MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 299 Trip to Nanyu

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Wan Ye Shengyan closed the window to cut off the excitement from the outside, so as not to watch the trouble.

Xu Xuan's brow frowned and she never let go. The whole person looked a lot gloomy.

"The prince stared at it deadly. It was a bit difficult to end Yun's business." Xuan Xuan rubbed her headaches and found that the trip to the Nanyu country was more complicated than she thought.

She counted all kinds of difficulties. She never expected that Prince Nan Yuguo was such a shameless and despicable person. It was such an upright Jin Yun family's industry. What kind of Wan Ling Ling Xuan came to him was considered inferior.

At least Wan Xuan Ling Xuan has ambitions but has always been secretive, not as cheeky as others.

Wan Yun Shengyan can only say that he doesn't really understand the Yun family business, so looking at her frowning and anxious heart, but he really doesn't understand the business, so he can't help anything.

"Xuaner, it is better to consult with the King of Leisure. He has always opposed the battle between Prince Nan Yuguo and Dong Yan Kingdom. In addition, Princess Xia is pregnant now and will miss the food of her homeland. If the Yun family is ended rashly All business, I am afraid that the first king will not agree! Wan Wan Shengyan thought that the reason why the tower can be opened is all due to the king, can not help but think of finding a breakthrough from the king.

"Can you do it?" For that nervous king, Xuan Xuan can only show that he doesn't have too much affection, especially he also jammed Jimo Lingxuan to Wan Ling Ling Xuan, which led to this unreasonable war.

If the Xianwang knew that Xuan Xuan blame the cause of the war between the two countries on his own head, he would definitely cry out: He wanted to add to the queen and sent her favorite daughter to Dongyan Kingdom and her relatives. The emperor of Dongyan Kingdom did it. What was it about him?

"Whether it's okay or not, at least there is a small county chief, we will not be in trouble!" Even if the king wants to do something, he doesn't mind doing something in the capital city of Nanyu Kingdom, just messing up their military hearts.

"Okay," Xuan Xuan finally agreed with Wan Yan Shengyan's decision, and found that there was no better attention than this. "How do you see that?" The prince will always pay attention to it, after all, the King of Leisure is also a threat to him. As soon as they appear, they can find out their identity as soon as they check it.

She didn't think how honorable she was, but ah, silver was king before the war.

Without forage, even if your army is powerful, what use is it?


They can do nothing but a "wait".

I do n’t want to attract attention, I can only wait helplessly. I hope the owner of the county will come to Diaolou for a meal as soon as possible. At that time, they will ask her to discuss it. As for the future, you can only take one step at a time. .

While waiting for Duan Muyao, Xuan Xuan and Wan Xun Shengyan were very low-key back and forth between Diaolou and the inn. Although Xiao Er said that he would deliver meals to the inn, Xuan Xuan refused.

If it doesn't make people feel used to it, when Duan Muyao comes, they will have no excuse to see her.

For five days in a row, Xuan Xuan and Wan Ye Shengyan patiently shuttled between two points, waiting for Duan Muyao to arrive. Diaolou's buddies and Xiao Er have become accustomed to them, knowing that they will come here to eat on time every day, so carefully prepared early, even if there are only two guests, they cannot take it lightly.

On the sixth day, Xuan Xuan and Wan Xun Sheng went to the diner to eat as usual. As soon as they entered, they noticed that the atmosphere was wrong. Xiao Er was more busy than usual. Although there was no one in the lobby, the atmosphere was obviously better than before. .

"The two guest officers please sit down and wait for a while." Knowing that they are not the kind of influence, Xiao Er could only greet first, and then went to the kitchen to pass the dishes.

Since the accident in the Diaolou, the locally recruited Xiaoer has already left, so when he is the busiest, he can only be the Xiaoer and the treasurer alone, holding multiple positions.

Xu Xuan waited for a while, seeing that Xiao Er was busy with sweat, so he let him rest for a while, ordered a few dishes, and then asked curiously, "What's wrong? There are customers ?"

"Uh-huh," Xiao Er's face showed a faint smile, and nodded. "It is the princess Xianxian who is eating upstairs. Although the kitchen is prepared early, but the princess Xianxian becomes pregnant after the pregnancy, this taste becomes more, so I cannot help but I didn't notice it for a while, and some were messy! "As long as the princess Xianxian did not abhor this place, it would not be completely closed here, and the conspiracy of the prince would not succeed.

The shopkeeper would rather have something to do by himself, and suffer or suffer in prison. He wouldn't give up the silver belonging to the Yun family, in order not to have Nanyu country get silver and attack Dongyan country, but their country has their hometown and relatives So no matter what, even if it is dead, it will not succeed in the conspiracy of Prince Nan Yuguo.

Sure enough, Xuan Xuan and Wan Yan Sheng Yan Wan Yan looked at each other, no one asked to ask to see the princess Xian Xian, but let Xiaoer to greet the guests, regardless of their side.

Xiao Er was so grateful that if he made another mistake, the only chips would be gone, so he nodded and thanked for a long time and went upstairs to wait.

"What to do?" Xuan Xuan thought of Anu who had not seen her for a long time and was upstairs, and couldn't help but be excited. Unfortunately, Anu is now distinguished and pregnant, and she must be surrounded by a lot of people. If she wants to meet, she is still in a low-key situation.

"Look first," Wan Ye Shengyan looked up at the entrance of the stairs, seeing that there should be no one. But from time to time, some people are walking back and forth alternately, presumably to protect Duanmu Yao.

If they knew what the king of the mind was, they could be shocked, but they did n’t get the affirmation of Duan Muyao, and no one knew what the king of the king was, so if they were so rushed, they would be frightened, so they could only wait patiently and look for The most suitable opportunity.

He is the only one who is not afraid of any danger. It is also the easiest to get away. However, there is Xuan Er around, and only Xuan Er can get the trust of Duan Muyao and can't let her leave, so she can only wait patiently for the best chance.

Knowing that Duan Muyao was upstairs, he was suffering from no chance, making Xuan Xuan very anxious, she had no appetite for food, and looked at the stairs from time to time, expecting Duan Muyao to come down suddenly so that she could see her. .

As if I knew the kind of anxiety in Yun Xuan's heart, the sound of a smashed plate came from the floor, and Xiao Er's pale face was going upstairs. As a result, a goose yellow figure appeared at the entrance of the stairs, making Xuan Xuan's eyes brighten— —It was Duan Muyao's personal aunt when she was in Runan Palace, and she also knew her.

"Just accidentally broke a plate, and the light dish was served again," the girl stood on the stairs and asked Xiao Er to let Xiao Er, who was so pale, let out a nod and said, " Alright, alright, come immediately, come immediately! "

The goose yellow figure was about to leave when turning around, making Xuan Xuan very anxious, and rushing out of anger, thinking: "Small two, what about our dishes? Why haven't you come up for so long?"

Xiao Eryi, who had turned to the kitchen to hear that they were in trouble, was a little embarrassed, but still subconsciously answered: "Hurry up, soon, the younger will immediately remind ..." What is this, sad reminder!

Duan Muyao's maid originally instructed her to turn around and leave after she was sophomore, but when she heard a sound that seemed a little familiar, she couldn't help turning around in doubt and saw her eyes widened and stared at her familiar person. With a smile on his face, when he was about to shout, he saw the person shaking his head seriously at her, and immediately nodded slightly, then turned upstairs.

Seeing people recognize him, Xuan Xuan's heart was slightly relieved, and she was quite excited waiting for Duan Muyao to meet her.

Those girls who have been trained by the big families are all human beings. That girl recognized her but was rejected by her. I believe she should be smart and feel the current situation, so I did n’t recognize them directly, I believe. Yes, Duan Muyao will know her existence.

Sure enough, after a while, there was a familiar voice upstairs that made Xuan Xuan feel like crying.

"Someone dared to grab something from the princess, you go and call the woman up," Duan Muyao's voice sounded on the second floor, and it was clearly transmitted downstairs.

"Don't worry," Xuan Xuan was afraid that Wan Yi Shengyan would worry, soothing him first.

"I know," he watched Duan Muyao's friendship with Xuan Xuan all the way, naturally he was not afraid that Duan Muyao would hurt Xuan Xuan.

The maid who just came downstairs came down again, and after understanding the meaning of the princess, she calmed down and said, "Don't be afraid, the princess will be a bit lonely because the big dwelling has no previous excitement. I want to ask Madam goes up to dinner together and won't treat you like that. "

"Yes ... isn't it?" Xuan Xuan pretended to be disturbed, and followed the girl-in-law.

After going up to the second floor, it was found that there were many people protecting Duan Muyao. In the box, only Duan Muyao and the maidservant were two people. It was obvious that she was impatient to be followed by so many people.

However, due to her sensitive identity, the king can not afford to lose, so she can only let her unhappy arrange so many people.

As soon as Xuan Xuan entered the house, the girl closed the door immediately, leaving the guard with no chance to inspect it.

"Xuan'er," Duan Muya held his stomach up and saw the most familiar person in his memory.

"You are still pregnant, don't get too excited," Xuan Xuan stepped forward and took her hand, soothingly, "I'm here, don't cry!"

She stretched out her hand and touched Duanmu Yao. She tried her best to calm down her heart, fearing that she would cry out if she couldn't help it, causing a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"It's good to see you." It seemed a bit unbelievable. She reached out and touched Xuan Xuan's cheek, feeling that she was really in front of herself, not because she missed everything about Dong Yanguo too much. The ghostly shadow can't help choking.

God knows that she was married to Nan Yuguo alone. There is no familiar person, no scenery in her own memory, she is completely unfamiliar. She has to face constant conspiracy calculations and strong mockery and disdain. That is something she has not experienced before Passed, but must be faced.

She is a close princess and ca n’t go wrong, but the humiliation she faces is more. The leisure king ca n’t be with her all the time. Everything she faces is forcing her to grow, she only knows that she is in Dongyan. How happy I was when I was in China, and it was hurt and cared by so many people.

For the entire Nanyu Kingdom, only the towers made her feel at ease. Sitting here, she felt that she had returned to the capital, because the pattern here is the same as that of the capital. She occasionally hesitated and found that she did not leave Dongyan , The girls talked and laughed in the tower, so happy and worry-free, but when they woke up, they found that everything had changed.

"How many months is the baby?" Knowing her emotional excitement, Xuan Xuan could only change the subject.

Leaving everything she was familiar with alone and coming to a strange place, she had to work **** everything. She knew Duan Muyao's luck and helplessness. With children and sustenance, it will be much better in the future.

She believed that Runan and Princess Runan were just like herself, and only hoped that Anu had a good life.

"It's been more than six months," speaking of children, the only thing that pleased her, so there was a little more gentleness and stability between Meiyu, and Duan Muyao, who she knew with Xuan Xuan, was sentenced to two.

Time really can make people grow.

That coquettish little girl who just wants to eat is that everyone is unwilling to destroy the simpleness. But it is just such a simple person. Being a princess and a kiss is sighing and helpless.

"It's good that you will have your own child soon," said Xuan Xuan, thinking with a pout and smiling. "Today, only sister-in-law has a son. I didn't expect you to be faster than us."

"Oh, I like the child very much," said Xiao Xuan in such a simple sentence, and she was doing well here.

"Just like it." After all, it's a person who will spend a lifetime together in the future. Xuan Xuan still hopes that the leisure king can care about Anu and put her in her heart. She is worthy of others.

The two chatted for a few words, and after Duan Muyao's mood was better, she took the initiative to ask, "Xuan Er, why are you here in Nanyu, aren't the two countries fighting now? If you come so bravely, won't you? What would be wrong? "She knew best about Prince Prince's ambitions. Why did the tower become like this? She knew it best, so she was worried about Xuan Xuan's safety.

Watching Anu caring for herself as usual, a smile overflowed from the corner of Xuan Xuan, watching her chuckled and said, "This is the time when you came to Nanyu Kingdom, you should come to see you, but ... you know, my identity now The most sensitive, if you let the Prince of the Nanyu Kingdom know, I am afraid that it will cause you a lot of troubles with the King of Leisure. However, I must do so, so I want to meet you and ask the King of Heaven what he thinks about the war. Let me make a decision in my heart! "

If everyone in the Nanyu Kingdom supported the war, there would be no need to stay in the Nanyu Kingdom. But if there is a chance, she will fight for it.

"Xiang Wang's thoughts ..." Duan Muyao touched his stomach, calmed for a moment, and thought for a moment, and said, "I only know that King Xia is full of dissatisfaction with the prince. His title of prince is The queen told the emperor to let him understand that he is the life of the idle king, so don't have the wrong heart. However, the Prince ’s actions this time include provoking war, including targeting the Yun family, including the economy of the Nanyu Kingdom. The changed things have caused a lot of dissatisfaction, and there have been many impeachments, but they can't hold the power of the queen's family, so only the thunder is loud, and the rain is small ... This tower is still protected by the idle king's painstaking efforts. , "

Here, she has too many memories, if not, she doesn't know if she can survive in Nanyu Kingdom.

When Xuan Xuan heard that the prince was so unpopular, but only supported by power, a kind of bold thought popped up in her mind, wondering if the ambition of the king king had turned the prince's hands into the sky.

Would such a mean and shameless villain really take up that position in the future and still be able to accommodate the King of Leisure?

She feels that every prince will have his own power, just like Wan Ye Shengyan. He looks inconspicuous, but he has no less than that prince, so if the leisure king has his own power, he can fight with the prince. a bit.

But, how do you tell that idle king?

"Xian Wang once told me that the Yun family's business could not be an issue in Nanyu Kingdom," seeing Xuan Xuan silent, Duan Muyao hesitated and said quietly.

She didn't know what the deep meaning in the idle king's words was, but she always felt that he had mastered something and didn't say it explicitly.

On the surface, Diaolou was protected by the King of Leisure, but in fact, he secured all Yun's business, but only made Yun's limelight less powerful than before, and those arrested shopkeepers have not yet been protected. Just let it go.

"Why?" Xu Xuan looked surprised, and did not expect that the leisure king would say this to Anu. What was hidden in it?

Duan Muyao shook his head and said blankly, "I don't know, I asked a few times later, and he shifted the topic or kept silent. I didn't hear anything!"

It was because there was nothing really wrong with Diaolou, so she didn't tell Xuan Xuan.

In addition, the Diaolou really had an accident, and it was impossible to find someone to send a letter to Dongyan State.

Since Xuan Xuan was a little bit bottomed out because of Duan Muyao, she looked at her seriously and said, "Anu, we don't need to take precautions. I came to Nanyu country, just want to accept the Yun family of Nanyu country. Business, so that Nan Yuguo ca n’t raise the supply of military supplies. When the war is defeated without a fight, it will give King Rui a chance. Now, the prince is eyeing the Yun family, and I ca n’t start, so you go back and tell me Wang, ask him if he wants to cooperate with the Yun family. Otherwise, after I leave, the entire Yun family of the Yun family will disappear at once, and it will not bring any benefit to the Nan Yu country ... "

Duan Muyao looked at Yun Yanxuan who changed her momentum all at once, and suddenly seemed a little surprised, she couldn't help but look at her slightly, her eyes stunned.

"I just want peace between the two countries. I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble because of my personal sex, Anu, do you understand?" Xuan Xuan's tone was so solemn, "That's why I and Shi Ziye came from Dongyan country regardless of the danger. The biggest reason for Nan Yukuni! "

If it is not for this, they can completely ignore the Yun family business in Nanyu Kingdom. Losing money is a trivial matter, and human safety is the most important thing.

Duan Muyao, after experiencing all the injustices of going to Nanyu Kingdom, knows that only Dongyan Kingdom is strong, and he has a foothold in Nanyu Kingdom, otherwise Dongyan Kingdom has an accident, and his dear princess is nothing, even with It will also affect the child in her stomach and become despised by others, so she gritted her teeth and agreed with Xuan Xuan's statement, and supported her to do so.

"Be assured, I have this in my heart. When I go back, I will discuss it with Grandpa," even if Grandpa disagrees and fights with the child in her stomach, she will protect the safety of Xuan Xuan and Grandpa Shi.

Why can't they come here for the adventure of Dongyan State?

In Dongyan Kingdom, there are her father and mother-in-law, as well as her brother and relatives. She cannot ignore or ignore her.

Wu Xuan looked at Anu's decisive look. She was a little worried, but she was helpless. She could only say, "If you feel embarrassed, don't say it. We will think of another way!" They came, I want to know if Anu is okay, and if the King of Leisure is good to her.

If everything had changed because of her arrival, it was not something she wanted to see.

"Don't worry, the King of Leisure is pretty good to me. At least for the sake of the child in the stomach, he won't do anything to me," Duan Muyao still knew very well.

She has never been proud of being petted by her pregnancy, but has always maintained her heart, enough to eat and drink. Because of this, the leisure king became more and more interested in her.

Wu Xuan talked with Duan Muyao a few more times, fearing that Wan Pu Shengyan would be worried downstairs, so he contacted Duan Muyao and waited for her news here five days later, then went downstairs and talked to Wan Yisheng Yan left together.

Duan Muyao ate upstairs for a while, then lifted his belly and was protected by a lot of guards and got into the carriage and left the tower.

Standing at the inn's door window, looking at the well-protected Duan Muyao, Xuan Xuan said a little bit worriedly: "I don't know if we will affect Anu this time!"

"If the King of Leisure did not tolerate this point of grace, I believe the Xiaojun Lord will not have a better life in the future." There are some things that cannot be seen on the surface.

If the leisure king really cares about Duan Muyao, she will know that her relatives are far away from Dongyan Kingdom.

No matter how good the king is, that is also the lover who has been together for several years. Those in Dongyan Kingdom are her close relatives, who are relatives who can't forget to let go in a lifetime. There is no way to compare the two.

Wu Xuan didn't say anything, knowing that the matter had come to an end, and it was useless to worry too much, she could only silently watch the carriage go away ...

The days of waiting have always been difficult. Xuan Xuan and Wan Xun Shengyan endured the boringness, shuttled between two points, and occasionally strolled on the street again, let Yinger and Luliu go to find out now Some forms of Nan Yuguo were blinded and confused, and they didn't even know about the trouble.


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