MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 267 Some hilarious

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"Well," Qin Yunshang knew the little girl's good intentions, and turned around to leave, but did not know that some people saw you weak, and they want to crawl on your head more wantonly.

"Stop," the girl smiled more proudly when she saw that she had attracted a lot of winks. After arrogantly drinking Qin Yunshang, she walked in front of her, and looked up and down her with bad intentions. With a humiliating smile, he said, "It looks good, but unfortunately, alas, this good looks is plain. Qin Yunshang, my cousin is married, if you still think of him, I will agree with you, To put it bluntly, let you be a mortuary for him, lest you never marry in this life! "

Qin Yunshang was once a lofty person. Even during the period of observing filial piety, he was abused in Zhuangzi, but he never suffered such humiliation, so he was trembling with anger, but thinking of today's day, he bite stiffly. My lips, suffocated, let out this breath.

"Why? Still not looking?" The man saw Qin Yunshang's face pale, his eyes full of humiliation, but he didn't answer anything, and he was even more proud of knowing that they care about Yun Xuan's family affairs, and don't want to make trouble. However, she didn't care about it. Seeing Yun Yanxuan's business woman marry so well, she was so jealous in heart that she wished to break the family relationship, so she didn't talk at all.

"Do you think you are still the Qin Yunshang who is high above you, pretending to be high, and dismissive of anything? You are a hard-broomed broom star, and the Qin family is dead, so I leave you alone, and you are still alive. You have been withdrawn from marriage. If you stay here, aren't you afraid that you will bring shame to the Lord Xuan County? "The bitter words were spoken from the mouth of a young girl, which made many people with good tutoring swell. With my eyes, I felt very incredible, and did not know how much hatred Qin Yunchang had with others.

They all know what happened in the Qin family. Although the governor Qin committed suicide because he was caught for embezzlement, the emperor did not anger Qin Yunsang. She is a girl. You do n’t like it, and you are far away. Why bother to say so.

But there is such a self-righteous person who can't wait to push all the miserable people to death, so as to set off how noble she is.

"Shut up!" A scream, and the dirty words that popped out like beans got stuck, and it caught everyone's attention.

Yun Yanyan yelled loudly, and Gu Feng dance followed her. Those noble ladies had Pei's greetings, and Pei told Yun Yanyan, and later the Yun family would rely on her to support the facade, so they had to learn to say hello to those thousands of gold, so they asked Gu Fengwu to accompany them, but unexpectedly I came across such a thing.

"Sister Qin," Gu Fengwu and Yun Yanyan walked to Qin Yunshang's side, each holding her hand, giving her endless support.

"Who made you Yun's family wanton?" Qi Yan remembered those unpleasant words she heard, and couldn't help anger rushing into her heart, and asked harshly.

"Yan'er, forget it!" Qin Yunshang really didn't want to make things big, so as not to break Xuan's wedding.

When the man saw Qin Yunshang's willingness to give in, he sneered coldly and said arrogantly, "I came in with a post, and hum, I wouldn't come unless you asked for it!"

These words, how offensive they are, several of them knew.

Although they are all officials from the government, they can't hold back their own people and are girls. Although they are nieces and have some status, they are not crowded with any good. This entry into Yun's house was immediately calmed down by the extraordinary wealth and wealth.

Even the girl-in-law here wears much better than the girl-in-law who is waiting around them, which is not something anyone can do. The dim sum and tea set they used after entering the house were all good things that Beijing had never been able to find. When they arrived at the Yun family, they were so common that they used it to greet guests, leaving them with a lot of envy. Jealous.

When people say this, they just look down on Yun Yanyan's identity, thinking that Yun Yanxuan has the status of a county lord, Yun Yanyan is a business girl, what can she do to herself.

Besides, it's noisy, but it's nothing good for Yun's family or Yun Yunxuan.

Yun Yanyan looked at the big words in front of her eyes, and her words were full of disdain for the people who mocked the Yun family, her eyes narrowed angrily, and she said loudly, "If you don't like it, leave now. The Yun family doesn't welcome people like you!"

"Yaner," Gu Fengwu immediately pulled her sleeves at the first sight, worried that things would get louder and would cause rumors.

The man did not expect that Yun Yanyan would make herself unable to step down in public, and immediately changed her face, angrily: "Do you know who my father is? You dare to drive me away?"

"I don't know who your father is, but this is my house. You said that my family begged you to come here, so I didn't welcome you, what happened?" Yun Yanyan didn't mention her bullying Qin Yunshang, lest Once again, she pushed Qin Yunshang to the feudal waves, so she caught the arrogant discourse of the woman just before—no one would let anyone be dismissed at home. "Why? Couldn't your father and mother be so big that their daughters would let their daughters pretend to be in other people's homes, and not allow others to get angry?"

Yun Yanyan refused to let it go, so that many people were surprised-after Yun Yanxuan got married, the Yun family was the real merchant's house. Why was she so strong?

"Yan'er, forget it, don't make things big," Qin Yunshang isn't sad at this moment, I'm afraid that things will get big, and Xuan'er's wedding banquet will be broken. By then, she will really become obscure. People.

Qin Yunsang's persuasion, without waiting for Yun Yanyan to speak, the girl who couldn't get off the stage yelled at her: "Qin Yunshang, don't forget your pretense, don't forget, your surname is Qin, not Yun, see you Don't leave Yun's house for a lifetime! "It was this Qin Yunshang who hurt himself.

She didn't remember how bitterly she humiliated others, and she was so desperate to die. Now it ’s time to laugh at someone else.

"Did my sister Qin never come out of Yun's house, you don't need to worry about it, but you ... Dongxue, go and tell the young master that from today, she will tell her family and the family who retired from her relationship with sister Qin Don't enter Yun's shops again, go in once and catch it with a broom, "Yun Yanyan ordered with a smile, regardless of others' gradual complexion.

The shops of the Yun family are all over Beijing, but all new things come out of the Yun family before being copied by others. If you are turned away by the Yun family and want to be in the limelight and become famous in the future, it will be difficult.

"Yes," Dong Xue immediately uttered a voice behind him, coldly glanced at everyone, then turned to leave.

"Yun Yunyan, how dare you!" Only then did the man realize that the Yun family was not as bullied as they thought.

"Why don't I dare?" He raised his eyebrows and looked mockingly at the fox and fake tiger in front of him. The confident girl who didn't know where to come from, asked funnyly: "Yun Yunyan's business, I can still talk. You are so kind. If you disdain my Yun family, I wo n’t do Yun family business. I have good intentions ... Hehe, is it possible that my Yun family business must go through your father ’s decision? "

"Hehe ..." Yun Xuanxuan asked back, making everyone in the theater grinning.

This person is really stupid, Yun family, if it is so bullying, as soon as the couple Yun Yun died, it would fall apart. Nowadays, instead of disappearing, it is becoming more and more prosperous, which proves the necessity of the existence of the Yun family.

"... My dad won't let you go," hesitated for a while and found that there was really nothing else to say except this sentence.

"Go and speak to Yan Shizi. If Prince Yong's Mansion invited their family to Prince Yong's Mansion today, the Yun family would weigh it. Will this family matter be done!" Yun Tao came, and his anger was more prosperous.

Come to the Yun family to scream and despise the Yun family. Which guest is this? This is almost the enemy, so you're welcome.

"Yes," I don't know who answered, and presumably the news will be passed on.

Want to get to Prince Yong's Mansion? The girl was finally scared, but here, without the backing she wanted, she flew up and down and finally fell on Qin Yunshang's body and shouted, "Qin Yunshang, if you help me once, I told my cousin, let you enter her house, let you be ... be expensive, "

Qin Yunshang's heart is extremely humiliated. Even if the Qin family is gone, can she only be embarrassed? She should have been crying and aggrieved, seeing Gu Fengwu's silent support, Yun Yanyan looked angry, knowing that if she was not strong anymore, she would really be ruined in a lifetime.

"What is your cousin? I swear by Qin Yunshang, even if you are a green lantern companion in your life, you won't enter your cousin's house, rest assured!" Qin Yunsang's courage made the person who protected her laugh Let those who humiliate her stunned.

"Come here, throw her and those who led her out, and throw them out of the small door, don't spoil Xuan'er's happy event today," Yun Tao ordered, even more presumptuous.

Throw it out, huh, this time, some are lively. Many girls knew that Yun Tao had disappeared for many years and had a son, but when he saw such a domineering, he couldn't help but flush his face.

Yun Tao has been hunted for so many years, and he has not been the one affected by the canon. In his bones, with the free and easy people of the North Han country, he also has the conviction that he must report—no one can bully his own family.

The Yun family has been bullied for too long. In the process of making people bully, anyone can step on the Yun family. In particular, today is the day when the Yun family is overjoyed. People think that the Yun family will be desperately suppressed. For the perfection of family affairs, they do not know that Yun Tao is not a man in the canon. The Yun family is not so bullied.

It is conceivable how exciting the scene was when the Qianjin and his wife were thrown out in public. On the other side, Prince Yong's Mansion got the news and invited the adult directly, leaving no one to know what happened.

Read The Duke's Passion