MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 367 Finale (1)

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"As long as someone can control it, that's good!" After eating enough, Xuan Xuan's mood is also good. "Liu Liu, go and see. Why did Shi Zi come back so soon?"

"Yes," Lu Liu gave a blessing, and immediately turned away.

After Wan Yan Shengyan returned, he advanced to the palace. As for the owner of the Quartet City, it was a private matter, so there was no need to enter the palace, and the people who moved the Quartet City directly went to the Prince Yong Mansion, which was entertained by people. .

He still has a little appreciation for the newly-appointed Sifangcheng Lord. It's not easy for a woman to be as clean as she is, know what she wants, and move forward resolutely.

Luliu came back after going out, and told Yunfang Xuan that the owner of the Quartet City had come, and Xuan Yuanyan also came back, watching the atmosphere was good, and said that it was the father of the world who told him to take good care of him. As for the specific things , Have to wait for the grandfather to come back before deciding.

Xuan Xuan looked at Jin Niang, her eyes flashed with surprise, not much surprise.

Regardless of who they are, Prince Yong's Mansion naturally has no reason to entertain them, but Xuan Xuan is a pregnant woman, and Prince Yong's Mansion has always been in charge of Meier, so there is nothing wrong with Xuan Xuan's absence.

As for Xuanyuan Yan, after arranging Xuanyuan Qing, I knew that Jin Niang was in the palace, and the arrogant arrogant came, and she was full of grievances, but she looked so funny.

Although Jin Niang was concerned about her, she saw that he was well, and after worrying down, she was so annoyed that he let him worry for so long. No news was sent, so she had no good looks at all.

"Jinniang, I'm under house arrest, and I can't get out of the city, so it will take so long," Xuanyuan Yan saw Jinniang angry, and quickly pleased to explain, after all, it took him a lot of efforts to get Jinniang. Nodded, but she couldn't drop the chain to the most critical point and made her loathe herself.

"How can I come out now?" Jin Niang asked angrily.

"The matter is resolved, Sifang City has changed to a new city owner, this time I came with this new city owner," Xuan Yuanyan said with a charming smile, looking at how to be soothed with a puppy, making a fuss Xuan laughed while watching a play.

"Little princess," you are not kind.

Facing the small eyes of Xuanyuan Yan's accusation, Xuan Xuan couldn't help but said, "Xuanyuan Yan, you look like a pitiful person, just make fun of it. Don't put it on, so that Jin Niang will look more and more Angry. You said you went back to move the gift. Are you ready this time? "Not because she didn't help, she helped thoroughly.

When Xuan Yuanyan heard it, her eyes brightened, she nodded quickly and said, "Brought it, and brought all my net worth to Dongyan Kingdom."

As soon as Jin Niang heard it, her anger was much less.

"That's good, Jin Niang, you accompany Xuanyuan Yan to Yun's house and set things up," the two have been separated for so long, they can't be bad guys, lest Jin Niang complain.

"I don't want it," Jin Niang said, resisting.

"Don't hold back, Xuan Yuanyan is accompanied by the new city master. If you catch what he is going to do, you wo n’t see it if you do n’t want to see it, or you should hurry away," Xuan Xuan waved and drove the two away. .

Jin Niang still wanted to be proud, but was dragged away by Xuan Yuan Yan and dragged away, leaving Yun Yun Xuan alone to be happy.

When Xuanyuan Qing came, what she saw was Yun Yunxuan, who was lying on a soft couch holding a book title and looking at the book. A curious inquisition flashed in her eyes, and she was curious about the daughter of the legendary woman who founded the Yun family. Whether it is worthy of your own respect.

"Luyan, I'm hungry, I'm going to have something to eat," feeling that someone in the room came in, Yun Xuanxuan subconsciously thought it was Luyan, and then ordered.

She waited for a long time, seeing that the figure was still there, but there was no answer, and no one turned and left, and she looked up curiously, and found that a strange young woman came in, looking at herself with curious eyes, Can't help raising her eyebrows and wondering, "Who are you?" How come there are no one standing in his yard?

"Xuanyuan Qing," without concealing her identity, Xuanyuan Qing saw herself coming in this way, she had a little courage without panic questioning and screaming, and a kind smile on her mouth.

Yun Bianxuan blinked and realized suddenly, "The new Sifangcheng Lord?"

"Yes, Qing specially came to Dongyan to express sincere apology to the little princess," Xuanyuan Qing was refreshed, without hesitation.

"Aren't you the new owner of the city? Why am I still a little princess? You still call my name!" This title, she is very tangled, always feels like she has no responsibility to complete, it is very disturbing.

Xuan Yuanqing saw that the woman who was pregnant in front of her was anything that was not rare in Sifang City, not just perfunctory, but the heart of the method. "Sifang City unanimously decided to retain the identity of the little princess forever, after all, the little princess is also a part of Sifang City,"

Knowing that her own responsibility was relieved, and the woman in front of her was not disgusting, Xuan Xuan sat up and said seriously: "No matter what your decision is, I only hope that the people in the Quartet City will not disturb my peaceful life, including future My kids and family, "

"Little princess rest assured that after this time, Sifang City will never hit the Yun family," Xuanyuan Qing saw that she did not worry about the last time Xuanyuanyi was hunted down, but felt that it was necessary to explain, "Last time, It was because those who were interested in it deliberately provoked that the former city owner who had harmed him was confused, and made the wrong decision! "

"I don't want to pursue the past. People in the Yun family, will you take them away?" With her child, her heart began to soften.

Besides, the original anger was only threatening Sifang City, and did not want to really destroy Sifang City.

If Sifang City doesn't exist, it doesn't make much sense to Yu Niang's relatives, but it means too much to the Four Kingdoms.

A Quartet city will attract the puppets of the Four Kingdoms, and at that time, the peaceful days will truly end.

She could not destroy the whole situation because of her momentary anger, let the war resume, and let the people run away.

"If the little princess is willing, Qing naturally will take them away. For the inconvenience they caused, Sifang City is willing to offer the most sincere apologies." People want to take away, gifts are also given, and peace negotiations are more important than anything else.

Xuanyuan Qing's advancing and retreating made Xuan Xuan very satisfied, so she didn't make much trouble. Today, she doesn't want to make things difficult. After all, it is not appropriate to do things that are pregnant and exhausting.

Originally, Xuanyuan Qing wanted to stay to participate in the relationship between Xuanyuanyi and Xuanyuanyan, but she took over the Quartet City shortly. If she stayed outside for too long, she did n’t know what would happen in the city, so she could only leave a congratulation. Expressing his congratulations, he wanted to leave with Xuan Yuanya and others.

This Xuanyuan Ya has stayed in the Yun family for more than half a year, but his temper has not changed at all. On the contrary, because of his house arrest, his temper has become more arrogant and a little hysterical.

Knowing that she was finally going back, that Yun Yunxuan didn't dare to kill herself, she felt that it was because of her noble identity that Yun Yunxuan was scared, so when she was brought out, only one of her eyes was sitting with her stomach up. There was Yun Yanxuan over there, and the rest couldn't take her eyes off.

"Yun Xuan Xuan, if you have the ability, you will keep me there forever, hum, wait for me to return to Sifang City and see how I can deal with you," Xuan Yuan Ya's eyes had no other emotions except the anger at Yun Xuan Xuan Already.

"Xuanyuanya," she couldn't help but sternly when she saw that the problem she had managed to solve was destroyed by Xuanyuanya.

Hearing a slightly familiar voice, Xuanyuan Ya Yizheng, when she saw Xuanyuan Qing sitting next to Yun Xuan Xuan, she immediately said angrily: "Xuanyuan Qing, how brave you are, when will it be your turn? Did you just call out Princess Ben's name? "

The sisters fought, and the crowd watched.

"In Sifang City, in addition to the real identity of the little princess, everyone else has a title, such as Xuanyuanya, others call her Princess," As for Xuanyuanqing, I didn't know that corner Li plots, so everyone does not respect her very much.

"Come here, bring Xuanyuanya back to Sifang City," Xuanyuan Qing didn't want to let Xuanyuanya lose the face of Sifang City here, thinking about Xuanyuanya's love for the show at the time, depending on the position of the city owner as the goal, how many things provoked, All have been concealed, and now, her good days are finally over.

"Yes," the person who followed Xuanyuan Qing immediately took the lead forward.

"What are you doing? I am Princess Ya, **** you, even listen to Xuanyuan Qing's order, don't you die?" Xuanyuanya felt something strange, but finally felt that she was the most honorable, so she didn't Look at Xuanyuan Qing.

"Sifang City no longer has Princess Ya, and a new generation of princesses is selected in the descendants of the new city master." This is the rule of Sifang City.

Cruel and serious.

"Why ... what?" Xuanyuanya knew nothing without Princess Ya's meaning. "Who is the new city lord? How can there be a new city lord?" Isn't she the best candidate?

She has been selling well in front of the old city owner, pretending to be clever and sensible, so as to become the next city owner, why did she change things so much when she arrived in Dongyan for half a year?

This change made her unacceptable.

She knows that she has done a lot of pride, that is, she knows that the position of the owner of the Quartet is her, so she is not afraid of the anger of others. But now, with the new city owner, what good life can she have after she returns?

"I am the new city owner. I have held a succession ceremony in the presence of everyone in Sifang City." Knowing that Xuan Yuanya couldn't accept it, Xuan Yuan Qing did not give her any chance for reverie. Think, things will only get worse. "So, after you go back, there is no chance to become the new city owner!"

Xuanyuanya's complexion was blue and white for a while, looking at Xuanyuanqing with complex eyes, how could he not accept the person who had been ignored and despised by himself, how could he be the new city owner?

She can accept anyone, but she can't accept Xuanyuan Qing who has always let her disdain climb to her head.

Can't accept it, and can it do anything.

Regardless of Xuanyuan Ya's troubles, even the ridiculous request to stay in Dongyan State for Wan Xishengyan to serve as a room was intercepted by Xuanyuan Qing. She was afraid that Xuan Yuanya would say something shocking and horrifying. She would seal her acupuncture point and block her mouth. In the end, Xuan Yuan ’s pressure left Dongyan State so that Chaer and others clapped her hands and applauded.

"She was so afraid of going back to the Sifang City, did she do something uncommon?" Thinking of Xuan Yuanya's staying in Dong Yan's country as Wan Li Shengyan's room, Wan Xuan felt messy in the wind.

She is such a proud person, willing to be a chamber, this thing is weird.

"She used to rely on her approaching the old city owner. The old city owner was turned around by her, and she wanted to give her the title of the city owner. That's why she was so proud in the Quartet City that everyone couldn't wait to kill her, but Because of her identity, she could only bear it. This time, Xuanyuan Qing was made the city owner. After she returned, her previous princess identity was gone. The days waiting for her were conceivable, so she wanted to stay. In Dongyan Kingdom, you don't want to go back! "Xuan Yuanyan explained in a gossip, let everyone understand the meaning.

"Well, I don't want to see who I am, but I want to be a room for my aunt, hum, and staying in Yun's house as a little girl, I think she's clumsy," Chaer said with a blockbuster.

After hearing Xuan's injustice for himself, she looked at Dachang and teased and said, "Look at you, what do you think of Chaer?" The former Chaer would not say such things.

"Hehe ..." Dachang just smirked with his own head, unknowingly, and didn't know what to justify, but he was used to Chaer's behavior, and it was estimated that it would be carried out to the end.

"Miss," Chaer resignedly coquettishly, but there was no way to hide the happiness on her face.

"Don't be dignified, now Xuanyuan Yan is back. How about your relatives' relationship?" Xuan Xuan thinks that Yun's family hasn't had a happy event for a long time, so it should be lively.

At this point, everyone should be happy, but there is a person who is always air-conditioning around Xuan Xuan, so that people who want to cheer are suppressing their joy, and all eyes are on Wan Ye Shengyan. I want to ask him: we are married, what are you going to do?

Wan Yan Shengyan didn't speak, but just looked at the woman with a happy face in front of her, and kept blowing air.

"Let's do it after the concubine is born," Jin Niang said, pouting with a smile, knowing that the biggest reason was herself.

Xuan Yuanyan is back and has decided not to leave, so what else can I entangle? Getting married early and getting married late didn't have much effect on her.

As soon as Jin Niang's words fell, everyone was stunned, thinking about the tension of Shizi, and finally understood where the matter was.

Wu Xuan thinks this is very bad. They ca n’t be affected by themselves. They ca n’t be close to each other. But Wan Yan Shengyan did n’t give her a chance to speak at all, and nodded her directly, indicating that she would make that decision. Take it away.

"Pregnant ... is it so terrible?" Yun Yanyan looked at her brother-in-law so nervously and couldn't help asking a little uneasily.

When Xuanyuan Yi heard it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who dares to be so nervous except Wan Ye Shengyan?" This woman is pregnant with joy, only he can make people so entangled, can't wait for people to beat him hard Meal.

He decided that from Yun Xuan Xuan to having a child, Yan Yan was not allowed to contact Yun Xuan Xuan, lest Wan Ye Shengyan's approach frighten Yan Er, and later he would cut off his grandchildren.

"Well," Jin Niang couldn't help laughing at such a scene of love.

She felt that her future task was even more difficult.

After solving those messy things, Xuan Xuan can finally raise her baby well. Sure enough, as Jin Niang said, the half-dead morning sickness that tortured Xuan Xuan was strangely well after Wan Ji Shengyan returned, which made people laugh and cry.

She Xuan, who can eat and sleep, is slowly getting fat. She is thinking about the idea of ​​being taken away by her elder brother. She is thinking of her uncle, whom she has never seen before. It is a pity. Proposal: "When I'm born, will you take me to the Bei Han country? I don't know what my aunt looks like. I can't go away forever, you say, right?"

Holding her belly, Wan Yan Shengyan didn't answer directly, but said in a roundabout way: "After you are born, you may say that, maybe your elder brother will bring your uncle to see you!"

Why does he have the opposite feeling of the Yun family siblings?

Yun Tao seems to be in a cold country, and Xuan Er is the most normal. He marries himself, but also has to take care of Yun's business. Yun Yanyan, who originally wanted to move out of the Yun family, has to live in the Yun family to take charge of the Yun family. This disguise is to make Xuan Yuanyi redundant.

If the son enters another's house, and the daughter recruits another's son, only the Yun family can do it. If it were to be replaced by any household, it would have to be upset.

A few of the Yun family can be regarded as a strange one, and they can't wait to throw the Wanguan family property that others peeked at to others, to make themselves relaxed.

"Really?" Wu Xuan muttered, always feeling that this seemed impossible.

This hundred years of rejuvenation is the queen of the Northern Han country, plus the Northern Han country is now abolished, and where is there so much time to come to Dongyan Kingdom to see itself. Although she is important, she can't hold her identity!

Whenever Fan Yunxuan's request made Wan Wanshengyan either to divert her attention or to be ambiguous, as long as she bluffed Xuanxuan, she could not leave Prince Yong's house anyway.

In addition to Jin Niang, the people in the Yun family rarely came to see Yun Xuan Xuan. That was the tacit understanding between Wan Yan Shengyan and Xuan Yuanyi. They were afraid that they would come to affect each other, so it was better to see them.

In the face of such a situation, Jin Niang only sighed: This life is the time to regret studying medicine at this time!

Time flies, and finally, Xuan Xuan, who is holding her stomach and about to run away, is finally giving birth.

As soon as the news that Xuan Xuan was about to die came out, people who hadn't been to Prince Yong's Mansion for a long time came over.

"How? Are you born?" When Yun Yanyan arrived, she grasped Wan Ermei's hand and asked nervously.

"It's just arranged," Wan Yanmeier held her hand back, God knew how nervous she was. This is the only production in Prince Yong's Mansion for so many years, and everything is fine, then the unfavorable rumors about Prince Yong Man's Mansion will be self-defeating, and I believe that both Father Wang and Big Brother will be happy.

But ... she didn't dare to think about how terrifying another ending would be.

After throwing away the kind of panic in her heart, she took Yun Yanyan's hand and walked in, and let the girl ring arrange chairs and refreshments on the chair, so that everyone would not be standing like this while waiting.

Qin Yunshang and Gu Fengwu were also pregnant. At this time, they were banned from the two, and only the family members came over to watch.

"Why is there no sound at all?" Yun Yanyan asked nervously as she looked at Jin Niang.

She heard people say that women have yelled and had extra pain when they gave birth to children. Why did my sister have no children at all now?

Jinniang had never given birth to a child, and Wenbo refused to let her in. She was scared if she was too bloody, which was not good for her to have children in the future, so she was kicked out by the doctor now.

"But ... maybe it hasn't started yet," Jin Niang said hesitantly, and couldn't figure out what was going on inside.

Wan Yan Shengyan walked around the door all the time. The quicker he walked, the more dazzling he was, but he didn't dare to complain about anything. He was afraid to anger him, and he would have to fight someone, and no one could bear it.

"What's going on? Why isn't there any sound in it?" Yun Yanyan said, he naturally listened to it, and knew that a woman's birth was a matter of life and death, so when she saw that there was no sound inside, she couldn't help but ask with a loud voice.

"Secretary Qi Qi, the concubine began to ache. If you yell now, there will be no energy in the back, so now I'm holding my strength," Wen Po inside said, answering everyone's doubts .

Starting from Xuan Xuan ’s pain, Wangfu ’s house was busy. Some hot water, cotton cloth and other things were already ready, and no one dared to be lazy. When Jin Niang started suffering from Xuan Xuan ’s pain, she took out the 100-year-old ginseng that had been prepared and gave it to Wen Po. This thing was life-saving, but she couldn't be taken lightly.

If Xuan Xuan makes a sound and screams, it may make everyone feel better, at least not feeling panicked. However, only Xuan Xuan had no sound. Only the voice of Wen Po was accidentally heard, which made everyone more nervous. I just felt that this situation was very strange and left everyone with no peace of mind.

Chaer relied on Dachang, her hands clasped, and those who didn't know thought she was trying hard to have a baby, showing the degree of tension. Wan Wanmei, Yun Yanyan, and others were also upset. The thoughts that flashed in their eyes were not even clear to them.

"No, I can't help it," Wan Ye Shengyan rushed in, but was stopped by Wan Ye Ling Rui.

"Did you rush in like this to ask Wenpo to salute you or to give birth to the concubine?" In this case, even he felt a bit unbearable, not to mention Wan Ye Shengyan.

Wan Yan Shengyan frowned, and said weakly: "But ..." He had heard of the situation where Princess Rui had children, so now when she encounters such a situation, she is really going crazy.


The rhythm of the end, tomorrow is the end of the day, I would like to thank my parents for their support for so many months.

Many times, laziness wants to give up because the baby is very naughty. Every time I go to the check-up, this is not the problem. Nowadays, the big problem of the placenta is not solved, but laziness still writes this book quickly At the end, he finally made the right guarantee to himself and his relatives, and would not break his promise.

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