MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 321 Bloody crackdown

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Shi Hongzhen was too lazy to take care of his insanity, but turned around and looked around at all the people present, exclaimed coldly: "People who do n’t have loved ones here do n’t hold on to fluke, just because there are too many people and it is inconvenient. All are controlled by my people, and no one can save you. Although the emperor is protected by the dark guard, he only protects him, but he cannot protect his own children, so you want to rely on the emperor Do n’t think about it that much-now, I will give you a chance. Whoever wants to trust in the Historian, I can not blame it before, otherwise ... your loved ones will be unlucky, and I can let them head to head and die. In front of you, as long as you can bear it! "

With some provocative words, Enwei and Shizhong made everyone look at each other, and no one dared to talk more, fearing to be spotted first and a rebellious end.

The court was very calm. It was only the sound of each other's breathing. Even the crying knew the seriousness of the atmosphere, and no one dared to be arrogant, fearing to anger Shi Honglie, and he was the first to take the sword.

"Is no one willing?" After waiting for a while, Shi Hongzhen saw that no one appeared on his own initiative, and raised his mouth with a bright smile, but it made everyone feel a bad thing. "That's great. You're welcome. Cao Yu,"

When Cao Jiarong heard his father's name, he looked up in shock immediately, and found that his father actually stood up wearing iron armor to serve, with a strong disbelief in his eyes-did his father want to rebel?

The named Cao Yu couldn't hide it at the moment, so he had to stand up arrogantly and salute Shi Hongzhen: "Master,"

I thought I could take the Cao family to the next level with my daughter, but who knows that it is not the Xuan King who is proud, but the historian. When he had been in a relationship, he had been unclear about the way.

He glanced coldly at the shocked daughter, wondering whether she should hate her or thank her for the occasion she brought.

If Shi Hongzhen succeeds, then the Cao Family is the founding father of the Historian. In the future, the prosperity and wealth will be endless and the status will follow, almost no one can match. If it fails, Cao's family will be completely covered, and he will not even send away a child.

Shi Hongzhen wanted him to be wholehearted, not lucky.

"Which do you think is the cute girl? Take a few to see it. I haven't seen the beautiful pictures in a long time. I hope these ministers can bear it," Shi Hongzhen's order made many calm people. When I started to commotion, I was afraid that my child would be affected.

Cao Yu glanced back at him. He was always fascinating. He was hesitant at this moment and didn't know what to choose.

The Cao family ’s reputation in Beijing is not very good, but he bullies people vigorously, but when he really masters everything, he hesitates a bit ... If he really does that, it is equivalent to the Cao family. He has no chance to turn back .

"Father ... don't," Cao Jiarong shook his head in a low voice. At this moment, I just felt how ridiculous the Cao family was. It was really not everyone who could participate.

When Cao Yu heard such a voice, he shook his head silently, and looked at the group of young children going around ...

"Shi Hongzhen, do you think that it is useful for the ministers to surrender in this way?" The emperor saw the children's confusion, could not help breaking the calm, and questioned.

Even if he had everyone surrendered, he could guarantee that those who hated him would treat him wholeheartedly in the future.

Does he think that sitting in his position can be accomplished by all means of violent and **** suppression?

Even if he finally sits in this position, he won't be stable.

Cao Yu's behavior was interrupted. Subconsciously, he did not move forward, because he was used to the emperor's order, and even if he wanted to betray, he still had surrender in his bones.

"What does the emperor mean?" Shi Hongzhen didn't blame Cao Yu. He felt that missing a little child could not cause any big storms, so he was very leisurely and was not in a hurry. "How to make way? Or let my son take the princess first?"

When Wan Ling Ling Wei heard it, her heart tightened and she hugged the little prince in her arms.

"He gave up this position, how dare you sit up?" The emperor smiled scornfully, without being moved by his words.

"Why don't you dare?" With so many years of anticipation, he didn't marry his relatives, and he didn't return to Beijing, in order to build momentum for himself. Now that he has managed to succeed, what is he afraid of?

For this throne, he gave up everything, family and friends, and he wanted nothing. As long as he can sit in this position, there is nothing he can't get.

With the throne, he has everything, and the entire East Yan Kingdom, no one can refute him, and get what he wants, without having to pray for others because of a woman.

"Shi Hongzhen, behind you ... there should be another master !?" Yun Yanxuan watched the emperor confront Shi Hongzhen. Everything was not in their favor, so I thought I had to figure out everything first. OK, or wait until the situation is chaotic, and I don't know if we can keep Shi Hongzhen alive.

For things like today, the emperor can't bear historians and historians!

Just how the Emperor will deal with the huge historian.

Shi Hongzhen was attracted by Yun Xuanxuan's words and stared at her with a sneer: "Yun Xuanxuan, I found that you are not only clever, but also extremely powerful. You even guessed this. Hehe, Wan Yeshengyan is dead I ca n’t die anymore. When I have everything in my hands, you will go to the palace to serve. Without your mother, it is good to leave you. I do n’t know if your mother is in the spirit of heaven, can you be safe! ”

This kind of shameful words made those who knew Xuan Xuan shine with anger. Only Xuan Xuan was calm and had no emotion at all.

"Shi Hongzhen, do n’t you feel uneasy when it comes to my mother? Dongyan is my mother's hard work. From the poorest country to the strongest of the four countries, you can rest assured that Dongyan will be in chaos. Besides, my mother died in your hands, do you still use my mother as an excuse, do you really want to express your affection to the end? "If the mother knows that Shi Hongzhen is such a person, I can't stand it anymore, where can he be allowed to enter Yun's house.

It is because he knows everything about the Yun family, so he wants to destroy the Yun family full of times. Fortunately, in this life, he met Wan Ye Shengyan himself, and sent so many dark guards to protect the Yun family, otherwise she would be reborn. , Can not support all these calculations and plots.

Until now, she knew that Wan Ling Ling Xuan was just a **** in Shi Hongzhen's hand, and he was the black hand behind the scenes.

From chess player to chess piece, I don't know what Wan Xun Lingxuan thought.

"Yun Yunxuan, you are wrong. Your mother didn't die in my hands. They died in the hands of others, what you call a master. I don't know if you want to see them. But I know it, "Shi Hongzhen mentioned this, and his face was full of flowers, as if he had found something that pleased him more.

Xuan Xuan shook her hands secretly, held her breath and adjusted her emotions. She gritted her teeth and said, "Hidden for so many years, it ’s good to see each other. Let all the grudges come to light today. Regardless of life and death, at least I Can you tell my father and mother! "

The grudges of two lives, she can also end.

If it wasn't for Shi Hongzhen's jump out, I believe she still doesn't know who killed her parents. He felt like he had mastered everything, so he would hide everything unscrupulously.

"It looks like you're quite filial," Shi Hongzhen looked at Yun Xuanxuan, as if staring at his prey, and became interested in culling. "Shi Shizi, you say, isn't it !?"

The surname of Shi is only the Town Hall, so when you understand who Shi Honglie is, there is no one around the Shi family. Only the couple of Zhen Guogong and Shi Minglei stand together to feel everyone's inquiry. The light, such a light, made the lady in the town of Guoguo unbearable for the first time.

"Shi Hongzhen, why do you do bad things for yourself? My son is a literati who has nothing to do with chickens. Where is a master of martial arts?" What kind of skill does her son have, is she a mother? Do not you know?

"The literati who has no power to bind chickens? Haha ... Smile with a smile, Shi Minglei, would you please explain to your mother and let her know how much you have no power to bind chickens?" Shi Minglei, who was more and more gloomy, was so proud of Shi Hongzhen's smile.

"You broke your promise," Shi Minglei pushed his parents behind, and came out to look at Shi Hongzhen.

"It's no surprise to me. You heard it all. That was Yun Xuanxuan's request. Do you have the heart to hide it all your life and let Shang Guanyuan ... ah, no, is Xuan Yuanjin dead in the ground? Is n’t it that she is your People who have loved for a lifetime, always let her daughter know that you are affectionate, right !? "Shi Hongzhen teased Shi Minglei, leaving no affection, with a hint of hatred deep in his eyes, It is the kind that cannot be resolved.

Shi Minglei did not answer, but Xuan Xuan came out, stood not far from Shi Minglei, looked at him coldly, and asked quietly, "Did you kill my father and mother?"

"Yes!" Without struggling to distinguish, it seems that a decision has been made long ago. After confession in person, the whole person is relaxed.

"Leier, don't talk nonsense, how can you kill people?" The Madam Zhen Guo couldn't accept this fact, and cried, crying, totally unaware of the good son, why it is what it is today.

I haven't returned to Beijing for more than a decade, because a Shangguanyuan gave up everything, but now she has caused such a thing. She regretted it in the first place, why was there so many things?

"The person who repeatedly targeted me is also you?" Xuan Xuan was not aggressive, but was just asking the truth of the matter.


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