MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 323 Yun Family Army

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"Leier," when the lady of the town Guoguo heard it, she shouted pale, and her eyes were terrified.

Shi Minglei blocked those who wanted to rush past, closed his eyes, and said weakly: "Mother, for your sake, the son lost everything. To protect Shi family, he would not hesitate to save a few lives. Now, he cannot protect him. Now, don't blame your son, just be incompetent! "

What else does the lady of the country Guo Guo want to say, but was pulled by the town father of one side fiercely, angrily: "You're enough, haven't your son been bad enough in these years?"

Saying for the sake of his son, marrying a woman like Guanyuan would be ashamed of Shi ’s family. He was forcing his son to marry her niece, how could there be so many unchangeable things.

If it weren't for the fact that she gave birth to a **** for the Shi family, he would have taken her away.

What ’s wrong with Shangguanyuan, although she did n’t know her true identity at the beginning, she was single-minded about Lei'er, and even after knowing Shi ’s plan, she left Lei’er for nothing, and she did n’t return. This responsibility, even by him, cannot be done.

Unfortunately, this low-minded lady thought she was ashamed, but she didn't know that she simply disdained anything in the town hall. She only cared about Leier at first.

In the face of so many people being so swearing, the public lady of the town Guo froze for a moment, then turned pale and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Shi Minglei's words, only to know that his son was right I hate it so much, and I know nothing about it.

"Mother, to what extent is it now, what's the status of your father-in-law of the town? If your son is not the son of the father of the town, will you still let your niece enter the town's government? Yuan'er cared. It was just me, but I was driven away by my mother. Now, there is no successor to the Shi family. I believe that my mother is also happy. After all, my mother's family is the most important! "

The Madame Zhen Guo never heard her son say such cruel and indifferent words, and he calmed down for a while, then shook his head after a long time and said, "No ... no," she didn't want her son to hate herself, that was terrible. "In the beginning, my mother also liked Shangyuan, but it was just that the rumors outside were not good. It was said that Shangguanyuan abandoned the Historian for the town government, so ... That's why mother did it. Mother can't let her mind be so deep. Women entered the town government. "

Where did the rumor come from, Shi Minglei didn't think he needed to ask, and knew what was going on. However, the mother was still fooled, so she was destined to miss her. And Yun Yun, since she was with Guanyuan from the beginning, she firmly believed in her, defended her, protected her, and even broke up with Yunfu. Such a deep affection, she really couldn't do it, so she was unworthy. Own her.

There was a lot of trouble about Shangguanyuan at that time, but there were so many twists and turns in the middle.

And all this, how innocent Shangguanyuan is, but fortunately there is a cloud, otherwise it is replaced by an ordinary girl, because of rumors and hanged her neck, where there is courage to find a man who loves him so deeply.

Wu Xuan was not very clear about the events of that year, but now after hearing what Shi Minglei said to his mother, I only realized how difficult it was for my mother to be. She looked at her grandmother gratefully, for her generosity and for her acceptance of her mother.

If it is changed to any household, I am afraid that I will only abandon my mother and not accept her.

She also knew that the branch government stood up just because her mother and father had more and more important things to do, and did not want to expose Yunfu to the light and implicate innocent people.

The gratitude in the eyes of the granddaughter made Yun Keshi even relieved that at least a few children knew that it was necessary to do so instead of resentment.

"You are always descendants of the Yun family, and your grandmother just wants you to be good," Yun Ke said, looking at Wu Xuan, with a cheeky expression.

"Yun family, it is really good," Shi Hongzhen saw this scene, how strong the hatred in his heart, really could not say. "In the past, even the town government government did not dare to accept the woman from Shangguanyuan. Your Yun family dared to do so, but it was really beyond my expectation ... I have been waiting for the Yun family to also abandon her and to the entire capital. No one dared to ask her, she could only kneel in front of me and beg me to accept ... it was you, your dead wife, that broke all my plans, "

"Shi Hongzhen, what did my mother owe you? Let you calculate her so viciously?" Yun Tao couldn't help but glared at Shi Hongzhen's injustice for his mother. "Not because my mother didn't help you fulfill the emperor's dream, and it makes you remember how you hate it now ... you calculate it step by step, carefully plan, and finally? Is it not empty?"

Fortunately, the mother did not have much deeper friendship with such people, otherwise it was not known to what extent the Yun family would be framed by Shi Hongzhen.

This kind of person's mind is really weird and vicious. There is no bottom line at all. In order to achieve the purpose, Jane has reached the point of unscrupulous means.

Everyone was shocked by Shi Hongzhen's inferiority, including Wan Ling Ling Xuan. He never imagined that in his eyes, he was like an immortal, but he was such a mean man.

The people of the Historian also regretted Shi Hongzhen's humanity, who had only seen it clearly now, thinking that they had hidden such a poisonous snake, but they had not found it, and they were completely used by him.

Even his own sister and sister gave up their hands, so what's the matter with regard to the hands and feet?

With this in mind, the talents of the Historian began to panic, thinking about waiting for Shi Hongzhen's purpose to be achieved. What he couldn't tolerate was to insult his brothers.

"An empty air?" Shi Hongzhen laughed, staring at Yun Tao mockingly, "Did you not see that all the situation is under my control now? Didn't you find that the entire capital is under my control? Didn't you see? The life and death of all the royal relatives and the humeral minister are between my thoughts? Do you think you are Shangguanyuan, turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands with rain? Can everything change? "

Looking at the immortal Shi Hongzhen, Xuan Xuan shook his head, thinking that he had calculated everything, step by step, thinking that he made everything seamless, but did not know that the biggest step was missed.

"What's your shake? Even the emperor is in my grasp, what else can't I master?" Seeing Yun Yanxuan shaking his head so indifferently, Shi Hongzhen's heart scratched a bad idea, but he still didn't Knowing where you were negligent.

Everything is under his control, and the people who should appear also except ... When Shi Hongzhen meant that he ignored a character, he opened his eyes and looked at Yun Xuanxuan for a long time. Without a word, he just reached out and trembled and pointed at her, as if it was unacceptable, watching everyone curious.

"You start at Prince Yong's Mansion, you just want to know the details of Prince Yong's Mansion, thinking about whether there is a force in Prince Yong's Mansion that you don't know or even the emperor doesn't know, right?" Xuan Xuan looked pale. Without the gratification of being just, he kindly opened his mouth to tell him the worry in his heart. "You know there are countless deaths and injuries in Prince Yong's Mansion, and no one has shot them. Only a few dead men sent by the Quartet City have saved everyone, and they took the opportunity to hunt down on the way from the father to the palace. Step by step, you did a good job, But did n’t know it was too much, but it exposed more problems. ”

In fact, with so many calculations linked together, so many traces have not been revealed for many years, which is enough to prove Shi Hongzhen's ingenuity. If he was an official, it would be a great help for Dong Yanguo. Unfortunately, he was too clever, and it became a scourge.

"Come here, search in the harem to find Prince Yong," Shi Hongzhen was flustered for a moment, but thought that Prince Yong was injured, and he felt relieved a little, and then ordered.

Looking at Shi Hongzhen, who was still immortal, Xuan Xuan told him kindly: "The emperor and his father, the emperor and brother, are affectionate. Do you really think that the power of the East Yan Kingdom is under your control?" Whether it is the country or the family They all have their own hidden forces, and no one will spread the most secretive forces under the eyes of others. Because of this consequence, no one can afford it.

"What do you want to say?" Did he test it for so long and hadn't tested the details of Prince Yong's Mansion?

"What Wang's daughter-in-law wants to say is ... you are a clown jumping clown," a majestic word in a majestic manner has attracted the attention of many people-in the eyes of others, some are cynical, unreliable, and never blend in The prince of the affair, put on his robe, and walked out in a jealous manner. As for the rumors that he was seriously injured and did not know his life, he did not know where he came from. Anyway, here is Did not see a little bit.

"You ... how can you be all right?" Shi Hongzhen stunned, stepping back anxiously.

The innate momentum and the half-hearted complacency cannot be directly proportional to each other, so for Prince Yong ’s one stop, Shi Hongzhen could only concede by three points.

"No harm, no blackmail, can you lead you out of this little bunny?" Prince Yong taunted and taunted, "But, I do n’t know, you have counted for so many years, so deep in your heart, But it's true enough, "the Historian, from then on, in the East Yan Kingdom, will no longer exist.

Thought that Shi Hongzhen had mastered everything, after listening to Prince Yong ’s mockery, he immediately shouted: "Prince Yong, do n’t be proud, do n’t forget, your daughter-in-law and your baby daughter are in my hands. You want Save them by your own power, no way! "As long as he caught those people, he was still a little bit better.

"What if you add the Yun Family Army?" Yun Tao suddenly asked in a wicked voice, and there was no panic in his eyes at all. He used a strategic attitude to all the situation in front of him, which made many people feel inexplicably relieved.