MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 304 Arrogant

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The result of your death ... such a cruel answer, in fact, to them, they have long understood, but just a little unwilling to accept it.

However, the enemy's ruthlessness is forcing himself to grow up, and sometimes it is also a benefit.

After the serious killing of the killer, all the way was unblocked, so that there was no hindrance, so that everyone could relax and be vigilant. Do you think this way is so easy?

Just when he was about to return to Beijing, Xuan Xuan received a message from the Yun family, which was transmitted by Yun Tao: Wan Ling Ling Xuan was about to return to Beijing and brought Shi Jiajun.

"Isn't the emperor's order to keep Shi Jiajun to the north? Why did Xuan Wang take the Shi Jiajun back in a brave way?" This news made Xuan Xuan look extremely bad.

With Shi Jiajun in hand, what Wan Ling Lingxuan wanted to do was not easy to control.

"King Rui and King Xuan both received the decree at the same time, leaving the two armies in place and letting the two kings return to Beijing, so King King let the dispatched person stand by. I did not expect King Xuan to come to such a place. He wanted to ... rebel? "The last two words, Wan Yansheng's pressure was very low, almost inaudible.

Wu Xuan poked her mouth and said disdainfully, "Did he not reveal his ambitions completely? Wait, after returning to Beijing, if you haven't guessed wrong, this time, some have played!" And, once shot, it is bound to It is the biggest thing. I believe Wanxuan Lingxuan also returned to Beijing with confidence.

Originally, he was about to return to Beijing. Everyone should be happy, but when I heard that Wan Ling Ling Xuan returned with Shi Jiajun, the news made King Rui a little restless.

He also thought that Wan Xuan Ling Xuan had the support of Si Jiajun and stayed in the north, which was the same as himself. Now that Shi Jiajun is returning to Beijing with him, what chance does he have?

Thinking of this, he was a little decadent.

Wu Xuan and Wan Ye Shengyan looked at such a king, but in fact they also felt it. This Wan Ye Ling Xuan was probably stunned by the right, completely disregarding the order of the emperor.

After returning to Beijing, everyone has their own mood. That is the glory that belongs to King Rui, so Xuan and Wan Ye Shengyan are separated from King Rui at the gate of the city, and don't want to be too noticeable. As for the return of King Rui to Beijing, although it was simple, it was still warmly welcomed by the people. It was even greeted by Prince Yong in person, which was enough to save face.

"Brother, alas, fortunately, the hot water is ready. Let's freshen up first !?" Wan Yanmeier waited at the door early and saw them returning safely with a sweet smile on her face. Face said joyfully.

"Well," the two nodded at each other, feeling that they were eating and sleeping all the way, missing the peace at home.

Prince Yong went to meet King Rui. That was something they all knew, so they didn't ask much. Knowing that everything was fine in the palace, that's fine.

Xi Xuan sent Lu Liu back to Yun's house to report her safety, and then went to freshen up and change clothes. By the time she came out, Meier had prepared delicious meals, and thoughtful Xuan Xuan couldn't help but make a noise.

"This Meier is getting better and better, I can't bear to let her marry!" Xuan Xuan bit her chopsticks and murmured at Meier, thinking that after returning, Meier who did everything she could do was really capable. Yes, in such a fast time, I took good care of the Wangfu in an orderly manner, and it hurts people so much. Whoever marries in the future is whose blessing.

"Well," Wan Yanmeier didn't expect Xunzi to ridicule herself, choking her feet, her cheeks bright.

"I'm not mistaken again. I can take a hot bath and eat again. Your elder brother said that he has not been treated this way many times. This Meier housekeeper has been treated this way. The child's credit is over, so ah, reluctance is true, but there is no joke! "Looking at a table still smoking food, Xuan Xuan seriously said that what she said was very real, without exaggeration.

"Well, you still say," She is a big girl, ridiculed by marriage, can she not blush? "I ignore you!" After that, he turned and ran away, and Xuan Xuan didn't even have a chance to speak.

"I'm right, right !?" Xuan Xuan looked at Meier's back, and looked back at Wan Ye Shengyan, who wanted to be assured, lest people think he would bully his baby sister as soon as he came back.

"Oh, you know that Meier is shy, and she's so ridiculous," she said with a smile, not angry, but said thoughtfully: "Meier's family cannot go up or down, and I don't know what's good! "Although Meier's identity as a maidservant, she has the title of the lord of Meijun, which is more honorable than those maidservants, plus her status in Prince Yong's Mansion.

He and his father naturally hoped that Meier would marry a good family and not be wronged, but I don't know who has this blessing. Meier's temperament is nothing to say. Now being taught by Xuan'er, the family's feedback is more It is good to take care of, but a good candidate for the head mother.

Looking at Wan Ye Shengyan's tangled look, Xuan Xuan couldn't help pouting and grinning, "You look like this. Many daughters have grown up, and it doesn't look good to anyone!"

"What nonsense? Quickly eat," Wan Yisheng Yan could not help but reached out and knocked at her, felt that she really dared to say anything, and was not afraid of being laughed at.

Tongue his tongue, Xuan Xuan smiled mischievously, and did not continue to talk with him.

Full of food and drink, Wan Ling Ling Xuan's people have not yet returned, so there is nothing to worry about. Xuan Xuan is in the place where she lives, and is comfortable, anyway, she gave all the things in the palace to Meier, and she was completely do not worry.

"Master, Green Willow is back," Yinger said in an obituary when Xu Xuan was drowsy.

"Did you come back?" Xu Xuan said for a moment, thinking that Luliu had been away for too long. Thinking about what happened to the Yun family, she said in a voice: "Let her come in."

"Yes," Yinger turned and called Lu Yan to come in, but saw her anger.

"Master, Shangguan Yanlan is too much," as Lu Liu came in, he uttered a strong resentment, which surprised Xuan Xuan.

"What happened to her?" Xu Xuan was surprised and felt that she had nothing to do with Guan Yanlan.

If it wasn't for the hatred of previous lives, I wouldn't bother to remember someone like Shangguan Yanlan in this life—being the princess Xuan was probably her biggest wrong choice in her life. There was no happiness waiting for her. Only constant struggle and calculation .

"After the master went out of the house, she first told the young master that no matter what his wife's identity was, he also grew up in the Shangguan government. The relationship between the two governments can't be broken ... So the shameless excuse, the young master won't listen to it. As a result, Princess Xuan changed another way. She even said that Jin Niang should marry her elder brother, saying that it was for Jin Niang's sake, and what she said was awful. "Lu Liu remembered what she heard and saw Jin Niang. An expression of grievance made her angry.

"Shangguan Yong'an married Jin Niang?" Wu Xuan couldn't say with tears of laughter: "Is Shangguan Yanlan crazy? In order to get in touch with the Yun family, I have to think of any cowardly method-she is expensive as Princess Xuan, and her family is If you have the power, the Shangguan family will promise to let the only sister-in-law marry a woman who has been exiled and become a close relative?

"The Shangguan family did not agree. The slaves didn't know. Anyway, Princess Xuan meant this and sent someone to the Yun family to raise a relative. As a result, he was beaten by the son of Xuanyuan." Luliu thought about the picture and couldn't help but Mouth stealing.

"Xuanyuan Yan?" Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Xuan Xuan knew that Xuanyuan Yi was escorting Yaner and they went to Sifang City. The only surname Xuanyuan that came out at this moment was Xuanyuan Yan.

"Huh," Lu Liu nodded, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed. "Xuanyuan's son yelled loudly at the door of Yun's house, saying that the Shangguan family dared to grab a woman or something from him, and beat everyone out, even the matchmaker I did n’t let it go, but it became a joke after the tea in the capital, especially the Shangguan family said that it was to propose a marriage. It ’s a gift. It ’s really shabby, it makes people feel inconspicuous, and it loses Shangguan ’s face! ”

Regardless of how the Shangguan family was, Xuan Xuan didn't care. She knew how much the Shangguan family had, and didn't have much surprise. However, after hearing Xuanyuan Yan ’s announcement, thinking about how long they have been out of Beijing, how did they stay together?

"What did Jinniang say?" That Shangguan Yanlan really deceived people too much, thinking that the Yun family was really afraid of her identity as Princess Xuan.

"Jin Niang only said one thing: she would never marry if she died, and was humiliated by the matchmaker before being beaten by the son of Xuanyuan." Luliu remembered how she heard the tea woman's curse, I can't help but frown, thinking that I should go to Jin Niang at that time, lest those who do not know the so-called, shameless Jin Niang.

When Xuan Xuan saw Lu Yan's annoying look, she could see how chaotic the scene was at the time. With such a thing, the elder brother was speechless, so Xuan Yuanyan could help Jin Niang by his own heart. Thinking of the grievance of Jin Niang, Xuan Xuan's eyes darkened, thinking that Shangguan Yanlan really felt that Jimo Lexi was closed, and she gave birth to another son. When Wang Xuan's victory came back to Beijing, she would rest easy. Sitting firmly in the position of Princess Xuan, even in the future, she can sit in a higher position and look down at the crowd, which can determine the life and death of everyone.

"Lvliu, send a message to Jin Niang: the opportunity for revenge, some are, now, bear with it first, and see what happens to those arrogant people!" There are some things that do not need to do it yourself.

She can start at Shangguan Yanlan, she can't sit in the position of Princess Xuan. However, in this way, how can Shangguan Yan Lan try the unforgettable pain of betrayal in his previous life.

She didn't move, just wanted to see if Shangguan Yanlan had paid so much for Wan Xuan Ling Xuan, and even gave birth to the eldest son, was she able to tolerate the presence of Shangguan Yanlan. If she could, she would let Shangguan Yanlan just do it, just blame her previous life for being blind. If not, it would be the retribution received by Shangguan Yanlan, and she should bear it.


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