pickled things to be used in a mean way. They did not mention it before, but now they have come up with such a thing, and it is still so big, there must be something that can convince people, young lady still don't take it lightly! "

The kind of pickling means in the palace is that the dead ones often cause a lot of injustices, so she opened her mouth to remind the young lady to forget to be vigilant, and the consequences were not what they could bear.

Xi Xuan looked at Bai Ye's worried look, and thought about many unsuitable signs this time, and she was a little puzzled. She didn't know where the Shangguan family was determined not to offend Prince Yong ’s palace. Where did it come from?

She knew 100% that her mother would n’t give her a random marriage. She remembered that her mother often hung her lips at the time: It was so early. Who knew that it was a cat and a dog. If it was a pig and a tiger, it would not be harmful. My daughter's whole life, so be sure to keep up with my eyes, pick your son-in-law, and never marry blindly.

Based on this, she knew that she would never have a marriage contract with Shangguan Yongan.

But, what evidence does the Shangguan family have? What evidence can I use to convince myself?

The rumours of Yun Yanxuan's long-term marriage overwhelmed her with Wang Yancheng's marriage, which made many people yell at Yun Yanxuan for not being a woman, not respecting her elders, changing the marriage contract without authorization, sorry for her dead parents, and hurting her Shangguan Yong'an also caused Yan Shizi to bear insults because of her, innocent-everything, began to target her. This is the biggest crisis in reputation after encountering Xuan Xuan's rebirth.

Compared with the fierce outside, everything in the Yun family is okay. Xuan Xuan did not cry, did not run away, and did not have anger. Instead, she let her step by step to trace the origin of the matter, and wanted to know who was behind her in order to calculate herself.

After hearing the rumors, Wan Ye Shengyan arrived at Yun's house the first night, saying that no matter what, the family affairs would not change, so she was at ease.

Such support made Xuan Xuan smile.

What others think and how she plans, she doesn't care, as long as the person she cares believes, that's fine.

Xuan Xuan didn't know how he caused anger, but only after this happened, many people began to fall down, demanding severe punishment, and asked Prince Yong's Mansion to retire this marriage, so as not to damage the royal reputation and get rid of She couldn't help crying, she didn't know when she had erected so many enemies.

These people really want to kick themselves fiercely, anxious to die on their own.

"The unmarried ladies in the capital are envious of the aunt being so good to the young lady, and can't wait to replace it, so this time they seized the opportunity and started to fall down, completely afraid of retribution in the future!" Bai Yan muttered angrily, feeling Those ladies are blind and have good looks, and their intentions are vicious.

"There is only one aunt. Could it be that they broke the relationship between the young lady and the grandfather?" Chaer expressed his indignation on the side, and the words were a little childish, but also reasonable.

"Those who are not good at others, when my aunt was hired, how many eyes were red and jealousy was too late. Where would I miss this opportunity," Jin Niang echoed in a low voice, mocking in her tone.

"Those jumping clowns, what do you care about them? I'm not angry. You are so anxious about that door?" Knowing that they are all concerned about themselves and don't want to worry them too much, Xuan Xuan soothed him.

Bai Ye looked at the young lady's leisurely appearance, sighed heavily, and said with some anxiety, "Miss, I'm afraid this thing will not be so simple. I also ask the young lady to have a heart to prepare ..." Will be implicated in Prince Yong's Mansion.

翎 萱 narrowed his eyes, knowing that Bai 嬷嬷 was right, but at this stage, he was passive and could not produce any favorable evidence. He could only wait for the limelight to pass. Anyway, Prince Yong was not angry, not Let Wan Yan Shengyan come to divorce, everything is easy to say.


The two chapters were issued together.