MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 301 Live and not live

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Wu Xuan didn't answer, but there was a chill in the cold eyes: Wang Ye, she wanted Wan Xuan Ling Xuan to die better, so that she could get rid of all the resentments of her last life, so that she could avenge more than two hundred people in the Yun family.

For so many years, she has been reluctant to do anything with Wan Ling Ling Xuan, just because she always has a dream in her heart, and that dream has been deeply engraved in her heart since she was born again, telling herself: if it ca n’t be done, then I am sorry for the Yun family who was involved in the previous life.

It's just that, she has no way to tell Wan Yan Shengyan, she can only do it step by step and realize it. Fortunately, this man around her has always been doing nothing, not asking, which made her have to be moved.

"Things are resolved. We don't have to hurry this way. Rarely have the opportunity to appreciate the national conditions of Nan Yu country. Why not go back slowly?" When I came, because I was too nervous to rush, I could hardly eat or sleep well. Everyone was stunned. Now, the major issues are resolved, and the rest, they want to help them, they might as well enjoy this kind of exquisiteness, adjust their mentality, and return to Beijing to face everything.

If you care too much, you can't do it in the end.

Seeing Wan Ye Shengyan's leisurely leisurely feelings, Xuan Xuan could not help pouting with a smile and said, "Well, you said lightly, you didn't go back. Isn't King Rui worried about it? If you delay his return to Beijing because of you, it's broken. All major events, then, we will become sinners of Dongyan Kingdom! "

"Well, it seems that this time the hope is empty!" Wan Yan Shengyan sighed slightly, but there was not much loneliness.

"There will be a chance in the future!" Xi Xuan was soothing, but the green willow on the side retorted straightly, "Master, I don't know how long to wait for the future opportunity, until the matter is resolved, the master should be born. It ’s a little master, Lord Lao has been talking about, saying that the palace has been quiet for too long, and it is time for a child to be lively! "

To Xuan Liu and Ying Er, Xuan Xuan has always been very strict. In front of outsiders, the two have always been very modest, so Xuan Xuan didn't ask for more.

Now, when hearing such words from Luliu, Xuan Xuan couldn't help fainting her face, and glared at her with some shame, then she didn't open her face in silence, but she didn't see the uncomfortable following on Wan Yan's face A flash of panic.

"Is it your business to take care of the master?" Yinger scolded the green willow, then handed the cut fruit and placed it on the carriage's small table with a serious face.

"That's not what I want to control. It's just that the old prince whispered in private every time, and he also talked to the slave several times. Then the slave went out and passed!" Lu Liu complained with some grievances. There should be a little master in the palace.

"Well, don't talk about it," do the two girls think they have thick skin? Just talk in private, and ridicule in front of Wan Yan Shengyan, what does it mean?

From mentioning the pregnancy and having a child, Wan Ye Shengyan has always kept silent, with his eyes closed slightly and his eyes closed, making people think he was too tired to fall asleep. Only Xuan Xuan knew that he was not asleep, but he The topic is not very daring, and I can't help but feel aggrieved-does he not want to have a child of his own?

If he doesn't love himself, that's false, because she knows how dangerous it is to be in Nanyu this time, but he came with him desperately. But if he said he loved himself, why didn't he want to give himself a child?

Yun Xuan's heart was complicated, but she couldn't ask.

As a human being, she had never been a mother once, and she looked forward to it, especially when she saw Ning Linger talking about her child who was sent away. Missing her can make her whole person beautiful. I was envious and wanted to know how it felt.

That should be irreplaceable, so she wants to have a child and wants to feel that kind of taste.

The original cheerful atmosphere was a little weird because of a word by Lu Liu. It was not good, but it was not good. It was mainly because of Wan Yan Shengyan's attitude that made Xuan Xuan and others feel a little scratched.

Major issues are not resolved, and it is impossible to play all the way, so the return journey has always been non-stop.

Back to the twilight city of Dongyan Kingdom, the atmosphere here has been much better than before, the people's faces are filled with a touch of joy and a look of hope. It is probably that the war is about to end and there is hope for the future, so the whole person All come alive.

"I'm waiting for you here. You go to the barracks and explain the matter to King Rui, and see if you can leave early." She didn't know anything about the situation in Beihan Country, and she didn't know what Wanxuan Lingxuan was now The situation, so I just hope that King Rui can start as soon as possible, if it is fast, maybe maybe ten days will be able to rush back to the capital.

"Well, I know," Wan Ye Shengyan arranged for Xuan Xuan, and asked the two girls to take good care of her before turning away.

Looking at the back of Wan Ye Shengyan's departure, there was a hint of sadness and doubt between Lu Liu's eyebrows. I didn't know whether to open or not.

When I accidentally mentioned that the old man hoped that there was a little master in the palace, the mood of the master was a bit wrong. It has continued to the present. The master who has been a little bit aggrieved, but the master who has always hurt the master has nothing Say, never explained anything, what happened?

"Master ..." Yinger looked at the gloomy master and said hesitantly: "Sai Ziye did this for a reason!"

"You know?" Xuan Xuan looked up at her and asked seriously and solemnly.

"Slaves just guessed, I don't know if this is the case!"

"You said!" This matter, stuck in her heart for several days, she did n’t dare to ask, and she was afraid that the answer was sad, so she was tangled in her heart, fearing that she would sooner or later break out and hurt. I hurt others.

If she could know the answer from Ying Er's mouth, she would very much like to know.

"The master should know that the old princess died because of the birth of the grandfather. It was because of this that the aunt of the Mayor County followed her at a young age, so in the grandfather's heart, the woman was born The child is the most dangerous thing, especially because the world's grandfather cares so much about the master. He definitely doesn't want the master to be in any danger! "Yinger said his own thoughts, mainly to ease the mood of the master.

It is obvious that Shizi is good to his master. She didn't want the master to be resentful to the grandfather because of this incident. No matter what kind of feeling, if you have resentment in your heart, then you will hate each other, but it is not beautiful.

"... Is that so?" Wu Xuan murmured hesitantly, not knowing what emotions should be in her heart, feeling a bit sour, and Wan Wan Shengyan was distressed.

Because of this, would he not want his own child for a lifetime?

Isn't that Prince Yong Mansion going to end?

How can this silly man be like this?

Xuan Xuan's heart was sweet and sour, not to mention any taste, but she felt that this man was better to himself than he had imagined.

And at this time, Wan Yesheng was hiding this incident in his heart, just that kind of unreasonable fear, he didn't know who to talk to.

If someone knows that he is a big man, he is not afraid of the sky, and he is not afraid of the earth, and he is afraid that his woman will have children, so speaking out does not become a joke.

It is natural for a woman to have children. But why is it hard to accept in his heart.

He would rather have no children in his life than to encounter any danger to Xuan Er.

At first, because of that calculation, Princess Rui almost got into an accident. Fortunately, there was Jin Niang, so she would be safe, so he didn't dare to gamble. He felt that if a woman gave birth to a child, she would be fighting for the king of Yan, and if she was not careful, she would lose out.

Because the battle of Nan Yuguo was small, and it meant a lot of military withdrawal, King Rui's mood was a lot easier, so when I saw Wan Yan Shengyan sitting there in a daze, I couldn't help but feel a little curious, came forward and asked: "How Is it? "After returning to the barracks, he looked stupid, it was not the shrewd Wan Yan Shengyan he knew.

Wan Ye Shengyan looked at King Rui's curious look, and couldn't help crying out, "Don't you be afraid when Princess Rui is giving birth?"

King Rui was hesitant, hesitated for a moment to understand the meaning of his words, opened his shirt and sat aside, and smiled and said, "Worry is naturally there, but if you do not have a child, it is against her own disadvantage, Princess Rui I ca n’t sit firmly in this position, so whether you are afraid or not, this child must be born! "

Wan Yan Sheng looked at him for a while and found that he had told him this in vain.

King Rui's affection for Ning Linger is completely dispensable. With this child, nothing more than to consolidate his own position, so even if it is known that Ning Linger died, this child, Wang Rui must also be required.

In this case, it is no wonder that King Rui, but his position, can no longer let him choose ... At first, for Ning Yuner, he was angry with the rams, it can be considered a slight concern.

This kind of emotional concern for the benefit is not understood by Wan Yan Shengyan. He only knows that he can't stand the painful feeling of losing Xuan Er, so he would rather not have a child, and he wouldn't let her go wrong.

Seeing him looking at himself silently, King Rui wondered curiously, what he thought, his eyes brightened, and asked in surprise: "Is the concubine happy?" Only in this way, a big man would care about women The matter of having children.

Wan Ye Shengyan shook his head and said very simply, "No, there will be no more!"

King Rui stared at him blankly and understood the meaning of his words, then asked in shock: "Nothing will happen again? Is something wrong?" In Prince Yong's Mansion, there was only one of his sons. Aren't you going to die?

Such a result, presumably, Huang Bo is the least acceptable.


Read The Duke's Passion