MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 279 Acquaintance

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Seeing a trace of thought on Prince Yong's face, she went on to say, "Zhen Guogong Shizi has a very good relationship with my father and mother, including historian five sons, who have not talked to me because of the engagement. My mother left her grudges and even became friends. However, they disappeared inexplicably in my house and even left the capital city. I want to know what happened in it, just because I was young, I was not very clear, I did n’t know Does the father know the reason? "

In this life, she must find out who killed her parents, otherwise she will waste a chance to be born again.

Seeing that she had set her eyes on those two people, Prince Yong remembered them for more than ten years and only saw them at the banquet of the Four Kingdoms last year. She couldn't help searching the memories in her mind, and said with some uncertainty, "Your mother The refusal to enter the Historian, the troubled Beijing city is full of enthusiasm. Some people say that your mother ’s identity is worthy of the Historian five sons. Even if he is a shame, you should be content. After all, the historian ’s reputation has risen in the past, and has a good reputation among the younger generation . "

"Why did my mother refuse?" For many things, she could not find the person to ask. The memories of the two generations were sometimes confused, and she needed to be clear.

"How can a proud man like your mother agree with others?" At that time, no one had thought that the unknown woman was so proud that she didn't even look at anyone.

Wu Xuan thought of her mother's whereabouts, and could not help but understand her mother's determination.

"What about the son-in-law of the kingdom? Why is it involved?" The charm of this mother-in-law is really powerful. What has been provoked are the most powerful and famous in Beijing. I don't know how many people are envious and resentful.

"At that time, many people said that Xuan Yuanjin and Shi Minglei truly loved each other, but she was full of arrogance in her bones, only for his wife, so Mrs. Zhen Guozhen went to Xuan Yuanjin and said a few words. From then on, Xuan Yuanjin saw Shi Minglei was like seeing strangers, but no one knew what the two said ... Soon after, Yun Yuan met Xuan Yuanjin, and the two were together without much trouble. Shangguanfu was because of Xuanyuan. Jin, who did not know the height of the nature, feared to cause trouble, and hurriedly agreed, and they have succeeded! "Recalling the events of that year, he couldn't help thinking of his premature queen.

At that time, the princess also had a very good opinion of Xuan Yuanjin, saying that why a woman contended with another woman for a man, and let herself feel wronged.

"Break the engagement twice, do they really have a little anger in their hearts?" Wan Ye Shengyan felt that this matter was tricky, "especially historians, but it was waiting for the silver to decorate it. If Shi Hongzhen welcomed me When his mother-in-law entered the house, Shi Jiajun can now be said to be the most lively, and King Xuan no longer has to frown with grief. "The more I say, the more I think something is wrong, but I don't know where it is.

"Probably ... the historians didn't expect that my mother would really be a bit of a rock, so what's the use of regret? It's just verbal rhetoric, no entry, no appointment, no marriage, it's just a crap, but Added a lot of legends to my mother, "This point, Xuan Xuan found herself really inferior to her mother.

In the previous life, if she knew what happened next, she must not have the courage to take the step to change her destiny!

Mother, from beginning to end, lived for herself, life was wonderful and beautiful.

"Who can think of it," Prince Yong said with a smile, and murmured, "People who regret it are gone!" If you know Xuan Yuanjin's ability, even if he is a wife, give her the whole house to her, it is willing. of.

Unfortunately, it is hard to buy if you have money.

Xuan Xuan and Wan Ye Shengyan stepped out of Wang Ye's side, and both remained silent. They felt that there was a lot of news in their hearts that needed to melt, so the two walked side by side and no one spoke.

"Knowing others knows their faces, but I don't think that after all this, the historian can be so kind ..." After thinking for a while, Xuan Xuan stood still and said in a low voice with patience.

"What did you think of?" Wan Ye Shengyan turned to look at her and asked her seriously.

This matter is not clear, not only Xuan Er, but even the entire Yun family will be exposed to danger, as if no one is likely to shoot.

"His ambitions are great, we all know that," Xuan Xuan looked up at him, and analyzed seriously, "If the historians had originally controlled the money belonging to the Yun family, what would the historians look like? I do n’t think A big man, Shi Hongzhen will take love first, do n’t hate my mother for marrying someone else, let alone complain that my mother did n’t tell him such important things that year, so that the historian was trapped by money for so many years, even when he was doing his best No,"

Every man has ambitions, including Wan Ye Shengyan.

He is cynical on the surface, but in fact, the secrets he holds are not small.

"But Shi Hongzhen has been away from Beijing for more than ten years," he wanted to check, and where to start.

Xi Xuan gave a slight pause, tilted her head and looked at the clear man in front of her, grinning, and asked, "Yan, in the eyes of the world, you can't do anything, you can't do anything, just wait for the position of Prince Yong. Actually? Do n’t you think Shi Hongzhen is so good? ”She would prefer Shi Hongzhen to hate and complain, and it would be better than everything to be light and light, when nothing happened.

Wan Yan Shengyan heard the meaning of her words, and immediately understood the deep meaning—that man would have such a big heart. If he knew that he had a marriage contract with Xuan Er, she fell in love with someone else, even if she would Hate yourself and win it too-but Shi Hongzhen and Shi Minglei not only did not fight, they even became friends with Yun Zheng.

Do n’t you think this kind of friend is strange?

"It seems that it's time to investigate these two people!" Zang's deep, not as good as Zang's, did not know that the two of them belonged to that kind.

At the beginning of May, Qin Yunshang's relationship with Gu Ming was grand and solemn. That was the face of the ancient family and Runan Palace to Qin Yunshang. She didn't want her to be despised in the future.

Many people are jealous of Qin Yunshang, an orphan who entered the gate of the ancient family and became the young lady of the ancient family. In the future, the ancient family's wife attracted a lot of hatred. After entering the cave house, they could not find the time to fall face to face.

From the beginning of adding dowry to Qin Yunshang, it was the princess Rui, who was not there, but the gift that was sent was precious. In addition to Xuan Xuan, Ning Family, Gu Feng Wu ... these are the people who are closely guarding her, so no one can get a chance to be ridiculed. On the day of the marriage, Xuan Xuan took care of her all the way. The married aunt Gu Fengwu kept the door of the new house to see who dared to arrogant in the ancient house. Let yourself remember who cares for her.

In mid-May, Princess Rui had a mishap because of something. King Rui's house sent someone to invite Jin Niang and let Xuan Xuan know, so she and Wan Ye Shengyan both went to King Rui's house, waiting for the final result. .

Upon arriving at King Rui's Mansion, I felt a depressing atmosphere, making people dare not even breathe.

"Ah ..." Ning'er's scream drew the attention of Xuan Xuan, and quickly let Jin Niang look in, and also saw King Rui walking around, standing not far from him It was the ram Wanxin, who was the queen of the prince Rui, who was helpless at the moment, but there was no way to hide the resentment in her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Xuan Xuan was hard to ask, but Wan Ji Shengyan could ask, after all, the relationship between the two was always close. "Don't you say it's days away?"

In the stomach of Ning Linger is the eldest son of King Rui, and the grandson of the emperor. Maybe the mother will not only protect Ning Linger, but also may help King Rui to help. No fiefdom.

Therefore, it is conceivable how much the emperor attaches importance to, and how much King Rui respects.

Of course, there are people who value it, and there is also anxiety that Ning Erer not only has no children at this moment, even she has disappeared the clean and vicious thoughts, and this has happened.

King Rui did not answer, but dropped the venomous eyes on the side of the ram Wanxin, waiting for the woman in front of him to disappear immediately.

Needless to say, everyone knows that this matter is directly related to Ram Yangxin.

But is this woman really that stupid?

"If Elder sister-in-law really happens, will King Rui make a princess of another country become Princess Rui?" He Xuan mocked with a small voice, the meaning of which was very clear.

The reason why Dong Yanguo made several princesses to be the princess's concubine is nothing more than thinking that no matter which princess becomes the emperor in the future, those princesses are only concubines or concubines, not the middle palace.

Ram Yangxin may not be willing to be a side concubine, and wants to be the princess Rui, but has she ever thought of the powerful relationship?

The ram who has been standing feels that she is not wrong. She is not as good as Ning Yuner, but the king of Rui is not cold or warm to her. Even Ning Yuner is pregnant and unwilling to be close. Oneself, there are only a handful of people who have come to her side in a month. As her honorable princess in the Western Qin Dynasty, there is nothing comparable to Ning Linger, so she can't bear it. After a few stimuli, let Ning Linger Inflated.

King Rui blame her, hum, how can she give her, she is a stately princess, is here to kiss and kiss, forgive King Wang dare not treat her.

She hoped that Ning Linger had a fetal life and died two lives. In the future, King Rui's house will be used by her. Who will dare to mock her as a stately princess.

However, she had a good calculation in her heart. When she heard Yun Xuan's words, her face was pale, and her eyes were so dark that she couldn't hide her head toward Yun Xuan Xuan, as if she hadn't become the princess Rui, because of Yun Xuan Xuan's. In those few words, Xuan Xuan couldn't laugh or cry.

She just kindly told the truth of the matter and let everyone be safe and sound. This woman is not a good person!

"Xuan Er, not everyone is just like you, so smart!" Wan Ji Shengyan answered the words of Xi Xuan with care, and mocked the ram Wanxin heartily. What happened to her was very Displeased.

If Ning Miner is involved, the situation in Dongyan will likely change. Relations with the Ning family will be different, so now there is only one point left, I just hope that Ning Linger is safe.

The news of Princess Rui's fetal life and the death of nine lives spread all over the capital at once, and also shocked the Ning family. Mrs. Ning didn't even pass the post and went directly to the King's Mansion, showing her eagerness.

"Auntie," Xuan Xuan saw Madam Ning's anxious look, afraid that she loved her daughter deeply, and blamed King Rui for being caught by someone. She immediately stepped forward to support her, instructed people to move the chair, and then persuaded He said, "Sister-in-law will be okay, and the child will be born in those few days. Jin Niang has already taken in the first aid."

When Mrs. Ning came, she was anxious to scold Wang Rui. A pair of eyes that cared about Xuan Xuan, she immediately understood how noble her son-in-law was. Even if her daughter had an accident, for Ningfu herself What can't be said for a while is that it can only bear the anger, and according to Xuan Xuan's words, sit aside and wait quietly.

"Thank you, concubine," the little girl who won her like a glance at that time, has now become the concubine of Prince Yong's Mansion.

"Mrs. don't be polite, sister and sister-in-law, I don't want her to be in trouble!" Ning Linger-gui, as Princess Rui, never forgets handkerchiefs that year, and attaches great importance to Qin Yunshang. She likes this Pure people are not for the sake of fame, just for the sake of simplicity.

In the delivery room, the screams of Ning Linger still came from time to time. Everyone was waiting with a deep frown. No one was willing to stand like this. Several people were walking in the yard and kept going back and forth, as if this could eliminate them. The kind of uneasiness in my heart.

"Ah, that's not good, the princess is unconscious," exclaimed inside, making everyone outside look very complex, and Mrs. Ning was soft on her legs and feet, whispering in a broken heart: 玥 儿 ... 让 翎 萱I can't bear looking.

Of all the people, only the ram Wanxin smiled at the corner of his mouth, and seemed to be very satisfied with the result.

Just when she was secretly proud, a sharp gaze fell on her, and before she could react, she clenched her neck with both hands, and said with a gloomy face, "If something happened to the princess, you Just waiting for the funeral ... A dear princess, can the West Qin Kingdom send soldiers? I do n’t know what is dead or alive, "those bloodthirsty eyes stared straight at the ram's eyes, looking pale. Even his breath is choking.

The King of Rui, who exudes momentum like that, made Xuan Xuan look a little suspiciously, looking at Wan Ye Shengyan, feeling that he didn't seem to understand some things.

In the minds of outsiders, King Rui has always been gentle and courteous. He is decent to everyone, without any filth or pride. Such people, without strong and powerful means, are actually not suitable for being a king.

But now ... Royal, really there is no simple person.

"Let's ... let go," the throat was choked, and the feeling of suffocation was about to breathe, which scared the ram, and feared that he might face death.

In the King's Mansion, even if she was not favored, she could wear and eat better than herself in the Western Qin Dynasty. She was just unwilling. Now, when the feeling of death invades her mind, she is scared and regretted.

"Don't shout, take ginseng," chaos outside, chaos inside, but fortunately, Jin Niang's angry voice sounded, making everyone feel a little relieved.

"If she has an accident, not only will the king want your life, but also the funeral of the Western Qin Kingdom!" That fierce momentum is the real temper of King Rui.

Hidden so deep!

"Bang!" The king slammed it hard, and the ram fell on the ground warily, with no arrogance and yin, and some were afraid after being scared.

"For a Ning Yuner, does the Lord want to cause war between the two countries?" Ning Yuner turned back to the ground, lying on the ground, looking back at King Rui who looked like an individual, and questioned unbelievably.

"My king caused a war between the two countries?" King Rui mocked and laughed, "Isn't that what you meant?"

The Ram looked at the man in front of him in confusion, wondering what kind of person he was. Before, she tried to anger him a few times, but he forbeared it, but she was not allowed to provoke Ning Yuner, so she felt that King Rui should be gentle and easy to handle. However, she never expected that King Rui was such a person.

Hidden in secret, much better than Wan Ling Ling Xuan.

At this moment, she really regretted it.

If King Rui can take the throne in the future, even if he is not a queen, he should be a concubine or a concubine, and his identity is self-evident.

But now, everything was messed up by her.

"The princess is awake ..." There was a sound of surprise inside, so everyone was relieved.

"God bless, bodhisattva bless!" Mrs. Ning felt as if **** had returned to heaven, not knowing whether to cry or be happy.

Knowing that Ning Linger is okay, Ram's heart is extremely complicated, and I don't know what kind of thoughts should be.

"Come," Wang Rui, looking down at the ram sitting on the ground, commanded disdainfully, "support Fang Fei, and she will not be allowed to go anywhere except her own yard."

This is a house arrest in disguise to prevent future problems.

As expected by the Rams, Xin Wang couldn't kill her, but now, for a woman with an upright youth, it is tortured to death, which is even more cruel than killing her.

This result made Ram sullenly dissatisfied, but before she could say anything, she was covered by her mouth with her hands, and she was not allowed to make a noise, and was here to pretend.

Without the presence of the ram Wanxin, the atmosphere finally improved, but also made Xuan Xuan more alert.

For the royal family, especially those who have ambitions, I don't know why, she always has an unclear and unclear mind. Maybe the past life is counted, so I can't let it go.

The waiting time was the most difficult. Ning Linger's situation was very dangerous. Fortunately, there was Jin Niang, who repeatedly pulled her back from fainting. After two hours, she finally gave birth to a baby boy, and then was too tired. fainted…….

"Wow ..." The crying like a cat made everyone's hearts twist.

"Born," the crowd shouted in unison, a flash of joy flashed in their eyes, and finally felt that the dark clouds were cleared away.

"Where's the princess, how about the princess?" Ning asked in a silent voice, remembering her daughter.

"Mrs. rest assured, the mother and son are safe, the princess is okay, but she is too tired and has fallen asleep," Jin Niang replied in it, knowing that she had sweat beads on her forehead at this moment, and the whole person was taken out of the water Come on.

Everyone knows that if Ning Erer or the child had an accident, the whole house would be hard to blame. Even if the princess knew the fetal gas before, it would not be forgiven.

"It's great, it's great," Mrs. Ning's eyes filled with tears, and at this moment, she was really relieved.

"Squeak," the people inside packed up the children, wrapped them in a bag, and were held by Jin Niang in their arms, and everyone immediately greeted them and set their sights on the crying child. Body.

"Meet the Lord," Jin Niang saw King Rui, saluted immediately, but was stopped by King Rui. His eyes fell on the child in Jin Niang's arms, and his expression was excited. He reached out to take over, but was afraid of the soft child. If he tried to force himself, he would hurt him, and could only look helplessly. , Dare not really take over.

Mrs. Ning could not help but long before she crossed over to King Rui, she hugged the child skillfully from Jin Niang's arms, and when she saw the child with her eyes closed, she felt that everything was raining and sunny.

"Congratulations, Lord Congratulations," everyone in the yard, including Jin Niang, knelt down and congratulated

"Reward, there are rewards," he dared not hug, but looking at it this way, he felt that the contented Rui Wang shouted loudly, so that all the depressed atmosphere disappeared.

Princess Rui was born, and her mother and son were safe. This amazing news soon passed into the palace to make the emperor Longxin pleased. The reward was like flowing money into the palace of King Rui. Is envious but helpless.

"That's so good, it's a man in one fell swoop," Shangguan Yanlan heard the news, gritted his teeth low, but didn't dare to smash things pretentiously.

This is a great event for Dong Yanguo. If she smashed something and passed it to the emperor's ear, she would have nothing good to eat, so she put up with it.

Fortunately, there is also a child in his stomach. Ning Yuner can be a mother and son, but he can do it himself.

"The princess will certainly be able to do so," the girl-in-law rushed to please him, fearing that the princess with a volatile temper would have another moth.

Shangguan Yanlan reached out and touched her belly, only she knew how much she had in her heart.

If she is a man in one fell swoop, she can be regarded as a patron in Wangfu. If not, she doesn't know how to live her life.

I do n’t know what is going on, Lord Wang attaches great importance to Jimo Lexi. In a month, most of the chances are in her yard. Fortunately, such favoring has not made her pregnant, otherwise, I do n’t know yet how is it.

Speaking of pregnancy, she remembered something.

Yunhe, earlier than himself, is expected to give birth. If she was born in front of herself, then she would not only be a joke, the child in her stomach would be a threat to the child in her stomach, so she narrowed her eyes and felt that she had let it go for so long, and it was time to do something.


Two chapters merge into one chapter.

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